There Should Be Delay No Longer (Part 2)

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internationally-recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised Word of God bishop clarence e McClendon answers the prophetic and apostolic call upon his life by ministering the healing grace and miracle anointing of Jesus Christ around the world by his preaching and teaching the uncompromised gospel of Jesus Christ Bishop McClendon the teacher the preacher the Apostle and an anointed prophet sent to the nation's being used by the power of the Holy Spirit has led to the healing and deliverance of millions around the world during his healing crusade and conferences [Music] if you want to experience another level of worship witness the healing power of Jesus learn the uncompromised Word of God confirmed by notable miracles then we invite you to partake in the overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit by the moving of God's transforming grace one of the things that the Holy Spirit said to me love it Steve at the beginning of this millennium around the year 2000 he said to me one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century church will be the proper handling of the prophetic word I'm gonna say it again he said to me one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century church will be the proper handling of the prophetic work and he said to me he said my sons and my daughters do not know how to properly handle the prophetic word they hear a word from me they get a word from me and they shout and they rejoice and they dance and they run around and in two or three years when the word that was spoken doesn't come to pass they think the Prophet Misgav or they think we'll wait a minute if that was God's Word it should have happened I have an announcement for you God's Word does not come to pass in your life because God said so I got your attention God's word comes to pass in your life because you say on earth what God said from heaven you didn't get it I'm gonna say it again God's Word does not come to pass in your life because God said so God's word comes to pass in your life because you say on earth what God said in heaven write this down the Holy Spirit said this to me I will never forget it he said son tell my people that my word is never spoken merely to be heard my word is always spoke to be spoken now I can see some of you brilliant biblical scholars and theologians said well wait a minute but faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God yes so do the math if it comes by hearing how does it go if it comes by hearing then it goes by speaking if it comes by hearing then it goes by speaking he sent His Word and healed him here's another one thy word o God is forever settled in heaven Weidman get where it's settled it's settled in heaven it's not settled on earth it's settled in heaven in order for it to be settled on earth somebody on the earth has to say on earth what God has said from heaven this is why Jesus and when you play plays I kingdom thy will be on as in because it is done there but it's not done here can we go a little deeper tell me a little deeper so I can see somebody's in oh wait a minute wait a minute this is why some of the words from God have not come to pass in my church and they come to pass in my life haven't come to pass in my ministry haven't come to pass in our nation because we thought God speaking the word would get it done alone but he gave you and I okay Isaiah 55 Isaiah 55 verse number 8 wow this is good it's good to me anyway look at your neighbor and say the Word of God is never spoken merely to be heard then I'm not saying you only to hear you do need to hear it but you need the ones that it is not spoken merely to be heard it is always spoken to be spoken watch watch this and let me just say to you that what I'm about to show you was in your Bible when you came in here I didn't write any to change it but this is what the spirit of wisdom and revelation does it unveils it reveals watch this and you know this passage but watch this Isaiah 55 verse number 8 put it up for my thoughts are not your thoughts nor are my ways nor your ways my ways says the most Christians stop there Oh God's ways are not always God's ways of pass finding out his thoughts are passed by you just never know what God's gonna do you you know God works in mysterious ways don't ever say that again that is not Bible it is not in the Word of God it is nowhere written God's God does not work in mysterious ways what father wants to be mysterious to his kids come on topic what father wants to be spooky to his children oh I'm gonna do it but I don't want you to know how I'm gonna do it Oh touch your neighbor say that is whack a dude that's wackadoo that's crazy no father wants to be mysterious to his kids and that is not written in the Word of God as a matter of fact the Bible says that the Spirit of God has been given to you and I so that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God watch this now put it back up on the screen because I want people to read their Bibles so they know I didn't write this put it back for my my thoughts are not your thoughts nor my ways your ways says the Lord in other words God says I don't think like you think and I don't do things the way you do things let's read on verse 9 for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts enter people say whoo God is a mystery whoa you just never know just your neighbors they read the rest of it watch this verse has the heavens up then the earth saw my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts look at verse number 