The Railway That Cost 100,000 Lives To Build | Moving Half The Mountain | Timeline

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hi everybody and welcome to this documentary on timeline my name is Dan snow and I will tell you about history hit TV it's like the Netflix for history hundreds of exclusive documentaries and interviews with the world's best historians we've got an exclusive offer available to fans of timeline if you go to history hit TV you can either follow the information below this video or just Google history hit TV and use the code timeline you get a special introductory offer go and check it out in the meantime enjoy this video 70 years ago in the jungles of Thailand and Burma a railway was constructed at the cost of thousands of human lives people used to say to me old who say oh you know you fancy you buying a Japanese car or buying a Japanese television or something like that I know you thought that was a load of nonsense because that didn't make any difference yeah kids like oh that's Kevin a hmm Seto I am a rule though huh so you gotta watch it tiny still I can I not at all oh my my style I sorry thank you I had worst nightmare Teddy's know what's sub t odd years after the year is 1941 and Japanese forces sweep through Southeast Asia crushing all resistance their ultimate goal to take the jewel in the crown of the British Empire India the Imperial Army's biggest problem is moving supplies through the treacherous terrain of Thailand and Burma a train track will be their answer to be built by prisoners of war it'll become known as the death railway my original group was 1700 strong by the time that the railway was finished there any 400 left [Music] the Second World War has been raging across Europe for several years now and is not going the Allies way setback follows setback in the Far East Germany's Ally Japan attacks US forces at Pearl Harbor invades territories across the Pacific and is now advancing towards Malaya and the impregnable British fortress of Singapore thousands of British and Australian troops are sent to defend the colony for many this will be the defining moment of their lives people ask me how is it that you reach the age of a hundred I said so many times I have just missed death this has happened to be so often and I said it's so much of my life it's been luck I don't feel old I don't want to feel old but I think the Posterous when I suddenly you have a 93rd birthday this is crazy but so yeah it is just a life it's for enriched instant and I love it you know see so - I mean honestly you don't know you're naked okarito moisture 9 UNESCO chatter - yo Modi today me I had never spoken about it a part of it was my family but never really there's a sort of certain point where you don't want to talk about him he might know cake anymore because Negara yo they were using me like yo Michelle is that Tony no secret sauce there cuz they need to know he returned you know she knows I said so stay tight all ningún stillness [Music] the Japanese I supposed only about 100k up the Malaysia from Singapore when we got there they were dropping bombs on the docks they killed a lot of people in the shipping and came in and doctor full of people trying to get away with absolutely tragic we were the last ship in the convoy it was about 11 o'clock in the morning when we were going in there and a flight that bombers come over field off one at the time come in bombers we had got it several times he started a bird light and there was thick columns of black smoke coming along the deck and I said to my mate pack radion I'm going over the side so I can leave him now he's we had coached him by the cabins and walk I get up on the rail stand up on the rail I said him come on Pat I'm going tell us they seen him him in the same dark steaming tropical jungle men the both the British and imperial forces go through an intensive up to training course to fulfill the need for officers of the Malayan defense force using collapsible boats they protect themselves in the methods of jungle warfare it was terribly British stuff really tremendously British and and for time I mean you should have been training we didn't and so we went really into into war not well trained at all on him a hardly friend was crazy the jungle holds many a secret to counter any move directed against Singapore or Australia absolutely no preparation whatsoever had been done even to clear a field of fast as you could see what you were doing because we just faced mangrove swamps Japanese they had tanks they had armored cars but they also had bicycles and those bicycles won their war they came down Malaya welcome to Iowa chi 36,000 Japanese soldiers close in on Singapore facing them are almost 85,000 Allied troops but the Japanese are motivated experienced an expert at jungle warfare the Allies find themselves constantly outflanked and outfought so we had this brief strain of a fighting and a certain amount of fairly close contact fighting with you is just horrific we would actually under mortar fire and my Colonel literally lost his head there's no question I was always scared stiff when one had shells landing near one [Applause] despite some fierce and stubborn fighting the Japanese advance continues to close in on Singapore Winston Churchill warns his generals that surrender is out of the question we had really rumors that the Japanese didn't take prisoners like you know so we didn't know what was gonna happen like you know but it was a a terrible terrible reflection of the the powers-that-be of ours that were run in that show out there like you know it should never have happened February the 15th 1942 the unthinkable does happen and the British commander general Percival surrenders Singapore to the Japanese white flag went up at about 4 o'clock on the Sunday Churchill would later describe this as the worst moment of the war the extraordinary is that the Japs of course were completely amazed at having captured so many prisoners in all a hundred and thirty thousand men are captured during this short campaign to add to the humiliation of defeat they're forced to watch the victorious Japanese generals drive by the Allied prisoners are marched up to the northern tip of Singapore to the military base Changi we learned that the everyone was going out to this Changi area and their most rugged lady miles people say you know what's it like being taking a picture for chaos the fall of Singapore