#theEncounter Worship Experience | 31st Pastoral Anniversary Celebration

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[Music] [Music] praise the lord everybody come on worship the lord in this place give god glory and bless his name our god is wonderful our god is kind our god is great and we are so glad that he has brought us to another day this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and we will be glad in it we will bless his name and we will worship him come on magnify him glorify him give him praise right where you are our god is good and he is worthy to be praised welcome to another encounter worship experience here at bethany baptist church the transformation church of new jersey we're so glad that you can join us again please do us a favor and share it this time share at this moment and let somebody know we're on today as we celebrate god celebrate his presence and his power but also today celebrate our bishop it's his 31st anniversary come on thank god for our bishop thank god for him we're so glad that the lord has given him as a gift to us at this church and to the world we're so glad that today is a great day we have bishop joseph walker uh this morning pastor jamal bryant in the evening at 6 pm as we celebrate our bishop's anniversary we're getting ready to pray for you pray for you all that god will move on your life pray for our pastor and we're going to believe god together come on let's share in our faith father i thank you again for this moment i appreciate you for this time we honor you today because you've been so good to us and you've been so great and you've been so kind i thank you lord for your goodness that you promised that we would see in the land of living that lord you said many of the afflictions of the righteous and you deliver us out of all of them and for that we give you praise we give you thanks this morning because you have been so good to us we give you thanks this morning because you've been so kind we honor you today for all of your goodness and father i thank you for this moment and i pray that you would release what you have put in this season for us a season of the miraculous a season of your power i pray that you would release it now we trust you and we believe it we believe that you can do it and we believe that you will do it we trust in your word and we trust in your faithfulness that lord you do great works and you do great signs and wonders and i pray that you have blessed the service that lord you would move in the hearts and minds of your people bless them now bless the speakers i pray that you would hold up our bishop that lord jesus strengthened his mind his body his heart that father you continue to pour into him wisdom understanding revelation and that lord will be today will be a great day of celebration for you and also for him and i pray that you would restore him that you would make his latter years greater than his former we trust you that you're going to do great things and we thank you for what you're going to do in jesus name amen god bless you all so glad you can join us for this service and we pray that god will transform your hearts and minds we're getting ready to go into some worship y'all get ready god's going to do great things hey hey bethany family it's sister ashley here today with today's scripture reading and it reads as follows it is jeremiah 3 14 and 15. turn o backsliding children saith the lord for i am married unto you and i will take you one of the city and two of a family and i will bring you to zion and i will give you pastors according to mine heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding may the lord add a blessing to the reading the hearing and the application of his word be blessed bethany family [Music] hallelujah i will lead my minds [Music] know [Music] is [Music] give me in time [Music] and that's why [Music] praise [Music] my hands [Music] is your peace you'll give me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] to [Music] amen [Music] amen [Music] [Music] man [Music] hallelujah good morning good morning i am sister sakiya foster here with you and i am sister ashley lovelace and i'm here to bring you we are celebrating you know what today do you know what today is the 31st pastoral anniversary of our bishop yes okay happy anniversary happy anniversary we love you we love you we love you we love you 31 years is a mighty lonely my goodness oh my goodness yes it is and we have today we are doing a little surprise revision oh bishop are you excited i know i'm excited now i know we've been celebrating because yesterday we came together and bishop i hope you were excited and happy to see all of the people come through to say hello to you honk their horns give some blessings and celebrate you and decorate cars and all that stuff yes hopefully you enjoyed it but this is your anniversary so tonight we have a special guest coming in at 6 p.m yes at 6 00 pm everybody stay tuned because we have pastor jamal bryant okay cause i'm excited okay i mean i know it's bishop's anniversary but i'm excited for this look we reap the benefits of it right i love it i love it i love it i love it so please join us make sure that you are able to not only um take in a good word but also remind our bishop that we love him and appreciate him and then we will continue through the week as we always do absolutely and we have on tuesday we have at 7 00 p.m we have our safe house men's ministry is back so yeah real talk real situations real life yes it is on tuesday nights at 7 p.m so make sure you tune in for that and what do we have on wednesday well word impact gathering of course okay don't miss our wednesday nights and um i'm hoping that you all can join us at 7 p.m we need to find out how to get a word from the lord he's been helping us he's been leading us and guiding us giving us scriptures giving us focus so hopefully you're applying those things absolutely i'm telling you that maybe we pick up during the weekend it's so