There Is A Certain Height You Can Go With A 249g Drone! You Should Know That! 😉🎥🛸❌

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249 yeah but you know how how you can go yeah I'll stay nice and low you know you're not suppose there's a certain point you should know that if you join it I do this what's the height there I'll stay nice and like I won't go no higher no no what's the lowest what's the higher lowest you can go [Music] so welcome back to the channel guys today we're here in Milton Keynes taking a look at the London Northwestern Railway there's quite a few signs outside this one we've got a high output Bletchley Network rail Bletchley TMD Viva rail Taylor Woodrow project office and deliveries up the hill we do have already a gentleman looking in our Direction we have some signs up there once again it's London Northwestern Railway I presume that tells them when it's icy because this is quite a bit of a gradient here so um does it have access to more than one company I'm not sure high output track renewals there's another signed up high output track minerals and here we have right now G more haulage leaving sight oh look what we've got in there look a beast let's go up to the fence shall we get some good shots of this [Music] look at that [Music] not every day you get up close and personal SB rail want to work in in an industry leading on track machine team what do you want to operate this machine if you do get in touch with them well a few more trains in the sheds over there as well that one there look and a few more at the back London Northwestern do you normally get people coming to take photos there no they are supposed to because in private land unfortunately how can it be it is you see the Gateway over there the scooters can dock on private property well they they use them frequently yeah but the scooters will not be able to unlock unlock on private properties only Council maintain roads yeah but they people use them just leave them there that's what I mean it must be Council maintained no it's maintained by um Network rail so these scooters can just be dumped on private land no these guys from here they just when they go out they take in they've used them yeah I know what you're saying I know that's great for them but the scooter cannot be left on private land I have told them obviously I've told them many times if they're not listening then we just ring the no physically physically cannot I love it yeah so the fact that they are tells me it's Council no it's not unfortunate it's not just what I was talking about my management right that they are not because from the gates are uh this is cycle network but you don't mind do you don't mind people coming to no something through my management I've been nobody's allowed on site taking photographs if you take good views you can take them you know the blackfield train station all right okay yeah I weren't expecting that so you tell you tell photographers that they're not allowed on this little road where I am uh nobody's been here since I've been here oh how long how long have you been I've been there for some time but I haven't seen many people come in here have you seen any not many yeah so you're telling me nobody's took a photograph of that from here well I haven't seen anybody too that's amazing well I know that's a good thing good machines are there yeah but and it's safe in it you've got a full path here see there's construction going on there mate yes and a lot of law is in and out what are they building is there no this network rails they're working on this obviously you can deliver some big big massive lawyers yeah I know but what they're building so I don't know they're just doing some sort of um track work or something track work okay I'm gonna take the drone over then I'll have a look from the sky I'll Stand from down there yeah but you know what drone would be using this one sure yeah there's the number on there what's that the drones um you know the two 249. it's a little one yeah what is it is there any 249 yeah but you know how how high you can go yeah I'll stay nice and low you know you're not suppose there's a certain height you should know that if you join it I do this what's the height I'll stay nice and like I won't go no higher no no what's the lowest what's the high lowest you can go what's the lowest I can go there is no minimum yes there is it's not well do you know about drones I do but I'm not gonna you know obviously you've got a drone you you got it yeah but you should know what's the legal limit to fly there do you mean the minimum or the maximum minimum there is no minimum for a two four nine okay is there a maximum maximum if you're going to go higher as you can but minimum this is a limit for it so you're thinking there's no maximum you can go as high as you want yeah but obviously you need so what about the airplanes surely the difference they don't come right down anyway I'm not in getting involved mate so just so you know um you can't go no higher than 120 meters but you can go as low as you want if you and that's it yeah just just let them know because what I don't want to happen is when I'm flying it I don't want to be interfered with so just tell them um you've kindly asked me to leave this area so I'm going to go down to the bottom now right just to respect you all right mate so there we have it we've been asked to leave this little road but I would have thought that these scooters they will not lock and they will not let you park them on someone's private land only certain areas which are Council approved obviously Council land but I don't know so let's go back down to the bottom here and fly the Drone from here let's see what we can see over Bletchley TMD we'll do it from across the road so we've got a lovely wide angle of sight and let's go David up and see what this place looks like from above so as you can see a road with a footpath on this side and then a little footpath that leads in it could be private I'll put on screen now whether it was Private or not so let's go over shall we he mentioned there was some construction happening over here it wouldn't say exactly what it was but something to do with the rail so all we can see really so far just there is groundwork prep