and everywhere no law and things and when things began to break down which they did very quickly malaria started and then people got dysentery the Japs was part of this they literally brought out lorry loads of Bob Roth which they then told us to put up around certain perimeter and that was the first time we were actually you could say we were in a prison camp you have to you learn Japanese over a pseudo Japanese and I can still swear in Japanese but I've forgotten all my Japanese they would put your shoes and saying the Moga me what is the name of it that's how you would say [ __ ] you see and so they would go around pointing other people's good boots pouring him saying oh you got you number one [ __ ] car mean if you had a very good pair of boots and because we had a lot of fun for about two weeks and then they suddenly got the message there's an interpreter and then then we had to learn Japanese orders the Imperial Army has a very tight grip on Japanese society they've been fighting a war in the Far East since the mid 1930s and are the driving force behind Japan's territorial ambitions all young men are conscripted at 21 into a tough and brutal training program take your height personally so I'm going to continue ammo so turn them all off couldn't I see even more 21 justice also to be layin on a high she's you know immerse I didn't know awkward yet they still get a tiny so you know - you couldn't enjoy what you know how far [Music] east 800 moto Lima saying I know but you know serve immediately hey keno given day he cannot go to Akane I saw some idiotic RI ink master yeah nanny mafia tie-in so the catalyst easily you know what I'm saying you more demise I got more oh she don't Caillou stop mode they take it all in my style golden no TV she's on a technicality hi-yah Shinda immigrant okay bedtime Ugarit anemia namida accidental necrotic kiriona Shiba kazuki misaki Dawa so the more Theory hated school Tamino Sakura coup d'etat most a common gun body master by June 1942 the Japanese advance has continued across the Pacific and up into Burma towards India with an urgent need to move supplies the solution is the dust of an old British plan to build a railway the railway itself was only about four hundred and fifteen kilometres along with nothing nor miss distance at all to link it up with with rangoon so they could bring people to Saigon come across the Bangkok and then take them on the railway brush out the truth to the Burmese frontier so it really the trailer was not a long railway in the term but it's not the most hellish condition to make it the Japanese realize they have a vast pool of potential labor in the prisoners at Changi things always change in these camps and about some months later our call to the Otley office and told us put on a tough tecora holiday come there was about 600 of us they're both selected and we were taken down to Singapore and loaded on the trucks and then we had a train journey to Thailand from Singapore there were 32 in my own particular truck and that meant that heard a certain small percentage you could actually sit down at any one time and you had all your kit was stuck in the centre like you know there was no sanitary committee conditions at all like you know absolutely appalling this is where those real degradation starts and that jolly loss of five days we went up to the first place we stopped in Thailand was place called ban pong that was annexed Japanese camp there there was a chaps had been stationed in there but the camp was under about a foot of water I had a large box of Windsor Newton watercolors and I had to throw the Box away because they've been to all of us but I kept about six or eight or ten no total Palace and they all things I just paint lasts in me for as long as I wanted them and we were taken up the river we were going to start up the transit camps and they dropped us off then at 20 mile intervals they're going into the jungle and start clear in the jungle because there would be the main body of men come in from Singapore and they would be marching up the jungle track that followed the River Kwai [Music] hello we were told all men March hundred and fifty kilometer I mean question of escaping was was something that one occasion is thought about prepare quickly dismissed because you had at least 1200 miles of sea with lots of islands in between miss limpet 1200 miles before we get to safety or 1200 miles up country under the well a friend if you fell by the wayside couldn't go any further and nobody could help you you are left to die or they made sure you died it's called the death march the POWs already now weakened ill are going to build the track for the Japanese through the mountainous jungle terrain there we had to climb up about a thousand feet and it's june monsoon it's not the palling he took two steps inside back to in the thick jungle there and we started clearing a jungle what the right word the railroad said trace was going to go through so that was the first introduction to the ex the job one-third guide you got worse from there [Music] my attorney not about any calendar scalable homily Nippur no Gunther honey a my silcoon a new girl America bikuni since on Ohio here Anita Tammany now Joey tells Cara Maggie tah-tah-tah-tah tah-tah Moses own a empezar famous Odessa nani mono multitudinously marina go in italy suction hose this is shocking Kagera new tax under $2 a totally new manometer University email nicotine okay technological Artemis GMO soy yo Jason and Tara can gain a methoxy Sega has social talk sooner so you go to a calm guy got governor husband Seville mono can Sutra eating tomahto loosen date much [Music] they had so much cheap labor like apart from us they had the the native populations of these places that they took over like you know they had brought up someone about a couple of hundred thousand natives from down in Malaya not like you know with promises of all great life but lots of them died in the jungle area I forget how long but trusty months it was monsoon for the first quite a few weeks at this camp it had new rooms we just it worked slept under the rain darkness over the Scott oh my god this name it's what they told your north about - ooh hmm the wood mother it's clear after honey so late well no it's not Leslie come on there was really a problem of supply the only communication was the river and being a time the monsoon the rivers tended to flood and this rendered it almost