#TheBethelExperience - What Do I Have To Lose Bishop R.W. McKissick Jr.

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well this is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and we will be glad y'all they got no joy y'all know what y'all know I ain't got nobody with me listen welcome to the Bethel experience again this is about the fourth fifth Sunday 1200 Sunday that we've been doing this but I am so glad our worship is not confined to a building we can worship the Lord anywhere and we're encouraging you listen I really want to encourage you today is not the day for you to be flipping back and forth from one Facebook page or one website or one Instagram to another or YouTube we got our YouTube lives going today the Bethel Church I want you to call every body you can because today is a word nobody needs to miss I promise you it is going to absolutely positively bless your life get your coffee get your toasts sit down get your hands-free get your giving straight yeah I need you I need you to continue giving so don't forget you can go in cash out the Bethel experience gibla Phi Bethel Baptist Church Jacksonville go to our website the Bethel experienced calm for all of our worshipers that you know aren't technologically savvy I trustees are here as they've been every Sunday you can ride and watch well I don't want you watching but listen while you drive bring your tithes and offerings up to the church this is going to be an amazing day of worship it's going to listen this I'm so excited for you to hear and watch this word today it's gonna bless your life pastor we got our Karuna hairdo we gotta come up with a name for my don't know what we call oh I'm just glad to be alive you're just glad to be alive listen in this day and time I know you're right about that what we're telling what we want them to do babe well great morning Bethel family and everybody else our friends who are coming on today of course we do it every Sunday for the 12,000 time we're asking you to take a selfie and post it to the Bethel Church so we can see your faces we haven't seen you in a while and we'd love to love on you through social media so take yourself as some of them are doing it up here digital cosmical it what are you doing I don't know okay so take your selfie post it to the Bethel experience so we can see your faces we miss you we miss you we can't wait to be back here again it will happen again soon amen come on decree and declare it it will happen again soon now listen if you've got the whole family taking us e.i and listen if you've got young people teenagers I really want to encourage you to get them up to hear this word today because it's going to be an absolute life-changing word unless you've ever seen in your life we're gonna get out the weight our praise team is good and ready man y'all kick it i'ma start the song off y'all I'm just playing but y'all go ahead and kick it and we gettin ready for praise and worship Jeremy and the praise team gonna lead us in some social distance praise you get yourself ready for an amazing word praise the Lord everybody now go ahead and touch your neighbor cuz I'm pretty sure you're pointing with your family you can touch it kids your wife or your pillow and tell her that God is a good god do we agree that God is a good guy and he's always by your side he's always keeping always [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you'll be right there god we believe that you are good we believe that your word is good yeah God we also love you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] good good good good [Music] in the middle of a wheel he's a good mortgage awesome he's a good god he said he's a good god we got a long school song for you [Music] god [Music] [Music] good God [Applause] so good God good God [Music] me [Music] he's a good Arabic God [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs that is a good time [Music] that is a good god if we try to let this thing go but God has been so good what God said is a good good God good that is a good call he's a robot [Music] [Music] I've been seeing all those social media I've been seeing everywhere everybody's posted the kind of praise they gonna give when they get back to the sanctuary that's that's all I've been seeing I can't wait to get back to the sanctuary cuz when I get back to the sanctuary this is what I'm gonna do they've been showing dance they've been showing songs when we not don't don't don't get it twisted I understand what we mean that when all of us are able to get back together but I'm a little leery of that because if I got to wait till I get back to the sanctuary to give God a good phrase something's wrong here's what I want you to do right where you are the Bible said at one point David just encouraged himself yet many danced all by himself I want you in your own sanctuary wherever you are right now I want you right now to get up on your feet get ready to put your hands together cuz God's been good to us in spite of it all I said God has been good to all of us and I need you to not wait til you get back into the sanctuary I need you wherever you are right now to begin to give God praise y'all ready yeah he's a good guy he's a good guy these are good he's a good guy [Music] Oh [Music] get the sanctity of your house if you're right [Music] Oh cheerio it's appraisal if you significant your hand and just a little good stuff if you at the kitchen table put the muffin down moocher hands up you're a good come on attack we go became personal [Music] I want all the way down [Music] [Music] if you watch it on Facebook [Music] take some back because that spirit is already moving its