necessary to get you through to your end on saturdays we have onpoint at 9 00 a.m and then weather permitting we have our driving service on saturdays at 11 30 a.m so come on by your car pack everybody in honk your horns and praise the lord with us on saturday's weather permitting don't forget we um on sundays always have our eight and eleven services at 11 a.m services but um but you know we come back in the evenings and we make sure that we give 10 times better um definitely some information is 10 times better for our men absolutely and of course you have our engage live mid-service show every single sunday so come back and spend some time with us yes we hope to connect with you we can't see you here at church but we can see you on the screen so get ready to have a dynamic week everyone and we can't wait to see you and once again bishop happy happy happy anniversary praise the lord what an incredible time we're having today at this 31st anniversary and i'm so glad that you've taken the time to join us once again as we look back over the 31 years and see just how good god has been excited about our guests and i'm excited about this time that we get to establish a flow the bible says in the new testament if you believe on me like the scripture has said out of your bellies shall flow rivers of living water the revelation came to me one day that god has given us the responsibility not only having dominion and authority in the earth part of that dominion and authority is to establish a heavenly flow a kingdom flow on the earth if you believe on me like the scripture has said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water so god says to us he inhabits our praises so when we praise him there is an exchange there's a flow established in heaven that if we worship god not only does worship move his hand but worship moves our heart so along with this dominion and authority along with this image and likeness comes the responsibility for setting the atmosphere setting the season if you will moving heaven on earth one of those times is when we give the bible says give and it shall be given to you flow is established bring me the tithe into the storehouse and the offering and see what i'll do i'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing a flow will be established god puts that in our control at our command within the realm of our authority so when we get ready to give in just a moment [Music] when we get ready to establish this flow this biblical flow that is established by faith obedience and position when we release heaven releases flow is established whatsoever you bind on earth whatsoever loose on earth the cooperative response will be had in heaven so right now i want you to think about the flow you want to establish we're going to bring the lord the tithe we're going to bring him that offering because they originally belonged to him and as you go to the icon today and as you sow the seed called the tithe and an offering as you establish a flow because you need to understand every seed has a voice it calls in the harvest there's that flow that only your harvest can respond to the voice of your seed the voice of your faith causes things in heaven to shift on your behalf so i want you to go to the icon right now sow that tithe in that offering be honest with god don't give god leftovers don't give god what's left after everything else has come out and gone into our accounts and we've we've satisfied every alphabet 503 b 502a all those other alphabets we satisfy i want you to think about the goodness of god the gratitude that you have for him the appreciation you have for him as he provides and blesses i'm so glad he's not just a god of provision but he is a god that blesses you go to the icon let's do this thing together and watch god move if you're giving online the icons are on the screen if you're mailing yours in like many of you do mail it to the address of the church if you're using any other kind of electronic method do that write down but get in on the corporate flow of what god is doing let me pray for you god i bless your name now for what is about to happen for the exchange that's going to happen from heaven to earth thank you for this anointing that makes it all possible in our lives the holy spirit makes that connection with heaven possible allows us to establish that flow and in that flow of the anointing if we believe on you like the scripture has said out of our bellies out of the place where the kingdom is where the source is the promises reside shall flow rivers so it's no longer just a matter of bringing it from outside in now child of god you're moving things from inside the kingdom out so i want to bless god for you today father i thank you for the faith that's been released thank you for the performance of faith right now and i bless all those that give in jesus name amen prominent distinguished and loved this is the untold story of bishop david g evans hey bishop i'm so excited okay do you want cameras we are two of your most trusted members here at bethany baptist church it's me myrtle and it's dolores now bishop we know you are so busy being god's favorite vessel but we got some people here and they want to um uh myrtle what they want to do oh dolores bishop we want to wish you a hairy happy birthday dolores no what honey it's his anniversary remember we take we yeah we're saying hello for the anniversary oh anyway anyway well well you know many people don't know this but we have someone um uh the name uh uh oh his sister hey there david i mean bishop david g evans how you doing look how the lord done blessed you with 31 years of pastoring any good now you know it was quite a few people that didn't think you was gonna be so successful cause as a child you were something else but like i say when you're that bad god has a plan for you now look at you now oh god bless you and happy anniversary bishop now when bishop took over bethany in 1990 uh they say there was somebody else that might have