The Year I Saw | Tauren Wells | Elevation Church

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what do we do next you know so grateful to be here with you guys today and uh i didn't come to play no games this ain't high school musical where i just say a couple lines and sing a few songs and entertain yo i really feel like i have a word from god today and uh i tried to avoid this moment for as long as possible i tried to schedule trips vacations tours everything possible and somehow the lord just made it happen and i am so grateful to be here i really can't say enough of how much this church means to me i don't know if you realize how much you mean to me this is this is an incredible moment for myself and uh you know i was listening to to pastor stephen when i was 21 22 years old that was just three years ago just kidding it's been been about 10 12 years but beige don't age so you know what i'm saying so still looking smooth a little revitalized lotion you know what i'm saying but i i was i was downloading podcasts sermons this was when you just downloaded them from itunes and i would go back in the archive and i would get series like core oh see i'm a real one this ain't no bad wagon and then uh i would listen to 80s rock see y'all don't even know this got quiet in the room 80s rock series lift high was a worship series y'all remember that no y'all remember 3d easter yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah see i was around for all that online somewhere jogging listening to a video ipod listening to sermons and pastor stephen thank you so much for your ministry for what you have communicated to the world and into my heart i am so grateful i was impressed from a distance but i've been up impacted up close and uh you know my kids last night they were watching a movie provided by the the verdicts they sent a little movie night in a box and it had robes and slippers and candy and popcorn and seasonings and all this and i just thought you really just don't get better than these people and uh thank you so much i could cry but i'm not going to i love you guys and i'm grateful to be here today i got a shout out all my elevation fam chris breezy love you love you bro thank you chris for letting me participate in elevation worship uh singing songs like echo you know what i'm saying never lost come on and uh i love all y'all jenna john sal you guys have sent me some of the nicest text messages i've ever received from human beings thank you so much aaron love you bro um i could literally talk about everyone and i'm not going to because the clock is ticking but i love you all so much i've got my wife here with me today and she's looking all fine and this is a mountaintop moment for both of us i'm not preaching today we're preaching because this woman holds it down and uh we've got those three little boys seven four and two years old and uh you can't tell she's had any children because she's fine but i was writing songs with with pastor stephen and with chris and like every song ended up being about her and i was like no this is about the lord not the lorna okay we gotta refocus this writing session but i love you thank you for your love support you're a treasure to me and i bring you greetings today from houston texas lakewood church pastor joel osteen representing h town today well you guys can go ahead and sit down you already exposed me with the video i was here in january we were celebrating the kickoff of my album citizen of heaven and i was out here just dancing you know what i'm saying doing my little thing had holly in the front row i was worried i was nervous i was like is holly liking this is this okay am i going to be kicked out am i going to be invited back she's smiling she's smiling i'm good and she makes me a little bit nervous but i love her we were here and we were it was lit i mean i thought i'm coming into 2020 with a new album and i get to do the first weekend that the music is released at a church that i love elevation church and i was going out of my mind and then pastor stephen asked me to come back and preach and that just scared me to death made me nervous i started doing push-ups immediately guys i've been in the gym you can't tell yet but i've been there and uh i i was just so filled with expectation but i have to be honest this is not what i saw i dreamed about preaching an elevation church i'm gonna keep it 100. what you see is what you get i've dreamed about it i didn't dream that it would look like the youth room that i preached my first message in when i was 16. i didn't know it was gonna be 30 of y'all but you're here praise god it's not what i saw it's not what i envisioned i mean i came into 2020 with so much expectation that's the beauty of a new year that's the beauty of a new season we come into it with some expectation we have our hopes up possibility is in the air the gym memberships are up the calorie counts are down we're thinking about this is the year this is the year that god's gonna restore my my marriage this is the year that i'm gonna rebuild a relationship with my kids this is the year that i'm gonna graduate and i'm gonna step into the real world nah bro you're gonna be at home come on this is the year this is the year this is the year and we've all said this we've all wrapped our minds around this idea that i'm going somewhere this year i'm doing something this year so i was putting together my my plan for the year sounds funny to say it now but i was got my little journal and i was writing down and like many of you do i pick a word every year and the word for the year for me was build i wanted to build i wanted to i wanted to build man i wanted to build my health i wanted to build my family i wanted to build my ministry i wanted to build god's church i was ready to build and i i prayed about it and i felt like i heard from god on it but i must have missed something he said in the prayer meeting because i didn't realize that if god was going to really build something