rule today it's about to be owned because the God we serve [Applause] [Music] Shyama her believer that your conviction gives the of your energy the it's not the Braves team it's not even the patent but your conviction about who paladin's what God is done that powers your passion which is why you can be anywhere right now and give your praise oh you can be wherever you are and give it God the glory you don't need to touch your neighbor you don't need to have your neighbor you don't need people just a conviction when I think of the goodness and all it's done for me Big Bazaar app could babysit not so [Music] [Applause] we just came to give God praise today your conviction fuels your passion we are convicted that God is a good God yes he is hey listen once more I need you to go and share on Facebook wherever you are go share it here's what I want you to do everybody grab your phone that's watching I want you to find two or three people and just text them in caps gods of good God just come on grab your phone right now God if you're writing in the comments on Facebook I want everybody just to write the comment in there right now God's good god and when you see somebody write it I need you to write back yes he is because he's a good god he's done more for us than we could ever do for ourselves that's what the old deacon said he's blessed us and you think we won't come to church and be somber we don't care about no coronavirus we don't care nothing about what's going on because we believe that God's got everything under control we're not gonna be somber and sad we incidence gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise so we don't do what we would always do on a Sunday right about now you take about three minutes and give God now right [Music] [Music] Oh get your brakes all right because God is [Music] God is a good god listen don't forget you have the ability all throughout this service Bethel I need your faithfulness in your stewardship your faithfulness in your stewardship don't don't be fooled because the building is closed ministry is not closed all all of our ministries when we had our zoom staff meeting this week all of our ministries are doing zoom from the choirs doing rehearsals and the men and the women and the youth and the young adult the children are doing things ministry is still going on and I need you to faithfully give this morning go to cash app the Bethel experience go to to our website the Bethel experience com go to give the five Bethel Baptist Church Jacksonville and I need you to soul or you can bring it to the church you can bring it to the church and watch how the Lord is going to do miracles because of your faithfulness miracles because of your faithfulness listen we've got some exciting things get ready to go on and I need you to really hear them tonight at 7 p.m. tonight at 7 p.m. Bishop McKissack senior has developed this crazy passion for meditation and he has started his own ministry mindful meditation tonight many of you may not know but Bishop has his own Facebook page now and it's called mindful meditation ministry and so at 7 o'clock tonight 7 o'clock tonight he is going to be doing a 19 minute meditation and 19 minute meditation yes so if you're watching yeah you see it right now on your screen wherever you're watching 19 minutes I promise you you don't want to miss this tonight it will be the best 19 minutes of your day that will create the best minutes of your days going forward and so I want to encourage all of you tonight 7:00 p.m. to be a part of that right after right after he is done we're going to rebroadcast this worship serve I promise you after you hear this words you gonna want to rebroadcast right after that on our Facebook page we're going to rebroadcast we're going to go right from Bishop on his page into that first lady pastor I think you made he tell them what tomorrow is in the life of women our purpose here the Bethel Church we've been doing weekly things with our ladies last Friday we had our Freaknik party it was amazing of all the saints that are watching that probably attended Freaknik I need you to tell them what that stands Bama Lee family relating engaging aligning Kingdom and so we brought of course everybody together with a family of three we brought the freak out seat look at him so Bishop was our DJ we came together we did some different things we didn't name that tune we have a raffle we did a covert care kids and so we were just doing some things of course to connect with our Bethel family with the women of purpose so every week we've been doing some different things last week it was talk back to Z so this week is mad Monday so on tomorrow it's 4:20 a Kovach conversation amen amen now for 20 we will discuss it tomorrow god bless you for 20 we will discuss it tomorrow Saints know what 420 is if you don't you need to do any of y'all know where for 20 years whose birthday - your daughter's birthday well we won't be discussing Alana but happy birthday Alana listen it's going to be a covert conversation a critical conversation there's so many things that the church is scared to talk about that folk in the church are doing and so tomorrow and the conversation should start at the church and the conversation needs to start at the church so 4/20 is the date that's really what they call today 12:00 noon you need to be on the 1 women of purpose Facebook page we're going to share it to the Bethel page and on the women of 1st purpose Instagram page listen I need you to grab your Bibles go to the 4th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew and get ready praise team is going to get us ready I am so serious this is the the