been up for the job can you imagine bethany without bishop oh no but somebody said he was up for the job what you think about that let's see what's up david oh i guess they calling you bishop nowadays huh i see you doing pretty good over there at bethany looks like they picked the best man for the job you know when uh you and i was up for the pastoral candidate i had an audition for the ogs you know i was supposed to be the fourth member forever so we know how that turned out happy anniversary bishop i should have i'm glad he didn't get picked oh me too he want magic now in the year 2000 this plaza was done oh it was wasn't it but it was a lot of complications i didn't want to say but it almost didn't happen oh i know it really it it sure was some complications but you know what guess what we got here with us we got some of them dear contractors they're gonna talk to us too let's hear what they had to say hey bishop wow 31 years and 21 years here at the plaza and to think we weren't even sure that we could get this place built yeah we had a lot of problems with the land ground wouldn't settle yeah i remember telling john i don't think this is a good spot to build a church yeah and we told our concerns to bishop and he was like no this is our land and we're going to build this church right here i remember asking can we build it smaller we could build a nice sized church on this spot atlanta over here but bishop was like no we need the room so that all the people that are going to join this church get fit boy was he right that man has a lot of faith i'm glad he didn't listen to us yeah happy anniversary bishop now i've just read a lot of books now and they don't bless a lot of people especially this young lady i remember bishop came to me and asked me how i was doing after my divorce and my husband i told him he hurt me bad real bad he cut me deep deep but after bishop helped me and the church's friends i was felt like i was here without scars and then you know bishop came out with this book called hill without scars i'm not saying he got it from me i'm not saying that but i'm not saying he didn't either happy anniversary bishop you know one of the things that we know about our bishop right is that when he want to cut the rug for the lord oh when the spirit moves yes and so one of the things that i heard i heard that uh bishop wasn't always uh uh too graceful in uh cutting the world for the lord when i met bishop he had no rhythm you know he came to me and uh he just kept doing uh the robot and uh the cabbage patch and i said bishop you got to feel the beat you know so one day i was driving home and i seen some young ladies uh playing uh uh double dutch and it gave me the idea so so so when i i met with bishop again i said bishop act like you're jumping in the rope for double dutch so bishop just you know he got to rocky huh and then he he threw a little hands in there and i said oh i like it and then i start to play the music and bishop oh he just he went forward and i said bishop you got it bishop we want to say from the drama ministry here at bethany baptist church we love you and happy anniversary well we're excited about the word of god today the chief figure the leader of the full gospel is with us today bishop joseph walker met joe years ago he's always been so gracious when we call on him call he comes to serve with our convocations and special times like this also personal situations like an anniversary and i wanted someone to come who had a word that was strong who understood what it was like and when god laid joe on my on my heart bishop walk on my heart i knew we had the right individual so after our ministry begins to minister to you once again [Music] i want you to get ready get your thinking caps on get your pins and pencils out the man of god the master teacher the man of god the master preacher get ready to receive the impartation appropriate for the season and appropriate for the time that we're in won't you help me welcome bishop joseph walker it is 31 years ladies and gentlemen 31 years of service of leadership of guidance this is a man that is second to none as it relates to being a bishop to being a pastor to being a leader to being a friend and on behalf of the music ministry of bethany baptist church we just want to offer this just as a little bit of a change this morning we've got two of our friends here that uh want to just show bishop a whole lot of love from a musical perspective it's grammy award nominated cedric thompson and his wife the incomparable lejeune thompson be blessed tears so sweet to trust in jesus just to take him take him at his word just to rest upon his promise just to know the safe the lord [Music] i'm so glad [Music] i've learned to trust him [Music] precious jesus savior and i know [Music] that thou art with me will be with me till the till the end [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] him oh jesus sweet jesus jesus for grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] for grace when i don't understand for over grace with the world in turmoil for grace to trust him more we trust you oh god well god bless you i am bishop joseph juan walker iii here at the mount zion church of nashville tennessee and wow it is my honor to be able to share in this 31st anniversary for my dear friend bishop david evans you are a tremendous gift how i honor you sir bethany you know i love you what a great church you are they have such an incredible significant voice in the kingdom leading you over these years a man of god who is respected not only there in new jersey but all around the world and i'm honored to be able to share this sunday morning space with you and i pray that the word of god god has given to me to share with you will speak into your life and challenge you stretch you god's going to do something special i want you to make sure you connect with me let me know you're being blessed it's interact i'm at joseph walker 3 on instagram let's have a conversation love to