that stood the test of time and gave him residual glory he was going to have to bring everything else down to the dirt and this year it's all been brought down to the dirt but there's good news he knows what to do with the dirt he may bring it down to the foundation but he knows what to do for he is the lamb slain from the foundation of the earth he knows what to do with the dirt he breathed into the dirt and created the object of his affection in the humanity of adam he stepped down into the dirt of humanity when he put on skin and bones and climbed into the trenches with us he knows what to do with the dirt when he was walking through the dusty streets of jerusalem and there was a man who couldn't see he reached down not for some medical supplies not to a doctor not to a physician for he was the great physician and he had a prescription and the prescription was in the dirt now that's not my message today but it sure does preach good you can bring him your dirt the year 2010 my wife and i i proposed to my wife we got engaged and uh i got to tell y'all man i killed the engagement no cap i i mean one of the best engagements all time definitely the best one i've ever done okay and uh there's only been one but i i i was in nashville lorna was in houston and i had this whole plan man i had this whole plan i i went and i found these jewelry boxes and they were vintage and this was before you could just order it on etsy okay that's too easy i'd actually go somewhere and find these vintage jewelry boxes and gave one to one of her friends and i put a camera and a note in it and my friend put it under her couch in her apartment so i sent her a text this morning in in 2010 and said go go look under your couch a little cryptic a little creepy she goes and opens it up and there's a little flip camera and and a note now this was before like the the camera and the phone had been integrated they actually used to be two separate objects little zoom camera and i said hey record your day today pick you out a good outfit it's going to be a great day i'll talk to you later so she gets on there she's got a little retainer in you know tauren put something under my couch and she's doing her little thing and goes to the church she's working at the church her brother works at the church as well shout out royal wood and uh they're working and brandon comes in that's my brother-in-law he says hey let's let's go get lunch she's like cool so they go he gets on the phone he's on the phone the whole time they show up at the airport she's like what are we doing at the airport he gives her a second jewelry box and she opens it up and there's some plane tickets in it [Laughter] boy had the sauce she opens it up she's like hey this is overnight it's overnight ticket she brandon reaches back pulls out the bag we already had another outfit planned for i haven't made a plan since then but i planned this day so she goes she gets on the plane she flies to flies to nashville and shows up i've got my friends there and uh they pick her up from from the airport and uh they give her an ipod this sounds archaic when you just say it an ipod and it had an inscription on the back tori and lb that she calls me tori you call me tori i will send the swat team to your house but that's that's just for her and it had our little love songs on it you know what i'm saying so she puts in her little earbuds and then they blindfold her okay a little scary but you know it's not a liam neeson movie so uh they they're they're driving and they show up to this venue i'd rented out a venue just a little club you know nothing crazy but i had it you know had it looking right you know what i'm saying there is a single chair in the middle of the room spot lit and then i was up on the on the stage i'm a little stool you know sitting with my little pose you know what i'm saying and i had the third jewelry box yeah i told you i i told you it's a movie i told you it's a movie boy you got my little jewelry box she comes in sits down they take the blindfold off and you can just see like the moment wash over her face one of the best moments of my life and then i got my homie in the back got the little lights got a little haze it kind of looks like a youth room because that was my context at the time but it was still still nice and i started singing a song you're a different a beautiful song out of control written for me beautifully different for me for me it's a ryan edgar song y'all don't know it and uh stepped down off the stage you know i was wearing my little vest i don't know why got down on that knee boy this is how you do it guys this is how i do it right here none of these taco bell packets and weird stuff i've seen people doing on lines you know what i'm saying you got to go classic sometimes retro you know what i'm saying down in one knee and i say a bunch of i don't know if i quoted the notebook or casey and jojo but i was just i said a bunch of stuff i don't remember but i meant it in the moment we cried stood up gave her a hug it was it was the year of our engagement so then then we started making the wedding plans and by we i mean she starts making the wedding plans tiffany remember this include him just a little you know he's just happy to be there but make him feel like he's participating and so we start you know getting everything together we start sending out wedding invitations and uh one of the wedding invitations comes back but it doesn't come back to our house it gets sent to the church that we attend and work at and i went in to my father-in-law's office who's the pastor he said they they sent their wedding invitation back really yeah they they don't agree with the two of y'all being married it's a interracial marriage i thought maybe this was one couple you know maybe they were disgruntled they were looking for a scapegoat to leave the church no there were many families that felt like a biracial man black and white shouldn't be married to a white woman so they left the church 100 