most provocative sermon I've ever preached you need to not just live if you're doing other things but have the sound up I want to challenge you and encourage you to stop listening and go to the screen and watch you have to watch this sermon today if you know anybody that deals with depression suicidal tendencies discouragement temptation I want to encourage you to get on the phone right now get a hold of them maybe they deal with anxiety I need you to get on the phone and get them right now tell them you need to go to the Bethel Baptist or the Bethel Church Facebook page or to our website the better experience calm or to our YouTube page the Bethel Church everybody need I need you sharing this if you're watching on Facebook I need you sharing it but I need you calling some of your friends all around the nation this sermon today has life-changing value we have a prayer line nine oh four four three eight four nine two two Kendall just look on there and tell me if I got that right nine oh four four three eight four nine two two nine oh four four three eight four nine two two at any point during this lesson this morning our intercessors are waiting on you to pray with you I want to encourage you as you listen to so see Bethel I'm encouraging you and I'm asking you to give your tithe and your offering bring it to the church we're here go online digitally but those who may just be sharing with us today as this word ministers to you this morning I want to encourage you to sow a seed because of how this word make a victor you challenge you change you transform you it's going to be powerful I praise team is getting ready to to prepare us for the word and then I'll be right back with this thank you whistles right now God you guys being so amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are the first you are the last no one is greater than you no name is higher you never filled always pre-field we put our trust in you God [Music] where there seems to until God all the prayers unto God Oh aren't you God [Music] until God [Music] and [Music] several remarkable God who counts the Stars knows them by name the God of all creation the king of the oldest car God's risen side and from majesty years [Music] we see to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] if you [Applause] [Music] [Music] sandy Julie Ejim ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and [Music] unto God [Music] [Music] [Music] recently I heard the president when he was talking about this new drug that many have been pushing him to use for covert 19 and there were people in the press room who were pushing back on him because of the side effects it because of so many unknowns about this particular drug as it relates to what it could do in patients who have this corona virus and he made a statement that I really understood what he meant by it he said what do you have to lose when he made that statement my mind got to racing my mind got to racing about how that question seduces so many into satanic opportunities be clear I'm not calling our president Satan by any stretch of the imagination I'm not making the parallel we pray for our president especially in times like these we can't afford to be Democrat or Republican or we've got to pray for him as our leader to make wise decisions so this is not a comparison at all for anybody that's listening but the statement he made leaped in my spirit and troubled my spirit not towards him but towards how others use that statement outside and different from this virus but they use it to justify what they believe are options and alternatives during times of depression frustration did you know substance abuse is up during this season in the month of March alcohol sales were up 55% alcohol sales 55% for some others it's not alcohol it's other substances we're looking at a scripture today that talks about temptation the temptation that comes with depression the temptation to take your life into your own hands whether it be suicide and ending it or using other things to anesthetize it the one thing you've heard me say about depression or temptation rather before is that you can only be tempted in areas where you're weak fifty-five percent increase in alcohol sales which suggests that people who drink are drinking more or more people are drinking did you hear what I said it suggests that people who drink are drinking more or more people are drinking the enemy tempts you in areas where he thinks you're weak for everybody it's not liquor for some people it becomes pills where they pop pills because they think that if they pop a pill that somehow problems will go away for other people is the magic of marijuana the smell of it the whiff of it makes them think that all of their problems will disappear and there are many people it may not be you but you know somebody in your Friendship Circle or your family circle right now who's struggling with this season or maybe their struggle was before this season and the season has amplified it they struggled with depression they struggle with temptation you need to hear Luke has a very interesting phrase about the temptation of Jesus when it was all over it says and he left him until an opportune time because you better hear what I'm telling you the devil is the master of opportunity he waits until he thinks he's got you he waits until he thinks he's gotten a hold of you I'm a 24 fan and so during the shut-in and I've been catching up on all the seasons and so passed and I've been watching one of the seasons I'd never seen before it was a season where Tony Almeida you may not watch it this may make you watch it what Tony Almeida was on the side of terrorists