aren't we Maybe is that a line yeah maybe that's being repaired extended maybe a track leading all the way down to there and then maybe a structure going around it that's my guess so over here we have an old Water Tower look at that if you don't see that every day looks like it's covered up at one point thank you and then a nice view down the track Tesco Express and then a nice view looking in that direction safety comes first look blocked off the track I'm sure the train would smash through that if it really wanted to and then we have this beauty down here there's a locomotive as you saw for those train enthusiasts hopefully you like that shot we have another one hiding just behind here [Music] and another one just over there which looks quite new [Music] looking up into the distance oh another train going over the bridge so what was it all about when it mentioned high voltage then or high output Network rail [Music] I don't know I found out as much as we can brought the whole site in one shot just there we'll have a quick look around the local area and then we'll move on I think you've seen enough of this area from my videos today what's that over there hmm that looks rather interesting I might head over there next as far as this site is concerned they have left me alone they decided not to come out and not to interfere and to leave me alone so credit to them and the security guard was just slightly misinformed about the minimum and the maximums [Music] E4 there was no maximum all right okay so you can go as high as you want can you I don't think so [Music] there we go the ultimate test hover over at 25 meters not over them just with them in sight we had no rude hand gestures just laughs smile and wave so that's it let's get David back oh let's do a 360 degree photo for Google Maps before we wrap this one up so the location of the DJ audits keyring on this video is just behind that sign you can just see the key ring part just there so if you are one of the first people to watch this video and you do want a key ring I'm good luck with that and that completes the video of them places there so although these guys are keeping a close eye on us until you just stick their finger up I think he did yeah I had to be one didn't they let them down to smile and wave guys somebody's outside filming and flying a drone there's no need to stick your finger up at them there really is not so anyway if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I'll see you on the next one guys bye bye for now this place trains yeah a YouTube is it a part of you Network rail what do you do doing what they're extending it I just took the drone over so is that the part you're doing it's gonna be what to be on the office all right okay where's your current office right okay can I film that will they let me on do you get to get trained Geeks around here no I'm not one of them I'm a YouTuber hey who's that I'm not a train spotter you check me out on YouTube you'll find me there yeah all right all right take care it was all right he deserves a keyring not telling me what to do just interested just nosy just like we all are anyway let's move on you're not coming to me are you oh okay I was being polite and waited for you yep no problem mate have a good day you okay yeah the yellow one I've just been up there and took a photo of it yeah just go and have a look yeah I just said to him and I'm only taking a quick picture it says oh we're not really supposed to but yeah let's go for it go for it mate so he says he has never ever seen people taking a photo of the train and two arrive at once so do you believe him because I don't see it it says dr75 zero one two I think yeah seven five zero one two well no it sounds like you know more about it than me all right nice to meet you now you're fine mate you're fine do you know um when you unlock these and lock them up will it let you dump them anywhere um so basically just as long as it's not in a red parking zone so it'll come up on this like a map here so it will let you put them onto someone else's land so like if you wanted to dump it on their car park yeah would it let you or does it have to be on Council land yeah I think you can go on the problem really on private land yeah but I think as long as it's not in uh let's have a lot so it's like you see these these zones here all right busy shopping centers main roads you don't want to dump it on the road do you so as long as it's safe no matter whether it's a council road or private land you can dump them weird in it so you can take it right up to your work door and leave it in the back Garden yeah you can kind of yeah so that removes it from other people don't it so you can have it exclusively as your scooter if you wanted to yeah but then people would it would they would ring the skewer so it sets up an alarm on the scooter in your back garden and they might climb over and get it not even climb over like the people who work for the companies are coming for it in your house right or the or they'll just like knock on your door or something is that what they do to you I don't I don't bring these into my house right okay I've always wondered because I've always thought if these are able to be locked then it must be Council land so I can do my photos from any Council land you say so I said to him it must be Council because the scooters are here yeah I was wrong yeah nice one mate thanks for that I've learned something new today there you go is that right or is that wrong you can unlock well you can lock these end your session so you're no longer paying for it but it's not accessible to the public anymore because it's on private land I didn't know that [Music]
Channel: DJ AUDITS
Views: 53,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auditing britain, pj audits, uk audit, pinac, citizen journalist, 1st amendment audit, photography is not a crime, english auditor, citizen journalism, Audit the Audit, uk audits, british audits, filming in public, auditing, Photography Audit, dji mini 3, drone audit, industrial estate auditor, industrial estate youtuber, djimini3pro, djaudits, Bletchley High Output Depot
Id: soYMt1ZXoEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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