people deuces in a year that was supposed to be framed by the joy of an engagement is now framed with prejudice and dissension [Applause] but we put our heads down man and we just plowed through it we get to 2011 my father-in-law is a g he's a champion he stands up in the pulpit and he preaches with passion against this sin called prejudice and racism to the point where someone asks him what are we going to do when you know these black people and these mexicans are in heaven he said don't worry about it you won't be there some things just don't go through the gate so he took a stand and he married us he he he did the wedding ceremony for us and we got married we sang to each other it was great we went on our honeymoon came back and i went on tour was gone for three weeks well halfway through the tour i get a phone call from lorna and her voice is shaking and she's in tears and i'm like babe what's going on she says that her dad has been diagnosed with leukemia newlyweds y'all we just went through a church split me finding out people didn't like me for the first time in my life because i'm black and now my father-in-law who is one of my heroes has now been diagnosed with what we feel like is a death sentence and a year that's supposed to be framed with the joy of marriage has now been framed by illness sickness heartache man those were hard and there was more stuff going on i know that we've all had years like this that 20 20 has been hard but it may not even be the hardest year you've ever been through we've all got years like this where the the rug gets pulled out from under us and we're wondering what do we do and what happened to our plans and what happened to our calendar and what happened to the things that we thought were going to happen i had i had a different idea of what this was going to be this was not the year that i saw we're in the middle of a year like that right now where where i mean we started off the year with like 47 million acres of australia being burned to the ground we started off the year with the news of kobe bryant and his daughter and several seven other people passing away we've had our president go under uh two articles of impeachment we've had a worldwide pandemic and quarantine we've and that's just like at the macro level this isn't the personal implications of the loneliness that we felt and the hurt that we felt and the heartache that we felt and we've had to watch grandparents die on the other side of a piece of glass because you can't get into the facility to see them this is real it's the year that we've been living in and that's where i have to point myself my soul and my eyes to scripture because none of this is new to god this isn't anything that he hasn't seen before it's not anything that is outside of his control and so i peer back across the vast landscape of scripture to look into the heart of a young prophet named isaiah and he says in the year king uzziah died maybe you feel like that's the year you've been living in it's the year king uzziah died in your life it wasn't the year you saw it wasn't the year you anticipated it wasn't the thing that you had in your heart for what this was going to look like and what you thought was strong has been removed usia means strength in the year that what i thought was strong died i realized what true strengths really looked like because isaiah says in the year king uzziah died i saw also the lord and maybe this year god has been removing some things from your life that you've been dependent upon that you have placed your faith and your confidence in because you thought they were stronger than they really were but there is no one stronger than our god we have discovered in 2020 what true strength really looks like we've discovered that hope has a name peace has a name joy has a name comfort has a name in the year my strength dies i saw that god was stronger come on and put your hands together i thought our education system was pretty strong until i had to download 20 apps send 19 emails and god bless all y'all teachers i mean it's just hard for all of us we all just trying to make i thought our health care system was pretty strong yo until they said stay home we don't have occupancy y'all get sick you on y'all thought that health care system was pretty strong boy then we got to flatten the curve i thought y'all was supposed to flatten the curve y'all healthcare professionals they're in a tough spot man i thought the economy was pretty strong i've been here about that a lot greatest economy in the history of america it's been incredibly great oh yeah but one little teeny tiny bacteria took out a whole infrastructure not as strong as i thought it was thought my marriage was pretty strong until we were spending weeks on end together with nothing to distract us from our dysfunction we had to look each other in the eyes thought i was strong i thought my my kids teachers were wrong about them my son miss me no then you put him in your house day after day hour after hour minute after minute and you realize man some some of my perceptions weren't as strong as i thought they were but i saw something stronger and instead of running to a building to fix all my problems and running to a marriage to fix all my problems and running to a prescription to fix all my problems i had to learn to run to the name because the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are safe they that way upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall rise up on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not faint i've discovered what true strength really is [Music] it's jesus always only and forever jesus he's my health he's my strength found out what strength really was found out what strength really was you got strength today i like how the the the king james frames it for us in the year that king of uzziah died i saw also there's more to see many of us get stuck in an isolated narrative where we only see one half of what is true and because of the