There's a New Worst Apology Video on YouTube

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and I'm not going to um make anything bad like that happen ever again I'm not going to do anything like that ever again and I'm going to um go on a right path as a person and become a better man well guys I'm getting fed up this new age of content creators are ruining the things I love on this website and really the things I love on the internet in general and I won't stand for it back in the golden days of YouTube we would get one bad apology video maybe once a year sometimes it'd be like every 18 months it wasn't a guarantee that we would get one every calendar year but it was a pretty safe bet this made them special however these days it seems like every 3 weeks some big content creator is putting out a video that takes the cake as the new worst apology video on YouTube it's like the most unstable job ever these videos are constantly being churned out and there's always a new worst one to make all of its predecessors look like an actual halfway decent apology and today we're going to be talking about this month's entry now if you don't know who neon is well then maybe you should just go ahead and set this one out like seriously click off while you still can there's nothing positive that's going to come into your life from finding out who this guy is I'm not even joking okay seriously do yourself a favor but if for some reason you hate yourself and you want to stick around well then neon is a streamer who to me has recently kind of blown up out of nowhere maybe I'm just out of the loop I don't really watch streamers but my experience with this guy was that I had literally never heard of him ever in any context or any situation and then basically overnight he was getting mentioned alongside the biggest streaming names on the internet like seriously this guy seemed to have come out of nowhere what happened how can we reverse it to put it short this guy is basically a worst Jack Doty his content is basically just going around being a nuisance starting arguments manufacturing drama just trying to get conflict on camera for his streams don't know why that's such a popular form of streaming these days but I'm really hoping it passes pretty soon but right now we've got to deal with it and my God conflict on camera neon has managed to capture after doing a little bit of digging on this guy it seems like there's no level of depravity that he's not willing to stoop to for internet content the man made like a four-part series a few years ago faking his own death like he really went all in on it so the stuff he does these days like going around making fun of children for their parents working at Walmart is really not all that surprising but I feel like even when you know a content creator is not a good person you still expect them to have this sort of sense of self-preservation like when you have this kind of following you know the kind of stuff that you can't say even if you might want to say it because you can't just fully out yourself as the worst person alive with this kind of content you've got to walk a line between being a terrible person but still not being too terrible that 13-year-olds like you neon uh did not do that and it's gotten him in some hot water 5 days ago neon decided to go on stream and do something a little bit silly and when I say a little bit silly I mean criminal for some reason neon decided to bring this kid onto his stream he was talking to him in a Discord call I'm going to play the clip uh there's going to be a whole lot of censoring okay don't worry we'll go through it at the end but I'm a little bit worried on what YouTube might do for this clip being in my videos so uh I'm taking the proper precautions the I tried to be nice to you bro up I'll beat out of you and your fat girlfriend bro what the that fat I'll smack her in her face too and all God I'm about to dox your entire family what's your name I'm not doing shut suck my BR you a what's your name what's your name what's your name KY bro my name's KY your first name all I need is your first name and you're done I don't care I'm an internet Warrior what's your name what's what's your first name what's your first name tell me your first name I swear to God up okay so if you couldn't catch any of that don't worry we're going to do a playby playay here so I wasn't really able to find the context of what was happening before all of this started based off of the really high intellect discussion that's going on here though I don't think it really matters you know I don't think it was going to add a whole lot to this discussion if being honest so if you didn't really catch the end of this video your first thought might be okay well this kid should probably not be talking to people like this on the internet and yeah you're right okay not going to really argue with you there this kid's being a little but when you're young and you look up to people like neon and you think the best way to get famous is to attack and harass people well not really that surprising that stuff like this happens so sure this kid's being a little stinker but he's a kid neon is an adult and what he says at the end which you might have not caught because I had to cut so much out and they're just screaming over each other is absolutely disgusting I don't know how to word this to where I don't just instantly get banned on YouTube but uh basically after threatening to dox this kid and his entire family he says that he's going to assault this kid in a certain manner until a certain part of his body bleeds are we all on the same page hopefully so obviously and rightfully this did not go down very well with the internet you've got a huge influential streamer who is an adult making threats like this to a kid Neon was dog piled on Twitter and by basically anybody with a brain and it actually led to him getting banned on Kick which is what led neon to make his apology video yeah don't for one second believe that this guy is sorry for anything that he's done he has literally wished death upon people in the past he was banned on Ki because this was too bad of a look for them not to and they probably told him you have to make an apology video before we unban you which by the way after this apology video dropped he was unbanned what a surprise so now after 5 minutes of yapping it was important yapping though I think you need to know the context for this it's finally time to watch this award-winning apology what's going on guys um I wanted to um sit here and genuinely talk to you guys about what's been going on these past few days and um really recap and apologize for everything that I've done and the mistakes I've made as