Appalachian TRUE Scary Story Collection #appalachian #story

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[Music] I grew up in a little area called pickings County Georgia by the name name a tal mine like you'd guess they were old mine since forgotten and abandoned in that area my great-grandfather Tom owned all them mines so they were close to my history and Heritage here's a small collection that I've chose to pass along these are the tals of T mine my daddy always woke up early even on his occasional day off one crisp cool weekend morning he decided that a little hunting was necessary and set out he approached a regular spot only he knew about quiet Serene good old nature the only things to be heard in them Woods M these were the woods we grew up in knew our very scarce Neighbors subtle changes didn't go unnoticed this morning looked and felt different with a corner look daddy decided he better hide himself as if somebody or something was a watching well Daddy purched himself up on top of a rock embedded into the mountain and waited for a bit I know with what he saw next shocked him because he told this story without any change for nearly 30 years he always remembered just the way he fell because it was real and up close experience as Daddy sat there on that rock he watched the man not of This Time by the side of his clothes come walk around that rock through the woods man wore big boots and a big old hat toen to pay the being moved with purpose and never bothered daddy well it being foul you'd think you know the noise the crunchy leaves would be a factor but it was not Daddy said that he moved with EAS never made a sound just like he watched him walk in slow motion slowly out of sight needless to say Daddy come home after that with no kill but he certainly weren't hunting for what he saw my family goes back Generations deep in that area we loved playing outside until supper and stayed out till the sun went down my papa Max generation did the same and usually there was a whole lot more work to be done working in the fields and tending the animals but we still kept the love of Outdoors alive and stayed out out just as long as we could one evening after mama called us in she stopped and holled for Daddy to come back out in the direction of the old house place was the original house where Papa had grew up she could hear a woman calling out for her young only this woman weren't there anymore Mama listened as my great grandmother would call out for her children's names mik Victoria Lucille right on Down the Line she called for them young as if she was call them and as if she was still alive mama and daddy both heard that ghostly call of that mama calling her babies for supper we loved our little dirt road and the scarcity the the cars that traveled in one Sunday morning changed how I looked at that little dirt road from that day forward me and mama was getting ready for Sunday church mama always put on Bible songs VHS for me to get ready and I was excited at 8 year old to go to church as I walked into the back room of the house that faced the old dirt road I noticed an unlikely sight I watched as a little old man in old timey clothes rode on an open top wagon before him was a old mule who looked as if he had walked down that road at many a time I went running through the house find Mama Mama grabbed her keys and me run out the door mama had spoken recently to a neighbor who had talked about seeing the kind passive ha we sped off down that dirt road seeing the wagon tracks in the dusty dirt road it was nearly 3 miles to a paved road we tried to catch up to see the man and the mule but even with our speed the wagon tracks dissipated at asphalt I've never seen a Han so clear in my life I often wonder about maybe a time slip he was seen by few but never caught by any my great-grandfather on my mama's side passed away when my M my grandmother was around 12 years old he had been involved in an old car wreck that ended his life he left behind nine children raging from Young Adult to age three two of his sons were in the service at the time and one of them children Uncle Jim had to leave service to become the man of the house he had to help great grandma raise young tend the household chores car wreck took place not far outside of tal M on a road that curved quickly Uncle Eugene was steering a car car that was being pulled by another car that night and lost control in a curve passenger side door open and ejected pop of iron from his seat the car then Pinn him against and bankman to my M's description poor fell didn't pass immediately whole situation was tragic Mighty tragic indeed so of course my mama never got to meet her granddaddy this would change in her 20s when Mama and Daddy were dating they had went for a drive Mama never did like going through that area as there was an unease in Her Bones one night Mom and Daddy went through that area mom said as soon as they passed through car got cold now this was a night where the heater was on and even with the heater on the car it felt like ice mama was driving Daddy was riding on the passenger seat mama felt the urge to turn and look and what she saw certainly stayed with her in her back seat set a man an outline shatter with a big brimmed hat she whispered for d daddy who was now Goose pimply scared to turn around and look now if there's anything I got from Daddy it was his hesitance to not see anything spooky daddy sure enough did not want to turn around and he protested to not do so but he certainly believed her that figure stayed with him for at least a mile after the hire went down on them the heat returned to the car Mama went home and told Mama my M told Mama to go to Uncle Jim's house the old home place and look at a specific picture Mama hadn't studied well before when Mama went days later she seen the picture of Aaron and pearl her grandparents there was that ran on brimmed hat MMA told her he was probably trying to tell her it was okay to drive that road Mama never had an issue or a bad feeling going through there again but if you ask me I don't think my heart could handle going that road ever again I remember one night my oldest sister come running into informed daddy our rocking chair in the living room was a rocking and nobody been in there cuz everybody had went to bed daddy walked her back through the house to her and my older sister's room and to his surprise the rocking chair was still rocking another incident happened when I was a baby as you can imagine parents with an infant you know plus older children sure get tired mama recalls the night I'd woke up started crying in my crib in their room she said I never slept a wink and rarely do now 30 years later to her exhaustion she fell back asleep the next morning she got up and came over well she thanked my daddy for getting me back to sleep explain she was just so wore out well he looked at her with big eyes