pain that we're experiencing in the trauma that comes with the pain our perception and our perspective is held captive and we become imprisoned with our pain because the the narrative has been isolated but there's more to the story my kids are fantastic at isolating narratives they'll run downstairs he hit me he he hit me cannon say yeah navy him glossing hit me they i i for a while i was like i just get on to the other one like why did you hit him yeah exactly what's i learned to ask a question guys learn to ask a question and what did you do to him first because you're not bringing me the whole story it's an isolated narrative facebook is sending you an isolated narrative twitter is sending you an isolated narrative cnn and msnbc and fox and all of them they're sending us isolated narratives there is more to this story there is more to be seen there is more to experience in the year strength died i saw also the lord and he was upon the throne transition did not change his position he was still high and lifted up and his glory filled the temple [Applause] i wish you'd just give him a little i wish i had just a little something on the organ just a little just give me just a little bit jimmy just give me just [Applause] i saw something else and it looked like the son of god um thank you i need some of them white girl amens too you know the little white girl amen so she's like so good so good oh my god oh my god yeah it's so good i was just journaling about this the other day i was drinking a chai latte and i was just free old lady mama let me ask you a question what narrative have you been isolated in [Applause] i was talking to my dad about some things just you know growing up you got questions you're trying to figure it out and as you come into adulthood you start trying to dig around and see you know the context of things and i was asking him some questions and as he was telling me about things that were happening around the context of my childhood i started seeing a story that i i hadn't seen before and it it changed the way that i saw some things i had been living from this place of pain as if that was the only reality and that the effects of that pain those stressors and those wounds were the only reality you see pain can restrict sight [Music] pain can keep you from seeing the whole picture oh it sure can man you get hurt by one person at church and now all christians are bad one pastor doesn't shake your hand he didn't stop to talk to me i mean and now you all ministry is corrupt because somebody didn't shake your hand the pain can restrict your sight you can be hurt in your life betrayed by a friend and now nobody's loyal you can't even see the people that want to love you because the pain has blinded you to their very existence you you'll you'll live from a place of insecurity where you're suspicious of everybody are you really with me are you really with me are you really with me are you really with me because a few people that were with you weren't actually for you and you rob yourself of deep meaningful relationships because the pain has restricted your sight you can't even see your kids you can't let your kids become who they were created to be in and live the life that god has called them to live because you are trapped in an isolated narrative and your pain is restricting your vision but your pain can also produce clarity because isaiah saw something he had never seen before he experienced something he never experienced before the scales came off of his eyes and he was able to see the lord also he was able to see the lord in the midst of it he was able to recognize the presence of the savior and it was that clarity of who jesus was that allowed him to write scriptures like isaiah 9 6 for unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given how could you write it isaiah i saw it i saw it i saw it i saw it and i didn't see it when everything was going right i didn't see it when everything was lined up for me and it was all falling into place you see i had a vision in the year king uzziah died and he told me the government will be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace you see it created some clarity for isaiah he got to write scriptures like god not only has power and strength but he graciously uses it to save us his clarity gave him authority when he wrote scriptures like when you pass through the water i will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you when you walk through the fire you will not be burned come on if you allow it to your pain will allow you to see what has always been there but you never could quite put your finger on [Applause] pain can be a clarifier you have to choose you have to choose if losing a king makes you blind to the king [Applause] yeah yeah it's a king it was a job it was it was a relationship it was a opportunity it was yeah yeah yeah yeah but but there's still the king the the king and he's not just any old king he's the king of kings he's the lord of lords he's the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i love this one the author and the finisher your story is not finished until god writes the final chapter and let me tell you something he hasn't written it yet there is more story more glory more power more presence more miracles more life you choose what you see [Applause] you choose what you see you choose the year king uzziah died i saw also the lord he was high and lifted up his glory filled when when uzziah died i saw the lord he was high and lifted up well i thought the the greatest position in the early in an earthly kingdom was the king yeah yeah yeah yeah but there's another realm higher than the earth so there happens to be a king who is actually the king of the heavens and the earth there was an office above his office there was a higher court to appeal to there was a greater reality to to see and and the pain the the pain of the loss and the pain of the disappointment we don't ignore it we don't act like it doesn't exist