Beating Burnout | Moodswingers | Out Of The Vault | Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

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I know what you're thinking if you're a subscriber you're going this is not the day when I normally get my new elevation Church sermon what's going on this is a special delivery this is a message from the fall I wanted to try this out for a while and release a message that's not currently available from a series that I preached a few years ago you will notice a difference in my facial hair you may notice a little bit of difference in wardrobe but hopefully the message is gonna bless you I hand selected this one from our mood swingers series one of the most popular series that we ever did and I'm gonna be releasing them here at the same time over the next several weeks from the vault just to say thank you for subscribing to our YouTube channel now if you enjoy it let me know in the comments because I'm gonna read it make sure you share it and like it and I let us know and maybe we'll keep keep bringing them out of the vault I don't know what do you think anyway I hope you enjoyed this message I hope God uses it to speak to you don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell so we can let you know when we have content like this and also if you haven't subscribed to official Steven Furtick YouTube channel do that we put all kinds of content there as well just trying to keep you well fed with the Word of God in its official Steven Furtick I don't know what makes it so official but there it is enjoy this message from mood swingers and I hope you enjoy this series in its entirety from the vol love you for this fourth and final installment of our series on mood swingers yes my friends this is it so if you aren't happy yet this is your last chance to get happy last call last call for joy last call for happiness last call for enthusiasm amen I I'm telling you what I preached this sermon last night and it went over pretty good pretty good and I was nervous if it would cuz what the Lord showed me what you're about to see it's kind of something I didn't know if I could make it make sense like it made sense in my head and if I could make you feel like I feel it in my heart but let's give it our best shot today I want to preach from Exodus 27 20 and 21 just two verses and then I want to tie them to a couple other verses as well but I want to use this as a basis Exodus chapter 27 verse 20 and 21 a lot of times going into a week study I know exactly what Scripture I want to preach on this week I was headed over to the scripture in my Bible that I thought I might preach on and and I saw this neon flashing sign in this scripture that I just told you about and I peeled off the interstate wasn't planned to get off here and I just got stuck there and I decided to preach it instead so has ever happened to you you just decide like we're going out to eat here but hey that place looks great too and you pull in there and it's amazing that's what happened to me in the scripture this week I never even knew this scripture was in the Bible before and every time I read it I mean I'm sure I read it because I read through the Bible before but I never paid attention to it you'll see why that's amazing and I want you to experience it the way I did today so let's look at Exodus chapter 27 verse 20 where the Lord is giving Moses some instructions and he tells them as follows command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the lamps may be kept burning three phrases that stand up to me in that particular verse clear oil pressed olives kept burning they jumped out at me that's why I'm telling you when I saw it it's like it's supposed to be just this little obscure part in where God is telling the people about how they should build the tabernacle which is where his presence would come and meet with them when they were journeying through the wilderness and it was this portable tent structure that they would set up it was eleven thousand two hundred and fifty square feet called the tent of meeting or the tabernacle and he tells them when you're building it outside the area where the Ark of the Covenant is look at verse 21 he says in the tent of meeting outside the curtain that shields the Ark of the Covenant law which is the place where God would meet with the people in a special way meet with the priests in a special way he said outside that curtain Aaron and his sons those were the priests that help the people meet with God that represented God to the people and the people to God Aaron and his sons are to keep the lamps burning before the Lord from evening till morning you're gonna love that Scripture by the time I'm done with it I want to speak to you today for a few moments on this subject for our final week of mood swings I want to talk to you about beating burnout beating burnout and after you've written that that title down on your page tell the person next to you you're too bright to burnout you too bright to burnout too bright to burnout burnout for me it might seem like it's a strange subject for a young man to preach on burnout but I don't think burnout is a product of how long you've lived I think it's a product of how you live I was studying about burnout just as a psychological phenomenon this week and you know we all hear about various crash and burn scenarios but I think what a lot of us never hear about or never tell about is just ordinary people who don't crash and burn but just live life kind of burned out we hear about burnout you know sometimes it's used in a different context to talk about people who enjoy various substances until they're no longer able to enjoy them and we call them a burnout but you know athletes can burn out they did a poll of Olympic athletes I don't know how many they pulled into the the selection group but they studied and said that over 60% of the athletes the Olympic athletes that they had studied had experienced not just being tired but severe burnout career threatening burnout in an effort to be the greatest at what they did they experienced burnout and the the thing about burnout is see the