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wait are you skivity's wait and the cameraman oh yeah the skippities are actually humanoids what dude that is why it is jeez Multiverse dude there's a jump scare in that one hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to another think reacts where today we're reacting to Multiverse by a YouTuber called it no skill clutch I've been keeping an eye on his channel for the past couple of weeks because uh one of his videos I think it was this one I haven't watched it no spoilers but uh uh popped up in my feed and I was like that that looks interesting it's got a lot of views and it's in my feed and I love me my skiba D but now he's got a million subscribers you might say okay well it's not that much hold on a second let me just show you here on socialblade which which tracks YouTubers statistics and okay 26 uploads 1.04 million subscribers 231 million views how did it count since 2015 so I mean you know eight years to get a million Subs okay you know no check this out subscribers in the last 30 days 1.02 of the 1.04 Christmas uh-huh yeah his subscribers are up 60 000 his views 225.7 his total views is 231 million 70 000 views look at this this is like look at that zero two 187. in August he had 378 000 and and like I said in September he's gonna have a million so the skippity meme continues and I assume some sort of alternate universe of skibidi with the skivity Multiverse and and he's uh it looks like okay he's got uh yeah he's put him together in season so we've got what season one through season three and then we've got 11 and 12. and I assume season four would come after 13-14 let's check out Multiverse oh and and while I do because like look at this this is like low come on come on come on come on 8.8 no come on for a skippity video this is actually low likes I can probably I was hoping I could get a 0.8 I'm gonna go ahead and subscribe and make sure to like my video as well if you haven't already if you want to see me uh react to more skimity Multiverse or give any regular verse Universe give it a universe right that would be the original all right let's do it oh wait is there no sound what is happening here what that's oh there it is okay okay wait a minute are not in the toilets hold on we're gonna go back through this wait are you skivity's wait and the cameraman oh yeah the skibetes are actually humanoids what dude that is why it is geez Multiverse dude there's a jump scare in that one yeah dude wait yes yes [Music] the TV men are actually in the toilet it's not skippity toilet it's just skip a d okay they can push the cameraman yeah yeah but the TV [Music] whoa G-Man he's huge he's got hands or one hand and laser eyes okay so that would be okay so let's go back to the beginning of this so uh yeah so we're starting here you look at this no no no no no no so as many of you guys know maybe you don't uh the uh skimity the original skimmity universe is uh from Gmod actually uh Gary's Mod but this one looks like it's it's a mashup of Gary's mod and Minecraft because we've got Redstone lamps on the tables but as I was saying the cameramen are all having dinner and stuff who's this dude uh it's definitely a meme that I don't know uh also that uh minigun the skivity cameraman which I assume we are or actually no I take that back the cameramen are toilet cameramen and there's toilet TV man we don't know here like so you see this let's see how we walk because the uh the cameraman slide like a skimity toilet sorry gosh this is confusing and yeah we're sort of sliding around too and then we zoom in so I assume we are a toilet cameraman and then the skivities are still the bad guys now these guys are not skibetes these yeah okay so yeah there there we go so uh yeah as I said before the the the cameramen are in the toilets we are probably a cameraman we could be a regular citizen but all of the regular citizens because it's the Multiverse everything is swapped uh so these are just regular citizens here in toilets everyone is in a toilet except for the invading skibetes who actually have arms and legs they don't have to build them yeah you see these are regular citizens regular citizens we've got cameraman we turn this way and these are the skibetes we've got this red suit skibety guy here we've got all these skimmedies and these people people running away are not part of their army which usually they would be no these are regular citizens being chased by the humanoids what so weird I don't know who's flying the helicopter I would assume that's skibetes because well I don't know maybe toilet citizens could be flying uh Hellcat but I don't think so they would have to build their own toilet helicopter thing so yeah I think yeah right definitely skippities because they it didn't attack him this is skivity humanoids in a regular helicopter I feel like that would give them the upper hand I don't know who the bald skimmity is but he's scary uh yeah again oh yeah so right here uh that's what I was saying before in the previous episodes we are probably in some sort of toilet you can see here we are in a toilet probably a cameraman inside a toilet trying to interrogate this guy and then they flash just like the TVs or is it like the TV men uh or women in uh regular skibidi universe uh they can end the security Now obviously the skibetes we're gonna put on glasses that seems pretty easy uh it's at some point here uh yeah these are all regular citizens and yeah that's a problem the skimmities can actually just flush the camera [Music] thumbs up so giving thumbs up to each other but we never get to do that from this camera perspective uh because cameramen don't have arms we're still cameraman there's a TV man next to us who just killed me he's backing up now wait a minute