THEIR NEW HOME IS HAUNTED | Paranormal Encounters S06E08

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[Music] so how did you guys come across this house well Sherry is a fan of the Facebook page for the love of old houses and I had just come in from work and she when I came in she said well there's a house down in Georgia that I want to go look at and I said where's it at she said well it's near Savannah so we're like okay well let's go so we came down here we drove down here um from North Carolina and the next day and we got here and there was a nice realtor lady who was showing the house to somebody else and we asked her we're like we just drove from North Carolina is there any chance that you could show us the house and she said yeah I have about 20 minutes so that's how we got to see the house house and found out about it was from the love of old houses on Facebook so it's was just like a stroke of luck that a realtor was here when you guys showed up it check it out it was cuz we there could have been nobody here when we got here and if no one had been here we would have second guessed and drove home and said well it's probably rat on the inside so it was a miracle I feel yeah I think so too so what did this house used to be well it was originally the vacation home of of Robert quman Castle this was his vacation home and he lived down near Midway Georgia and so they came up here cuz it was elevated it was cool so the breeze could could blow through cuz it was a highest point around that they could find and that's why they put the their house here we we think it's a lucky house too because it's been through like 80 hurricanes 80 hurricanes because I researched it because right before I saw this house we just gotten over Florence and that was pretty devastating I I mean it didn't didn't hurt our house but I didn't want to get something and love it and have it be rued especially with all the trees when was the first moments that you guys realized that there was something weird going on inside this house probably one of the first nights that we were in the house I spelled bacon then we smelled tobacco upstairs Piper mhm I was like are you cooking bacon anywhere in the house obvious and yeah I was like wow wonder what somebody like to cook bacon here so like what what was your first thoughts when that was going on like did you come down here to check out what that was or did you think it was maybe something coming from a breeze or something or no all the windows were shut upstairs so when when you would just walk in the bedroom that's where you would get this whiff of the uh of the smoke U the pipe smell I don't know why it was there I don't know where it was coming from but all the windows are shut they don't we don't even open the windows so it must have don't even open yeah right some of them don't even open so we just think that's where where was at besides smells what what else are you guys experiencing here occasionally we'll hear the door knobs move especially the ones upstairs and sometimes you actually hear the doors move back and forth and I've heard footsteps on the staircase I've been here at night and heard footsteps on the staircase and the last time we were here you thought I was talking to you remember that's right yep last time I thought Sher was talking to me and it must have been another voice that I heard but it wasn't hers cuz you said did you say something yeah I was like M so so have you guys ever had any other paramel teams or come in here and check out the place and if they if so what kind of stuff have they captured we have uh we've had um a paranormal team come in their name offgrid paranormal and they've come in and done an investigation two investigations and they've captured uh various noises various voices and various other sounds in the house good sh can take the next SH now we can when we first arrived here you had mentioned something about a blanket upstairs mhm can you tell me a little bit more about that the upstairs bedrooms uh my wife has put velvet blankets at the ends of the beds in case somebody comes and Spins a night they get cold they have another blanket they can put on while on these velvet blankets they're very impressionable and you can you know just touch it and you you'll have your hand on it um the one that is directly above um the living room here we had what appeared to be I think impressions of little kid feet that we I was doing we always do a walk around in the house before we go somewhere and I told Cherry I'm like you need to come see this and as she made her way up there on that velvet it looks like that velvet blanket there looks like little little feet and we thought we'd heard some knocking noises up there cuz this happened while we were sleeping cuz this was in the middle of the night so do you think like there's like children Spirits here what kind of spirits do you think there is I feel like there are are um because those pictures there there's um big families lived here and so I I feel like there's little kids everywhere I mean I mean I just I don't feel like there's anything mean I feel like they want us here I don't know it's it sounds kind of crazy to say out loud but and like it was meant to be and they wanted us to have the house like a connection to the house sort of okay and a few months ago um we had just woken up and I would gone I had gone to the kitchen to make coffee and when I came back into the bedroom he's like I'm not by myself and I'm like what do you mean you're not by yourself and she said that she felt four knocks on the bed I thought it was him playing with I was in the kitchen I thought he was trying to wake me up and I feel like it was probably a little kid because she used to be an elementary school teacher too and maybe that was a little kid trying to hey come on get up let's do something and the previous owner um her son his room is the one that has the pink velvet blanket and she said he didn't like to sleep in that room with the lights off cuz he felt like there was something up there with him maybe a little kid you were showing us something about the little bootle they're called boot leer holes right uh can you