more fired up you are the greater the likelihood that the flame that makes you so excitable so enthusiastic so powerful when it's on that same flame can turn on you and actually burn you out from the inside out well I preach about this in dealing with moot fingers well because a lot of the moves that you experience are a result of unchecked unrecognized burnout from an untended internal state and a lot of us are all over the map in the way that we act not because we're bad people but because we're burned-out I was studying in Forbes magazine well that sounds so deep I read an article online that was originally on Forbes magazine preachers man but this lady's Lisa Gary said she had a definition of burnout she said you know simply define and I thought this was pretty good for our purpose today burnout is when the demands placed on you exceed the resources available to you have you ever felt like the demands that were on you who are greater than the resources available to you if so if you live that way for any length of time burnout is inevitable and it is marked by the following characteristics although not limited to them I'll just read a few I don't want this to get too depressing you might be burning out if your life is marked by chronic exhaustion I don't mean you're tired because you had a report too I mean like just tired even when you're sleeping you're not waking up rested lack of motivation can't get excited about stuff that you used to live for you're doing some of the things that you love but you're not loving what you do it's called burnout frustration over things that you could fix but instead of fixing them you become so frustrated that you impair yourself from fixing them cynicism just always finding everybody's angle on everything you know life is a giant conspiracy theory for you broken focus wavering concentration slipping in areas that you used to be strong in just slipping a little bit unnecessary conflict conflict isn't a bad thing but just conflict for the sake of conflict just butting heads with people just because they happen to get near you just because they happen to look at you kind of funny just conflict unspoken conflict spoking conflict preoccupation with the wrong priorities it's a sign of burnout you no longer have the emotional energy I'm taking a little longer to build this up because when I get into the Bible text I don't you to think it doesn't apply to you and I like to connect things that you can feel the things that you read in the Bible so you know that God wasn't just writing exodus 20:7 to the israelites when they were wandering through the wilderness but that we also wandered through wilderness we also wandered through dry seasons we also deal with a silent frustration although we don't always voice it some of us are are burned out on the inside we're making bad decisions and we're chronically in a bad mood and we have bad relationships not because we're bad people tell somebody you're not a bad person you're not a bad person come on tell them Benny didn't need to know cuz sometimes they look at their responses and they measure themselves on the revelation of their response but it's not that you're a bad person it might be that you're burned out and so your discontent and your restless and and and to not deal with the issue that is causing your life not to burn brightly like you want it to anymore and just be frustrated with the symptoms is like you screaming at the grill cuz it's out of propane the grill might be a good grill you're like my beard good life your wife might be an excellent lover but the passion might have waned you might be out of propane tell somebody next to you do you have any propane why do I make you talk to each other so much make you say the craziest things in exodus 20:7 we have an instruction from the Lord and i'ma put it as simply as I can I think there's a direct connection between what God was telling these people about how to keep these lamps burning and what he would speak to me and you about how to keep our passion intact in our lives in this section of Scripture God has just revealed to his people the 10 commandments he's called them out of slavery he's showing them a new way to live I said a new way to live University City not the old way not the oppressed way not under bondage but in freedom and in liberty and how many know it's not as hard to be set free as it is to live in freedom and they're set free from their slavery but now they've got to learn how to live in freedom and how to tend to their passion so that their lives reflect the God who called them out and and he's given them not so much regulations of how to live but a revelation of himself that will show them how to live together as a new community and that's a whole sermon in itself but by the time you get to Exodus 27 verse 20 he's spelling it out in detail God said I want to build a place where I can meet with my people in fact one of the things that they call the tabernacle it goes by several names and one of the names of it is called the place of promised presence I love that phrase that God said there's a place where I will promise to meet with you well even when Waffle House is closed I'll be open which is never but I'll always be there be there beyond 24/7 366 leap year you can count on my presence in this place and where the Ark of the Covenant was in this in this tent of meeting or the tent of promised presence outside of it there were curtains because the people couldn't just come in in the old way they had to come in a certain way represented by priests now you and I don't have to do that anymore and I don't have time to break down how the book of Ephesians said that that that we are all members of the body of Christ and how the scripture says that you are a royal priesthood in 1st Peter 2 verse a you are a holy nation in other words Jesus is our high priest he tore the veil or the curtain made a way for us to come to God that's how you can come into church and even though your week was characterized by burnout you can still have a fire in your life and it doesn't have to be started by a preacher come I want to show you this because