Theodor Morell Documentary - Biography of the life of Hitler's Doctor Theodor Morell

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] the man known to history as Theodor morale was born on the 22nd of July 1886 in the town of Munson burg in the central German state of Hesse er the second son of a primary school teacher Theodor enjoyed a relatively comfortable upbringing in his hometown and after completing his primary education studied medicine in Paris and later Munich until in 1913 he qualified as a doctor before serving as a ship's physician in the tropics he then served as a medical officer on the frontlines during World War one from 1917 to 1918 and after the conflict started his own medical practice in central Berlin where in 1920 he married a wealthy actress named Hana la mala shortly afterwards Theodor used his wife's fortune to invest in a new medical surgery in the German capital equipped with the finest state-of-the-art equipment in order to attract wealthy patients from Berlin's high society he soon became well known within Berlin and beyond for his unconventional treatments in relatively minor conditions specializing in bacterial medicine as well as the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases he was also renowned amongst Berlin's elite for his vitamin injections which provided undernourished patients with a much needed boost to their immune or metabolic systems and his fondness for the use of the needle later prompted hermann goering to give him the nickname bright injection master however if morels injections failed to produce the desired effects stimulants such as testosterone were often added to give his patient a short-term boost in the hope that they would come back for more which was a practice he would continue later in his career Morel had also over time honed his bedside manner which along with his own manufactured vitamin concoctions helped him to rise to fame amongst the German capital's well dear citizens until eventually he earned a healthy income Germany was in the late 19th century and early 20th century as it is today a world leader in both science and industry and the influence of the country's innovations around this time can hardly be exaggerated one of the most important and forgotten industrial sectors in which the German nation excelled was its pharmaceutical and chemical industries which pioneered many of the drugs both legal and otherwise that we know for better or for worse today many of the most common illegal drugs used throughout the world today were first discovered or synthesized in 19th century Germany including morphine cocaine heroin and amphetamines to name a famous few and some of their inventors even received Nobel prizes for chemistry today of course new drugs are subject to rigorous testing and trials before they are unleashed on to the general public but in 19th century Germany little attention was given to studying the long-term effects that drugs could have on the human body and mind however the short-term benefits of their use as well as their money-making potential were all that mattered leading to these powerful narcotics entering the everyday lives of people throughout the Western world often in colourful attractive packaging which promised to cure consumers ailments morphine based products for example were often used to calm people's nerves and drinks including one famous syrup based soft drink even contain cocaine which upon consumption lifted a person's energy levels and mood but also fueled sales through its addictiveness however it should be noted that the German chemical industry also produced important beneficial drugs such as aspirin which has certainly helped the lives of as many people as drugs such as heroin have destroyed all of these innovations and inventions combined with Germany's characteristically efficient industrial might soon made the country the center of the world's drug production and despite its economy being severely weakened after World War one his chemical industry remained strong by the late 1920s and early 30s German cocaine was also a multi-million marque industry as the country produced around 80 percent of the world's supply of the drug involving the mass import of South American coca leaves for processing this did however have a knock-on effect in producing tens if not hundreds of thousands of drug dependent people throughout Germany in turn making the country were at least its major cities famous for their narcotic fuel residence and the capital Berlin became particularly notorious during the 1920s however the collapse of the German economy and the widespread access of his population also fueled those of a nationalistic persuasion who wanted to save Germany from itself as well as outside influences leading to support of far-right groups increasing markedly in the 1920s and early 1930s one of these was the National Socialist German Workers Party led by the teetotal Adolf Hitler who stood in stark contrast to the many chemical consumers amongst the German population and it is fair to assume that the widespread excess of the German population in the 1920s had at least some effect on the Firoz anti drink and drug views at the