#TheLoveHour | Dream Again w/ Tabitha & Chance Brown

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[Music] hello everybody hello there I thought I forgot about you I did not have a chance I'm Kevin this is Melissa ripping and running and trying to hang and listen a car with no oil don't run that was great thank you guys so much for joining us for the love our podcast if you are new here thank you so much for clicking on our video the love our podcast is hosted by Kevin and myself where we talk about life love the pursuit of happiness and we just share some of our struggles and you know real life thanks gonna be going on and sometimes we have awesome amazing guests and today is no different here with us today we have tabatha and chance brown introduction to them we are so excited you guys have overwhelmingly put in requests for me to have them on the podcast so I am so ecstatic that I was like oh yeah here's my phone number like let's go ahead and get a pocket I was so excited and this is gonna be just a real to get to know you type of you know combo say Shawn so for those of you who may be unfamiliar which I do not know how but let's say by happenstance you just been living under a rock and you are unfamiliar with to have a chance can you guys please do an introduction hmm I am tabatha Brown it's my husband Chan I am an actress and vegan food influencer on social media yeah we do Fridays with Gavin chance Julie do the song oh my gosh that was great so like I said we are just really going to like have a low-key conversation and get to know you guys you guys are behind you know Friday's with having chance so I mean obviously you guys have so much chemistry and dynamics so how long have y'all been married and what your lips are telling all the Jews live together for 22 years married for 17 I'm glad I'm glad she said it first [Laughter] we grew up together I've no chance since yeah same hometown but you know we just thing go to the same elementary in middle school and he was my boyfriend actually in eighth grade oh yes where did you where did you grow up that before you tell the story I eat in North Carolina okay Eden oh come on very very small yeah a small town still today I think it's like 26 27 which is a lot name mmm one high school you know one high school one in junior high school and back then it was one middle school but yeah so we we was uh pretty girlfriend in eighth grade he was you know my first real a little boyfriend six years older than me right she came to me right at the music desert good to me she said girl it's a whole bunch of boys over there at the high school you don't want no boyfriend when you go over there I'm like really she was a year you don't want a boyfriend side so chance I say hey listen my sister says a lot of boys over they I didn't laugh that's it and so we don't have to break up cuz I gotta go over and see what's going on you know we got over there and one nobody over there yes but he was so mad at me he wouldn't talk to you no matter as I'm surprised he ever married you I would the truth hurt lied to me don't tell me the truth you know and when you walk by me you not be like honey you're not burning but I always get this little pain in my stomach when I would see this be this pain it would sting in my stomach and I remember in 10th grade cuz she has played basketball I was at a basketball game me and my mom sitting in the bleachers and he was hugged up with his girlfriend okay and I remember looking and I was like oh I don't know what you doing that for like what she was like I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen I said what she was like that little girl won't get free I have a baby but that's your husband I said oh you don't know me very well and she said I'm just telling I was like and so Nina senior year we started to kind of become friends again he needed help with a project that Matt gave you you were in punishment for three years reason I talked to I needed to finish my senior project graduation day my momma said don't get chance bringing movi I want to take a picture both y'all you cap and gown and we use the situate mama had a conviction about this mom was a prophet gray you and I will watch this y'all don't hear me cap and gown it was the least you can do it as soon as the reason I graduated you know college Riley and say no and I was you know going to college in Miami in Florida and there was a my girlfriend a going-away party cuz everybody was so in there and in my mind I really thought when I left to go to Miami and my mind was I I'm just big of my mom just had all these dreams and I just you know live back in my hometown and when I saw Matt the party I had this breakdown and almost like the last time I'll ever see him that was my friend I'm trying to rub it in and you'll see me no more that's [Laughter] broke I woke up one night about 2:00 in the morning he was only person I could think about so I start replaying all these thoughts every time I would see him I'd had that pain mm-hmm all the different balls and I have maybe even what my mama said could it be true then I even thought of like why did I get so emotional when yeah I've said goodbye to him and I said maybe I'm in love with him and so my best friend and his best friend both were in college at Howard mm-hmm it's literally 2:30 in the morning I called my best friend wake up gross an emergency I gotta get Al's numb so I can get chance Norma's an emergency get his number about three o'clock or so call his dorm over Norman's to somebody else it's about old clock uh it's an emergency I need to speak to chance Brown so he get on the phone and I say listen you ain't got the same in this tale but I think I'm in love with you so I start telling him all these things that I just need you know I had when I would see you at Heather's pain and when I you know let you say goodbye to you I broke down all these things I don't know but I think