There is no such thing as a pope.

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named Pope Francis and we are of course each time this takes place we we talk about it because every few years the Catholic Church loses its head and and it that may sound bad it came out wrong huh they they change Pope's and it makes us revisit the biblical truth on a church organization and what that really means and we try to make sure you're educated as to what biblical organization looks like and not only that but you understanding how we want people to understand how changes in organization also equates to apostasy and not only can you be false in teaching you can be false in practice all right and what we're really seeing with Catholicism is a unbiblical organizational structure and we want to help everyone see that on tonight that as we talk about the idea of the Pope you need to understand historically how this developed and you need to understand that right from the outset particularly if you're visiting with us that the Bible knows nothing about a pope that the whole concept of a pope is non-existent scripturally now let me say that when we do these refutations of doctrinal error that it's not personal nor is it something we do because we are antagonistic toward any religion I think one of the things I'm concerned with is that as we talk about false doctrine that people understand that the Lord's Church is not some kind of antagonistic Church that's looking to fight everybody that's not our intent and and at least for Western and as much as my influence can go to change that persona that in the Lord's Church we're not looking to be antagonistic but we do want to stand on Bible truth and we do want to ensure that people have a clear understanding as to biblical church organization of which the Bible knows nothing about a pope having said that let me just give some historical things I'm not even gonna read a verse yet let me just make sure you understand where Pope comes from how did it develop we know it's not in the Bible however it is built on a concept called the primacy of Peter now I'm doing this at a six o'clock service or try to stay up as long as you can this is the historical portion of this this is built on a concept called the primacy of Peter what that means is it begins with the notion that Peter was the preeminent apostle okay that's where it starts that Peter was the elevated apostle that he was the most for lack of better terms important apostle and the Catholic religion calls this the primacy of Peter Peter was an apostle but he was the preeminent apostle now from that what they do is they say that Peter was the first pope okay so they say the primacy of Peter indicates that Peter was the primary apostle and being the primary Apostle Peter was the first pope and all popes can trace their succession to Peter are you following me so far so Peter it is said that he's the first pope now most false doctrine all false doctrine if you can knock down the first domino the rest of it collapses alright y'all do you ever play dominoes and you line them up all you got to do is hit this first one and the rest of it just collapses if I can prove to you that there's no such thing as the primacy of Peter then there was no such thing as a first Pole of which there is no Bible evidence for a pole and the whole thing just falls apart okay and that's really what I'm gonna do I'm just going to hit the first domino and we'll watch the rest of it just just collapse the idea of Peter being the first pole comes from the idea of the primacy of Peter he was the preeminent apostle now they would go to scriptures like Matthew 16:18 where's his upon this rock I will build my church the gates of Hell will not prevail against it and then here's what they emphasize and I will give to you Peter the keys of the kingdom all right so that's one part of the verse that they emphasizes that Jesus said he was going to give the keys of the kingdom to Peter to you singular which meant Peter in their mind was the most important apostle the other part where they messed up the verse is they believed that Peter was the rock upon which the church was built so if you say upon this rock I'll build my church they would say that Peter was that rock so Peter was the first pope because he was the rock foundation of the church and he was given the keys of the kingdom are you following Catholic thought right now I just want you to think like the Catholic things all right now biblically speaking false doctrine begins with taking verses out of context all false doctrine does I have long said Church and I've been pushing this even among Churches of Christ your theology can't be right if your hermeneutics is wrong let me explain I'm using big words here hermeneutic I mean how you interpret the scriptures if you do not know how to properly interpret the scripture then you will not have a proper theology that is you have a higher degree of having error in what you believe if you don't know how to approach a text when false doctrine get started and get started off of bad interpretation are you following that so far now how do you know brother Haywood well in Matthew 16:18 and I don't have time to go through the context so I'll just deal with the grammar when Jesus said upon this rock I will build my church he was not announcing that he would build the church on Peter the church that Jesus would build was built on himself all right now how do you know you and the Lord's Church to know this the context of Matthew 16 Peter just confessed that I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God and then Jesus turns to Peter says thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church now the question is what's the rock is the rock Peter or is the rock