a person you know in my career I've made a lot of mistakes and I've made a lot of um you know bad decisions neon buddy I think that might honestly be the biggest understatement ever made by a human you've made some mistakes that's what you're deciding to classify them as mistakes I mean I guess he's right faking your death for like a week straight is a pretty easy mistake to make happens all the time to me but um that was by far one of my worst things that I've ever said or done and I want to sincerely apologize for what I said that was not something that comes out of a person like me's mouth ever what neon what do you mean are you claiming you were possessed or something was that a body clone is somebody impersonating you what do you mean something like that doesn't come out of somebody like you you're the one who said it it clearly does this is not even an AP yeah guys that thing I said the thing that there's video evidence of me saying it that's not me you guys know me I don't know what happened I don't know what I was thinking um I let a a kid get in my head and when he talked crazy to me I just I blacked out and I didn't realize what I was doing and I wanted sincerely apologize neon dude just just take accountability here stop trying to make excuses you blacked out from a 12-year-old calling your girlfriend fat how do you say that with a straight face that's the most hilarious thing I've ever heard officer look you don't stand he said that I couldn't crank '90s like a true OG so I had to kill him I blacked out I'm sorry I saw red this is ridiculous I'm not that type of guy I'm not that type of person and um I understand why I got banned and I understand the reasoning for it and everything and I know everyone's happy and stuff but um I want to say I'm sorry I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm really really sorry and I want to shout out to um Kick for giving me another chance and and um you know always being there for me I really appreciate you guys and all the Loyals everyone that slid for me and said all these things about me wow what a guy this is who everybody should strive to be in his apology video for attacking a child he gives a shout out to all the people who defended him for attacking a 10-year-old naon your real Class Act and try to um make the band less and everything I really appreciate you guys I really do and I wanted to um say this was a eye opener for me in my in my eyes that's your forehead buddy um and I'm not going to um make anything bad like that happen ever again I'm not going to do anything like that ever again and I'm going to um go on the right path as a person and become a better man yeah so a super solid apology here doesn't even really address what he's apologizing for just says he's not going to make anything bad happen again doesn't even address why people might be mad at him for saying something like this or explaining why he understands why he shouldn't have said it no this is very obviously the result of an email from a kick higher up saying hey man make a one minute long apology so we don't look like total idiots unbanning you didn't really work though so after subjecting myself to this nonsense I wanted to see what neon was up to since uploading this video and his most recent upload is a video titled neon gets pressed by Dei Osama now if you don't know who DD Osama is he's a young rapper out of New York and a while back Neon made fun of his dead brother which this far in the video should not be a surprise now we're not going to be watching too much of this but I did want to show this because guys I think this might be the funniest video on YouTube apparently neon wanted to squash this beef so we decided to meet up with Dei AMA in person and the fact that neon has not deleted every single piece of social media he has after uploading this video is kind of insane to me and the fact that he even uploaded this video to begin with is even crazier I want I want to sincerely apologize bro yo look that's all it was that's all it is bro I ain't going front look yeah I'm actually scared you don't need to be scared I'm going tell you B boys let them talk bro they good I don't want nobody not listen all myad listen Respec I know he mean yeah I know listen listen I just want to tell you this babe boy like you like you don't know where I come from like you you not from the streets bab boy like you you really like you really a nerd bab boy you really a nerd bab boy okay so look I don't really plan on finding myself in a situation similar to this anytime soon but if I did I don't think the term baby boy is what I would use in addressing someone I'm trying to intimidate but after watching this video I don't think there's a single better thing he could have called this guy having a guy 2 years younger than you who's not even a legal adult call you baby boy while you nod and agree is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life neon is the definition of a keyboard internet Warrior this is really what the entire video is though D AMA will say one thing neon will profusely apologize for it and look around nervously and it's kind of just that over and over again for like 10 minutes and then they go to some sort of Diner it looks like and he has to apologize to a lot of other people at one point Neon starts getting treated like an actual child like Dio Sama is patting his head and stuff it gets kind of weird like I said I don't know why neon would upload this I don't really understand this guy's persona it's like everything I've seen of him has either been him being the most obnoxious aggressive person imaginable or stuff like this I feel like you've got to pick one because these two sides don't really coincide well guys what do you think what are your thoughts on this whole apology situation are you buying into it do you really think that neon is trying to be a better man I think this is nothing but a little PR campaign to try and get his streaming career back on track not that I think any of his fans actually care about what he says I just think that kick is trying to clean up their image a little bit recently do I see that working no not really but I think that's all this is if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and walk on over to that subscribe button and touch it it's free it won't cost you anything but for now that's all I have for you today bye [Music] hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
Channel: AugustTheDuck
Views: 511,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: augusttheduck, august the duck, august theduck, augustthe duck
Id: -iJ73y0fUa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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