I think I'm in love with you and if you don't think that I'm crazy call me back tomorrow thanks I could just see here okay she did all this talking because I was I was it was dishonest I'll just cuz we shared you know looking at me like I did a long dramatic Paul not blames on my tab right right no agency chance we had chance to work under the same Jim I was wondering why he was so strong like he was working out together but he really has a great body and then we're at home the whole time and it comes at no surprise we're all stuck in our homes for a while or the complacency guys coordinated more ever to stay active to keep moving Beachbody on demand is an easy streaming easy to use streaming service that gives you instant access to over 1,300 super effective workouts suited for anybody at any time it's even Keating results is getting started listen man cannot go to the gym you can workout in the same gym we got a workout at home and meet body is able to help you at home p90x insanity 21 day fix this is for you to keep at to keep the blood flowing you see chance he's in good shape you see me I need to get in good shape this is the company 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this number no and he said I speak Spanish only right oh I had four roommates they all spoke Spanish but the one who lived in the room with me and shared the phone with me she spoke no English okay go to class and I came back and I was like Ana anybody called for me she said no I said no no listen somebody called for me baby she said no no I said oh my god you know we had a call I'd be on the phone I was like oh my god I said in the house all day waiting and waiting by 5:30 my phone rang you know it didn't even ring all the way crazy for me as a compliment I wish you don't know is what that day was like me please tell him it got to me I hate man I love this woman since they've grade I just my feelings you know you know how it is kids oh yeah did you know see I see some life changes brother had a baby and I'll let doing that theory you know doing that day after she called me man I can go to one class I had to consult with one of my closest friends and I listened to it that's when Wu Tang was out I went from listening to Wu [Music] I call but you know I still try to play tough when I call no we agreed it we were just needed song can see what would happen and it was honking you know it was homecoming we saw each other and didn't really click [Music] [Laughter] we didn't talk anymore we didn't call each other in spring break camp and I was home I was right you know I'd see the town yeah and I wrote one of his best friends without Kevin Kevin is always a good part of the story right over there now my I hadn't seen him since that last November and I put into the driveway he came out when I think he realized it was my car when I pulled up so you know he tried to post up [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] hey my boy hit my boy got on the phone real quick yeah and you say hey about the bring me to your house I was like you know we just started talking and literally from that day yeah now this is a good store because sometimes you want people people want it to be storybook the whole way you know and marriage is in like that like and so me Melissa's been together a long time as well and people are so cute so cute but the longer you are together the more likely you have some peace and you don't get to 20 years together 17 years man like every year is not perfect and cotton candy and cake some of them years were tough some of the months are tough you know so I'd love to hear those stories that are like feel like storybook but you know it is good but sometimes the middle get a little bit rocky you know that was that was so freakin great fantastic man I was on emotional roller coaster dad it [Music] we got together this one did it cuz he was on spring break I had quit college right I had I decided I'm going on a different path so I was home and he didn't have no way back to school it was like a two-hour drive and I said I take mmm and that made his mama look at me like used to make me take her back to school too soon as I got my first car there they take her back I don't even go good literally the day before it was I take her back her back I said if you love her and beat her up and bigger from the first day I got that car for years together I mean at 19 years old no 19 if we were doing things like you know real grown folk came here the first time when we were 19 I moved to Orange County in 98 I got quit school and mm-hmm again something woke me up and I called my dad as he did I'm daddy wasting your money of you come on get me and my daddy literally was like I get off on Friday I be done there Saturday morning at 13 I would drive hmm and so I was trying to figure out how to pursue this acting thing and so I had got accepted to college in Chicago but didn't have no financial aid so couldn't go I'm going to California chance I'm just gonna go and I'm gonna go make and so he was still in school but had was thinking about going to the military and I'm glad you don't wanna go no military so we got into an argument about there but I was like well I'm going to California and I'm gonna go make it in Hollywood and so after when I got in Chicago to call him he was out Community College oh why why he over there during that time he was working two jobs living on you trying to you got what I'm doing he was having some hard time trying to figure things out but he had this baby half a job and I pay this - oh you for eighth grade ninth grade you first that's back child support for you [Laughter] he was like yeah that's what it was paper yeah we could we walked in it's like the music stopped it was exactly like those movies when you seeing people laugh it I don't find humor in that stuff these days yeah yeah I remember that and I remember I was awaken that was a there was a