because he said in verse 20 exodus 20:7 20's and command the israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives in other words it's the people's responsibility to start the fire not the priests let me keep chewing let me keep chewing it's not my job to fire you up now I'll do my best to stoke you poke you preach to you inspire you but the fire is within you and only you can make it burn only you can light your fire I know Jim Morrison said come on baby light my fire but but I'm not your baby and and I can't be your fire starter and I can't I can't be I can't be I can't be I can't be a circus clown up here to entertain you it is nobody's job take me out of the equation it's not your mama's job it's not your husband's job it's not your best friend's job it's your job to keep your passion intact you gotta tend your own passion he said commend the Israelites to bring the oil and out of the oil there will be a lighten out of the light there will be a an illumination of the place where I have promised to meet with you the place of promised presence now let's go to the New Testament Matthew chapter 6 Jesus is giving some instructions much like God in Exodus 20 I try to show you every chance I can how the New Testament in the Old Testament are telling the same story of the same Savior now Jesus is in Exodus 27 even though he's not mentioned by name and when Jesus finally came upon the scene in Matthew chapter 6 he preached this sermon called the Sermon on the Mount and when he preached that he was inaugurating a new kingdom he was teaching people how to not live as slaves how to not live oppressed how to not live in bondage they were they were they were in the bondage of religion they were in the bondage of legalism they were in the bondage of a political system and he's teaching them how to be set free on the inside he's teaching them how to how to unhook those chains that bind them on the inside and one of the things he said listen to this in the light of what we just read in Exodus 27 he says the eye is the lamp of the body okay we got an external lamp in Exodus 27 and we got an internal lamp in Matthew chapter 6 because a lot of times what you see in the Old Testament external when Jesus came along and when he went to ascend to the right hand of the Father as we believe that he did as Christians and sent his spirit it's internalized in the New Testament so he's saying you know how they had those lamps on the outside of the curtain in the tabernacle he said well now in your relationship with me the eye is the lamp of the body now if your eyes are healthy your whole body will be full of light I love that scripture because it means that God isn't interested in just saving my soul he wants everything about me to be lit on fire with him he wants me to actually enjoy the life that he died to purchase to give me as a gift and he said I want your whole life to light up I'll light up your life but it happens through your eye now we understand he's not talking about a physical eye here Jesus isn't giving a diagnosis about cataracts Jesus is talking about that eye of your heart he's saying the way that your heart perceives your life determines what you see and what you don't are you with me but if your eyes are unhealthy your whole body will be full of darkness and if the light within you the light within you the light within you whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa we just stumble upon something in exodus 20:7 God met with the people in a tent of promise presence now Jesus says you don't need a tent anymore cuz you are a tent and my presence is no longer in a place my presence is in a person let me stay on this for a minute because I need you to know you are a person of promise presence jesus said I will be with you always even to the end of the age 24/7 365 I'll be there not around you not in a place waiting for you that wasn't waiting for you in church today when you came he was with you when you showed up it's only a church cuz you're here because his presence is in you so now let's work it we got the tent that's you we got the presence of God that's him that's the Holy Spirit and then we've got the delight we've got the the lamps and Jesus said that's your heart that's where the light comes from that's where the passion comes from and if your passion goes out you won't be able to locate my presence and this fundamentally explains on some levels why we can't sense God a lot of times it's not that he's not there he's within you he promised he would be he sent his spirit to live in you to the end to the very end to guide you to come for you he said it's to my advantage that I go away so I can send you the comforter so I can send you my presence within you is there but when the lights go out you can't find it it's very difficult to meet with God when you've lost yourself if the light within you is darkness in other words if if you lose your passion it's gonna be very hard for you to locate God's presence am i preaching good can we go deeper I want to give you three thoughts on this just three and with each one I want to look at it like a little mini seminar and I want to teach you something about not burning out I'm talking to the new Christians who are excited about God right now but you know we don't want you to just burn up real high we want you to burn a really long time I'm talking to those of you who have known God for quite some time decades perhaps and yet it's not getting easier for you to find God's but could it be that the presence didn't move but that the light went out inside of you see when you don't let the light and that's the first thing I want to talk to you about I want to talk to you about the right light but these down class this is a biblical seminar free of charge I want to talk about the right light because I've learned that the light that you look at something in is is just as important as what you're looking at any photographer can tell you any videographer can tell you the light that you put something in it's just as important as what you have you ever seen a picture of yourself where you look thinner more muscular the picture was more