time despite this Hitler could not have foreseen that the destiny of his future Third Reich not to mention his own destiny would in no small part be intertwined with that of the German chemical industry as both he his regime and Germany itself would over time become more and more dependent on its products for varying reasons the Fuhrer also went to great lengths to ensure that no poisonous substances entered his own body as he didn't drink alcohol smoked cigarettes and ate a simple plain meat-free diet often involving the consumption of large quantities of vegetables and beans which would in time have a knock-on effect of his digestive system and helped to bring fyodor morale into his life after the Nazi Party came to power in Germany in 1933 a clampdown was initiated on drug consumption throughout Germany leading to people being sent to concentration camps for excessive usage or dealing and the population at large became encouraged to inform those suspected of abusing substances these measures also included the restriction of the advertising of alcohol and tobacco in public as well as the advertising of the branded hard drugs which have been so readily available only a few years before by this time Theodore morels medical practice in central Berlin was thriving and he had little or no interest in the new political landscape in Germany as a consequence but this sense of security was shattered in early 1933 when morale arrived at his surgery one morning to find the word udin or Jew have been graffitied on to his practice sign which displayed his name the culprits were the Nazi party's SA who had incorrectly mistaken morale as a person of Jewish descent due to his seemingly stereotypical Jewish appearance this could have potentially been financially disastrous for him at the very least as there were many cases during the early years of Nazi rule in which Jewish doctors were ostracized by their local communities and their patients were encouraged to join practices headed by German doctors often by means of intimidation this prompted Morel to join the Nazi Party to avoid any further possible discrimination which in combination with his notoriety within Berlin's elite led to him receiving a phone call in 1935 summoning him to Munich to treat Adolf Hitler's personal photographer heinrich hoffmann forgot area being an expert in the treatment of the condition morale after making the journey south soon cured Hoffman and over the coming weeks added more prominent members of Hitler's inner circle to his list of patients these included Francisca Braun whose daughter Eva had worked as an assistant under Hofmann and was by this time the Firoz mistress morale was then shortly afterwards invited to a dinner at Hoffman's Munich villa where after meeting Hitler advised him on a possible treatment for the crippling stomach cramps he was suffering from and was subsequently invited to the Furies Bavarian retreat the Berghoff for a private consultation this then led to Morel treating Hitler with a combination of vitamins and supplements as well as muta floor containing bacteria extracted from human feces which produced a miraculous improvement in the Fuehrer's intestinal health prompting him to appoint morale as his personal physician in 1937 to start with at least the remedies that Murrell administered to Hitler were relatively harmless such as glucose injections which were meant to get the Fuehrer a boost of energy before important speeches or meetings however over the coming years as out of Hitler's physical and mental health deteriorated morale would eventually administer the Fuehrer with as many as two dozen injections or drug doses a day consisting in total of some 70 to 80 different medications some of which we know today to be highly dangerous or addictive but for the time being at least all was well in the world of Theodor morale as he was arguably now the most famous doctor in Germany and would through his connections with the Fuhrer inevitably stand to benefit financially he was also rewarded for his efforts by being given the gift of a luxurious house in one of Berlin's more exclusive districts but soon found out that in order to keep on living there he would have to buy it by means of monthly repayments it is no secret that many of the people who made up Adolf Hitler's inner circle hated one another a good number of which saw morale as an obstacle or rival for the Fury's attention and persistently tried to undermine him over the coming years this meant that for his own preservation Morell had to now keep Hitler healthy and their relationship from then on would largely consist of him seeking to maintain his patients approval by ever more unconventional or even desperate means indeed as World War two progressed the pressure and stress on Adolf Hitler would often result in Morel having to be available 24 hours a day and as the doctor started to administer Hitler with more potent substances his patient's health only declined further meaning that more medication was then required essentially so long as Hitler was healthy all was well but if his master became ill a Morel couldn't cure him his reason for being by Hitler's side would cease to exist whatever