moment in my life that I'll never forget I walked in there and and it literally the mood change it's time to go it was it was you know we get back to North Carolina the goal was one year to stay in save up money the one year turned into five years a baby you know new responsibilities yeah and really for me to forgotten dream I don't now I got all these responsibilities pursue acting anymore right chance was in the music and so he had built studio in our house and you know we were doing I woke up one morning something had shook my being like like earthquake him in the bedroom like [ __ ] my bed and when I woke up I felt like my skin was burning and I heard a voice that sounded like thunder and it said this is not the life I plan for you Wow yeah I got scared and I got on my knees I said no Lord this is you talking to me I need you to show me a sign today you make it plain yeah I'm gonna go to crazy house and just surrender myself yeah I told chance what happened and chance was like but I asked him to show me a sign today and so we later that day was going to the mall and on the radio Buster Brown who's Abhijit came on his new TV show on The WB network and I'm holding auditions looking for female co-host in high town about having no auditions I went crazy in the car I was like that's my sign you know that's it I'm going to that audition and I booked it and so that's what got me dreaming again hosted and so I doing theater again started doing film and then I went the tens I said babe now it's time for a he was like did you see what you see even when she said you were like let's go back and save some money that's my fear Florrie she we have planted roots we bought a house we have children and I want to hear the rest of it well it makes so much more sense at 19 in my uh we're young we're crazy the older you get you got kids in school and emerging on strong is hard because now people looking at you crazy and kind of rightfully so because people don't do that like there's a certain time of your life you do that and even then it don't make sense but then you guys we were coming down here people is like you're leaving Boeing both your work at Boeing your kids are in private school you own a home you know you gotta have crazy that's how I listen because I look at me now [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] three months and so we got here and been on the grind and ups and downs and ins and outs oh my god this should be sixteen years with India so what was it like when you got here cuz I know part of your story that's going around now is it's kind of like a dream twofer you know like I've seen some of your clips on acting you're not I first saw crazy enough we know some of the same people and we didn't even realize it you know let's eat Aaron him and the girl carrados everybody knows everybody every everybody the girls were the first people that watch our boys now the girls are in college I just can't deal with it that's men but um you know on tick tock you have blown up y'all I first saw y'all well it was tabbing her brother so was the dude renegade and then I went on take talk to make dad joke see you were just going crazy up there but take us back because this is the part now but take us back to when y'all was struggling and walk us through how you got from there to here well you know when we first got you you know when when you hear the voice of God right and you hear this thing in when you hear boys it sounds like thunder that says this is nothing like when you you know something is waiting yeah we get there it's not to be on that's the realization that we had to like these people they wait on you at all looking out for you you are just one this city choose people's dreams up and spits them out and you don't nobody care no I can't tell you how many people done came here move and I feel bad cuz it some last three weeks three months three years but you gotta have right we first came we were here just a couple months and my mom saw her getting sick back in North Carolina so my whole world stopped beginning mm-hmm next three years I went back and forth to North Carolina they help take care of my mom until she passed and during that process chance was in the police academy which was the private hardest time in his life yeah so I'm dealing with my mom transitioning he's dealing with that weird arts every you know we don't need to see each other we fighting all the time together but we ain't together cuz we know the roughest time in finances what finance right you know he took that job the original plan was you gonna you know go take this job and it's got good benefits and you know the pay is good so that I can pursue my dream and be a black and then i'ma blow up and you're not just taking out of it literally the same person don't you even worry about my pay your job off it conversations with Kevin verbatim how I thought things right and so you know after my mom passed away I'm kind of you know I jumped right into doing as much as I can and bunch of like indie films I'm gonna be like five back to back features but they were in these decimal BOTS Buster was a bangin you know straight the blockbuster yeah you hope some of those movies died but still oh small victories never anything be I never really put the beat theme hey let me jump in right here oh yeah however and I'm sure you can relate to this Melissa everytime she booked any little thing it was the thing that was gonna take don't know a whole lot about the industry right I don't know a lot about the industry so in the beginning I was like okay what does that mean I'm always like what does that mean and she would be oh nine ten and then nothing [Music] [Applause] my little money and everything yo when I have my family a movie premiere 700 people in there I had 32 come sit together at least so we can take a picture I'll just crop out the rest of it I just did get to a point where it's just impossible