he confused Jack Bauer until he told jack I'm just infiltrating the other side I'm really trying to get rid of them Jack and Tony started working and that every turn they got rid of an African terrorist who was practicing genocide there was this biochemical nuclear weapon that they were trying to get rid of they ran into the owner of the largest weapon making company in America who seemed to be behind the whole thing when they arrested him he said to the president Madam President this is not over I promise you I'm going somewhere with this as the story began to unfold we began to discover that one of the soldiers that worked for this private mechanical warfare army building company had gotten away with one of the canisters of nerve gas it was discovered he had it and they knew he was going to blow up something there was this conglomerate of six here me six CEOs from weapon companies who thought if we can launch these in various cities we will show the government and the people that they need us to be security for the country and not just the military well as the story went it became discovered that Tony Almeida was still working with the other side and not with Jack Bauer I promise you I'm going somewhere when he finally got Jack one-on-one he knocked Jack out Jack Bauer had this biochemical inside of him they were going to kill him to now get it from his blood and make the weapon and when he had Jack Bauer alone here's what Tony Almeida said years ago probably two or three seasons before this one Tony Almeida's wife was blown up he discovered that this weapon owner that they had been looking for that they thought was behind all of this biochemical warfare was the one who orchestrated and ordered the killing of his wife he said to Jack Bauer I waited and I waited every wall I bumped into I waited every obstacle obstacles I got thrown in my way I waited i bided my time I used who I needed to use and then when he got in front of the man and got ready to kill him he said my wife was pregnant and you killed my boy in my wife he said and I waited all this time for this moment can I tell you that's how patient the enemy is he will wait he will wade through he will deal with obstacles because he's waiting on that one moment where he can get you and seduce you he is the master of opportunity but he is also the author of deception can I tell you what deception is deception is something that people use to gain an advantage over the one being deceived all of these are his instruments of deception whether it be a Ciroc or a Jack Daniels or a crown peach whether it be oxycodone whether it be marijuana he knows what your weakness is for some of y'all this is not up here for some of us how our weakness is insecurity so he brings people into our mix who affirm us for their own reasons for others of us its power for others others of us its prestige but he knows what your weakness is and today I'm going to preach this sermon that is going to show you how to deal with the enemy when he brings spirits into your mix today I cancelled the assignment of everything that you see up here I can't solve the assignment of everything that goes into your body the devil is a liar be not deceived beloved victory is already won take your Bible go to the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew and I'll be right back with you you know so often we we hear and we preach about the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights in a real sense Jesus was kind of like us he was shut in couldn't go anywhere couldn't move any where he was shut-in and in the midst of being shut-in at the end when the executive order got lifted and he could leave the wilderness the word of the Lord says that the devil came to him because the enemy always tries to meet you and beat you when he thinks you're at your weakest point and I want to speak to somebody this morning in the middle of this shut-in you have seen it as a season of frustration but I want to suggest to you that the same thing Jesus used this period for is the same thing you need to use yours for not a season of frustration but a season of preparation beloved God is preparing you for something and it takes the shut-in wilderness experience for you to get everything that God has for you in this season you ought to begin declaring right now that the enemy is not going to get the best of you in this season I thought I would give you a graphic look at what Jesus must have seen because in that fourth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew it says that the devil took him to the highest point of the temple that's where I am right now I'm at the highest point of our temple and showed him all of the kingdoms all around him the kingdoms all around me I see banking that's money I see the stadium that represents money that represents popularity I can look all around me and see everything that represents power he took Jesus to that highest place and I want to suggest several things to you today that can help you during these times of shut-in and help you deal with your depression and your frustration the first thing the enemy wants hear me very carefully he wants to cloud your judgment the enemy wants to cloud your judgment he gets you to this high place and he shows Jesus all the kingdoms and he says to Jesus if you are the son of God there it is first of all the enemy clouds your judgement when he gets you in isolation nobody was there with Jesus there were no disciples yet he was there all by himself the enemy wants to get you in isolation because if the enemy can get you by yourself he can make you talk to yourself and when you are depressed when you are frustrated