flattering than the reality because the lighting is just they got you in the right light on the other hand if you ever seen a picture you Oh too much light I need a dimmer switch filter that because the right light is important and you know what's crazy about the church the church will divide over the stupidest stuff just the dumbest stuff just I mean we'll take a theological thing that that they're really you know none of us understand and will divide into camps over it as if we've been to heaven and Jesus personally told us as if as if we had a personal consultation with God before he created the universe and we just go over here this group over here and you believe this about baptism I believe that about baptism and you believe this about you know predestination and all these church words all this and a lot of it is a lot of people who are compensating for their lack of personal intimacy with God by trying to regulate a philosophy by which they can feel closer to him because they don't want to do the actual hard work of getting to know someone who thinks differently than ever let's just divide over the stupidest stuff and what does that have to do with my sermon on burnout because this week I came across something that I actually think is worth a church taking sides over and I want to show it to you because some things are come on church we got to be engaged with the real issues of our day how many of you have not been exposed to dress gate let me see your hands as I thought the whole world is broken fractured talk about healing the racial divide we got to heal the dress divide before we can do anything else people all right so let's do we got to do it and I've hesitated to put the illustration up here because this can cause a lot of contention Holly and I got in a screaming match about this dress when it was first sent to us and different people see different things at all of our locations come on let's play along how many of you see a white dress with gold trim raise your hand get a good look at these people because they are the crazy delusional ones you should be on the lookout for them you should not engage them in conversation security these people are seeing things Holly is like you she has issues my brother-in-law sent me the dress a picture of the dress he said what color is this bro I said blue and black it is blue and black no I'm saying factually look here it is on it is blue and black it is a it's not opinion it is an objective statement of fact that dress is blue and black however put the other one up there when you put it in put the other one up there the other one that we have on the screen that we just showed when you look at it in a certain light see I've been studying this on the youtubes I got real intrigued about this dress because Holly's screaming at me is white and gold and I'm telling her it's blue and black and she's saying you're lying you there's no way you can see blue and black muffins I see blue she said you even have your lying face on you're a horrible liar and I'm like promising on my children's right arms and lives and things like this that is blue and black and we're going at it and it almost was the end for us we've been through a lot of things together but this almost because this is unimaginable to me put it up one more time is but but I get it because I studied about it how it all depends on what light you perceive is in the background everybody the neuroscientists are stumped about it they've never seen anything like it because if you see in the background an artificial light a yellow light if you perceive that as the background and see this picture is crop just such that none of us can really tell it's just the right amount of mystery for none of us to really know what setting it's in so since we don't know the context our eyes process at different ways because when you see colors you're not actually seeing a color you're seeing a reflection of light and then what's hitting your retina is sending a signal to your brain to let your brain know what color to call it and this is problematic because if you think that's blue sky light shining on the dress you'll see it as a white and gold dress and you will be wrong take it down I don't want split the church over this I'm just trying to say that looking at your life in the wrong light can cause you to see things that aren't really there come on last night they were much much much more responsive when I told them that your situation may not be as bad as you think your prognosis might not be as dire as you made it out to be maybe what you need to do is get this thing in the right light see if you get it in the right light if you get it in the either in the purvey of truth if you get it out where the light is shining that's our problem we spend too much time in the wrong light we spent too much time exposed somebody shouting at another campus right now we spent too much time in the shadows so we start to see things as scary they're really scare us things start to depress us that really shouldn't oppress us but if we look at it in the right light that's why you came to church I gotta get that natural light in my life I gotta get that sunlight I gotta get that sign in I gotta get that bright light I gotta get a good line I gotta sleep this in the right light I got I gotta get God to shine on my situation so I can see the true colors of what I'm going through maybe you're looking at it in the wrong light maybe if you bring your struggle to the show you just need to turn the lights on come on tell somebody flip the switch turn the lights on it's not as bad as it looks it's not that's only the first point so we got to go you know I could preach all day don't you about the right light now the right light the right perspective he said if your eye sees your situation wrong in the darkness you will think my presence is no longer in the 10 but in actuality you just let the lights go out you will think that I am no longer calling you or that I am no longer in that situation or that I have no longer sustain you see I said burnout is when when the demand placed on you is greater than the resource available to you