for you to match his energy when he come home with excitement and then he get he get bothered by you come in we bout to make you pay just the one you ain't excited with me why don't you believe me what are these seven failures related to a couple more than right now [Applause] looks like I'm on TV after our commercial the mailbox - looks like somebody was right about something it was not that we did not believe that say that but how long can a person hold this expression is hard to hold that expression cuz it hurts your skin cold hard truth guys your skin has needs yeah don't look as good as possible for as long as possible you need to address them now we get it you might not know where to start but there's a company that's taking all the guesswork out of it for you and that's lumen lumen is on a mission to take all the guesswork out of it for you lumens mission is to help give men that's me and you chance dream killer the amazing skin deserve to high quality expert product right to your door listen I'm sick of using malicious stuff I ain't using no more serums my looming stuff came in my beard moisturize my skin moisturize I'm looking good easy to use smells good everything is good I love the skin moisturizing I love the way my skin feels my favorite is the no-nonsense charcoal cleanser it makes my skin feel good and cleanse and it smells amazing and I get my own facials and now she can't use my stuff the no-nonsense charcoal cleanser is the one for me it's not just about looking good it's about feeling good you need good skin health especially as you get over to prevent long-term damage you deserve to look and feel your best and here's your way to start go to lumen skin calm / love to get a one month free trial everything you need to start your skin current skin care journey at home that's lumen skin calm / love to get your first month free lumen skin calm / love that was fantastic by the way you feel crazy until somebody be crazy like you you be like I told you hours and I feel like in order to make it in this industry you have to have some sort of insane belief here because there's a crazy amount of rejection now you face and you really got to keep out and the thing I tell people is when you audition they don't even tell you you didn't get it they you just don't hear nothing man I've seen things I auditioned for thought I was hearing back and now I'm watching the episode you know where I didn't put any big grapes no any we decided to take a break and have another baby was like what I told you know what I know for sure Hollywood ain't going away when I get back yeah have another baby and when he got a regular nine-to-five job some caps any income coming in at that time and that was the plan for that was imma work this job for two years people back in some act and I could the baby this morning I got stuck and that's the only that I started doing videos that's right trying to do stand-up right before I start getting sick that's no chance I see it now I got they say it's easier for comics got a whole new career forget the indie but you know with that yeah I enjoy when I know what a joke and at this point and I'm sure you to Melissa you go through all of this with these crazy people and it kinda you kind of all you talk about Hollywood you talk you got involved into into you take a liking to it that you're crazy people you know what I mean so it's like and with me if I got a stressful job you know and I'm dealing with world issues and all you know so I can't I can't dream the waiting my wife drink hey right it is not it wouldn't I don't think it's healthy with my line of work for me so she's my dog in the fight is what I'd like to say mmm so when she was doing the comedy thing it was like me being on the stage so yeah a different kind of thing and I felt like she was controlling her own destiny and it was opening the door but people who truly see who she really is it's an act right yeah it's not like what I would have to see her conform to when she was going to the audition right right so it was four years I would get offended yeah I hated anything because I'm rooting for my wife yeah you know I would hate knowing everybody in my house would be honest with so but with the comedy thing it was kind of confirming what I was thinking I was always telling her babe don't I'll be yourself yeah be yourself and when she got on the stage I was like you do you hear how these people responded that's you yeah they trying to mold you into be oh hey you know I was invested a little bit more in a different way I've always supported her but I was invested a little bit more when she got up on that stage that was fun to me I love ya find your voice right because all these years even from working corporate America and and I was so happy accident yeah be a certain size where your hair one way so I mean you go back look at my always trying to pity me just be yourself like ain't no cuz this is what they won't yeah it wasn't you I couldn't stand up I couldn't audition I couldn't do anything over a year and a half and I literally thought I was gonna die I was and I had my come-to-jesus moment in the bathroom where I asked I said God if you heal me who can have me you can have me and I would go on this journey at him and it'll only be what you tell me to do and a couple weeks later I had a dream and I saw myself on a show and in this dream I was free I had my hand a little afro I was spoke with my accent I was just happy and so I woke up and I was like Lord now my dreams have always met some need to come to pass or they show me signs and I prayed and I said God now I know here audition in fam in this moment I'm sick what what was that and I heard a voice to say I start doing videos and I was like videos if you did videos you weren't taking serious uh-huh oh no that was absolutely true yeah one point I had won an Oscar okay and I was above a video in my mind I don't know it was