you mentioned something about one of those rooms is that the same room you're talking about or no that's a different room the Blue Room the one that has the chimney in it upstairs that one has a bootlegger panel in it and so the previous lady that sold us the house that was her daughter's room and she told us that her daughter did not like to sleep in that room would have nightmares if that boot liquor panel was open so they always kept it shut with something on top of it that's also when it was open when they investigated said that all kind of crazy stuff was happening all kind of weird Vibes and so we don't know the whole reasoning why this panel up there it's open or closed causes things so you're saying that when when this panel on the floor is opened it seems to be creating more paranorm activity it does yeah okay did you put a new battery in it yeah that happens here justs everything off off gear was having a problem too so I I had just replaced a battery and this camera that India is standing behind here shooting me and it only lasted 13 minutes in about 30 seconds or so um so sorry about that it's okay so when we first arrived here West you had actually showed us something really unique that I don't think India and I have ever seen at a place when we've gone to for investigations you showed us that there's the front door over here has like a mirror of some sort oh that's right the front door has a mirror uh there's various windows in the house that have mirrors also um and basically what had happened was is the I lady we bought the house from her mom put those on the windows in the belief that if any dark Spirits I guess are walking around outside the house in the area if they look in the mirror the window and see their face in the mirror they will not come into the house and it's it's supposed to protect the house we're going to be staying here tonight and you guys have mentioned that there is another part of this house that's not actually connected to where we are at you have to go out on the porch to get to it and you call it the pastor's house we do um one of the investigator small for good paranormal he named it the pastor's room and we thought that's a good name so we're going to stick with that so that room was added we think about in the 1890s and it was for the visiting pastors of the First Presbyterian Church was is about a half mile away from here the original owner of this house had a hand in founding the church down the street so he put that room on the side of the house from when the pastors would show up back in the 18 late 1800s early 1900s they would have a place to stay while they were I guess preaching at the church down the street it's completely separate from the house it is attached to the house but you cannot enter the main house through that room it's really weird you also mentioned that there's something that had happened several things have happened in that pastor's room one of the things that we've had and heard are Footsteps in the pastor's room and we've also heard knocking on the front door of the pastor's room we were told that two people passed away in the room so we think they may be in there somewhere and the previous owner said her husband cuz that was their master bedroom that he was always something would annoy him in the room and we we think she was thinking that it was a spirit that probably didn't like men what is something that you guys hope that we can maybe find out tonight in our investigation here I want to find out how many kids are hanging out here because I feel like they're everywhere and I want to know if they're the ones that have been like tapping on the bed or making the prints or um just I just I want to know I feel a lot of stuff and I just want to know who's here yeah just basically who's here with us when we're here and it just seems like she's got some kind of connection to the house in some way but I don't know what it is yet other than she's a school teacher maybe but why don't tonight for our investigation you guys join us in our investigation this is your house you are obviously here for a reason there's a connection of some sort between you guys in this house maybe you guys are good trigger objects yourselves and we could maybe hopefully find some answers for you tonight and see what exactly is in this house and what is causing all those things you guys are experiencing would you guys want to be part of our investigation here tonight sure yes yes would love to all right well it's getting dark I think uh we're going to stop our cameras here and get ready to set up for investigation and go from there all right everyone we are here in Flemington Georgia and we are standing in the yard just outside of this haunted old farmhouse India are you excited for tonight's investigation here I am excited I think it's going to be very interesting to see what we get tonight um I have a good feeling about this place there something about old houses that haven't been overly investigated that usually are a recipe for a lot of Paranormal Activity I'm really looking forward to trying out different techniques and seeing which one works the best and hopefully we can get some answers for these people and see who's here the owners are in there right now we're going to be doing an investigation with them they're going to join us in the investigation and we're going to start in the living room with the Paranormal leapac uh and we're going to run ghost tube and see if we can get some answers I know that they had told us during the interview that they kind of want to find out if there's children here Sher thinks that there are children Spirits here because she has had stuff make her feel that way and I kind of hope that we can get some answers tonight and find out exactly who or what exactly is haunting this house all right are you ready to go inside yeah let's get inside and get started on our investigation okay so right now we're in the living room and we're going to do a leap par session um to see if we can get some more answers on who might be here so we're going to ask yes or no questions so we're also going to be running ghost tube just to see you know if we do