when you are tired you're the worst person to talk to I'm trying to tell you today I speak against the spirit of isolation I'm not saying you don't need a long time everybody needs a long time but what I am saying to you if you let the enemy isolate you he will confuse you with being by yourself and being lonely the devil is a liar I'm not lonely when I'm by myself when I'm by myself I'm getting to know myself when I'm by myself I'm strengthening myself the enemy wants to isolate you and I speak to somebody today you have isolated yourself in your bedroom isolated yourself from your friends I challenge you right now come out that room takes your friends let them lift your spirits because when you are in isolation your judgment is clouded and you cannot think straight but look he said to Jesus if you are the son of God are you kidding me so the enemy clouds your judgment through isolation but then he also clouds your judgment through identification if you are the son of God after all if you're the son of God you shouldn't be going through what you're going through that's where the enemy tries to get us if you're really God's child why are you depressed if you're really God's child why is your bank account broke if you're really God's child why didn't your marriage work out if you're really God's child why does everybody you try to love not love you back if you're really God's child why does everybody reject you you cannot be God's child and catching the hell that you're catching he takes you to that I mountain and look at what said to Jesus if you're the son of God throw yourself off and let his angels catch you he misinterpreted scripture trying to twist Jesus up jump off Jesus and how many of us have felt in moments like this like jumping off a cliff jumping off a building jumping off a bridge taking a drink as I showed you earlier popping pills smoking we trying to anesthetize the pain that you're going through you've got to know who you are you got to tell the devil there's no if I am a child of God I am a child of God and because I'm a child of God I won't let you devil make me question who God has already made me in times like this when you may struggle with depression and when you maeda struggle with loneliness and when you may struggle with rejection don't take the key from you for your identity from the things you go through or the people that talk to you take your identity from who God says you are you are God's child and because you're God's child you come out on the other side of this but check it out when he tries to get you in isolation when he tries as best he can to mess up your identification you got to remember your inspiration look at what the text says he was led there by the Holy Spirit now I already know because the first question is if the Holy Spirit led me there why would the Holy Spirit lead me somewhere to catch hell why would the Holy Spirit lead me somewhere to go through hell may I suggest to you that you need to spend less time trying to answer the whys and more time declaring the hoos if the Holy Spirit leads you then the Holy Spirit will keep you the Holy Spirit will empower you and the Holy Spirit will sustain you the Holy Spirit will keep you and remind you that you are junk God's child the Holy Spirit will remind you you not in isolation you will never buy yourself if you just begin to talk to God and pray to God and then let the spirit navigate you to the right sources look at all the kingdoms that's what he told him so he first tried to confuse his judgment but then he tried to confuse him with the optics look at what Jesus but Satan said to Jesus Jesus look at all these I took you to the highest point so you could see what I could offer you may I suggest first of all y'all better write this down every elevation ain't from God he elevated Jesus to the highest point and it was a demonic seduction every elevation every promotion is not a God move that's why you have to pray when elevation comes your way to make sure it is God's design and not demonic seduction he showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world had the nerve to tell Jesus all of this has already been given to me jump off hey and let the Angels catch you listen at him then he says to him the next time taking it to the temple didn't work took him to the highest mountain and then he looked around again and said Jesus if you bow down to me I'm coming back to that in a minute I'll give you the kingdoms here is how the enemy tries to confuse you with optics he shows you what could be yours but he tries to frustrate you with the process so that you cannot focus on your patience hear what I just said Jesus you ain't got to go through all of this you don't have to go through family rejection Jewish disowning cross and pain I'll give it all to you right now and one way the enemy frustrates us is he works on our patience because we don't want to deal with the process beloved you got to go through some stuff to get to some stuff and the enemy tries to frustrate you and make you think you can have things right now but the problem with that is if you get it without the process you won't have the maturity you need to stay where God's trying to take you don't you get confused by the optics he'll make the liquor bottle look good he'll make the relationship look good he'll make the pills look good he'll let make suicide look good when I come against all of it today and tell you the devil can't give you what he does not own he told Jesus all of this has been given to me he's the father of lies which means anything the devil tells you that contradicts what God said to you you automatically know it's