Real Meanings Behind 10 Strange Rabbit Behaviors Explained

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[Music] as always rabbits have their cryptic forms of communicating that we as humans need to learn in order to develop strong bonds with our furry friends but don't think that this is one-sided domestic rabbits have evolved to understand parts of human body language as well which in turn informs how they react to us let's take a look at these 10 strange behaviors exhibited in rabbits and what they mean starting at number one releasing their third eyelid i've never really talked about this before but rabbits have a third eyelid yep you heard that correctly called the nictitating membrane it is also found to be present in amphibians reptiles and birds it keeps the eye clean so rabbits are more aware of approaching predators and it will usually appear when the rabbit is ultra relaxed but also needs to remain alert of their surroundings and it may also appear during stressful situations so when should you worry well a protruding nictitating membrane could be a sign of an infection and you should seek veterinary care number two licking your foot have you ever just been sitting at your desk or standing at the kitchen counter and your rabbit just starts licking your feet or ankles yes they are doing it because they love you but also because they want something from you whether it's affection or treats they want your attention and they want it immediately and they know that kissing you usually results in that so be sure to give your bunny what they're looking for and don't leave them hanging number three why some rabbits hate belly rubs bunnies love getting pets and rubs no doubt about that especially around the head and the ears but tickling their tummy well it's not their favorite most bunnies will run away from it unless you do it right bellies are just a vulnerable area for bunnies you know it's part of their bikini bod jk jk but to my point don't try to flip them on their back to scratch their belly there is a proper way to do it which is just by reaching slightly under while they are upright and in a supportive position preferably all four feet on the ground and a gentle massage will do number four why they nibble your clothes nothing is worse than when you pick up your favorite sweater off your bed and you find holes in it rabbits will do a gentle nibble when they want more pets from you it's simple they want attention affection and notice that when you pacify them the nibbling stops it's all in good fun and they certainly are not trying to bite you number five why they ignore you have you ever tried calling your rabbit over or just tried to get their attention and it just um falls flat like they're just staring at you and they know you're calling them but they just sit there refusing to play along well they know you're calling them and the truth is they don't care okay ladies if he wanted to he would whoops wrong content this isn't a dating channel no but seriously some would chalk this up to rabbits being dumb unlike dogs who follow commands but know quite the opposite rabbits are so dang smart that they know you usually have ulterior motives and no amount of sweet talking will do the trick pro tip try bribing with a treat number six why they run away from you this one confuses a lot of people because aren't your rabbits supposed to love you and want to be with you 24 7 well not exactly just like humans rabbits need their space you might be suffocating them with your clinginess they have a sixth sense for when you want to grab them and they will do what they have to do to get away it's not that they don't love you they might just not want to be lifted off the ground always let your rabbit come to you number seven why they follow you everywhere conversely if your rabbit is following you everywhere it's either one of two things they're really hungry and they think wherever you're going will lead to food or number two they legitimately want to be with you and want your attention remember rabbits are social creatures and thrive off of your interactions number eight why they poop outside the litter box as we know a rabbit marks their territory by leaving little pellets of their poop and said area so as a way to curb your home from becoming a giant bowl of cocoa puffs we provide our rabbits with a litter box and while spaying and neutering helps perfect these territorial habits sometimes a rabbit simply misses their mark if your rabbit starts munching on hay that is just sitting outside of the designated area they will let a few pellets go this is perfectly normal alternatively if your rabbit is of old age it's possible they are getting too old to jump into a higher litter box so they poop outside of it in this case it's best to provide your bunny with a lower sided litter box number nine pulling their fur this is more specific to the unspayed and pregnant female rabbit also known as a doe she pulls her fur in order to build a nest for her babies this fur is meant to keep her babies warm and protected it might be alarming at first to witness this act as it can seem like self-mutilation but it's not a female rabbit might also do this if she's experiencing a false pregnancy in order to avoid false pregnancies it's best to get your female spade [Music] number 10 bowing down when you pet them okay so we know a little bit about rabbit hierarchy and what this typically means is the dominant rabbit expects the submissive or subordinate rabbit in this case you to groom them and be at their beck and call basically simp for them okay and this is why your rabbit is gonna bow their head down they basically expect you to pet them like indefinitely forever so if your rabbit is bowing their head down as you pet them you do as they say it is the unwritten agreement to having a pet bunny okay guys so that is it for this video i hope you enjoyed it and our question of the day is does your rabbit ever ignore you and if they do comment below i would love to hear about this alright guys don't forget to like subscribe you know the drill and we'll see you all soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Lennon The Bunny
Views: 187,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rabbits, pets, puppies, litterbox, train rabbits, bunnies, cute bunny, rabbit cage, rabbit hutch, rabbit shopping, animaladoption, rabbit litterbox, bunny, breeding rabbits, rabbit care, bonding with rabbit, amazon, traveling with pets
Id: siILvnmOUT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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