10 touch your neighbor say oh it's about to be good eating that we're about to eat real good now watch this watch this first ten says four and the conjunction actually should be but but as the Wayne comes down and the snow from heaven and does not return there would you repeat after me three times does not return there say it so watch this and that's the way to give that in the snow from heaven and does not return there but waters the earth and makes it bring forth and but the enemy gave seed to the sower and bread to the eater look at verse 11 so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth keep that right there stop get what God just said he just said my thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways he just said my thoughts are higher than your thoughts as to heaven is from the earth and my ways are higher as the heaven is from the earth than your ways but just like the rain comes down and just like the snow comes down and waters the earth that it may give seed to the sower and bread to me so shall my word be what did God just tell me he just said when my word comes down I am giving you my thoughts and I am giving you my ways when you get my word you just got what I was thinking when you got my word you just got my way watch it now but as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven and waters the earth and cause it to bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth watch this children please pay attention look at your Bibles it shall not return avoid it shall not return unto me void it shall not return unto me void it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish what I please watch this it shall accomplish what I please on the return no you missed it you missed it watch he just said as the rain come down with Silverman and why does the earth watch this and returns not I got to show it to you again we're gonna read it go back to verse 8 go back to verse 8 I got to work with this because I can't go any further unless we get this and get it sure my thoughts are not your thoughts nor your ways my ways says the Lord verse 9 for as high as far as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts are you still with me for as the rain come down and the snow from heaven and does not return it comes down and it does not return it comes down and it does not return it comes down and it does not return but then in the next verse he says it shall not return unto me void no you missed it so I'm reading this one day and I said wait a minute God timeout there's a seeming contradiction here first of all you said it doesn't return and then you said it would not return to you void so which one is it does it return or does it not return are you here do you see this he just said it does not return but then he says later it will not return unto me void but it will prosper in the thing that I sent it meaning it will prosper on the return trip not on the inbound trip it prospers on the return trip she watches when I got ready to come to Nairobi there was an inbound flight to Nairobi I got on the flight and I came to Nairobi when I get ready to if Nitro be there will be an outbound trip and I've got to go back to where I came from the same is true of the Word of God when he says it it does not return he's saying it's not gonna return by itself it's not gonna return by itself I send it to you now watch what he says happens when he sends it when he sends it he says it's like water it refreshes you it renews you it makes you shout it makes you glad it makes you happy but nothing has happened yet you just got wet you just got wet with the word but he says it prospers and it accomplishes the thing I sent it for when you send it back and when I win the Lord sent him to me mom I saw and the Lord said it's like a tennis match son I served the word to you and what you're supposed to do is serve it back to me I hid it to you and you hid it back to me and I hid it to you and you hid it back to me and when you send it back that's when it begins to prosper that's when the thing I sent it for begins to happen that's when the word becomes alive are you there so God speaks to you thus says the Lord in the next seven months I shall increase your ministry I shall cause you to expand to the right and to the left and you shout and you rejoice and you yeah but you never take that word and say God I'm sending this word back to you you said my ministry was going to grow and so in the name of Jesus I declare in the next seven months my ministry shall expand are you still here David said God has spoken once twice have I heard it who said it the second time God has spoken once but I heard it twice are you still here can I go just a little deeper lay your hand on your brother lay your hand on your sisters hey we're almost there so don't let your hand me but lay your hands and say we're almost there look at him and say your responsibility is to send God's Word back to him when he sends a word to you you send it back to him and when it doesn't happen you send it back again and when you don't see anything you send it back again and we need old ceiling then you send it back again and you keep sending it back and the promise is it will plus are you still here watch it let me give you another scripture we quote concerning my sons and the works of my hands command ye me translation if you're one of my kids and I've told you what I'm gonna do say it back to me are you still here so when a prophet comes to you and says there shall be delay no longer it's not gonna happen cuz I said so it's gonna happen cuz you go back to your house you go to your business you