a lie the devil can give you what he doesn't know and he can't give you the job he cannot give you the quick money he cannot give you the house he cannot give you anything that belongs to God don't you get confused by the optics I'm up here looking at money everywhere I'm up here looking at the highest highest height but I declare to you every elevation is not supernatural from God don't you get confused by the optics don't you get confused by what the enemy shows you he's showing it to you to frustrate your patience so you can miss out and forfeit the process somebody ought to tweet right now Facebook right now trust the process come on tweet it right now trust the process tweet it right now I will not give up in the process I will not surrender my patience to the designs of the enemy I am here for a reason I will not jump off the highest point because God is not through with me yet he clouds his judgment he confuses him with the options but then the devil wants to contaminate your worship look at what he said he said I'll give you all of this if you bow down and worship me I've never thought about it before until I was looking at this for today one of the things the enemy wants to do gets contaminated nature worship he wants to make your worship null and void in inauthentic because when you worship anything and anybody other than the true and living God you have slid into a dollar and I would dare say in many of our churches the stuff we call worship really is not worship at all we get caught up in entertainment value we get caught up in emotional quotient we get caught up in trying to grab the crowd when in reality the only one that I'm worshiping towards is God and God alone the truth of the matter is when I come to the highest point it ought not tempt me to want what I see it ought to make me shout and worship God over what I see because nobody could make what I see but God nobody could stand me on a roof but God nobody could make skyscrapers stand but God nobody could make the beauty of green grass and trees but God when God allows you to see the optics don't you get seduced by Satan but you begin to worship God you've got to end this season refuse to let the devil contaminate your worship I know we can't get to church I know we can't gather I know we can't fellowship and pass the peace but I dare you right where you are to make worship in your living room make worship in your bedroom make worship in your kitchen make worship if you're out on your patio if you're driving pull over put your hazard lights on and give God a moment of worship to show the enemy that your worship is not confined to a building your worship is wherever you find God and God is with me everywhere all the time at the same time if you worship that spirit of depression we'll begin to get off of you if you worship that spirit of suicide we'll start to get off of you why because if you begin to worship then the Lord will begin to give you direction who to talk to who to go get therapy through here I believe in all of that and some of you looking at me today do not get so supera with your spirituality that you think it is unfaithful to seek therapy when you begin to worship God you'll discover God and begin to introduce you to the right people to help you make it through this season but it starts with your worship come on you tweeting with me today you facebooking right the enemy will not contaminate my worship the enemy will not contaminate my worship when I look around I will not be seduced to want what I see but I will trust God to give me what he has for me he tries to confuse your judgment he tries to confuse you with the optics he tries to contaminate your worship and he's doing it all because he wants to cancel your witness what if the devil had succeeded when he had Jesus up on the highest point of the city if he had succeeded there would have never been disciples if he had succeeded a woman with the issue of blood would never been healed if he had succeeded bartimaeus would have never got his sight if he had succeeded Jesus help me today if he had succeeded Talitha koum never would have been spoken over a dead girl if he had succeeded the widow at nain would have never had her son be raised if he had succeeded he had never gone to that cross if he had succeeded the sins of the world would not have been nailed to the court what am I saying the witness of Jesus conquered and helped everybody shout 'god i need you to hear your life is not your own there are others who depend on your presence you cannot let the devil get the victory because if he gets you he's taking out your family he's taking out your children he's taking out your coworkers and you need to declare right now the devil will not cancel my witness i will lay hands on my children i will pray over my family I will speak blessings over my friends because if he contaminates and cancels my witness there are other people who will not make it here's what you got to do and I'm done you gotta hit the devil as hard as he hits you that's what Jesus did in this text every time the devil threw submit Jesus Jesus said let me throw something back at you it is written come on where you are right now if you were in the sense where I tell you to touch your neighbor you can't touch your neighbor right now but just yell out it is written yeah come on yell it I didn't hear you it is written you got to hit the devil as hard as a devil hits you see if the devil thinks because he's got you alone he's got you in fear but ain't no fear here because God has not given us the spirit of fear you gotta hit the devil as hard as he hits you when he hits your family hit him back with that