could it be that if God's presence is inside of you you have unlimited resource but just when your lights go out you no longer can access what's available to you seek us as God's child let me tell you something you are never gonna be in a situation where the demands placed upon you exceed the resources available to you never never buy if you let the lights go out you won't know how to find what was right there to meet your need you got to get it out in the right light that's why you can't go too long you can't go too long without being in God's presence cuz that brings the lights on let me move from this cuz I've talked about the right light and I think you could study that a little bit more on your own I look up 2nd Corinthians when you do sin Corinthians 4:6 for God who said let light shine out of Darkness made his light shine in our hearts he made the lights come on to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ if you were here last week you remember me talking about the countenance but you know God can be smiling on your life but you not see it because there's no light shining in your heart to behold his face the right line and we need to talk about something else in the passage I want to talk about number two essential oils essential oils have any of your relatives tried to sell you some essential oils I know that on the East Coast were a little behind on a lot of trends our west coast audience but the essential oil craze has completely caught on in the southeastern United States of America everybody's rubbing oil all over each other all the time around here now there's oil for everything you don't believe me I've brought some oils just a few I'm not selling them I can make a lot of money getting in this oil thing couldn't I I'm not selling them I'm not even say anything about them I think they're wonderful they smell great I like good smells I'm sure they're great but I got this book they they found me a book where I start studying about cousin passage he talks about oils so I wanted to bring it up to contemporary modern language and these essential oils listen to what the book says they are nature's volatile aromatic compounds generated within shrubs flowers trees roots bushes and seats they are usually extracted through steam distillation hydro distillation or cold-pressed extraction the power of an essential oil lies in its constituents and their synergy each essential oil is composed of 200 to 500 different bio constituents this is so fascinating you guys are enthralled which make them very diverse in their effects and no two oils are alike amen and to prove that let me show you a few of the oils just a few that I was studying did you know that they have the unique ability to penetrate cells within your body and travel throughout your blood and tissues amen thank you Jesus so you got let's start out basic lavender oil and Nicole tell me if I mess in any of this up it can be calming sleep-inducing you may not know that it can be used as a disinfectant as well it is often used to help relieve tension or with insomnia that's lavender oil you got your chamomile chamomile these are your basic standards your basic standards traditionally listen to this chamomile essential oil has been used for almost anything you can imagine wow what a claim to prevent muscle spasms to reduce nerve pain to promote the discharge of bile just reading the card yo to stimulate blood flow in the pelvis whoa the health benefits of chamomile include fighting depression soothing inflammation eliminating gas and killing bacteria but then they have the oils that they blend together here's one this this blend is called humility oil humility oil if the person next to you needs a few drops of this just let me know we couldn't get up one night but this one is listing all the oils that go into humility oil coconut oil coriander Alang Alang sa right no bergamot well how do you say it Liang Liang it has a Y in front of it geranium Melissa dated her frankincense myrrh lots of other ones too it is helpful listen what this one will do for you it is helpful for obtaining forgiveness and a deeper spiritual awareness this soothing and calming combination of oils brings balance to your heart and mind enabling you to find a peaceful place where healing can begin try rubbing a couple drops in your hands and inhaling it and you can even put it in your bath water and then I'm only gonna do like 15 or 20 more of these it's last one here's the joy blend joy essential oil and it is a luxurious exotic blend with uplifting overtones you don't want that stuff with the down trodden overtones it creates magnetic energy and brings joy to the heart it will also help with grief depression and a variety of other emotional feelings and memories when Warren asked alone and I like this part or perfume it exudes an alluring and irresistible fragrance that often inspires romance and together in his hands just for after our breach anyway that's some of the oils that they have out there today the Lord told Moses I'm gonna bring it together I'm not lost to see you think I am I'm not he said command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed dollars wait a minute not just any oil clear oil one translation says pure oil now why does it need to be specified what kind of oil should be brought to burn in the lamps that illuminate the place of promise presence I'm gonna tell you why because the light is only as good as the fuel that creates it because because if you if you put just any oil in the lamp it will burn but it will burn out it will burn but it won't burn long enough and see here's what God told Moses he said I need you to light these lamps I need Aaron in the priest to light the lamps every evening look at it verse 21 Exodus 27 21 he said every evening from evening I need them to see it I need them to see it from evening till morning so it's gotta burn all night it's gotta burn through the night I need oil in my lamp that will burn all night I need oil in my lamp that will burn through the truck I meet joy in my heart that will burn when I need I need oil in my heart that will burn when my wife walks up I need oil