else Morel wants he was certainly studious in his record-keeping and it is due to this habit that we know about the medication he prescribed at of Hitler as he kept a daily journal which detailed every meeting he had with the Fuhrer whom he referred to as patient a along with every medication harmless or otherwise he introduced into his bloodstream and digestive system to start with the only medication surging through Hitler's veins were vitamins and during the mid to late 1930s which were arguably the most prosperous years of the Third Reich all seemed well Hitler was healthy and Germany was strong at least for the time being even though the production and sale of more traditional drugs such as cocaine have been restricted in the early years of Nazi rule man-made drugs such as unfetter means have been relatively untouched resulting in a boom during the early to mid 1930s this led to research being undertaken in new forms of the stimulant which was in part inspired by the widespread usage during the 1936 Berlin Olympics of the American made and feta mean Benzedrine which was an entirely legal performance-enhancing drug used by athletes at the time this research then culminated in 1937 in Germany's first methamphetamine being developed and then branded as pervert in which would over the coming years become the drug of choice of the entire Third Reich methamphetamines or crystal meth to give it its modern name is usually today ingested by smoking injection swallowing or snorting through the nose but in the case of pervitin was taken in pill form and curd until its sale was restricted to prescription only in the early 1940s be easily obtained in attractive red and blue tubes containing a dozen or so pills the effect of this drug upon consumption was to place the customer on a state of high alert nurse euphoria an increased energy for as long as 12 to 18 hours and also suppress the appetite which is the reason that amphetamines are still used in some countries to aid weight loss a widespread marketing campaign was then launched throughout Germany which pervert in was hailed as a cure for depression low energy levels and low blood pressure to name but a few and free samples were sent out on mass to hospitals and medical practices throughout the country to drum up potential business this miracle drug which was meant to cure all ills and replace all other drugs would come to have a massive effect on the population of the Third Reich and its armed forces as its usage would become widespread resulting in hundreds of millions of tablets being mass produced and distributed over the in years it is also no exaggeration to say that methamphetamine usage penetrated every level of German society doctors students mothers office workers and laborers took the drug in the shape of perverting in their Millions and it was even marketed in everyday consumables such as chocolate often at dangerous doses and off Hitler however had no need of man-made stimulants at this stage as in the late 1930s his highs were obtained from the planning and execution of military expansion and the observation of mass through parades from podiums the Fuhrer had even used chest expanders to perfect his Nazi salute as he would often have to wear parades in particular used both arms alternately was his goose-stepping troops and newly constructed Panzers filed past often for hours at a time in 1939 dr. morale was able to assist the creation of his master's infant Empire when the third president of Czechoslovakia Emil Hacha was summoned to berlin to sign a treaty of effective surrender meaning that german troops would be allowed to occupy his country unopposed hitler who was watching a film when hasher arrived kept the czech president waiting for hours and when their meeting finally started at 1:30 in the morning threatened to bomb Prague if he did not agree to the capitulation this resulted in hasher collapsing of a heart attack and Morel after being summoned by Hitler gave his newest patient to number of injections containing powerful stimulants which kept the President on his feet for long enough to sign the treaty and the next day German troops occupied Czechoslovakia however Hitler who seemed to have an addictive nature himself was not satisfied with the annexation of Czechoslovakia alone and over the coming months we'll also invade Poland prompting France and Great Britain to declare war on Germany starting World War two at this time the third right was seemingly strong at least from the outside looking in but it was by no means the invincible nation we often led to believe in 1940 its army was certainly highly trained and disciplined but was not vastly superior to that of France and Britons combined forces in numbers or quality and its tanks which were no doubt world-class in the later stages of the war were at this time mediocre to say the least Germany's economy an industrial base was also nowhere near capable of sustaining a prolonged war effort and would inevitably have it straight severely restricted by any war with France and Britain who controlled access to and from the North Atlantic Mediterranean and Indian Ocean via the Suez Canal because of these deficiencies it was