word when he hits your mind hit him back with that word when he wants to make you hit the bottle hit him back with that word and when you've done all to stand you got to keep standing St a Indy here it is saturate your mind that's the S with the word of God here it is think on the word of God and be thankful for his word that's the T here it is act on the word of God that's the a are y'all listening to me in here here's the end never doubt the promises of God's Word never doubt the promises that God can do never doubt God's power to deliver you in this moment never doubt that God will cure you of the depression you're in Andy you've got to declare the word in the way i'ma said one more time stayin saturate your mind with the word of God think and be thankful for the promises in God's Word act like you know his word and stand in that power never doubt that God has the power to deliver you and then declare his word every time you get a chance I'm declaring right now get up out your seat and stand with me right now and show the devil I'm done with the liquor I'm done with the pills I'm done with the weed I'm done thinking suicide oh I'm done what what I see instead of wanting what God has for me and I refuse to run and jump off of any building because I'm God's child and I defeat the devil because he's already defeated child of God what do you have to lose trust God and you got everything to gain I promise you this is your word today don't let the devil confuse your judgment don't let him get you in isolation don't let him mess up your identification always remember your inspiration don't get confused by the optics don't want what you see if it ain't what God has for you and God is telling you the devil can't give you what don't belong to him trust the process work on your patience don't contaminate your worship wake up every day saying the only one I worship is God and then don't let your witness get cancelled because other people are depending on you in Jesus name I'll be right back with you listen I want you to listen to me carefully I felt a strong tug of deliverance when God gave me this word I I didn't go to the roof for show or for entertainment the text said that he took Jesus to the highest point so that he could see and be tempted your eye gate is what you need to protect because your eyes are in covenant with your mind and it will cause you to start thinking things and when you think based on what you see you'll start to act I want to encourage somebody that's watching me you need prayer first of all nine oh four four three eight four nine two two and I feel I feel it heavy in my spirit that some people were delivered today it's been a season where the question is is is high anxiety discouragement a young lady 15 years old last week committed suicide because she didn't know how to manage the shut-in season I want to tell you great things happen during shut-in seasons Jesus got prepared in the wilderness shut-in season Pentecost the Holy Spirit didn't come till they were shut-in you ought to use this season to strengthen and fortify yourself I come against depression I speak against suicide I speak against discouragement anxiety poor choices I encouraging somebody who knows you can't handle that you ought to go pour down the drain right now every bit of liquor that you have in your house you ought to get rid of all of that weed you ought to get rid of those pills that you were prescribed for pain but the pain is gone but you keep using them to anesthetize mental and emotional pain throw them away God has everything you need I said something in the sermon and I want you to know I'm serious about that therapy I don't I don't believe therapy is a lack of faith I believe sometimes therapy is your faith acting in wisdom somebody watching me today you need to find a therapist therapy doesn't mean your your and I don't even want to use this word just sound politically incorrect therapy doesn't mean you're crazy their therapy just means you want somebody you can unload to I said this in my church before and I say it I don't know how many people are watching I suffer from depression I've suffered from it for years did you hear me to this very day I suffer with depression I wake up some mornings with such a spirit of heaviness on me and my mind gets flooded in thinking with all the things that I think are wrong and then my mind starts to pain I'm talking about me because I start thinking about all the things that are wrong my mind starts painting pictures of how this wrong is gonna turn out I put off for years finding a therapist and I made every excuse I'm a pastor everybody in Jacksonville knows me I don't talk to these folk cuz they may tell my business I'm gonna tell you I'm committed to finding me the right therapist because depression it affects my family it affects my wife defects my children it affects my parents but more than all of that it affects me I found myself sometime eating for my depression I've had other seasons where I drank for my depression I've even had seasons where I smoked weed yeah I'm not about high school and I must since I've been passed to him for depression but when God gave me this sermon today he also told me to be honest with everybody watching me and I I come against depression I speak against it today devil I canceled the assignment that you have put on my life and on everybody else's life watching me the assignment you've given the weapon of depression the assignment you've given the weapon of discouragement the assignment you've given the weapon of anxiety devil I declared by His stripes we are healed depression you have to go discouragement you have to go anxiety