what Peter confessed are you following that now what many people do is they go right to Peter said well Peter must be the rock no Peters not the rock in this context Peter is the one announcing who the rock is he says I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God and upon that confession the church was built on Jesus Christ now I can get into a lot of Greek and I know people are gonna be watching this so I don't want to make this difficult what i'ma do is that scripture interpret scripture turn to 1st Corinthians 3 verse 11 let's let scripture interpret scripture now I could go through Petros and Petra and show you that the word Peter comes from the Greek word Petros and upon this rock the word rock comes from pet trusts and there was a difference in the two Greek terms and we can show that pet trust is referring to large foundation of song while a Petros just means a regular small stone but but I don't want to make it difficult let's just use some good English on the night first Corinthians 3 verse 11 for no other foundation can any lay now listen to it Peter said no other foundation we can anyone lay than anyone lame which is that which is laid which is Jesus Christ now it's hard to miss that verse you don't need no Greek Hebrew to understand that one peter said or rather paul says no other foundation can any man lame then that which is laid which is christ jesus now turn to ephesians chapter 2 fees in chapter 2 verse 19 and 20 all we're doing now is letting scripture interpret scripture if you want to know who the rock is the rock is Christ even if you don't understand it in Matthew 16:18 there are other New Testament passages that make clear who the rock is alright now in Ephesians chapter 2 watch this this is a good one verse 20 says well having been built on foundations well tell you what start with verse 19 start with verse 19 now therefore you are no longer strangers you are no longer strangers and foreigners foreigners but fellow-citizens fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household members of the household of God having been built on the fact having been built on the foundation of the Apostles the apostles we and Prophet you've been built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets now how are we built on the foundation of the prophets and the apostles based on what they taught we are built on the foundation of their teaching now watch the text tell you what they talk read Jesus Christ himself Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone Jesus was the chief Cornerstone that is another way of saying he was the foundation of the of God now watch this if Peter was the most important apostle then why wouldn't the tech say they were built on the foundation of Peter to show you that Peter is equal to every other apostle it says that we are built upon the Apostles collectively and not just Peter did y'all see that see what they say is we built on Peter wait a minute the text doesn't say we're built on Peter the text says were built on the foundation of the Apostles collectively and the prophets and we're built on the apostles and prophets based on what they revealed well what did they reveal brother Heywood that Jesus Christ is the chief Cornerstone and chief Cornerstone simply means it's an architectural term that refers to the foundation of a particular building now I know that's right chief Cornerstone and here's what some people do with that they say well chief Cornerstone is only referring to that cornerstone in the foundation that's not how cornerstone is being used here cornerstone here is being used to describe the foundation of the house or the foundation of the building how do you know let's go to Isaiah chapter 28 Isaiah chapter 28 verse 16 the cornerstone is being used here to refer to the entire foundation while the word cornerstone can refer to that most important stone in this verse is being used to describe the foundation that is Jesus Christ as the cornerstone is the foundation of the church now watch this because I'm going to show you an Isaiah 28:16 cornerstone and foundation will be used interchangeably all right isaiah 28:16 says what therefore thus says the Lord I say the Lord God behold behold I lay in Zion I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation pour oh wait you're gonna lay this stone for what foundation I believe this stone for a foundation he tried Oh drag stole precious Oh precious caught stole a sure foundation when when the biblical writers are using cornerstone they're not using it just to describe the most important corner of the foundation but they're using cornerstone to describe the entire foundation are you found that who is Jesus he is the foundation of the church and we're built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ being that chief Cornerstone or Jesus himself is the foundation are you following that now Peter can't be the most important apostle because we're built on the Apostles collectively not on Peter individually are you following me so far all right now not only that but this idea that Peter is the most important apostle cannot be does not make a logical sense let me tell you why if Peter was the most important apostle the Apostles didn't know nothing about it they don't know nobody and that the reason I know they didn't know nothing about it is because one of the arguments among the Apostles is which one of us gonna be the greatest if Peter was the greatest what they arguing about are you finding what I'm saying the reason they are arguing because they don't know which one of them gonna be the greatest Peter can't be the greatest otherwise that would have never been an argument oh you finally what I'm saying and when they got into the argument Jesus didn't say wait a minute