There's a MUTANT among us in Roblox!

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[Music] more days until the crew teddies are released wow amazing oh my gosh i'm so excited it's so cute give it to me meet the one and only draco teddy if we hit 31 likes we will show you another one tomorrow [Applause] wow draco that performance was amazing but we gotta say we're hungry now so we're gonna go eat and we're gonna stop dancing once upon a time there was a crocodile the crocodile was mistreated by us human now he has been given a chance for revenge that story isn't even scary gold yeah gold crocodiles aren't even scary they're cute uh draco are you okay i i uh what's happening to me men's going to pay uh draco is that you chomp chomp i don't look like jacko chop chop oh no no i'm a crocodile too don't get me oh wow the crawling in here so amazing you're no crocodile rules run rainbow don't walk over to the glass house there's no bridge stop right there good job oh later good job come on oh there's ammo uh we need an axle oh no i need more ammo let's dip let's dip what does the plank do you have to bring it to the greenhouse there's a bunch of keys in there no funny i'll protect you okay luna greenhouse is that the greenhouse right there yes but you're on the opposite oh what's this oh it's a blue key do you need this distracted what do you think he's right there oh i see the blue door hey look at this i got a blue key i got a blue key okay i'm gonna take out lunar she's annoying you're mine lunar lord or lunar luna he's gonna die [Music] we also need a screwdriver um well i can't grab anything because i have a weapon so i'll get you luna this is kind of pointless without a whole crew yeah you know no it's not you gotta believe there's nothing in here right there good good eyes rainbow now no no no he's coming don't just stop shooting him come on luna behind you shoot him she's like stop running come on luna you got this hey luna's pretty good at tricking crocodile directory wait is this a robux wow there's a robux vending machine in here for a great way for me to waste my money for like faster spots his charge is really slow uh does anyone remember where i put this i forgot no oh draco jack would be nice to call luner uh luna i need to never get out of here are you putting webs down are you like a spiderman like what's happening that's where the screwdriver goes oh no wait i just saw something over there what happened to it it's gone say hello to my friend spider spider oh it's actually friendly wait oh it's a timer i don't want to understand this buddy where are you gonna hold up i got dynamite i got dynamite fanfare i know the dynamite goes i have bad news i use the ammo too frivolously and now there is a rest time i'm running stop running hey he's actually pretty slow wow chop chop forever yum yum yum yum yum everyone harness your tall brains okay yes all right i lost mine this map is quite challenging call braid activate um it looks like gold is the mutant this time oh the washer holding a key drop the key gold you don't deserve it no i'm part of you i will help oh wait it actually didn't select who the mutant is yet oh i'm sorry but i have the gun what i just wasted no you guys you guys made fun of me the crocodile but no i made fun of you you made fun of me the story did and that's why i'm angry hey luna she's creating hi origin actually they call me crocodile daley um that sounds cringy that is not funny boom you suck crocodile you're doing the same thing making fun of a crocodile you shall perish in the hands of a mutant hey crocodile funny you're lucky i'm insanely slow and i'm new at this i'll find you and rip your flesh what's your back story like what's your word you you saw my origin story rainbow shooter rainbow i know you have bad name i know you have bad name rainbow actually that's quite wrong i have great aim no she messed you missed right i told you not to mess with me come on come on anymore go find more animal rainbow you can do it this is the slowest mutant on the planet earth rainbow is so fast get your short little legs here rainbow come on your roblox your legs are no face between my tough legs not true i'm going for it luna i'm going for it i don't know where this is oh no rainbow you lost the gun two rounds of ammo ah that's right she wasted two rounds of ammo and she lost oh your gun's right here what a beautiful place to place a trap that was embarrassing that was embarrassing i shut the doors sometimes you gotta keep an eye out but what's around the world easy oh interesting it looks like they dropped all of their items you guys no i know how to defeat her just throw a blanket over her eyes no don't throw blankets over crocodile's eyes that's rude she has short vision gold just stay there i don't have short vision i have strong vision i have very glary vision they call you golden glare look at me a mutant glare look at my glowy eyes okay then you should uh be able to see very far uh-huh because i am running super far from the map yeah she's already gone aha gold and half of the stuff you need is literally on the same side of the map so have fun yeah whatever you small brain i'm literally on the other side of the map and i don't care i know you're trying to go after this gun is that on that gold run hi hi hi hi hi hi girls hi goldie gold okay it's okay stay calm you can't run from no crocodile no i'm not use it on the scorpion enclosure okay i'm kind of slow oh where is it keep going it's right there right there i will show you where the amphibian yes there that would be right there yes yes yes spiders called amphibians i don't know i'm a crocodile careful what's the scorpion what's the scorpion the axe she's a delicious crocodile oh just go around she's really slow no i'm not oh yeah i remember this is my door did you know crocodiles taste delicious deep fried why would you say that what is wrong with you luna you know what now i'm gonna torment goals i can do this all day i can i can roll you have six minutes gold i could run all day in here i don't really care uh-huh yeah you can run all day well i don't have time for all day i want to win yeah don't mess with me crocodile what are you eating over there that's horrible shut up chocolate that my villain name is crocodile crocodile that's bad stuff i'm still following through you just been defeated by crocodile that's so bad 34 seconds until we figure out who's bad so we ingest that was definitely no regular mater like that did he say that was definitely no regular mate what are you saying like why are you trying so hard to pronounce yeah weird i think he's trying to be fancy like he's like it's not a meteor it's a mate to y'all over here funny that was no rap regularly let's go let's go oh i just saw luna turn bad no no luna she's a liar crocodiles don't cackle like a witch that's not it lunar that's not at until okay that's definitely not what a crocodile