you have to go suicidal thoughts you have to go I bring down I cast down every idle thought every vain imagination every thought I'd bring under subjection to the power of the Holy Spirit and I declare joy I declare peace I declare happiness and where I can't be happy I'll still have joy no sadness no depression no anxiety no discouragement devil you're a liar you cannot have my life you cannot have the life of those listening and watching you cannot have their children's lives you cannot have our marriages you cannot use those things to push us out of our god-given place and rightful Kingdom places [Music] I declare the blood of Jesus gives us victory in Jesus name somebody order Yale where you are hallelujah listen to me carefully if you don't know Jesus Christ this morning I need you to hear me or if you don't have a church you can go to our website the Bethel experience calm on the landing page you'll see digital decisions you can either check the box for discipleship or salvation you don't live in Jacksonville we are on the way to forging our each urch you can even right now go and check the discipleship box our pastor of congregational care will be in touch with you I would love to be your bishop we've had people join our church from all over the country during this time you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior this morning check the box for salvation and very soon I'm gonna do a zoom call with everybody that's joining so that we can officially connect you to the Bethel experience if you have not given this morning this word this morning should have made you so somebody ought to go right now to the cachet of the Bethel experience the gibla 5 Bethel Baptist Church Jacksonville the website the Bethel experience com you ought to go right now you ought to so a Thanksgiving I hear this in my spirit a 250 dollar seed right now of Thanksgiving for this word this morning the trustees will still be here for a minute you can bring it up right now intercessors will be on the prayer line I hope this word has changed something in you today what a perfect partnership if you would join bishop senior tonight you need to know how to meditate in those times where you get depressed and anxious I want to encourage everybody listening to me 7 p.m. tonight go to mindful meditation ministry to Facebook page Bishop is going to give us 19 today as the 19th he's gonna give us 19 minutes that can help you strongly abate and cancel distraction discouragement anxiety and depression I want to encourage you to be there tonight for that we're going to rebroadcast this tonight you watched it now you got friends who are members of other churches and they are watching their church but you know they need this word tonight 8 o'clock we're gonna rebroadcast this tonight on our youtube channel on the Facebook channel man you need to see this word tonight it is a blessing I feel people have been changed transformed today by this word don't forget Wednesday night 7 p.m. our Bible study we will be together sharing in the Word of God I want to say one thing I want you to pray but the family of someone near and dear to my heart is the son of this church pastor G Vincent Lewis went on to be with the Lord last night pray for his wife novice novice was on watching this morning pray for all of his siblings Greg and forc even for Jagan for Karen and for Gladys pray for his children as his nieces and nephews his grandchildren lift that family up in prayer G Vincent was my big brother who I loved immensely pray for my father he is one of my father's cherished sons lift that family in prayer this morning I hope you've been blessed today this word was absolutely life-changing for all of you watching don't go anywhere as soon as I give the benediction and we sign off of stream I'm coming back on the Bethel page for our virtual fellowship you joined me there you can type speak to me and I'll talk back to you for about 20-25 minutes we can't go to the back of the church cuz you can't shake hands so this is our back of the church fellowship I'll be on the Bethel page live if you're watching me on youtube or on our website skip on over to the Facebook page and I'm going to be live there as soon as we get through don't forget to sow your seed share this soon as we go off it'll be on the Facebook page y'all gonna be sharing this word all day long cuz I know somebody was delivered from depression don't today I feel it father thank you for the power of your word that when the devil shows us everything we gonna trust the process because he can't give us what he shows us cuz he doesn't own anything thank you for salvation thank you for those who came for discipleship we give your name to praise for all that has happened today god I declare a cure over this virus in an accelerated fashion I even pray I yes I pray for our president vice president I pray for the task force I pray for governor's I pray for mayor's this is not the season for your prophets to be political in all things this is your season for your prophets to lead the prayer that wisdom not selfishness wisdom not immaturity wisdom not politics wisdom be the order of the day in Jesus name I love you y'all stay right there I'm getting ready to sign on to the Bethel Facebook page live peace [Music]
Channel: The Bethel Church
Views: 5,800
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: rudolph mckissick sermons bethel baptist jacksonville bishop mckissick jr bbic, the bethel experience
Id: LfzikRU4hhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 16sec (4636 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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