what you argued about don't you know Peter's the greatest anyone Jesus said Jesus said the one who will be the greatest will be a servant among you he don't even mention Peters name this idea of the primacy of Peter is absolutely unbiblical now let's try to trace where this stuff comes I'll still okay so far all right just trying to trace where all this stuff comes from it is it is taking scripture out of context to try to prove a doctrine now let me tell you something you never use scripture well let me put it this way you never try to make scripture fit your doctrine your doctrine has to fit Scripture are you following that in other words you don't come up with what you believe and then trying to find a verse to make it work you come up with what you believe by first seeing what does the Bible teach and then from what the Bible teaches that's how you form your doctrine are you following that the primacy of Peter does not fit the scriptures not a reading doesn't fit is because it that doctrine was never revealed by the Apostles then turn back to Matthew 16:18 let me do two comparisons here to capacitors but go back to Matthew 16:18 primacy of Peter is just not true we've learned several things so far number one we learned that Jesus Christ is in fact the foundation upon which the church is built church is not built on Peter Peter's not the foundation of the church Paul made it clear he says we there's no other foundation can any man lay than that which is laid which is Christ Jesus Ephesians chapter 2 20 says we're built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ being chief Cornerstone so we know who the foundation is it's Jesus Christ right okay now since that's true then the idea of the church being built on Peter is absolutely unscriptural and by the way Peter wouldn't make a very good poll cuz he was married I mean he doesn't fit the qualifications of what the Catholic Church would have you to understand today Peter was married had him a woman yeah I don't help me along I mean he did if you would've asked Peter do you want to be a beau Peter said no I'm me and give up my woman no no Peter oh nothing about that and didn't want no parts of it all right now in Matthew 16:18 grammatically this is something else Catholics do sometimes you can tell partial truth and make it sound good now in Matthew 16:18 Jesus does in fact use the singular pronouns to single out Peter but I'm gonna show you where there's another verse that puts it in the plural okay now read Matthew 16:18 verse 19 is really what we need and I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in alright it says I will give you right that word you is in fact a singular pronoun okay in this passage it is referring to Peter but the same language is used to describe them collectively turn to Matthew 18:18 turn to Matthew 18:18 now here's what Jesus is going to say to all the apostles breathe assuredly I say to you as now that you is actually plural okay now the first year we read was singular it was a singular pronoun brother hey where you getting this from all right the New Testament is written in Koine Greek what I'm looking at is in the original language the word translated to you can either be plural or singular what I'm looked up and what I have found is that sometimes when you read a pronoun you can't mean just the individual or you can be referring to the collective body I'm preaching right now I could say you need to be faithful am I talking to one individual I'm talking to the collective body because I'm preaching to a collective body of people so when I use you I would be using it in this context in the plural alright y'all remember that alright now in this text when he says I'll show thee I say unto you read the rest of it that if two of you agree on I'll go back to verse 18 surely I say to you yea whatever you bind on earth whatever you bind on earth will be bound and will be bound on bound in heaven and whatever you loose on and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven now he takes the same language that was used for Peter in the singular and applies it collectively to the whole body of apostles y'all see that so there was no primacy of Peter Peters not more important than any other pasal now he made a bit he may have been more outspoken Peter had a very big mouth let us build three Tabernacles it is good for us to be here God shot it from heaven be quiet this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased Jesus said all of you are gonna betray me Peter said not me I mean he was a big man I mean he was bodacious and so Peter was outspoken and they will forsake you but not me Jesus I'll stay with you all huh until the crows you will deny me three times right okay so maybe Peter was outspoken but he was not the most important apostles not one scripture teaches that are y'all seeing that so far so the same language used for Peter was also used for the collective body of apostles whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven and all that language is used for both groups now what is that language mean because what the what the and I'm trying to cover a lot in a short amount of time what what a lot of the Catholics believe about the Pope is that he's infallible okay now the infallibility of the Pope did not come into existence nor that the Catholic Church believed it until 1870 before 1870 no Catholic would have ever said that the Pope was infallible as a matter of fact I have documents that show that there were prior Pope's that admitted that they were subject to era and it wasn't so 1870 that they rewrote the Catechism and changed it and said that the Pope was infallible y'all following that ok now what's interesting is this they believe when the Pope becomes the Pope he becomes infallible