in my live that will burn when it right I need oil in my live that won't go out overnight that won't go out when the Sun Goes Down that won't go out when times get tough is it won't go out when people walk away that won't go out for my helpless batteries that won't go out when I get a headache I need all I need pure oil go find another campus to preach at a shuttle stand up in the back I want somebody who wants pure oil in your lab to give your got a great brain the pure oil the bureau okay so here's what they had to do let me show you exodus 20:7 verse 20 in another translation in one of the literal translations because the Bible is translated from the original languages of Greek Aramaic and Hebrew but when they put it into English there's different committees that translated different ways according to different philosophies well one of the translations takes it real literal and here's what it says it's called the English standard version it said you shall command the people of Israel that they bring to you pure beating olive oil pure pure beaten olive oil how do you get the purest oil out of the olive you got to beat it out and maybe this explains why you've been going through some of the things that you've been going through in your life come on Rock Hill on preaching maybe this explains why you had to be under some of the pressure that you had to be under because God is using the pressure to extract the essential oils the pure oils the clear oils and that's the final thing I want to talk to you about I want to talk about pressing thoughts pressing thoughts pressing thoughts see it is one thing to want a light that shines how many don't want to burn out come on raise your hand if you don't want to burn out I don't want where I am at in life right now to be the highest point I'm ever gonna be at I don't want that I don't care if I'm 73 or whether I'm 13 I want to burn bright I want to burn out it's better to burn out than to fade away no it's better to keep burning better to burn on burn on that could be a whole series getting it burn on my brother tell the person next to you burn on brother unless they're female then modify accordingly think on your feet people I can't do everything finally my brothers and sisters whatever is true whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things could it be that what's represented in exodus 20:7 is a good model for our thought process as we engage God could it be that God wants us to learn how to get past our first impressions of how we feel and what we think and what we want and press the olives until the oil flows out in a pure way could it be that the reason your light your lamp has stopped burning is because the oil that you put in it is not pure listen to me Church the quality of your joy cannot exceed the purity of your thoughts you can't live better consistently than you think and when I read the verse I quit thinking about olives altogether and I started thinking about my mind because I don't have an olive press at home don't even like olives I think they're disgusting we're not eating them today we're just getting oil out of them for the lamb and we need a certain kind of oil we need a certain kind of joy we need a certain kind of motivation we need a certain kind of passion what kind fury oil essential oil the oil of love of joy the oil of the Spirit of God you know oil in the scripture always represents the spirit and God says I put my spirit in you but for it to flow in your life there's got to be a pressing oppressing and not just any kind of pressing see there's two ways to press olives in case you want to try you can press olives in in the mill where you just run them through the machine I studied this this week because I wanted to understand how you would get pure oil as opposed to impure oil if you get oil oil in the lamp that has all of the pulp of the olive then there will be all kinds of smoke when you burn it my my dad used to tell me a story he told it to me a few times about when he was young and they took one of their parents cars without permission and they wanted to put gas back in it so they wouldn't know that they had taken it and they didn't know the difference between diesel fuel and regular fuel and the diesel fuel was cheaper so they put these how many know it matters what you fill up with sometimes it's a better idea to pay a few more cents on the gallon and get the good stuff and God says to you today it does matter what you put in your lamp it does matter what you put in your heart it does matter how you process your thoughts because I'm gonna tell you something we started off the year studying about John 15 and the grapevine and the pruning you remember this he takes every branch that bears fruit and he and I don't care whether you're talking about an olive vine or a grapevine it has to be pruned God has to take stuff out of our lives God has to take stuff off of our vine it's the only way we grow but I want to preach part two as I close this series after it's pruned it's got to be pressed you're not getting any oil from unpressed olives not any pure oil anyway so they have to process this they have a they have a crushing process where they run the oil through the mill that olives through the mill and they come out with oil they come out with oil but it's not pure oil what it is is it's all of the crushed up parts of the olive and so out of it you get you know maybe one part oil ten parts olives and it's quicker that way it's quicker that way to just run it through the mill just automatically run it through the middle you can crush so many more olives at a time right and running it through that way and you get some oil but when you put it in the lamp it won't last long life is like that you can just think whatever you think do whatever you do I'm on autopilot just run it through the system here comes the negative thought cool I'm gonna have a bad day here you can you can live like that it is your prerogative and for many of us it's our habit it's our pattern one preacher said but if you don't want diesel fuel in your Ferrari because the more expensive the car the better the oil has to be the