deemed necessary by those who applied their mind to such problems for Germany's armed forces to obtain a quick victory by means of a lightning attack or blitzkrieg the strategy for which was first pioneered by famous advocates of the use of tanks such as Heinz Guderian blitzkrieg two major requirements were speed and a concentration of overwhelming force this meant that unlike the French and British who dispersed their tanks and aeroplanes along the entirety of the front the Germans would focus the majority of their firepower at a single point in order to punch a hole through the enemy lines who because of the dispersal of their forces would not have the numbers to stop the German armored spearhead from penetrating further indeed it was through blitzkrieg as well as a tactical and strategic brilliance that the German army conquered France in 1940 and not because of their supposed superiority in equipment or aeroplanes however the myth that the German army was unstoppable may have had some basis in fact as drunks and in particular methamphetamines would become widespread in its armed forces during the forthcoming invasion of France and beyond the usage of perverting had been under consideration for some time in the Vermont and experiment have been conducted under the supervision of dr. otto frederick ranker who was a director general of defense physiology at berlin's academy of military medicine this research resulted after approval was given by the Vale marked commander in chief of all to run brauch in the so called stimulant decree of April 1940 in which pervert him was distributed to army doctors in the lead-up to the planned invasion who then handed out the drug to the frontline troops this measure has until recently been largely ignored or even forgotten by many historians but it must given the sheer number of drugs involved have been one of the deciding factors in what would become one of the most famous and successful military invasions in the entire history of warfare the use of perverting during the attack which was launched in May of 1940 meant that entire tank divisions as well as Luftwaffe squadrons went for days without any sleep whatsoever meaning that Hitler's Val markt whose aim was to drive towards the English Channel after breaching French lines way would keep going and as a result further compound any allied efforts to stop them there is even one report of the now legendary German General Erwin Rommel who took pervert in himself during the invasion of France and at one stage is supposed to have driven his tank straight through a resting column of French troops literally crushing them in the process the advance of the Panzer divisions combined with the fact that Hermann Goering Luftwaffe were running rings around the Allied airforces in the skies above resulted within a matter of weeks in the entire front collapsing thusly making Hitler the master of Western Europe in the mass consumption of pervert in the German army had become the first in history to use the taking of drugs to aid its effectiveness which would after world war 2 be studied and copied by the British and Americans amongst others it is also important to remember that the German victory in France was one which was won by the German army itself and not Adolf Hitler as in the days following the breakout of the Panzer divisions generals at the head of the spearhead such as Heinz Guderian continued to act under their own initiative and it was only the furious famous order to halt the German advance that prevented the British from being utterly defeated around Dunkirk and the war being won also given the success of the invasion of France methamphetamine usage was bound to continue as Hitler who probably received his own fix of euphoric power fueled emotions after the victory turned his attention to the British and after failing to crush them in 1940 with the help of perverting fueled Luftwaffe pilots started to plan the battle which would define his life as well as the entire war in Europe the invasion of Russia Operation Barbarossa which began in June of 1941 followed the same pattern as the invasion of France but the roots of its failure at least in part were planted early on due to the German army or rather Adolf Hitler's divergence from the rules of blitzkrieg a good example would be that in France the plan to punch a hole in the Allied lines and then drive towards the English Channel was simple but in Russia the ver marked had to travel for thousands of miles not hundreds and there were many strategic goals not one or two this meant that the German army whose troops were during the initial onslaught wired to the extreme by their daily doses of pervitin would often have to dissipate its forces across large areas where in France they have been able to concentrate them in short in France there was convergence in Russia there is divergence this problem caused by the sheer scale of the Russian Interior over time planted doubts in the minds of the German High Command and in particular Hitler who after his armies were halted in the freezing Russian winter of 1941 sacked volta von Brauchitsch and made himself commander-in-chief in his place meaning that no strategic