we just allow it to point us to a greater reality and what isaiah saw was that the king that was over him had somebody over him but what i'm trying to tell you today is the thing that has been over you has someone over it yeah yes sir yes sir the thing that is over you has someone over it i when you're going through something difficult you'll hear people like well-intentioned trying to encourage you and say you know what you're going to make it through it you're going to make it through it you're going to make it through it you're going to make it through it man you're going to get through this yeah though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i'll fear not yeah you're going to get through it yeah i've i got through it but i'm still not over it i'm no longer living in that season of my life but man every morning i wake up decisions that i make are being influenced by the thing i've been through but i'm not over yet i'm not over yet i'm not over how she hurt me i'm not over how he hurt me i'm not over the time we spent together the time we didn't spend together i'm not quite over it yet i'm not over it and if you're not over it it's probably over you it's probably influencing decisions you don't even realize it's probably making you take a stand on things that you don't really need to take a stand on it's making you view people a certain way and they really have great intentions and they want what's best for you if if you're not over it it's probably over you and i'm not an insensitive preacher today i'm not saying just get over it just get over it you gotta get over you gotta climb over it you gotta i'm not saying any of that but you can look over it you can look over it you can lift your eyes a little bit higher you can lift your eyes a little bit higher you can see a little bit further beyond the reality that you think is all-consuming you can look a little higher and realize that the thing that is over you has someone over it that there is a higher office of command that he is in control that he is ordering your footsteps that he is doing what he has purpose in your life that he's working all things together for the good [Applause] there's somebody over it somebody over it god is still god god is still god and you still aren't god is still god so stop trying to control it stop trying to manipulate it and look over it i will lift mine eyes to the hills from which cometh my help you have to look over it so that you can see a greater reality you're through it but you're not over it life is full of both wonders and wounds we choose which one we glance at and which one we stare into we choose which one we live from are you going to live from the wonder of who god is or from the wounds of what people have done to you i'm going to change gears a little bit here and i'm going to move us to a little bit further down in this scripture is this all right today verse 1 it says in the year king uzziah that i saw and in verse 3 isaiah describes what he hears and one cried unto another speaking of the angels and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory so verse 1 he sees verse 3 he hears and then down in verse 5. he speaks i wonder what our world would look like if we would see listen and then respond i didn't come to talk about that but i thought i'd drop it off and see what y'all would do with it he responds to what he has seen he sees the lord now anyone who sees the lord and like the vision that isaiah has received i want to know what they say next what's the response and he says whoa it's me and i'm not talking about like david at like 8 30 like how why what do you do you wake up at four to like are you working up through the morning i don't understand this he says whoa it's me for i am undone see so many of us when we get a revelation of who god is we want to run and tell somebody else what they should be doing because you saw this in scripture we miss we miss the fact that revelation is for reevaluation of us not everybody else what what i gotta the lord told me you know he really wants me in that word 6 a.m every day well he told you bro he didn't tell me 6 a.m he told me 9 p.m and some things we want to click the share button on and god's like nah bro i need you to download that into your spirit because i want to change some things i want to transform some things that anger i'm going to work on that that that perspective i'm going gonna work on that a little bit you cussing out the tsa agent tauren i'm gonna work i'm gonna work on it god be testing my patience in the tsa line y'all oh my god so i just just want to remind you today that the true response to people who have really seen jesus is an inward look whoa is me you know they should really fix that they should really work on that they should doesn't anyone around here know what they're doing i'm sure there's people talk about church like that not elevation church that wouldn't exist here but everybody got an opinion and they got a revelation of who jesus is they want to share it with everybody and tell everybody what they're supposed to be doing you post articles on your timeline hoping that somebody else sees it you sub tweeting because you're going to fix somebody on twitter no no no no no no no whoa is me for i am a man of unclean lips i got problems i got issues i'm dysfunctional i'm not here to call you out i need work done in me fix me heal me i'm a sinner i need jesus woe is me not woe is them they should how could they release everybody from all that you just saw jesus let him come in and change some things in your life what was me what was me i need him i need him i need him i need jesus i need jesus and he knows it and a lot of us we would like to skip to verse 8 right here because isaiah says that he hears the voice of the lord asking who will i send and who will go for us and and isaiah says ooh me me me me me i'll go i'll go i'll go lord say i am i'll go i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it i'll i'll stand on stage