long resume I hate but then but God was very adamant he said start doing videos I was like videos why would I do a video yeah and he said and then when you I would do a stand-up trying to get a show he was reaching 15 30 people a night he stored on I co to reach thousands and minutes and I got up the same exact thought I had why there's only 300 people max at this comedy club that can ever see me the Internet is endless I could 300 views is low in for a video yeah that's a massive 300 people I gotta get in front of more people the Internet is bigger than comedy clubs fighting against it though because I was just so hesitant and then God reminded me said remember a couple weeks ago you told me whatever I ask of you I hear you and I was like oh you caught me on a bad day girl gotta be petty sometimes when he remind you of you already tell you the guy you have to do me like that you'd be talking like that oh look where you are you did all that to come right back to me that is literally the only reason I started doing videos and when I first thought it would be 30 people watching couple hundred views I've like really lured a thousand damn it's like what are you what a thousands it and we were broke of where I would look I am no say the chance was still working but I have been on disability for over here hmm now that I was feeling that I thought we did a 30 day vegan challenge after watching what the hell and that's what made me start feeling better and after that I told chance I was like I think I'm gonna go beacon okay you know we did it together with you 30 days together right the first 10 days the headache I had had every single day for a year and seven months disappeared Wow feeling better day after day after day and so we got to the 29th date not so a chance I said I know that this was a 30 day vegan challenge but I know tomorrow is over but I think this is my path I'm gonna go vegan and change babe tomorrow I'm gonna need a piece of chicken I need a piece of chair this chicken on my calendar I got a drawing of a drumstick that may change your life and you have to be willing to go on it alone I was like okay this that's cool for you but this is my journey I'm I'm going be in the moment I said it out my mouth the same voice I had heard that told me to start doing videos whispered in my ear and said now tell people were to eat and that's little I was like oh Lord I gotta go ahead and tell people I'm woman beating and like permanently in the process of us doing i30 they had also shaved off all my hair you know I'm born beginning when I do I just tell you all about these vegan options that I find so I will cook in my kitchen you know when I found my videos you know yes yeah and I believe that right so that December 30th when I was dropping somebody off at Whole Foods and I'm still new on my vegan journey I said having good vegan options I'm going give me some some breakfast put myself on a break okay it had a TTL a sounds with vegan bacon I was like oh I never heard of it timbi bacon let me let me try it at a pimple and they said in my car cuz I'm on my break paint the first half of the sound was so fast another video never seen our pop on and be like man [Laughter] in four days Whole Foods reached out and I partner with him and became their brand ambassador right and after that every time I went live it was thousands of minutes every time I posted a video thousands of minutes right and not only that don't forget I sat in my car eating the sandwich doing my video I said I'm gonna get discovered in your car hey it's okay I guess what I be doing now you know what time it is chance I don't want to be an old video don't ask me know nothing nasty like can you schedule tell me where you're going live oh I already put the lights all you got to do is walk in in March okay tell my story Mason great great and with doing well my daughter was I - you don't know where would I you don't take that with them kids she was like cuz you you're so like loving yourself I think you feel mom figure on that way there's a man from Whole Foods reach I was like you ever thought about getting on tips I get on I really do listen but here's the thing this is what I love tab the reason you work is working because you are you and there ain't nobody else like you on I'm gonna take time all day it is the same type of video over and over it same dance challenge saying everything nobody's doing not quite is kept out hang on hold you I haven't seen some chefs trying your top you I could give you my rolodex but you can't make the cause I could make it ain't me listen there's I get it right that's how the industry is but you can't do what's happened ooh it's just something about her you don't have her voice she got the area oh is that TTL a I see a lot of our fans who watch us on patreon say I've been watching taps of TTL a I called it a late it's on hold who's changed the name butter sandwich and you said uh it was only available here in Southern California but they rolled it out nationwide within 30 days and it sold out every day for six months in a challenge yes yeah yeah oh man and ain't drove over since that day yeah Wow yeah crazy and that's the truth that's the guy shooting in you don't tick-tock my videos started going viral that first week in you know I got a million follow within the first month but I made some carrot bacon that's how that that's the second video look the renegade one is the first one I saw and I was like that looked like me and list trying to be with our kids which is really relatable like babies baby dancing fast on tick tock ain't got a lot of movies I just can't keep and then I saw the carrot bacon and I was like and that's I've seen the sushi one you may with the carrots use the carrots and then use the other side of the trash it's so good but yeah but that can't bacon I think in maybe a week or a couple days ahead like 12 million views Wow just went crazy and the