go to York when the Prophet says there shall be Swift shifts supernatural breakouts and supernatural play kids you ought to go into your house and say thus saith the Lord there shall be Swift [Applause] sit down I'm almost done see look neighbors they stop blaming the prophets no look at your names they stop blaming the prophets they heard from God they told you God's thoughts they declared to you God's ways the problem is all you did was dance with it you never declared it you never spoke it I Got News for You now hold on to your seats you did not get saved because you said Jesus is Lord I love it dr. Ladin when you get their attention then I didn't say you didn't get saved and I didn't say you didn't say Jesus is Lord and I didn't say you're not supposed to say Jesus is Lord I said you didn't get saved because you said Jesus is Lord you got saved because you said on earth about Jesus what God had said from heaven about Jesus and when you said on earth what God said in heaven the power of God went into operation and you got born again not because you said so but because you said what God said see this is where we have taught people confession but we haven't taught them why confession works confession doesn't work because you say it enough confession works because you finally said on earth what God said from heaven and earth are you still here it's why the Bible says let us hold fast to our confession the word confession Greek homo-lumo Jaya homologue a homo same law Jo from which we get our links for logic word thought computation to confess is to say the same thing as when you say the same thing ask what God says miracles happen the word comes to pass the power of God goes into operation let me show you this let me show you sir see we have taught people for instance that Adam named the animals no he didn't God named him and in the go to Genesis one oh Jesus I know I'm out of time I'm sure I'm out of time I should be out of time are you still here you know what I love to do is when I read my Bible I love to read my Bible are you still here I said are you still here mmm let me let me show you something here and I'll be done with this because it's it's it's kind of heavy and I know I'm saying some things that are a little stretching but I need to stretch your spirit here and I need to get this real quick let me just find get this in the word cuz I didn't plan on going here I'm ministering by the spirit of Revelation look at Genesis chapter 2 verse number 19 it says out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them and whatever Adam called each living creature that was its name get it whatever Adam called it that was its name which means it was already named it was already named before Adam called it what God was doing is what I call product inspection when you create something you want to make sure it's functioning the way you created it to function and man was created to say on earth the same thing that God says from heaven so the Bible declares that God can I stand here the only person I've seen stand here is mom can I stand here is that all right okay I'm just asking permission I don't want to do nothing you know I'm a man under Authority you heard since OSHA watch this the Bible says and whatever Adam called each one that was its name so you've got to remember Adam was not educated Adam was revelry Adam didn't learn things Adam new things and so God had already named and the Bible says he passed them by Adam to see what Adam would call it so God brings the giraffe and he passes it by Adam and Adam is God's up here and Adam is down here and the giraffe comes back and God looks at Adam and just what is that Adam and God and that looks at it and he looks at God and says giraffe and Gauss's gas atom that's it you and then he passes the elephant by Adam and he's an Adam what is that and Adam looks elephant and gaussians yes Adam that's an elephant God passes the lion but vitamin lion God says that's right son that's right son that's right son that's a lion and things on earth as they are God and his man or saying the same thing and with God Oh shun damn I gotta and his man are saying the same thing when there is agreement in heaven and earth don't don't play you remember when had him eats from the tree come on come on for weakness huh remember when Adam eats from the tree the Bible says God called out to Adam where are you was it because God had lost it was because Adam had lost his perfect agreement with God and get Adams response well God I I heard you coming in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked God's him who said that to you who told you you were naked for the first time Adam was saying something he hadn't heard from God he was saying something that God never I never told you you were naked why are you saying something but I haven't said and so now let the week say AIIMS why cuz that's what God said about Bishop McClendon takes the baton for this generation to expound on key principles found in the best-selling book the miracle of seed faith by dr. Oral Roberts in this quick and easy step-by-step refresher you'll learn how to 1 harness your faith in seed form using your money talent and time to determine its direction where it goes to a specific need or desire and 3 decide what you desire to produce breakthrough healing or increase three keys to miracle working faith how to know your faith is working for results you can see
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 11,844
Rating: 4.8610039 out of 5
Id: YOD_v-Q1pBw
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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