connect with you and share more with you about some of the things we we have to offer and be a blessing in your life books and whatever so joseph walker 3 on instagram i'm ready for this word are you let's get ready for the word of the lord together today let's go let's grow let's do it now so let's receive this word today father we thank you for this opportunity to speak your word give clarity and truth to your people and we thank you this will be transformational for us all in jesus name amen i want to take you to a familiar text in matthew chapter 14 verse 22-31 immediately jesus made his disciples get into the boat to go before him to the other side while he sent the disciples of the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up on a mountain by himself to pray but the evening came he was alone there the boat was now in the midst of the sea tossed with the waves the wind was contrary now in the fourth watch of the night jesus went to them walking on the sea and then the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were trouble saying it is a ghost and they said or cried out was here but immediately jesus spoke to them saying be of good cheer it is i be not afraid and peter answer him lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water see said come and peter come down out of the boat and he walked on the water to go to jesus when he saw the wind it was boisterous he was afraid again in the sea cried out lord saved me and immediately jesus stretched out his hand and called him and said to him oh you of little faith why did you doubt i want today on this anniversary to talk about a water walker a water walker have you ever wanted something bigger than most people felt you were crazy for even envisioning that it was possible for somebody like you you've been in a crowd and conversation was happening but you felt nothing in that conversation stimulated you excited you because you were often thinking about things that were much bigger it is clear that when you are connected to such an anointing this is how your mind operates your spirit because you you're being poured into revelation receiving a word that's stretching you and pushes you into places that you would have never imagined and today i want to help you understand what it really means to operate outside the box operate outside of limitations you look at this word today this is a word that gives us a classic case of faith in action of how peter gives us a model of leadership when other disciples were willing to stay in a place of confidence and ease peter was willing to do something that nobody else would ever do that was kind of peter's way peter was an interesting disciple but one that jesus never gave up on because jesus saw peter's potential he never allowed his missteps to derail his destiny you look at this narrative jesus going apart to pray and sending the disciples out on the water and then coming back to them walking on the water it's an invitation for a real leader to emerge to do something that's never been done before to be a trailblazer to do something courageous to be one who's willing to take calculated risk a parallel his ministry because when you are a water walker you're not consumed with the opinions of people when you're a water walker you're willing to do things that people would dare you even do things come in your spirit that people never think about you're always a step ahead of people and you get irritated and nauseated uh by people who are stagnant who don't want anything beyond what they have this is a powerful text and when jesus is walking on the water this narrative is interesting because when peter who would ultimately be one that would lead the first century church you remember it would be peter who would ultimately defend pentecost the saint peter who would get the keys to the kingdom of heaven when jesus would ask who do men say that i am it would be that peter who will say you are the christ peter had the goods but he was he was being developed and but yet in the midst of it he had the raw material for jesus to use in order to bring about change in the earth this same peter saint peter who would be with john when they would see the man at the gate called beautiful and said silver and gold have been not it was that peter peter the saint peter who had a little hood in him and enough anointing in him he was ambidextrous you know like some of you you've got enough anointing on you but if folk rub you the wrong way you got a little hood in you too but let's look at this because what peter realizes is what you and i must realize the lesson here is is that revelation must be greater than your fear what the tech shares with us is that whenever you are facing something you've never experienced before what you know must be greater than what it looks like another way of saying that is what i know is greater than what shows revelation is the apprehension of truth at your own level of comprehension some people get revelation in certain spaces and others get it later but it's still truth one plus one is two some people get it in first grade some people get it in sixth grade but it's still true it's based upon your ability to comprehend it and what is interesting is that jesus goes away watch this he comes back and literally has to introduce himself all over again to those who he'd walk with they're concerned because they think it's a ghost they really believe that this is a ghost and jesus says don't you worry no it is i it is not a ghost it is i i am the one who has walked with you i'm the one who has mentored you and in that moment listen you must come to a place in your life where you don't respond to what you assume you respond to what you know the reason fear sets in is because you make an assumption that it's a ghost it's like this place you've never been before like this thing is well my god it must be the worst but listen unfortunately a lot of people make those assumptions without having the facts but but if you notice