crazy thing is Adam made that kid making on Facebook out amazing nobody said man I mean they thought it was great but I made it on tick tock and it just went crazy and that's how this whole new wave in the last you know 30 days it's taking off and it blessed us and that's what opened the doors for me for I mean the coronavirus of course shut everybody down so people have been drawn to their phones into you know yeah and I always you know I'm jokingly say the Lord said let me shut the world out so they can see you but literally it has blown my mind I mean it literally opened doors they're only got you know man so if it crazy cuz I think so I used to tell Melissa I thought I was gonna be a great long before just NBA I thought it was that that wasn't it I've the dreams right the vehicles wrong I mean I can hoop but not lot like they could but is it what is it like to finally see the success in a in a industry that didn't even exist when you came here when you were 19 that didn't even exist at all in any shape or form when you first came what does that like I mean it didn't even exist when we came back and forth right holy Sh oh did it I mean we had my space but it won't like this no there were no influences on my space no um you know it feels purposed right it was like God's purpose for me mmm because it was never my intention right this is something that he used to bring me forth and to make my you know dreams into a reality but the it still blows my mind right and say all the times like these people just be watching us the watch I'm like he closed my mind yeah it blows my mind every day and to just be able to be myself yeah breathe I'm so so grateful so berry thing mm-hmm because I mean you know I did it wrong for a long time yeah I did it wrong for a long time but I'm thankful that I did it that way because now I have a story to tell right ya know and I can hopefully help other people who are just starting to do it wrong say I'm gonna go down that route you are no you know that's definitely what it has done it has let me know and confirm for me I'm enough I've always been enough my husband has always said they just beat you so man you know he rubs it in my face sometimes like you're not told you could have but I told you you know what's great about this this is what I really like about you guys it doesn't work if there's two tabs or two chances or two Me's or - Melissa's you need that balance of crazy and and able to do it cuz I would make predict if Melissa didn't real me back in there's no telling what I would do you know and and you need the tab to be like man we don't do this because then it creates opportunities that just regular you know the Java you should don't create you know I mean so but we couldn't have done it without I could have done it without Melissa tap could have done with and a lot of times in those dark days it ain't know this person is your number one fan your first follower who as far as you want every platform and when the video speak they like oh well shoot me you know we got to get back out there you know what I mean like when I have a bad said Melissa there have been times Melissa been like this job ain't working cuz you ain't did that's why NZ you used to do it like that and I'm not on your right and then like just fixed it like that and and that's what people don't understand people I was like man how did you do it with the family like I couldn't do it without a family I wouldn't that's my foundation that's my my grounding that's what keeps me humble I ain't out here chasing women and all that I come home to to to dinner and laughing and kids and you not I mean like for me that's what it what makes it you know worthwhile and if I lost all of it you'll be like say now it's crazy man when we have a nice house we talk about it all the time but you know you grow and thank God for the wisdom that comes along 100% I have a question that I think might be a fun question since like literally I am chance Kevin estab thank you crave from each other what have you learned like from her dreaming mind that she is what have you learned or gleaned over the course of your marriage from her and then what have you learned you know what I mean the opposite does my question make sense yeah okay so what would have I learned from her being a dreamer yes hmm the God is real thank God I wasn't raised in the church couldn't give you a scripture couldn't you know I can't tell you much outside of I've always known that he was real but my face was kind of delicate but I literally remember my mother-in-law prophesizing and my wife telling me things are coming to pass every day every day and watching her throughout this process 22 years yeah there's no way that we could be right here where we are today if there's no God if and when I say it's been dead on like literally I remember my wife in 2006 or 7 working at Macy's Century City with her friends about agencies to give you an example and she was very specific one day and I'm like [Music] and I'm like and I remember my wife telling me and telling you know explaining to me what they were and saying that one day CAA is gone oh yeah so I remember her saying specific things that happen and she was like it's gonna happen like this this this and I would dream it speak to me mama would tell me and then it will be revealed to me again and a dream and I and I remember my mother-in-law telling me just certain things and it comes and it goes in association with just being a dreamer and a believer yeah yeah even even when it doesn't happen how you like she says CAA Ryan to explain to me what it was I because I couldn't see it happening over social media and I didn't see it my vision was small my or my in tradition traditional right but to see it now coming to pass and all love it be so specific yeah that that is definitely my answer to that question it has definitely confirmed to me that God is real don't know tabitha