decisions could be made without his approval and simultaneously made the necessity that the furious health was maintained all the more important it should also be noted that even though the German armed forces widespread use of drugs may have had some effect on its fighting ability at least on an individual basis one cannot say with any certainty that their usage changed the outcome of the war one way or another Hitler's drug consumption on the other hand almost certainly played an important role in the collapse of the ver mark as many of the drugs he was prescribed by Fyodor Morel was so powerful that it is almost laughable to suggest that the fury's mood decision-making and indeed perception of reality as a whole were not affected this is essentially wife Theodore Morell's influence on Adolf Hitler is so important as it was Hitler's brain which now controlled every major decision of the German war effort it was also the same brain that would soon come under the influence of powerful stimulants and sedatives which surely severely affected his decision-making marell hand from August 1941 been seeing the Fuhrer on almost a daily basis and this routine would continue until April of 1945 in which patient a was given over 1,100 doses of medication including around 800 injections it should be noted however that these are just the meetings we have records of and there is good reason to believe the true number of treatments Adolphe Hitler received was much higher on the second day of Operation Barbarossa Hitler arrived at his East Prussian headquarters to Wolf's Lair with his personal physician in tow the newly constructed headquarters was located at the Manchurian forest surrounded by marshes leading to morale to complain that the setting was damp and unhealthy in his journal however Hitler's Eastern headquarters would be the nerve center of his war in the east over the next 40 years and many of the treatments Marella ministered to patient a were given here initially the Fuhrer was contented in his isolated HQ and his life at this time was entirely consumed with military matters however it soon became increasingly cleared that the Soviet Union would not collapse after a matter of weeks as Hitler had predicted and despite hundreds of thousands of Russian troops being killed or captured there were always more men and more territory in front of the Germans as the war in the East progressed or rather regressed pervitin was used just to make the freezing winter conditions bearable and to prevent exhaustion rather than provide the troops with a war-winning performance-enhancing chemical boost further signs then Hitler was beginning to suffer from the stress of the responsibilities he had undertaken first manifested themselves around the time of the onset of the Russian winter in 1941 which culminated in the vermeil traversal around Moscow in December during this period Morel administered the Fuhrer with various concoctions of his own making the most notable of which consisted of testosterone extract from the testicles of young bulls this medication was supposed to increase his sex drive as despite claims to the contrary Hitler according to Morel at least had an active sex life with his mistress Eva Braun so much so that the doctor stated that he on numerous occasions found bruises on the arms and body of patient a caused by Ava's dominant sexual role-playing Hitler had also due to his vegetarian diet suffered for years with what Morrell described as colossal flatulence and also according to his dental records terrible breath which certainly must have added to the unpleasantness his subordinates suffered during the fear is increasingly regular verbal tirades the doctor had previously attempted to treat patient days intestinal problems with a tablet named dr. Kostas anti gas pills which was later in 1944 found to contain the highly toxic strychnine and may have resulted in him developing the symptoms of jaundice from 1943 Morrell began to inject Hitler with an opioid called Yuka doll a drug similar to heroin which was used to relieve severe pain spasms but which if used in the correct dosages did not sedate the patient but in fact gave him or her drastically increased energy levels Yuka d'Or was however highly addictive which made Morrell think twice about administering it however at this time Hitler was suffering from severe pain which the doctors usual remedies had not alleviated and the Fuhrer had a high-level meeting with Mussolini that day which he needed to be on top form for Morel decided that the drugs used was necessary and was no doubt relieved when Hitler's symptoms evaporated within minutes at the first injection and he returned to his work with renewed vigour and energy Hitler then later insisted the morale give him another injection of the drug which he reluctantly agreed to leading to Hitler talking constantly for three hours at rather than with Mussolini during the conference eyewitness accounts expressed embarrassment at Hitler's behavior at this meeting as it was clear that he was under the influence of drugs as Hugh time and again would not allow the Italian dictator to speak but no one had the courage or influence to talk to the Fuhrer