something these assumptions are based on perspective often skewed pre-existing realities they're based on pessimism people default into negative ways of approaching challenges or often just rooted in our own phobias our phobias and fears about what we've never experienced before particularly xenophobia this is unknown territory but what you're going to understand is that real leadership real leadership we're going to see peter here recognizes his word in adverse conditions in the midst of all of that jesus brings a word it is i it is a word it is a it is it is a complicated situation it is it is it is the fourth watch of the night it is it is an amazing time the environment is crazy but they hear his word he speaks his word real leadership zones in what is god saying i know what it looks like i know how crazy it may appear but what is god saying he's saying get his eye and listen when you understand that it is a statement of his sovereignty can't nobody else just say it is i it is i says i i'm on this water i took the chance to go out here and pray and i can do what i want to do when i want to do it and i don't owe anybody an explanation as to why i do what i do it is i it is also a declaration of his deity can't nobody else show up and just say it is i and that be enough only jesus can do that but it's also an announcement of his abundance because if it is i whatever you need is wrapped up in who he is notice something carefully here i want you to get this a lot of voices out there but you need to zone in on the voice of god in this season what is god saying there was something all the disciples on the boat but brother peter heard him say it is i and then if it is you peter then says well then bid me to come notice that peter's not responding to the circumstances he's hearing the voice of god and that's the word that is god in you that's the word that's maturing you and when you respond to the word the corresponding action of that is radical faith radical faith now i don't need to tell you that you've got a leader who's got radical faith but i want to put this in context because faith means nothing without a corresponding action a lot of folks say they have faith faith does come by hearing it is i that's faith that's who you are jesus but here's the other thing be me to come jesus says if you want to come then come here is where radical faith your ability to be willing to leave the comfort and confines of pre-existing situations and step out into something you've never done before see you must understand something some people will never leave the boat you got to be okay with that nobody else spoke to jesus about exiting the boat nobody else said lord if it's you cannot come out there no only peter that's the kind of leader peter would be when you are willing to take a risk you understand hebrews 11 and 1 like this now risk is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not saying some of you are listening to this message right now you don't realize you're the one that's chosen to go after something greater than what most folk could even imagine or envision you're the one see here's the deal some people will just never leave the boat and you got to be okay with that you got to recognize that even though peter is willing to step out other disciples are just going to be on the boat why some people on the boat because they are very complacent some people are just going to be that way they're going to be satisfied with what they have that's all they want they don't want anything else don't want nobody else to have nothing you got to just let people be if that's what you want to do you do you but then others only take the path that's convenient they only want the path that's that that has little disruption in their lives if going outside the boat is going to disrupt my own plan my own life it's going to be too much and they are usually very critical because people that don't do nothing and don't want nothing are always criticizing people who do i believe but all in my heart that most of the haters most of the people that criticize leadership or people that sit back and do nothing they don't give nothing they don't support nothing but they always talk about we ought to be doing this and we should be doing this let me tell you something god is calling you to do something that's never been done before i want you to hear this he tells peter if you want to come then come on if you want something bigger if you want something that doesn't exist come on that's never been done before you got to be willing to step out see i'm talking to you right now that's the anointing that's on your leader and a leader who's willing to do things that has never been done before and to preach and push you into places that's never been done before some of you are starting businesses you're going to be starting business and doing things you want to walk on the water the invitation is right there come on you want to do it you want to do something big come on you want to open up a daycare come on that's the word that's being preached to you every week it's getting you out of the confines and constrictions of the comfort zone that you've been in it is a word that's saying if you want more you got to be willing to do more and i'm here to tell you no data to suggest what might happen if peter steps out peter's willing to step out even if it had not been done before there's some things you're going to be doing in this season that have no president and let me tell you something just because you step out in the water just because you respond to god you got to know that sometimes even the best of us have moments where fear comes in but you can also rebound from failure peter's out there on the water you know the story and i think you make an assumption that leaders are superheroes we make an assumption that leaders don't have fears that we don't have failures and flaws but i believe this with all of my heart i don't want to follow a leader who doesn't have