was just signed to CAA just a few weeks ago yeah just just last one I live you know I worked at Macy's for five years that was my first job when we could move to LA and I would take my little lunch break honey and I would walk around CAA I've like one day God one day it there I went to again a couple years ago I goes to a screening I maybe it was like four or five events there and I would give him the elevator I would just touch the wall and I would say I just feel like home one day guys one day the Bible says that is able to do exceeding dream big enough because what God has bigger than you could have dream anyway because he said it's more than you listen it would be so many days then we would be having the worst worst time bad days going through financially just and I would say babe don't worry we're gonna be rich one day God already told me God already told me but can you imagine cuz I didn't know we and I just knew it was coming yeah again and we just had this conversation which is free and tired of yeah like my brother we conversation with him he said can you imagine he was like has he been on me since I've been pursuing ignore me since 98 you know yeah yeah he said but can you imagine telling somebody you can have everything you dream of but I need you to give me 22 years and is it most people would do that and say wow 20 I've been pursuing something but 22 years and is just now starting to happen Wow but I worked oh come on come on god I hear you so clear holy go when they came down to anoint Keaton David Ellis David Raju David was out there working bring me your son no that ain't it that ain't it then it surely there's another one all David touch me what was David Tapp he was working while he wouldn't that's what the anointing process isn't the time that you keep oh he was anointed and he still had to wait King Shu yes oh come on all over the building y'all touch me screaming it's all over you have to take a chance oh god I made a choice and now I'm on the Bible didn't she our pastor spoke directly to her - get up get up yeah [Laughter] no that was a real message he spoke to Melissa and said get up because she wasn't she wasn't teaching I was she wasn't doing nothing going through it and he stopped the whole message and look right at Melissa I kid you not real truth we just told the story on the love our true story [ __ ] true story tab no lie look and you know funny enough I never knew growing up that my main was right it wasn't until you know my mother got called to ministry when she was sick right and so as she began to really really get into the Bible I mean I grew up in the church not like this and she told me one night she said you know I named you from B which name to Jermaine Jackson beat she said as I've been studying God is revealed to me this is exactly who you are because you know she's dangerous I used to make clothes serve the people she was always trying to kill and she was like that is who you are Wow and you know the crazy in students when my mom was sick her last year of life me and mama talked about so many things but one of the things she told me one night my mom was on a ventilator her last year of life so you know she was still at home but in her in hospital bed and she couldn't move because of the airlift so I would get up throughout the night to check her and this one night particularly um I got up to check it was about 3:00 in the morning and she was glowing just glowing and beaming smiling but just crying but just full of joy and I said what in the world are you doing awake what is going on she said I mean she couldn't even hardly get it out she was just crying she said God just show me your life what it's gonna be and I said what well what is it can you you know tell me she said I can't tell she said but what I will tell you is before any of it happens you have had a son first I said well my man having no more kids you know when you was in eighth grade my mama didn't blow your mind okay but she told me that she said before if any of it happens you have had a son first and she said it's going to be amazing and when it happens all you will have had to do was answer your phone and say yes hmm no auditioning none of that you'll just answer your phone you offer only come on in here that's what will happen and so we meet chance years later we literally you know I got my bonus daughter his oldest and we had choice take the girls to see choose apart you know we can't afford a normal kid we woke up the same morning and look each other and said have a baby doctor she said well you've been on birth control for ten years it's gonna be a little difficult you know in the beginning if you may take you about six months police are ovulating the next month I was pregnant with my son what a question God in my mother her favorite number was the number eight she said eight is always a sign of new beginnings her birthday was on December 8th my son just turned 8 in March Wow all of this is happening now my new beginning oh my god I'm literally every day I am blown away but not surprised when I get that you know what I'm saying yeah and chance always say the crazy thank you so you know how I oversee every time something happen now I haven't been done there once and he's scared like you go down are dynamics are off right now you do this and I'm listening in on some of these meetings in alright that sound pretty be Google this person and this person is the really major meeting right I'm done with the meeting I mean this is a big yeah I get off no I got you obey [Laughter] [Laughter] I was so excited because my spirit was not even settled and so I was just like this but now I'm settled because I'm home right and I'm excited I'm grateful I'm I'm come listen I have so much gratitude but I feel position right so I feel like he placed me here and that's why I can move in a calm manner because now I Know Who I am I gonna say no names okay I don't