was that a combination cameraman TV or is that oh no there was a camera as far as we know I mean he's as tall as a building and then he uses his laser eyes I don't know why looking yo that evil scientist okay we're gonna we're gonna get to that but evil scientist skibity uh but as a human or humanoid let's go oh yeah here we go it's it's queued up right here it's gonna be Multiverse season two all episodes come on oh that one has more likes than than season one [Music] a skivity man and camera toilet Multiverse episodes 537 I thought it would tell us uh is but no Okay so all right so we've got these guys uh whoa wait now why does the music not like start in the very beginning I don't understand that there's like sound and stuff but it's like it doesn't actually start until uh until a bit further in wait let's watch the whole thing through sorry sorry okay so this is not the red suitcase got a red shirt he's big what was that holy cow okay the cameraman have stepped it up a little bit really really fast there that is aggressive dang I did not expect them to advance so quickly hi we did a thumbs up so bad oh wait a minute this is I forgot what episode yeah dude this is like the episode uh the skivity episode but yeah uh what was that like like I don't know nine or eleven yeah this is like the exact opposite way why are these shoes oh so they don't they're just shooting up man oh that is that is okay Cinema man right yeah cinnamon man but he's got no speakers I don't know how he just did that uh okay whoa dude wait a minute [Music] oh he's got a neck no no no no oh he did not get a chance dude too that's the bald one wait what there's an actual kit hold on what whoa whoa whoa let's go all the way back here oh there's a lot going on in here a lot of things we've never seen before in regular skimity Universe uh some things we have seen almost direct carbon copy uh from the skivity universe but um so yeah they start on the bridge here we've got like all the all the citizens we've got like so right here we've already got an advanced toilet right I've noticed this um that we've got like the the what would what is this it's like the movie cameraman right and he's got like some sort of Light Beam like phaser gun that can take out the skeemedies in uh in like a single shot in the midst that light beam kills them got this dude here who's a different skibidity from before he's quite big uh with a red shirt but then in comes this this thing it is uh it's multiple cameras well actually I maybe it's only this one camera but multiple weapons it's got like it's got Wings it's got Rockets like they came a long long way this looks like other guns that it can use it doesn't actually does it no um that dude is huge and that Cannon absolutely destroyed him that Central Cannon uh this dude lets us in I don't know why he or maybe we're all together we come in here and we've got all of the skimmedies right here non-doilets uh we're worshiping this skibidi here the gods give me uh which again we've seen before but they were in toilets um and then in comes the cameraman and uh they employ these weapons that we saw on the other ones um and he gets real mad why is to take us out what Cinema man stops him and kills him uh but look he makes that noise but he literally has no speakers we haven't seen any speaker man we've got cameraman we've got TV man but no speaker man but anyway he uh he does the THX thing and then this is the craziest one dude okay so there's explosions going uh so yeah and then he gets out by the cinema TV [Music] TV now why did they walk right Pat how did they get past this dude right here look at this like this cameraman oh I see it this one's been flushed you can see the flush knob is pulled up so that's how they got guy stops them but yeah this guy jumps down this this is the bald one that sort of jump scared us before uh but then this I don't understand how is it that now we've got a literally a regular cameraman he has arms and legs and he kick skivoties I I don't did they build that because that's like regular skimmy Universe okay let's see do we have off season three all episodes here we go okay all right uh let's come on 12K likes the lights just keep going up even though each of these videos is newer and newer and I'm not getting anywhere with them all right and then actually they're getting longer too okay so so he's punching that dude I'm not gonna pause it until the what was that dude yeah look at this yo G-Man wait what wait a minute G-Man is in the toilet wait what that's from skippity Universe no what has happened foreign [Music] whoa this is like a SWAT skippity giant dude and what is another rocket launcher destroyed us okay so that's there he is again continuity between episodes right there he's like dude I don't know what to do oh he just punched us a thing or cameraman we're gonna rock it in two episodes in a row wait what ha dude this looks like agent Smith from the Matrix I mean it kind of isn't yeah I was gonna say it's g-many he's the leader dude oh oh geez there goes okay let's go back to the beginning and this one actually starts with sound in the beginning I don't know why the other ones didn't but okay yeah so we've got we've got this dude just like dude put the cameraman out of his misery and flush him if you're just gonna keep punching him in the face man come on now uh and then we've got this guy here but see now this what is this that happens here who sends that out because that's not a weapon oh it's it's this guy right here the weapons were blue before but now they're red and he can shoot all three at once I think it gets it knocks all three of them out and then he right here is looking for G-Man toilet he's like yo and I think that's what this whole like Multiverse is this guy has been