the better the fuel has to be the more important God's calling on your life you were bought with a price you need the good oil only the best for God's tabernacle only the best for the lamps outside of the place of his promised presence and so here here's how you do that if you want to do that you gotta press the olives you don't crush them in the middle you press them by hand picturing this like I was just gonna bang the microphone but it's expensive so just you know you know how much longer that takes to hand press the olives not much more effort it is to hand press your thoughts to hand press your motivations to hand press your situation and say where where is God working in this to press it by hand but all do you know how much better the oil is when you do it that way how much purer how much brighter the light is when you press the olive by hand when you take the time see you press the olive that's what you do Oh God I don't have time I can't tell them I can't tell them they have to get it and online or something okay gonna make light shine out of Darkness giving us his light in our hearts that's the first part of second Corinthians but it a few verses later Paul says said Corinthians for we are pressed but not crushed we are press but not crushed now that seems like the same process but one is done by hand Paul said even when my life is being squeezed so hard I realized that what's gonna come out of me because of what happened to me was under the hand of God it was God's hand and it changes how you face your problem he said we are hard pressed on every side but not crushed no to be crushed would mean that my life is just going through the machine but to be pressed that means God knows there's oil in me that means God knows there's preciousness in me and the only way for him to get it out is for me to be breasts pressed pressed he's not crushing you he's pressing you because of what's in you he's not concerned about what's on you he's trying to get past that surface layer and the seed inside contains very precious oil for what's precious must be you want you want me to teach a five-minute seminar on how to press your thoughts so you want to go alright let's press our thoughts real quick you gotta look for the stuff in your thoughts that is not pure and press it out in fact it's that pure beating olive oil sometimes you gotta beat it out make the finance department nervous make the sound engineers cringe so I might let the beat in feel the spirit of Michael Jackson coming upon me about the beat it I called this message beating burnout for a reason because if you're gonna beat it you gotta beat it out beat out the stuff they would take the olives Robert you gotta go read this so cool in the school they would take the olive Roberts my friend we always talk about the Bible and and we're talking about it like I like to I like to talk to him about it cuz he he'll ask the real questions and Nautilus churchy crap but he'll ask the real questions so what they would do they take the olive and they press it and then they they would put it in a basket right and they would let the oil drip from the bottom of the basket and they would catch what was dripping from the bottom and they would take the pulp that was left in the basket that wasn't useful that they had pressed and they'd take the pulp and remove it from the precious oil and the precious oil was what was left in the basket that would drip down and that's what they would put in the lamp so it would burn bright and that's what you gotta do in your life you gotta get a basket where you press out the stuff that's not helpful and take out the pulp that's not positive and I'm using a lot of peace just to say you gotta beat it out so you don't burn out so you got to look for the Pope what's the Pope okay just four categories there are twelve that I studied with before it's gonna be look it's gonna be quick misinterpretation misinterpretation a lot of the reason we don't have pure joy is because we misinterpret the circumstances of our life you know I'm convinced with every year I live in everything that I go through and every de la cerva that if you're really convinced that God is for you you won't be intimidated by what comes against you nearly as much if you really believe now if you don't believe it it's just rhetoric but if you really think I'm on the same side with God he is my offensive line if you believe that there's no way that you can spend your whole day hopeless there's no way you can have moments of that but you'll eventually press that out and so you look at situations and sometimes we misinterpret you know we think that somebody doesn't like us no they don't like them you're misinterpreting their misery and owning it as your own and you're upset over the way they treated you but the way that they treated you is a reflection of how somebody treated them and now how they're treating themselves why are you gonna misinterpret their misery as a reason for you to be miserable you see when I was saying and I could preach the whole sermon on that top but we misinterpret things I'm gonna do a sermon one day called the gift of interpretation and teach out just the way that you interpret has everything to do with the way that you experience your life drawing thought bubbles over people and an interpretation of their silence anyway that's one that press that out this one's big over generalization this is this is when you take one thing that happened and make a statement out of it as if it is a reflection of your entire reality so you know nobody ever wants to go out with me no one girl turns you down just one there's others have to lower your standards a little bit but you know you can get it started Hey helping people won't you for real over generalization this always happens to me nope nope totally doesn't happen once this week hadn't happened in like three weeks before that just the story of my life no no that's really not the story of your life is God has been good to you the story of your life is you shouldn't even be here the story of your life is if it has not been you're gonna over generalize anything over generalize the goodness