and the day he steps down he stops he's infallible the day he's inaugurated and then he's not infallible the day he is retired or the day that he dies or whatever comes first if he retires from being the Pope he ceases to be infallible that's why most Pope's don't retire they just die so now when this Pope retired and I think only one or two other popes ever did that in the history of the Catholic Church now they had to answer the question well wait a minute if the Pope was infallible yesterday and he stepped down today are you now saying this man is no longer infallible how does that happen are you following this it's contradictory ok and I'm not saying anything about them personally I'm just talking about their doctrine right now it does not fit the scripture and it really doesn't make sense ok so now the whole idea of the infallibility of the Pope comes from the language we just read whatsoever you bind shall be bound whatever you loose shall be loosed and it's because folks don't understand the language of that text that verse didn't even make the apostles infallible ok whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven now this is where they and this is where you understanding the grammar is important when it says whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven as a rabbinic term that simply meant what the Apostles taught will be binding but the specific language means this whatever you bind on earth shall be bound the phrase be pound is in what we call a perfect tense it means already bound whatsoever you bind on earth is already bound in heaven it means that whatever the Apostles taught was already sanctioned by heaven first the Apostles didn't come up with the doctrine they just preached what heaven revealed are you following that the Apostles didn't create doctrine the Apostles got their doctrine from heaven whatever you bind on earth it's already bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth is already loosed in heaven heaven has already bound and loosed what the Apostles were going to preach and teach so they didn't come up with nothing how do you know they didn't come up with nothing because John 16 verse number John 14:26 says excuse me 16:13 says howbeit when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth are you following that in other words the Apostles would simply teach what heaven had already revealed and is only in that sense that what they taught was inspired are you following that because they didn't come up with their own doctor so when people say you know the Pope is infallible or without error even Peter was not infallible he was inspired see there's a difference between inspired and infallible see Peter was very fallible because he preached to the Gentiles but then was racist against Gentiles so he was he talked truth but practice error he wasn't a fallible the only infallible person that ever walked the face of the earth was Jesus himself he was pure in teaching and in practice nobody else is infallible and his false doctrine to say that any man ever occupies a position of infallibility you're following that so far all right last but not least last but not least so when we say the Apostles bound in loose it meant that they taught what heaven already sanctioned now got that okay so I don't mean infallible it does mean inspired but even the Pope himself was not inspired nor is he infallible are you following me so far okay now we know we already knocked down the first domino Peter one the Pope so the whole thing falls okay there's no such thing as the primacy of Peter all the apostles were equal in authority okay I not only were they all equal in authority it's clear because they all argued about which one would be greatest and Jesus said the one that's great is the one to be a servant and and the bottom line is Jesus Christ Himself was the foundation of the church and he doesn't share that with anybody else y'all follow that alright let's get some history in and I'm done now where all this stuff come from what happened well they aside from twisting scripture before they twisted the scripture the idea of a Pope didn't exist where did it come from history suggests this there was this this church we call him church fathers church fathers means that these were men that live close to the age or were actual possible disciples of the Apostles one of them was named Ignatius who came on the scene about 110 ad Ignatius wrote about 15 epistles the argument is that some of these epistles were not genuine nevertheless in his writings it is recorded that Ignatius began to believe that while there was a body of elders in order to protect the church from false doctrine he believed that you had to raise up one of the elders to be the head Bishop y'all following me so far they actually thought by changing the organizational structure it would actually protect the church from heresy but what they didn't know was when they did that they were introducing heresy okay their motive was actually for we can tell pretty pure because in their mind they said up and their money saying if if me Quincey and Albert are elders the notion is that we can't agree on everything so we need one person to be in charge that's going to determine what the actual standard of belief is when you do that the problem is whoever becomes the head Bishop has no checks and balance you see the danger whenever you raise up one man above all of the other leaders then the man that got rose up no longer has a checks and balance to check him in regards to what he teaches you following that that's fine the New Testament you had Harold's or preachers evangelists you had elders that separate the flaut you even had deacons who were servants and elders were shepherds they were to protect the flock from anything