met some people that I'm talking about that was gonna change my life 20 years in the past they sent me a dude I'm like no no 20 years ago I wanna sign in blood now you know when you know who you are you know what you bring to the table you can't sign bad deals because you don't need them only good deals because the best leverage you can ever have is being able to say no no yeah you know I really don't need this then you know they start to say time well what is this to you yeah how do we make this one now you're speaking now but when you can only say yes they got you in the palm of your hand but when you can say no now we negotiate we literally we in the last week's are you happy [Music] [Laughter] so you see it was just like this right here look let me but I tell you what what I do know and then just like Chan said in August right of 2017 when we was doing a little bigger challenge mm-hmm came to me he said let's go you to a get your notebook let's go sit outside in the backyard and let's write down everything we believing in God now I'm not working I just started feeling better but I was on visibility I'll be at my savings are gone and quite frankly we was broke you know if one is my partner not my provider yes and so we sat outside in our backyard and we each had a list he had his list I had my lips mm-hmm and everything on that list has come to pass Wow do you grow money in the bank okay I wrote on my list I said in 2018 I want to buy a house Lord I don't know how but I'm believing that I'm gonna buy a house down P okay I want to pay off my bed oh my bed I'm gonna what I want a new manager I want to be able get a manager who can take my career to the next level Lord I put on that new like I would I have good words I said I want to book a commercial cuz I need about ten thousand dollars of residuals I put that down right and my other thing the only thing that has not come up off my list was I want to retire my husband in three to five years always will be three years Wow and my plan is to take my husband out of work oh that is my plan because I don't I don't feel right with my husband having to wear a bulletproof vest to work every day if you don't have to right right and I'm thankful we are thankful that he has had this career it is my family right but if I can take him out of harm's way it is and we can just continue to build our empire together that is my dream and I know that if God took everything off that list aughter into fruition he'll do the same absolutely so in answer Melissa what I have learned through all of these yet where I am now is that I know he truly is like he loves me unconditionally cuz I named itom took him through okay and if anybody with a same I also know that he got a little bit of crazy in him too cuz if I would have completely sane mind with a private left with my big dream in mind cuz I mean I had went into some places in decision he has allowed me to go and come back in uh and he's just been there even when you know I got the crazy I will say I was right I was right here we are today you know it was you and I think I seen you [Music] [Laughter] vegan stuff go when you at the gym the next time this was like 2017 guys brought us you know from a mighty mighty long way and we're able to still not only be together and love each other but we still like each other yeah man that's only going that's gotta keep you man yeah it is stretching people's relationship oh yeah but can you you it's a lot pandemic is a lot of stressing strange in so many ways and that love love means a lot of things but like you can love you know didn't selfish I said I love you that mean I put food on the table and clothing I don't have to like people living in these marriages we love it don't like right you know so it's a national thing right we love by the default heart it's how we were designed that's how you can see somebody about to get hit by a car and instinctly want to say he were designed that way but you don't like by default you look at people nobody like a man that you love doesn't go anywhere cuz you have a heart wait honey you don't wake up every day and like each other this has been I knew it was gonna be good but I didn't know it was gonna be this good confirmation it is it is a mirror of a couple always being the change is the sex but it is it is just I have just had the time and I really needed to any time this episode for me Kevin not have on stage and Nima Kevin needed to have this episode okay the reason we needed to have them pisode just called us right now times over I feel lighter and it was precisely what we needed so thank you guys so much for anyone who is interested in following you on any platform please tell them where they can find the both of you and everyone is saying please start that podcast by the way the plugin I'm gonna make them do it yes I am Tabitha brown everywhere tapped the brand I'm tap the brown comm your work didn't tell ya I do handle bad you know getting used to it oh I don't really Oh mine is for my little to me you say the team chance basketball the patreon audience haven't has enjoyed this episode I enjoyed this episode I know Kevin did it thank you guys your story was freakin phenomenal someone please put this in a book form and then make a movie okay these things need to happen thank you guys a million times over I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day that's it John till the next time on the little video
Channel: MrsKevOnStage
Views: 309,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrskevonstage, love, hour, kevonstage, wife, the love hour, the love hour podcast, marriage champion, relationships, marriage, black love, kevin and melissa, husband, relationship goals, couple goals, couple challenges
Id: kkZ-ZCN9f8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 47sec (6047 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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