These 10 Things Hurt Your Rabbit EMOTIONALLY

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obviously we never want to hurt our rabbits feelings and want to give them the best lives possible but sometimes we might Overlook what could actually be hurting them emotionally because hey they can feel sad just like us and it can be especially hard to tell due to their voiceless nature check out these potentially insulting behaviors that are hurting your rabbit's feelings Please Subscribe smash the like button hit the bell and let's hop right into this video interrupting their sleep a rabbit's nap time is a special time in which a rabbit that's been Vigilant all day can finally relax and forget about their worries when a bunny sleeps it means they feel safe as prey animals they'll find a dark cold place to hide under for privacy when you wake up your rabbit on purpose or interrupt their sleep mode to try and play it is extremely rude they will be groggy and Moody and most likely not want to interact think about when you are woken up in the middle of the night it's not fun so respect their sleepy time so they can feel happy and energetic when they are ready to start their day yelling at your rabbit rabbits have extremely sensitive hearing they can hear frequencies up to 40 000 hertz compared to 20 000 Hertz for humans bunnies are intuitive so they will perceive loud shouting as trouble or danger it would be quite unfair and abusive to start yelling at your rabbit especially when they won't understand why it's best to use conditioning to Train Your Bunny not verbal abuse bringing a foreign rabbit into their territory oof this one is big rabbits are very Territorial and once they've marked their territory that's it that area belongs to them Point Blank bringing a foreign non-bonded bunny into their space is an invasion and grounds for an attack this could result in a violent bloody mess please do not do this ever bunnies don't just automatically get along with each other or will play like dogs bunnies must either be in a neutral territory when introduced and must be spayed or neutered leaving out old food we can all agree that nobody not even rabbits like old stale food rabbits like receiving fresh food and especially because their meals consist of mostly perishable foods it's important to check the expiration dates and not give them anything overly expired the same goes for old pellets treats or hay believe it or not even hay can go bad if not kept in the proper conditions and could even get moldy if exposed to moisture for too long ignoring their fears it's important to remember that bunnies have many phobias some of these fears may include a fear of heights cars Predators loud noises smells the outdoors and sudden movements putting your rabbit in a situation in which they will be fearful and ignoring those fears could have detrimental consequences if a bunny is too scared to eat or drink for example it could lead to illness or death now of course there are situations that are unavoidable like having to drive them to the vet but even in such a scenario you'll have to do your best to comfort your rabbit and ensure that they are safe some signs of being scared include shaking dilated pupils and ears pinned down depriving them of emotional intimacy whether it's with you or another bonded rabbit rabbits need interaction in order to feel fulfilled this one really hurts their feelings if you're strongly bonded to your bunny preventing them from naturally approaching you and spending time with you will make them very sad rabbits will get attached to their owners and will seek you out when they want attention it's one thing to temporarily be away from your rabbit but if you are maintaining a long-term separation your rabbit could get very depressed be sure to give them the quality time they deserve strong odors like hearing rabbits also have sensitive smell they use smells to explore the world and learn about their surroundings some sense that rabbits find repulsive include alcohol garlic vinegar chili powder Predator urine sulfur other animal meat chives and lavender some scented sprays can also be toxic to your rabbit like bleach or other cleaning materials so be sure not to use anything too strong around them lack of mental stimulation naturally social animals rabbits need to be offered Play Time conversation and interaction even if you have a somewhat skittish rabbit they will benefit from your attention and affection providing them with hay and toys can decrease boredom and increase their mental stimulation some examples of good enrichment are mazes basket weaved seagrass mats non-treated wood and cardboard not putting your rabbit down feet first not only do rabbits hate being picked up they hate being put down incorrectly rabbits have to land on their hind legs when being put down by their human in order to maintain proper lower body support that is why their hind paws are very big in size compared to their front paws not cleaning their litter box you may think that it's no big deal but rabbits can absolutely tell when their litter box is dirty rabbits are very clean animals that will use a litter box if spayed or neutered but if not cleaned properly the strong ammonia of urine can accumulate and burn the bunny's Paws causing urine scald not only that but if your rabbit runs out of hay or their hay is overly soiled inside the litter box they won't want to use it and may mark their territory outside the litter box remember it's critical for your rabbit's Health to always maintain fresh hay inside the litter box okay Lenny's that's it for today's video let me know in the comments below if I missed one what are some of the worst ways you could emotionally hurt your rabbit it's okay we all make mistakes but part of what it means to be a good bunny parent is learning to correct those mistakes and remember rabbits are more forgiving than you know please subscribe smash the like button hit the Bell you guys know the drill and we will catch you all later bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Lennon The Bunny
Views: 140,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rabbits, pets, puppies, litterbox, train rabbits, bunnies, cute bunny, rabbit cage, rabbit hutch, rabbit shopping, animaladoption, rabbit litterbox, bunny, breeding rabbits, rabbit care, bonding with rabbit, amazon, traveling with pets
Id: yjop5uaUvDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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