that would harm the Sheep now what they did was and Ignatius said no that's all fine and good but how are we gonna do that if we ain't got one person in charge he needs to be the the Viper of Christ that's what they called it the vai corrupt riced means he was the one person to mediate between the church and Jesus so he would represent Jesus in the local church okay and y'all getting this I know it's six o'clock but this is so they're saying hey we got to raise up at least one man so it makes just introduced it didn't come to pass but in 180 ad or rainiest pushes that theology and it begins to push this idea of one-man rule y'all follow me Church I'm telling you now any church that has a one-man rule is headed for a dangerous place y'all following that nobody in the church elders check out elders check preachers and preachers check elders it God made it that way because if any one person is absent from a checks and balance then they become infallible in the sense that nobody can check them for the error are you following me that's how you protect the New Testament church if I decided tomorrow that I'm going to teach baptism is not essential right it is the Shepherd's responsibility to refute and check my teaching and if I don't repent of the teaching their job is to protect you from me are you following that if an elder teachers false doctrine the Bible says if that thing is confirmed by two or three witnesses the Evangelist is to rebuke him publicly that everybody will fear and the text says so that they will know that God is no respecter of persons that's section balance so the Evangelist checks the elders the elders check the Evangelist because God's say the only one you can't check is me I'm the only unshakeable one because whatever I speak is automatically truth God can't tell a lie because if he's started a line it would be truth the minute it came out of his mouth sky is blue but if God said his breed the minute green came out sky would turn green that can't lie cuz whenever he SAS comes to pass he's the only uncheck above one so now in a church for the church to be protected you gotta have checks and balance are you found on that okay so now and that's really about theological or doctrinal practice and and even moral prank I don't have time to dig in all this but even moral and doctrinal practices of all leaders leaders must always have such and balance with each other okay and really there's a practical point to that that's why leaders have to have a relationship so that there's nothing that cannot be spoken about I found that's why it's so important for for leaders to have relationship now so what you have now is Ignatius and Iranians have introduced it okay and when you'll start seeing in that time bishops one Bishop becoming the head over all the other bishops became a1 it became the what they called the monarchical episcopate one-man rule that notion after 250 AD then became one Bishop over an entire city okay so now you got a city of churches and one Bishop is in charge of all of them you're following it okay then after that by the time you start getting to the 7th century you start seeing the introduction of the first Pope she got Gregory the first you got Boniface the third people dispute over which one was actually the first official one in the Lord's Church we say Boniface the third on all of our literature says Boniface the 3rd but there's arguments whether it could have been Gregory the first regardless it was around the 7th century but you started seeing the official inaugurating of a pope and then 1870 is when he became infallible are you following me so far so what you actually have is in the Catholic religion during for between the first century and the end the years of apostasy and the first pope you're really seeing the church move away from the New Testament doctrine okay now in about the second century AD matter-of-fact Irenaeus was the first one to use the name Catholic but he didn't use Catholic as a name of a church he used Catholic small see the word Catholic means universal okay so when you say Catholic Church the real Catholic Church is the Church of Christ it just means with the universal Church okay but when Catholic became a name and a designation now we're talking about Catholic denomination are you following that so in the early years when you say camp the church small see it just meant universal Church nothing wrong with that with the term Catholic okay it just means universal but then what you had was all of this apostasy and then by the time you get to the seventh century you have the inauguration of the first pope okay and then 1870 he's infallible now there's more history than that I can show you that the Greek Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church split over the authority of the Pope okay so this idea of Pope was not always just fully accepted and what we're trying to do we're taping this and and with all of you we're trying to help you see that the Bible is right and man has invented different aspects of religion that has moved people further away from New Testament pattern there is no such thing in your Bible as a pope as you know and for those visiting there's no such thing as no Pope so what do we have to do we have to tell people we're not trying to be disrespectful and we don't have to be disrespectful toward anyone in that religion but we do want to let them know if anybody should be called Pope is just Jesus Pope Jesus would be alright with me he is the head of the church
Channel: Official Renaissance Church of Christ
Views: 14,896
Rating: 4.6995306 out of 5
Id: Qwk1-YGKZYc
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Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2013
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