any flaws who hadn't went through some tough times i always say this when i fly on planes i'm always looking for the for how many stripes are on that pilot's shoulder because those stripes represent how much air time how many experiences that pilot's been through i don't want to go through a storm with a pilot who's telling me now we're going to all get through this together it's my first time and we'll make it no when i see those four stripes i go to sleep because i know the one that's flying this plane has been through some stuff and knows how to navigate through it that's the kind of leadership you ought to thank god for one who knows how to navigate storms one who knows how to rebound from failure and flaws and here's the beauty of this that when peter takes his eyes off of jesus for a moment when the waves got big it really gives us a revelation how distractions are after your destiny everybody experiences this every single person goes to this moment where the distractions will come when you're out here doing your thing the devil always tries to attack you and the waves seem to be overwhelming and it appears sometimes that you're not going to come through this and even the best of us take our eyes off of the destination and we start looking at circumstances when you're after something big like that that you've never done before the enemy always intensifies the attack that's why you ought to pray for your leader that's why we ought to pray for each other because some of you never experience the attacks you're experiencing unless you've gone through what you're going through now listen that's why you gotta in the midst of it you gotta have the faith to believe it's possible i got to believe in this moment that it's possible for me to walk on water i got to believe if i'm already out here and i know all these circumstances are going on i got to have the faith to believe and i have to have the fortitude to keep going i cannot allow myself to turn back now some of you you're so far out here that going back is not an option and you're so close to what god promised you nothing's going to prevent you from getting it but you got to focus on jesus you got to keep your focus on jesus and here's the deal peter took his eyes off jesus like any human being will have a moment where you get so overwhelmed and so distracted but the lesson that peter gives us is pray don't panic the lesson that he shares with us is that in the midst of this peter the bible says beginning to sink cries out to the father lord save me i want you to understand this in the moment of a crisis real leadership does not panic but real leadership knows the power of prayer because the effectual fear and prayer of the righteous avails much you've got a leader that understands prayer and it's not the length of your prayer it's the strength of your prayer when you're about to sink the bible says peter beginner in the sink you don't have time for formalized prayers this evening my heavenly father once more and again this is your i'm a child with a bowel down here to under heart thinking that last night lying down without my you don't have time for that what you have time for is lord save me because it's not the length of your prayer it is the strength of your prayer and that's why you come to a point in your life or you do what peter did peter doesn't call on folk on the boat why would i call on folk on the boat to help me they were too afraid to come out here in the water anyway so there's a certain language that water walkers have i need to be calling on people that were too afraid to do what i'm doing i'm calling on him who's already out here yes i may have messed up i may have slipped up but lord save me and here's the beautiful thing you got to thank god and rejoice that it wasn't fatal because the bible says y'all i want y'all to get this beginning to sink beginning to sink he called on him and he took him by the hand can i tell you something elizabeth please hear this please don't miss this beginning to sing god didn't let me go under i want you to hear this god didn't let me go under can you get this peter had enough head above the water where he could get a word out to god this is a powerful revelation that when he started to sink his head was still above the water i want to declare over your life elizabeth i want to declare thank god that god is not going to let you go under he's not going to let your business go under he's not going to let your family go under he's not gonna let your finances go under he's not gonna let your dream go under and he's so not gonna let his church go under i'm giving god glory that if i can just call on his name thanks be to god that god's not going to let you go under some of you right now to be giving god glory in the virtual space because when you look back over this pandemic you want to thank god that god didn't let you go under and you know what i want to suggest today that when peter though he had a misstep he goes down in history as the one who walked on water nobody else can testify to that only brother peter and when you're a water walker i thank god that even though he may have messed up he's walking on the water going back to the boat with jesus first time i was out there by myself but this time i'm holding on to him who rescued me out of my perishing predicament and that's what i give god glory for when i was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore sinking deeply staying within sinking to rise no more but the master of the sea heard my despairing cry and from the waters he lifted me now say am i it was love that lifted me and today i celebrate and thank god for water walkers you are water walkers they got on that boat and the men who were on the boat were looking like what in the world is this this is this is this has to be god of course because when you do something different and you're called to something more amazing than the average person there's a cost to be paid but you're willing to pay it some of