sounds like why what does she do okay someone needs to shoot her she's being crazy it's gonna hurt in like 10 seconds oh gold the screwdriver is for the spider thing guys don't worry i got the gun again no wait why does rainbow have the gun that's not funny rainbow please drop the gun someone else will use it in buddy uh we kind of don't trust you because laughs shut the door gold over here get over here open it okay good job rainbow she's tormented oh no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh [Applause] what's the point of crawling in this game there's nowhere to crawl no understand i promise i will not pick up the gun next time thank you taco she doesn't see you she hide hello there little more yeah i uh yeah hi no lunar ah don't do that lunar stop calling everyone a morsel luna prepare yourself to get hit by a tr there's no ammo rainbow already said she wasted it she didn't reload it draco there's ammo jacko she's running there's there's ammo behind it close the door funny look rainbow i took it good job good job [Applause] over there over there you couldn't have taken all the ammo rainbow please please please okay good job say hello no jacko don't waste that to my mitte r [Laughter] gekko i said don't waste it we had to go to the spider enclosure better go quick funny i'm scared i'm scared draco we're just going in circles around the map you're wasting both we gotta go to the spider enclosure that's where the thingy is okay okay she's not running yet okay we can go we can do this draco we're gonna lose there's no tv no we're not okay just go in there and grab something and come back you shoot the spider for me you shoot the spider waste of bullets say hello okay she's staying away i suggest you not go to your draco you know how uh you know how good his aim is gold let's root on draco and bunny jack go up go go jack go she's getting close okay come on we got this we got this come on luna don't you know what jack was gonna do don't even try go ahead and get the thing dude why am i like the chore say hello to my mate tr hurry up he's gonna use all of that he's gonna scream no we're not that one the door's sweaty there has to be more animals hurry come on hurry hurry escape go go go oh just a key wait there's a key um you gotta axe everything down first oh no funny uh luna i have a joke for you uh-huh what did the dinosaurs say to the meteor before i was said i was gonna want you okay okay i have a joke what did the dinosaurs what did what did the universe say to the dinosaurs before the media struck uh you suck watch out there's a meat to y'all oh i hate you i was trying to starve whatever it was not supposed to be a good joke it was supposed to be a joke where we could distract her but clearly she was not distracted that was definitely no regular meteor no why didn't you let him pick up the guy what happened to him to make him miss why why he's so full of crackles draco stop reading this story we already know how it works why do you keep picking up the gun you're not going to help and you're just going to keep using the gun okay thank you for coming i'm a good aimer just give it to me what kind of meteor do you guys think it was okay i think it's tough no idea um rainbow's not helping us so i have a concern really oh oh are you serious right now it was funny she was hit by the meteor i hate doors okay she's coming oh hello there friend i hate doors speed run speed run speed run you can't speed run you already know i'm pro i can speed run luna drop the gun before i slice you boom oh yeah what this is broken i swear no no no hey rainbow your sacrifice will be remembered by no one oh that was real evil in me i know i know why you're so mean now i [Laughter] she's kind of um i don't care i'll bait her i'll beat her matey all right what is happening where are you going jaco ah none of these are unlocked lunar you don't get the gun yeah i'm sorry dracco luna yeah i'm stuck with the gun stop it's refilled hey what you're making me angry luna we still need keystone lock all the doors you really have trouble with doors don't you i i look because if my name isn't crocodile stop oh lunar i think funny deserves a mickey or for that i think she does i am crocodile one of the scariest villains in this game and if you don't say crocodile a if you don't say my name right i will yi test pinky why do why do they call you crocodile because once upon to spell a time there was a crocodile [Laughter] ranch you're so annoying you're so annoying you're so annoying i hate you oh my gosh okay i'm getting somewhere where are you going can i come oh hello there villain crocodilier i can't pronounce it right daily where i said crocodile yes crocodile i am so sorry you can't even say it right okay get away from the ammo winner never zig-zag lunar you and dracco are the most annoying duo in all of crocodile worlds what you like my chain necklace no they're going to escape i got the white key i don't know where to put it oh no this door it goes over here down here all the wrench i lost it good if it wasn't for me how are you feeling crocodile yeah items until we escaped to it's like bunny's the villain and nobody can pronounce her name it's i got the wrench now we just need the rocky a croc killing crackle daley i just gotta get the plank [Laughter] [Music] we need to go that way yeah it's okay i got it you can go around no oh up here don't you shut don't you do it now [Laughter] do you have a bullet lunar yeah i do please come here i'm going to die oh oh all right luna save your bullet please please save yourself annoying me they are annoying me they are going to save the meter ah we have the final key and we will escape okay we will escape from this dreadful place oh she's there i see her i see her green light we have to go no [Music] oh my gosh i'm not playing with you i'm not playing this game with you oh gosh crocodiles getting ready for the power of my meat see you later okay you want that you've outbeated me draco you are selfish and rip your flesh like there can only be one crocodile on this server and that's me let's escape the wrench i am croc i am better than crocodile goodbye croc no ow how dare you hate cross i am the only one on this server that could be the crocodile for life oh okay okay oh yeah let's escape okay go scaring me hi girls you're scaring me [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,356,825
Rating: 4.9492836 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox let's play, roblox itsfunneh, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox funny moments, roblox obby, roblox mutant, roblox mutant funny moments, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funnehcake, roblox funny, roblox funny gameplay, roblox funny video, roblox videos funny, krew roblox, funneh roblox, mutant roblox
Id: Rycw5SqFK0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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