i'll declare your glory lord i'll i'll do it i'll i'll lead that corporate that corporate boardroom and to to the glory of the lord if you just bless me with the influence god i'll do i'll do it i'll do whatever you want me to do here am i send me and we want to skip to verse 8 but we have to go through the process from verse 5 to verse 8 which says one of the angels came down and touched the lips of isaiah with a call and purified him and clenched him from all of his iniquity what i'm trying to tell you today is before you touch a stage you got to touch the altar before you touch a mic you need to touch the altar we need to we need to touch the altar we need to touch the altar i know church is about programming and it's about lights and it's about all this stuff that we've built around the gospel and i think it's all good i use it all i love it all but you cannot replace the altar with it we still gotta get to the altar we still need to touch from heaven we still need a touch of his power we need a touch of his goodness we need deliverance we need transformation we've got to get to an altar and what 2020 has taught us it may not be what we saw but it can be the year that we saw also the lord and i went to the altar and the altar touched me and transformed me and changed me that's the only way you go from woe is me to here am i is a touch from the altar oh god touch our hearts today touch us i don't care if it burns i don't care if it hurts god you can do more with the touch from the altar than you can do with the lyric [Music] you can do more with a touch from the altar than talent you can do more with the touch from the altar so do it lord touch me yeah i want to go i i want to lead i want to be a part i want to come alongside but but more than anything god i want to be touched i want to be touched god i want to be changed i want to be more like you son about subscribers and followers and platforms and people and opportunities jesus it's it's about you so touch me to my father-in-law pastor ron macy said sometimes god has to change us before he can use us and if change is the price to carry the cross i'm here for it change anything you wanted me god change my heart the motivations of it always striving always reaching always performing always achieving but nothing replaces a touch wherever people are listening from today god would you touch them would you touch their relationships would you touch their homes would you touch the places where they're lonely and touch the places where they're broken because if you're gonna really use us we have to surrender to the process of transformation in the year king uzziah died i [Music] saw also the lord he was high and he was lifted up in his glory filled the temple no this was not the year i saw since the year i saw coming wasn't what i expected and yeah i saw some valleys i saw some low places i saw some hardships i saw some disappointments i saw some tears but i also saw the lord and i saw attributes of his character i wouldn't have known existed had i not have to live through the year [Music] and now in 2020 i see i see that you're good i see that you're real i see that you're present i see that your grace is weaving my story together with a needle called time and trust we spent a lot of time today in isaiah and this is actually just the beginning of isaiah's ministry it's very young when this happened there are 66 books in isaiah that lets me know that story doesn't end here if it's not good god's not done story doesn't end here there's 60 more chapters to be written 60 more seasons of life where you get to see who god is and what he's capable of so don't get stuck here don't get stuck in 2020 don't carry all of this with you may this be the year that you say i saw something else i saw something greater something bigger i saw jesus let's pray lord thank you so much for your word it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path god i pray that your word would illuminate our hearts today that we would see things we've never seen before that we would behold your glory god and that would we would be changed by it god i pray that there would be a transformation that would occur in the heart of every person under the sound of my voice i pray that our perspective would be lifted our hope would be lifted our eyes would be lifted god we know that you give us beauty for ashes god so would you bestow beauty upon us right now god lord you you give us a song in the midst of our sorrows god so would you put the melody in our hearts again even in difficulty god i pray that we would see that you are worthy to be praised nor that you are higher than at all seated high and in control lord we love you we worship you in jesus name and the church says amen god bless you elevation i love you all man god bless you [Music] thank you for watching the elevation church youtube channel don't stop here join the e-fam our online extended family and join us live every sunday subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a single video or live stream and share this with a friend you can also support the ministry by clicking the give now button to help us continue to reach people around the world for jesus christ thank you again for watching god bless you
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 266,849
Rating: 4.9311128 out of 5
Keywords: elevation church, tauren wells, the year I saw, the year I saw tauren wells, elevation church sermons, tauren wells sermons, pastor steven furtick, steven furtick, 2020 sermons, steven furtick elevation church, preacher, preaching, clarity, there’s more to see, perspective, lift your eyes, look over it, God is not done, God is still good, see listen then respond, revelation, Jesus is true strength, touch the alter, theres still a king, run to the Lord, Isaiah 6
Id: NFlu9SYUHdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 13sec (3013 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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