about his strange behavior and in the coming days weeks and months Morell who could not deny the clearly addicted Hitler his daily doses of yuca Dahl had now ceased to be a physician I was now instead his master's drug dealer he also complained in his journal that he often had to administer injections and treatments to Hitler quickly due to his schedule meaning that he would often give patient a very high doses of powerful drugs around this time morale began to administer his master with the deceptively named vitam Olten which essentially has a combination of water caffeine and methamphetamine which immediately banished a patient a sleep and increased his energy levels indeed many in Hitler's general staff as well as Ava Braun were patients of morels as well as Mussolini and many others including the famous filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl who almost unbelievably was the recipient of numerous morphine enemas the Fuhrer had even recommended his doctor to other Nazi Party leaders for most of them including the SS leader Heinrich Himmler simply dismissed him as a quack on one occasion Himmler obtained one of the tablets that Morel was giving to Hitler and had it tested by his own SS doctors who found that vide to molten also contained methamphetamine despite this Hitler whose word was final will continue to support his personal physician to the very end possibly because he was one of the few people in his life who made him feel better as opposed to those around him who only ever brought him bad news during the Nazi occupation of Russia morale used his connections within the regime to initiate the formation of his own drug empire this involved the acquisition of factories plants and abattoirs which would them with the help of the state transport network gather animal parts as well as other ingredients from all over the german-held territories which were then upon delivery distilled refined and manufactured into morels own branded hormone and vitamin supplements these would then be sold on by the millions to state agencies such as the military and the SS which along with the large amounts of money he was receiving from his top Nazi patients made Morel rich however his pharmaceutical enterprise soon fell apart when the Soviets began to recapture territory from the Germans in the last part of the war which hampered the doctors supply chain and combined with Allied bombing of Germany's industrial centers effectively ended morels business along with the Third Reich's narcotics and drugs production as a whole by 1944 Hitler's health was spiraling rapidly as he must have known deep down that the Reich was doomed and it is difficult to see how he could continue in his role when he surely must have felt near constant depression despair anger and fear one possible solution for the fear is continued drive his drugs as Morel was by this time administering potentially dangerous combinations of powerful narcotics which could often counteract each other's effects this was potentially very dangerous as the simultaneous application of two or more potent narcotics is known today to often have fatal consequences a good example would be the infamous speedball in which cocaine and heroin are taken together and has resulted in the untimely deaths of numerous celebrities in recent decades in Hitler's case these dangerous mixtures came in the shape of Yuka doll and vitam Alton as well as other stimulants which provided him with the energy he needed to get through each day but inevitably resulted in him often staying up until the early hours of the morning meaning that sedatives were then required one of the most potent of these was braum nervous it a powerful bromide based sedative which would often result in patient a sleeping until well into the afternoon although there were also times later in the war when the Fuhrer was receiving combinations of cocaine and new kadal in 1944 morale was confronted with a new rival for Hitler's attention in the shape of dr. Irving G Singh who was called in to treat the fear as perforated eardrums after the infamous failed assassination attempt undertaken by Klaus von Stauffenberg at the Wolf's Lair D Singh who was an ear nose and throat specialist then prescribed Hitler with pure German made cocaine solution which was damped inside his nostrils and throat to relieve his pain this resulted in the next two months and more often than not at the Fury's insistence engi Singh administering up to 50 doses which also had the added effect of lightening Hitler's mood and energy levels along with his blood pressure and heart rate cocaine is also well known for giving its taker feelings of euphoria self-confidence as well as a loss of inhibitions which no doubt also must have altered his perception of reality Leasing however soon became concerned that his patient was becoming addicted to cocaine and in early October 1944 refused to administer the drug again until Hitler had been given a full medical check-up the Fuhrer reluctantly agreed and after the examinations and tests were done Hitler insisted that his doctor alleviate the pressure in his head by giving him another dose of the drug Gissing did so but administered