get any answers if we can get a little bit more clarification through ghost tube so um both of those together have worked really well for us in the past so let's give it a go okay if there's anybody here my name is India and this is Con and I know you know the owners Sher and West we've just come here tonight to talk with you if that's okay we're not here to cause you any harm or make you um entertain us we just want to get to know you a little bit better and see if we can figure out who's here so if anybody is here and willing to talk can you let us know please we have two devices going on right now in this room that you can use to communicate with us we have a device on this table called ghost tube you can use that to tell us words or your name or anything of that sort and we also have this box that's on this cabinet over here that you can answer yes or no questions with is there anybody here with us tonight green means yes and red means no if you could light up the green light for us we would greatly appreciate that thank you for doing that are you a woman are you a man Wonder are you a child now we're just here simply tonight just to get to know your story of why you're here that's all can you hear us do you like it that we're here trying to communicate with you tonight if you don't want to use that device can you go to this device on the table here and maybe tell us your name so we can properly address you late late late oh is it too late to be visiting if it's too late are you a child should you be in bed Sherry felt a connection to this house were they supposed to get this house you're listening yes I'm listening everybody here is listening what would you like to say push push like push what what do you want us to push maybe you can tell us where you are in the house yes okay uh yes or no are you downstairs with us are you upstairs are you outside no wow that's a long now do you know where you are are you in the pastor's room thank you by the way for using that device and communicating with us we appreciate that I hope you let us get to know you some more do you live here yes thank you for answering wow that's a long yes wow that was a long yes thank you for doing that are you happy with what Sher and Wes have done with the house are you happy that they're here we're going to stop what we're doing right now and we're going to have a a way where you can go through India and communicate and tell us things so we're going to end this session with you real quick here and we hope you further communicate with us in the next few minutes all right okay so right now we are doing the esta Session India is in the living room we just got done doing an Epoch session and a ghost suop session in that room we didn't get too many responses but we're going to try to step up the level a little bit of far as asking questions got the owners with us in the dining room in here and IND is going to be wearing noise canceling headphones in the living room so she will not be able to hear any of the questions that we're going to be asking she's going listening to a spear box um and hopefully we can get some more answers as far as who exactly is here so are you ready yep all right go ahead so is there anybody here in the house with us tonight Robert Alice Albert are any of you here tonight with us Jesus oh that's weird she said Jesus and you said that was a pastor would stay next he would I think the pastor with us and Robert was the one who helped with the church and he was he was the the guy who built the house for the pastors oh so built the side room for the pastors so can you tell us your name we want to know who we're talking to right now excuse me what is this this is if you're talking about what are we doing this is an esta session and we're trying to communicate with with you we use it to communicate with Spirits those who no longer are alive anymore speak up what I can't go she said speak up yeah she said speak up we can't leave you can't leave we can't leave who can't are you stuck here who can't leave do you want us to leave would you like to tell us something Church you must be affiliated with that Presbyterian Church down the street because we've gotten nothing but religious and biblical stuff so far did you have something to do with that church why we would just like to know too late do you like it that we're here trying to communicate with you is that in this house what did you hear that it sound like a how or something that wasn't your stomach that time well one of them was what one that last one was but I don't think that sound like a how that sound like a a voice or a cat was s to sound like a cat I growl almost like a yeah why don't you tell us something about yourself so we can kind of know something about you interesting he's looking good who's looking who's looking Ian oh okay who is Ian who is Ian can you tell us his last name heart attack who had the heart attack Ian are we looking for Ian because he had a heart attack is there anything else that we should know while we're having this conversation with you you can make a noise upstairs or a knock if you don't want to talk through India anymore you can make something fall over Ian hi Hi Ian who is Ian I don't know are you a kid or an adult just to make know in the camera there's somebody outside blasting music that's like really loud is there a car going by welcome to the spirit W that's cool thank you I mean that was a cool response I don't heard say that it's a big one too we' like to know who left the uh Prince on the linen blanket upstairs well done thanks you found us who who's [Music] us okay we were just taking a break Wes and I stepped over here to the pastor's room which is connected to the house but you have to go outside to the through the porch and through this door and we decided to take a break and go live on Tik Tok um we just got done doing the Essa session and we're getting some responses um but we weren't getting so much uh communication with our devices that we were using so we decided to set up a some devices in this room a paranormal Epoch some a r pod and some cat balls and we were asking questions and it seemed like there was a lot of stuff