he had never gotten up mama family me swallowed up in my blanket in completely different direction and keep in mind I still too young to even roll around or wrap myself put myself back to sleep or anything none of my siblings had set foot in that room mama just chalked it up to a friendly family member no longer here but we also believe in angels either way Mama was mighty grateful this story comes to us from Casey Carson said I always grew up hearing a story from my daddy and my grandpa said a long time ago they used to hunt the mountains that went up into chattanoga Tennessee from Dunlap so there was always this one Old Trail though that everybody in the area area knew to stay away from cuz it was haunted said it was a beautiful Trail said you could go and go and go see the overlooks and everything but there was one Overlook the trail ended at and that's the area everybody feared said of certain times of the year you could go up that old trail and you see an old man standing up there in Period piece clothing sort of a top hat it's an old timey suit and he have his back to you and he'd be facing the Overlook said when you get close to him so he' turn around real quick and look at you and take off running at you and said you could see a dark red mark around his neck they said he was the old hanging judge said he moved out of Chattanooga down into Dunlow Squatch County said he lived there for a while said he had hung so many people after retired old saying goes all them people he hung come back to Haun him and he said one morning he got up real early put on his best suit and hat walked up there to the Overlook and took his own life the same way he took theirs this one comes to us from Toby Reigns 847 he said I always he a place growing up back in the mountains of Georgia not sure exactly where it's just the story I heard so there used to be a covenant of witches that lived up in them mountains in one area said everybody stayed away from them everybody feared them everything well said after the last one passed on they still never left them Woods were still theirs and they let it be known said sometimes you could be walking down paths Trails or anything and all of a sudden there'd be a lady in a black cloak like that would appear out in front of you and no matter how hard you tried you could not catch up to her another story went there was a man going into town once and when he come back as he was coming back said his horse got spooked well so he just kept on going and said right as he was rounding the Cur said there's a low Pond Li and said there was in witches in that pond said all you could see him was from the waist up and they had their back to him and said the water was deathly still no ripples or nothing and so all of a sudden there was about 10 screams that just let out into the air said that horse stood straight up and then took off in a Gallop said he had to hang on for dear life so if you know where this part of the area is in Georgia you might want to stay away from it this story comes to us from Janet Simpson she said back when I was a little girl said we all lived in a big old farmhouse it's my daddy's job to be the overseer and caretaker and everything else for the owner and for the life of you know we thought we had it made it was a fairly nice home it was old leaving back then but it was nicer than anything we had ever lived in I mean there were several times we had all sat around and wondered why nobody else wanted the job especially during the times where everybody's needing work well it weren't long after that we found out why no matter where you was on that property in the house outside on the porch it didn't matter see a lot of times back in the old days folks would just sit out on the porch in the evenings something like that or just kick back and take him a nap well whether you was on the porch taking a nap in the house in bed it didn't matter every single time you went to sleep and you woke up there'd be a woman sitting there in a wedding dress staring at you and you could tell very clearly she'd been dead a while we moved out of that house pretty much as quick as we moved into it and after we left Daddy got talking to the neighbors and said that her husband took her life and HD her body somewhere on the property since she was never found the story comes to us from Troy sers he said I always grew up here my PA and Grandma talk about an old witch woman from the hills of Alabama said but this witch woman was unlike any witch I had ever heard of they both always swore up and down that this woman weren't of this world they said she just had a sense about her she could even get close and animals would go crazy dogs said the meanest dog would coward said she'd walk around in the same thing every time you seen her it's just like an old hooded rooll black cloak like thing just carrying old walking stick with her said her eyes said her eyes was empty almost glassed over said she never walked looking straight forward said anytime you seen her she had her head tilted up almost like she was smelling of the air and fallowing her nose everywhere she went set on her left hand hand she had two little fingers that growed out of the back of her hand just behind her Knuckles and on her right hand she had two fingers that come out of the palm of her hand they always said that when the old woman passed said nobody know who buried her said somebody just noticed that she hadn't been seen in a while and somebody brave enough to go up there and check her old house place and said there was one single grave out there by the house and said ever since they discovered that said nothing grew in that area no grass said the trees around it started dying said weeds wouldn't even D grow close to it so the strange thing was said you wouldn't even see insects crawling across the ground no bugs no old Katie Deads you know ANS or nothing so that place stayed like that till the old house fell in as far as I know it's still there if you're ever up in the northern eastern part of Alabama you'll know it CU soon as you start getting close to it a feeling of dread evil and just fear will wash over you and every sense of your body will tell you to turn and run [Music] the [Music]
Channel: Jared King TV
Views: 12,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jared king tv, king jared tv, king jared, the king, king tv, Appalachia, Appalachian, Appalachian Mountains, Appalachian People, Appalachian History, Appalachian Culture, Appalachian Language, Mountain People, Mountain Life, Appalachian Homestead, Appalachian Folklore, Appalachian talk, Appalachian Poverty, People Of Appalachia, Appalachian Trail, Appalachian Stories, Storytelling, Appalachian Storyteller, Appalachian Folktales, Appalachian Mountain Living, Stories
Id: a-zfCk0isug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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