you you got great dreams you got big things you're just getting started you're ready to walk on the water you ready to do it i want to challenge you if you're ready for what god wants you to do it's time now come on you ready come on you want bigger you got a man of god preaching to you saying get out of the boat and come on let's go the eyes have not seen no ears heard nor has it entered into the hearts of men with things god has in store for you but they're not in the boat you're a water walker let's go [Music] you want to go let's go you know we have an opportunity like this to go into the deep go walk on water to go and move into deeper spaces with god into his glory to get out of the boat and i want to thank god for your leader as i shared earlier you are so blessed today i want you to take a moment right now and i want you to invest into what has been a blessing to you that's out of the boat thinking when you can sow a seed as a water walker it meant that you understood that water walkers speak water walker language we understand the leader god has given to us i just want you today on this anniversary however you're led to give the text or however the platforms are available for you i want you to take them on but i want every single person listen i want you to get a seed right now and i want you to be letter to spirit i don't know what it means to you to have such a leader like you have but i tell you what i do know it's worth sowing into so would you do that right now i'm gonna pray and i want you to invest into the life of the good soil ground god has given to you as a ministry so god thank you for water walking anointing and leadership that pushes us out of the boat today we invest in the gift you've given to us all and we pray many blessings upon those who give in jesus name amen praise the lord we hope you enjoyed service today um we hope that you were blessed by the worship and the word for those of you who need to be saved those of you who need to give your life to the lord we've prayed for you already we believe god for you we've trusted that you would give your life to the lord those who need to rededicate your life to him we believe that you have recommitted your life to him and those who love the lord need to connect to a church we believe that you will connect to this house right now someone's putting a link in the comment section or you can put your name there and somebody will tag you you can give your life to the lord right now you can dedicate your life to the lord right now you can connect to this church right now trusting and believing that god is moving by his spirit leading you to make this decision to connect with him for the first time reconnect to him if you're a backslider and also connected this church do that now we're believing god for you the scriptures also tell us to muzzle not the ox that treads corn that the one that labor is the one that works to be able to supply and feed to help and to bless at this time we as our custom we always seek to be a blessing to our pastor if you haven't done so and please at this time the information is on the screen be a blessing to him he works so hard so much to make sure that the ministry is still operational and god's will is still being done through this house we've been asking for everybody to sow a seed of a love gift of 100 some of us are doing more if you can do more do more if you can't do the hundred do the best that you can we're believing as according to ezekiel that when you bless the leadership when you give to the priest that the blessing of the lord will reside on your house we're believing god that if you give with the cheerful heart that he'll make sure that he gives you the grace and the favor to have all your needs met that right now you can be a blessing to him whether it's the best that you can the hundred dollars or more 500 whatever whatever you want to do we're trusting and believing that uh this seed this seed that we're sowing into his life that will encourage him but also will bless and change your life sow that seed right now he gives up sup he gives up so much to make sure he's here to take care of us and it's just our sign of saying thank you god said for god so loved the world that he gave love is revealed and given so this is a love gift we're trusting and believing that you're going to join us and participate and sowing it to i believe is the best pastor father in the ministry in the whole entire world come on let me pray for you we'll be out of here father i thank you again for this moment we appreciate you for this time we honor you for today we bless your name for how you brought us through this uh particular service time and i thank you lord that you have allowed us to experience your presence through the worship and the word and now god as we close off this first half and get ready to come back tonight at six i for virtual i thank you lord for your protection on your people i thank you lord for this particular worship time to celebrate you and also the gift that you've given to us bless each person that souls now we pray lord that the blessing will reside on their house that lord your spirit and your power will be manifest in their life as they sow into the man of god as they sow sacrificially with a heart of worship i pray lord for a return 30 60 and 100 fold we bless your name for what you're doing thank you for keeping us in jesus name amen don't forget to join us tonight at six o'clock we're going to come back for another worship service pastor jamal bryant will be with us vanessa bell armstrong of course the worship ministry here at bethany y'all get ready god's gonna do some great things god bless you we'll see you tonight you
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 350
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BeaA7M27pNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 52sec (3592 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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