going on and the reason why there's a lot of stuff that could be going on here Wes is because there could be something in the room that just either doesn't like men or really likes men so we were told that when there's guys in here it seems to be more active for some reason so we left the equipment exactly how we had it when we were live on Tik Tok so we're going to turn it all back on again and turn off the lights in here and try to further communicate and hopefully it still wants to communicate with us whoever this is so we're going to turn on this equipment once again we've got the epoch right there capall right here and a rim pod there's some caps on the bed all right now we're going to go dark oh I hope I got that as I was walking I don't know what that you making that ramp pod go off that wasn't going off a minute ago no the rim pod wasn't okay we just came back into this room we appreciate you if that was you making the ramp pod go off it's just Wes and I in here now again we hope you're still in here we heard that there's a spirit in here that either likes or doesn't like men we've got a device right here you may already know about that's you can answer yes or no questions on do you like it when men are in this room green means yes and red means no if you'd like to communicate with us can you make one of those devices go off somebody was just using it just a minute ago is there a pastor in this room with us right now well thank you for lighting that up yes thank you were you the one that was just talking to us a minute ago oh there's a cap on the bed going off yep thank you for that yeah thank you for doing that are you sitting on the bed right now it's really going off thank you for setting the U the cat ball off um that's still going wow are you trying to tell us something are you trying to get our attention can you step away from that cat ball do you like that cat ball holy cow what are you trying to tell us are you trying to tell us something yes or no oh it's gone oh it's back now it's back okay can you maybe roll that cap all off the bed is that something you can do it's like as if somebody is sitting on the bed right now yeah that's what it that's what I think is that what what's going on right now can you can you answer yes or no questions on that is there someone sitting on the bed where that cat Ball's going off it's still going can you stop lighting that up for us real quick that cat ball can you stop I'm going to reset that cat ball because it should not still be going off right now how might turn this off I'm going turn it back on okay if that was you letting at the cap allall making that thing go off like crazy we really appreciate that I'm going to take out ghost tube West okay and we're going to run ghost tube to see if we can hopefully oh no they don't want he doesn't want you to do that no okay maybe I won't run I won't take ghost Tu never mind wow why don't you like ghost tube yeah we can actually hear you hear you say something then instead of lighting up these devices it's funny I said know a ghost tube I think I might still take out ghost tube unless it shows me the red button again yeah you should take it out there is a red light on top of this little chest here um if you would like to let us know that you are around us you can walk over to that red light and interact with that red light if you like probably just said no but I'm hoping that we just it was a miscommunication that's not you were saying no about so right now we're running this device called ghost tube it's a device right there it's got a dictionary inside of that device and it has a bunch of words you can tell us things or tell us your name or further communicate with us with the other devices if you don't want to use that one can you tell us the name of the pastor in whom we're communicating with we very much would like to know your name true true okay that's funny cuz true is also the same meaning as green like yes or no like instead of it's letting at the green or the red button yeah it said true in the device oh it said the green button look at that yeah thank you for doing that yeah thank you very much do you like it that just the guys are over here no close close close are there children Spirits here trash what trash trash so now you're are you calling us trash that's what I'm thinking so we have we've got the the spirit that doesn't like the men now laughing I was just laughing just laughing yeah oh my God so who is here with us now did you like the fact that he was laughing or did that make you upset are you still here yes okay thank you that is a long yes look at that thank you for that yeah thank you for doing that can you tell us something about yourself going to sit back down we heard that there's a few people that passed away in this room can you can you maybe tell us the names of any of those people that pass away in here are you still in this room with us can you just let us know maybe you're just observing what we're doing oh wow thank you for doing that that is really weird it doesn't go off for a while I I ask it to basically light up that device if they're still in this room maybe they're just observing us and then it actually goes off right so like we have something that is definitely intelligent in this room with us right now and the capall is going off now thanks for doing the cap allall again yeah thank you oh and it just goes off didn't keep going off like last time no we we want you to know that that we really seriously appreciate you taking your time whatever you call it in your realm to communicate with us thank you for using these devices it's really strange it's very much wavy as far as his activity in this room like you'll ask questions and then it just everything just kind of goes off and then it just goes quiet it and then it goes off again right it's it's almost like as cautious to further communicate but then you know when you're saying like oh are you still here it will confirm it is still in this room like it's cautious to talk and observ to what we're doing is what I mean that's just the vibe I'm getting kind of like from this you know yeah I think we're going to move on is that