teleported from the regular skivity Universe he's just a regular cameraman he's like dude we got an N G-Man toilet and then they're like nah dude I I nah do you do you know you ever seen that before like nah I've never seen that dude before not in a toilet like we we the we the good guys dude and and and we don't have this dude he's not a citizen of our nation uh and he also most of us are our cameraman and TV man and then just regular citizens uh and this dude doesn't exist here let me get this guy who's got like extendable arms and he can teleport then this music comes in that I don't know it kind of looks like an Obama's committee doesn't it I mean it kind of looks like Barack Obama okay anyways the combination of speakers a team to take him out um we've got a helicopter speaker man think about everywhere the cameraman gonna play because they don't have uh they don't have ears I love this dude this guy is so bad he's like yo you want some popcorn because this is gonna be awesome oh my God it's like no uh now the speakers I guess because these are small speakers uh they're running away from the skivities here because they've taken out a bunch of toilets already but uh I love how their heads still do this give it he pops while they walk coordination to do that uh yeah dude these things [Music] but then yeah this dude rocket launcher he is like I think he's bigger than the G-Man activity huge now yeah here it is again just firing rocket you know if you fire like I've played enough video games and again this is this is Gmod if you fire a rocket at your feet like that it's gonna launch you in the air I've done this enough dude but nah this guy stands still somehow this guy's coming in he grabs us and throw or actually punches us to the ground and this guy's about to waste a rocket on one of us and just stomp on us or flush us yeah dude here's this so this is his leader oh no so he is bigger like uh based on what like this looking down I feel like he is taller um but he he listens to this guy he was just about to stomp on us his legs in the air he's like bro I'm gonna kill him and then he does all right wait wait there's two more that aren't in the seasons and yeah this is the one I'm looking most forward to evil scientists give it a non-toilet he's so ugly in fact this has got 42 000 likes this is what I'm saying that legs are just going up and up and up [Music] oh whoa what was okay we'll get to it in a minute so yeah this guy is like sort of helping us who is that oh are we like bro how are we doing this what what are we there he is there he is there he is that's the evil scientist walking around he wait bro they've got machine guns too and they oh okay so all right so these skibetes are walking toward like some sort of like [Music] the bald one from before now he he says like go in there right and I I guess we're just a skippity camera but like yeah because we're we're shooting along I don't know I don't see us so they've got computers here I don't know why as Mesa here got all kinds of simulations that they seem to be running they seem to be building something huge here and then as he's walking toward us someone catches this this cameraman from the skibidi Multiverse from the original skibidi universe and like the skivities have like like what is that like I don't know I don't know what kind of gun that would like a MP5 or something it's got some sort of submachine gun here pointing at the cameraman I don't know how he caught him he sees us immediately but no one else saw us and then I assume evil scientists kills us some somehow or grabs us maybe we don't die let's find out and skippity multivers whoa oh this one only came out a day ago a Canon event is taking place in the Multiverse okay and look how big things are there's this is the Ford Explorer right here look how big these guys are uh this is okay let's let's go so what is he oh oh he's trying to take selfie oh no he's not never mind no selfies got em yes finally thank you that guy jump scared me like twice oh he's got two missile launchers now you got one missile launcher now I think I know missile launchers now he dead okay Dad escalated quickly some of those Xbox like connect what what okay all right so uh this guy I I feel like he's trying to shoot a vlog but then uh but then he he rips the camera out so it seemed like he was uh these guys are running away from the skivity's coming in there's regular skibidities and like large skibidities and then this guy we paid where did he hit him because like the look on his face I mean I've had that look on my face before when I've been kicked in a certain spot that kind of looks like that like he used he used his like TV weapon but he hit him where it hurts it looks like he's like oh um and yeah he's out which I'm glad about disgusting yeah this new uh uh camera so what is he's a camera speaker man combo right I guess that's a cinema right because well no this is all speakers speakers and weapons so this is an all speaker I want to say skivity all speaker toilet weapon uh the absolutely decimates this guy and like this x it really makes me think of the Xbox Connect especially this shape but I don't think it is bam and that's it all right well so far that look at that thank you guys for wondering million songs dang well congratulations I I'm glad to contribute to that and I love uh seeing the skibidi Multiverse expand if you guys enjoyed it want to see me react to more toilet videos make sure to click the like button and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course noodle on
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 428,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 42YnzOuMnjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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