of God not the hardships of life let's keep going obligation this is when you've got to rather than you get to and it'll take your joy and you won't have pure oil if you do it out of obligation when when I'm really at my best preaching is when I am seeing it as a privilege when I come up in here or anywhere I go and I'm like man there's nothing pure gonna flow from that will get the job done but it'll be a lot of smoke more than light but if I come in here light and thank you Jesus I get the priests effect you know I gotta I got to go preach this week but why would I say I got to go preach this week when the reality is I get to go preach this week I'm going to Seattle this week do I got to know I get to I'm going to Oklahoma next week I know it's gonna be kind of busy but I don't got to I get to there was a time when if I could have had any little audience to preach to and now I'm gonna get to the point where it's AMA I got to to hell with the devil I get to you gotta press that griping spirit right out of your life so you can get something clear that'll burn through the night and I think what I struggle with that I have to press out is something that psychologists called disqualification when you disqualify every positive thing that happens to you because you really don't believe that you're worthy of love you disqualify you disqualify the nice things that some people say about you because you convinced yourself well they didn't really mean it now that happens to me when I preach all the time Hollywood go that was a great message another thing yeah she has to say that she just wants me to go home in a good mood she's you know my wife is that the way to look at it or is it like if the woman who lives with me wants to hear what I have to say that's a success no matter what hateful Harry thought about the sermon online on Tuesday come on somebody that's your thoughts somebody gives you a compliment oh there's this say that they're just being nice thank you deep and you wonder why you're discouraged when you're not even taking the oil that God is trying to give there's too much pulp in our basket there's too many lies we believe and you can't have lasting light without pure oil and you can't have pure oil without pressed olives and I know it to be true oh by the way if you put all those things together maybe this will help you remember it it spells something that's very pertinent to our series that when we want to learn to understand what's going on inside of us we've got to press our thought we gotta press against we gotta we gotta be I know you've got some discouraging thoughts I know you've got some defeating thoughts I know you've got some negative things to process we all do but but I believe you can beat it I know depression I know despair in there I've experienced it I felt it or wrap itself around me and drape itself on me but I wanted to let you know you can beat it in Jesus name you can't beat it you can beat it you can beat it you can because the one who was pressed to the point of death now wants to take the joy that is his you do know Jesus prayed one time in a place called the Mount of Olives don't you and you have heard that while he was there he had so much sorrow in his soul that he was pressed to the point where he began to sweat sweat that was like drops of blood that's oppressing and that's why he was able to say y'all if you ever gonna be able to say that your life is flowing with something important he was able to quote the prophet Isaiah Isaiah said the Spirit of the Lord is on me it's on me now we get to say the Spirit of the Lord is in me how does it flow out by pressing by pressing by pressing by beating sometimes bathing just by pressing pressing I will rejoice he said the Spirit of Lord is on me because the Lord has anointed me you know how you anoint people you do it with oil you know how you get all you press olives do you really want God to use your life do you really want his presence the flow is gonna take oppressing you see and he's anointed me not just to do some things but he's anointed me to do specific things proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness to bring out the people who were enslaved in Egypt and to bring them into the light to bring the right light on your situation release from darkness for the prisoners to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all who mourn this is what Jesus does and provide for those who grieve in Zion to bestow on them a crown of beauty I speak this blessing over your life as we close one series instead of ashes and the oil of joy that stuff that drips down out the bottom of the basket hey joy doesn't always come in a downpour sometimes it comes in a trip and you got to be there to catch it after it's been pressed drops of joy drops of joy well I believe drops from joy are falling today from the pressings of life the oil of joy instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair and they will be called what's that Oh what do you know about oak trees we know about oak trees we know about oak trees come on let's bring the series together if we don't close it let's close it outright I want to be a plant name of the Lord for the display of his splendor now God says to somebody today I know you'll be impressed but I'm not crushing you I'm pressing you because something precious is in you and the only way to produce it is to press it. 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Channel: Elevation Church
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Keywords: elevation church, pastor steven furtick, furtick steven, steven furtick, steven furtick sermons, elevation church sermons, sermons, steven furtick sermon, elevation church sermon 2015, throwback thursday, steven furtick beard, steven furtick moodswingers, moodswingers, steven furtick throwback, out of the vault, how to take control of my emotions, sermons about joy, encouragement, change your mood, beating burnout, burn out, managing burnout
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 39sec (3639 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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