such a high dose that according to the doctors own accounts hitler fell to the floor and suffered near respiratory failure in short if ki singh's accounts are true Adolphe Hitler nearly died of a cocaine overdose after this near-fatal incident Hitler seems to have given up cocaine and instead returned to his old friend Hugh kadal upon which he quickly became dependent over the winter of 1944 to 1945 by this time the furious arms were covered in lines of pus filled scabs known as track marks due to the sheer number of injections he was receiving and combined with this he also suffered from convulsions constipation and insomnia not to mention his emotional or psychological problems which were no doubt massive in short during the winter and spring of 1945 the drugs which flowed through the furies veins included Yuka doll methamphetamine in the shape of voter Moulton and pervert in morphine muta floor and braum nervous it amongst other less potent substances however as the noose was steadily and remorselessly tightened around the neck the Third Reich in the early spring of 1945 these drugs became more and more scarce until by the last day of Hitler's life all chemical supplies had run dry a possible consequence of Hitler's drug supply ending can be seen in the last footage that was taken of Adolf Hitler alive outside of the furies bunker in Berlin in 1945 in which Hitler's left hand is shown to be shaking uncontrollably this has since been diagnosed by many as Parkinson's disease but could have conceivably been caused by drug withdrawal as morels impending departure combined with the destruction of Germany's pharmaceutical industry meant that Hitler had to go cold turkey in the last weeks of his life ironically the last drug marell prescribed to his patient would be the one that combined with a bullet would kill him a some accounts state that it was Hitler's physician and not as other account state Himmler's SS that provided Hitler and Eva born with their cyanide pills with which they ended their lives on the 30th of April 1945 Morell who had escaped Berlin in the days before Hitler's death was captured and was interrogated for nearly two years by the Americans stating afterwards that he had been tortured and had his toenails pulled out even if his claims are untrue the interrogation and fear of potentially being executed for war crimes must have caused morale a lot of anxiety which combined with the massive stress and pressure he had been under over the last decade as well as his unhealthy lifestyle culminated in his death on the 26th of May 1948 in Bavaria it is unclear whether Theodore morale administered Adolf Hitler with such dangerous concoctions of drugs out of ignorance or desperation as he either had no knowledge of their potential dangers or on the other hand was simply attempting to provide his master with short-term fixes to his health in the shape of hard drugs in full knowledge that no cure was possible until recently the full scale of drug taking in the Third Reich has been relatively unknown however uncovered records including Theodore morels accounts of his treatment of Adolphe Hitler show that narcotic consumption in the Third Reich was widespread as this information is relatively newly found the effect of the widespread use of drugs in Nazi Germany is no more than educated conjecture at this time we can however say with some certainty that out of Hitler's decision-making was affected by the incredibly powerful combinations of opiates and stimulants he was prescribed on a near daily basis by Theodore Morel for at least three years and it is hard to argue that these did not have at least some effect on his judgment in summary it has often been the case over the last 70 to 80 years that historians and indeed the general public look at the decisions and actions that Adolphe Hitler and his Nazi regime made during the existence of the Third Reich as insane or just simply evil although this is still no excuse for the atrocities perpetrated during the Third Reich when observed through the prison's of widespread drug taking and narcotic use that causes all reasons for many of the more extreme and inexplicable decisions taken by adolphe Hitler and those under him can be potentially seen in a new light the exact extent of the effect the narcotics usage had during World War two is still unknown but given that today we know more about the effects that these powerful drugs have on the human mind and body it is difficult to conclude and they did not have a considerable effect on the outcome of World War two and the history of the second half of the 20th century as a result [Music] you
Channel: The People Profiles
Views: 281,281
Rating: 4.6502004 out of 5
Keywords: Theodor Morell, Dr. Morell, Doctor Morell, Theodor Morell Documentary, The life of Theodor Morell, Biography of Theodor Morell, Historical, Documentary, Biographical, Biography, The life of, Hitler's doctor, the fuhrer's doctor, fuhrer's doctor, Hitler, Adolf, Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer, the Fuhrer, World War Two, Second World War
Id: qGIsjHS1pTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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