okay I'll ask you one more time if you don't answer me that's just going to indicate that you are not here are you still here with us all right we're going to leave is that okay turn it off okay okay we will go to Just literally said turn it off when Wes said we're going to get ready to leave all right we're going to turn off our devices in this pastor's room um but we've had some really cool responses in this room uh Wes what did you think about all that I think it was great it's awesome I'm just glad to hear from them yeah glad to know they're here cutting off the camera now okay so right now we are upstairs stairs in the blue room this is the room that has the hole in the floor so we put a r pod right next to the hole um to see if we could get it to go off we're going to be doing a ghost tube lens session so Connor's listening to White Noise he cannot hear us right now and he is watching see and he's going to describe to us anything that comes through there that he SE so I'm going to tap him let him know we're ready so if there's anybody upstairs with us that may have followed us from downstairs or from the pastor's room we'd like you to use the weird looking glasses that Connor's got on and show us anything that you are able to show us so could you show knor what you look like and you guys can feel free to ask questions as all you like okay yes is there anybody up here in this room besides us four that will like us to know you're here it just said stars in Spar box Stars how do you feel about us being up here now are you happy do you have a message you would like to show us said Tiffany on the sphere box there's an image coming through right now it's a a VI a violin I think or one of those kind of instruments they did do a lot of musical things here would you like to come and hang out with us in this room right now the child the Spirit Box said is there a a little boy or girl who wants to come in here can you show us a picture of what you look like thank you over by the wall in the corner there is a hole in the floor there's a crayon in that hole did you leave that crayon there who put that crayon in there are you still here with us I'm stand up there's an image oh God this is actually really creepy it's like Spirits what's interesting about that is earlier on I said welcome to the spirit world yes like there's like it's telling us there's a lot of them here and you just asked were they still here yeah and he's getting this picture is it are there lots and lots of spirits here is this place a portal here's a question is this a place where Spirits can come and go help what do you need help with how do you feel right now can you show us a picture of what kind of mood you're in death death house Death House dead why would you say death house for is there a reason for that are you still here with us or have you moved to another room be nice to the ladies why would you say be nice to the ladies it's a gift okay we'll see we'll see what our father another picture it looks like a tunnel I think it's kind of weird but there's a light coming down here like a light at the end of the tunnel that would give more religious things or like walking into the light right way some people say they see a tunnel in the light at the well he did say what we you'll see you'll see our father or something that sounds kind of religious to me like you yeah you you die you're going to see God allowing people allowing people to do what go to church allowing people to stay in the house what are you trying to tell us varis do you have any more information than vars from that side okay what's from that side there's another image coming through right now it's so strange there's one person that's like this and and then there's like te's almost look they're almost crosses in the ground if it's got crosses it's something religious or it's like a graveyard or something is that what you mean by Death House you're talking about graveyard remember creep remember creep are you buried here somewhere on the property stop yeah have we asked too many questions why do you want us to stop for a minute there's a picture oh my God it's a man isn't a card of some sort is it it looks like it almost looks like an Ade picture honestly is that the creep is that somebody here that's that's creepy that's not supposed to be here look up is he in the Attic is there a creep in the the attic it's a message is he hiding in the Attic where is the creep right now where is he okay is there anything that you would like to show us before we turn this off all right well I'm going to pull Connor out so this is your last chance to show him something I don't okay everybody if you made it to the end of this video thank you so much for watching please hit the Subscribe button if you're not already subscribed we have plenty of videos in our backlog for you to watch it is spooky season is the perfect time to watch all the Paranormal videos and if you guys want to come here and experience the old Savannah house I'm going to let Wes tell you how you can book a night here uh yes you can check us out on Facebook at Old Savannah house BNB and you can message your us on messenger all right everybody we're going to set up some static cameras fingers crossed that we capture something we're going to go to sleep and we will see you all in the next episode of paranormal [Music] encounters see if the the steps just don't walk in front of the camera look wait a second I got you see that blanket [Music] [Music] is is
Channel: Paranormal Encounters
Views: 568,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paranormal, Paranormal Encounters, Ghosts, Paranormal Investigation, ghost hunting, overnight, ghost, haunted house, real hauntings, scary, real paranormal activity, paranormal encounters tv series, paranormal investigation, paranormal activity, our house is haunted, a real haunted house, family hauntings, family haunted house, poltergeist, OUR NEW HOME IS HAUNTED, scary paranormal investigation, poltergeist activity, real paranormal evidence, paranormal caught on camera
Id: lt6xJT8FUag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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