impossible for supplies to get out all we got was supposed to be 250 grams of rice that usually came in the form of rice full of weevils and so forth so we ate any vegetation that we could snakes are very good to eat if you can't get them the first one I killed was by accident and and I just banged it takes a lot to kill a snake because they're fresh you know a tremendous life to eat you say did you know what you've just killed and I said no you don't that's a king cobra and and I hadn't affected not now other thing but it didn't matter really the lizards were quite nice they were quite big they were could be up to about 18 inches long quite big like you know and you just killed him skinned them and cook them either grill them or put them in some water and cook them in a pot [Music] the men are now starving but still the Japanese refused to sign the Geneva Convention which protects the rights of prisoners of war if our men misbehaves it's Japanese defended in the misbehaviors nearly over stealing food then we were all as officers lined up and well and what's called pintos that is a an officer Japanese officers come up and give you a really hard bang on your face and so on in front of all the men try and teach them that they shouldn't see lives it kills every camp guard was trained in the Japanese military camp foo-foo sang above us for power for months and they're hitting almost every day according to the Japanese reading style watashi no use enroll at Scott a ninja so Jack Stein on ticket or come by and I gotta smack a cougar this those like to Noah she done got a moist anger and a curious topic Morgan sitting on a lot anymore Brock Cara automate a nothing wrong with the old ring Japanese people know if I said the Japanese army was a problem like especially there I mean look they were taught to be brutal that was part of their life in you know it was no it was something that you you have a job do to understand but them right from up the top of their their headquarters right the way down through their army they were totally we even brutal than one another she helps to encourage people to work hard to perform their work but most of the heating was designed by the Korean guard and we secure will camp yeah Koreans observe sages Japanese soldiers and military pigeon train comes the person was a Korean girl resi if somebody's tried to escape him and they were caught I mean the world pleased with this shooting them no no they had to talk for your job title or name talk about the other night on masculine it was a shitty muscle name well according to you tonight neither no matter if you weren't working hard enough one think they would make you do was have to stand with this hold of stone rub your head well once you I mean when you're weak anyway who put both arms up you start to feel faint very quickly and so you would drop the stone so we done you drop the stone fairly quickly and and picks it up which was better than collapsing because once you collapse on the ground then not true about and kicks all over the place so you probably begin more damage to seems to fainting that so you had to play the game really so anyway Marcel yoni I know he's civilized to that day you guys it's an order on his new nanny heater taking on the hood it's going to Cosima saying only concern I taught you go don't see - I mean Gunjan larceny holy octoly ask I need city Kolkata Oh Stella akima saying yo yo Joey Hakuna Matata need holy Otsuka a destination with Australian economy kawarazu I was Corey by three moonlight all of these Korean gods startled to be well sexual with me and I without sickie I just can't even live spot where no man wants to be kicked and he felt without scream in the hole I got beaten up but a light in a day as a following night although I no longer remember much other than the peen saw and then I was put in the black hole that really was probably the one time when I felt this was the end a sweatbox is used to put them in put people in the made of bamboo I was standing on bow tie off the ground and they were made of small thin bamboos constructed they were made so they they weren't long enough for a man to stretch dried out in and they were so low you know that he couldn't sit up properly so they were cooped up in there like you know and it could get perhaps he'll be sentenced to props for certain things he can afford noise punishment in there Seneca casino egged a Jewish know SOT nada Egan diverse dimension a a so that occurred Roy Roy a Taser and some Tigers about Ernesto ah so that's how you know he's ready to go Agana did a mistake it all iUniverse him this to me [Applause] [Music] in mid 1943 the Japanese are still fighting in the north of Burma but short of supplies and troops the war is no longer going their way [Music] we saw Japanese going up to the Burma front we watched the Japanese troops and they were unbelievable in what they may put up with there were times when the treatment and even the food they got perhaps it was generally better than ours but for much it was such a project to get a line through so they could feed that ball from the front with truth this is what the railroad was about so it was just urges about the whole thing who was called the speed and movement and got worse and worse and worse we had to work harder and harder and so on as anxiety to get the railway finished grows within the Japanese ranks the death rate amongst POWs and native workers increases dramatically then went agin de men not Tunde not since we cannot use guys cannot pay using the tempo personally you so Gino you talk at the gene Akhenaten dakara Singapore Cara tie Coco cage they been one or zero screen degree carava user record 8090 not amore much de Korea - Nicole not or not - almost if my ship parade got too large a Japanese private because they wanted everyone had to work work for the the Japanese a Japanese private would come along a non-medical private dick my Sigma raid and as long as a man men will fit enough to stand the net worth is enough to work off he would give oxy same as I was a subpoena straightaway Larry so she had so compared a sick man to alcohol one of the most difficult sections of the construction is an area called Hin talk better known as hellfire pass when they'll make big cuttings which we're done largely with hammer and tap a you just turn number of charges to blow the rock and one of the games was occasion they would fire a charge without telling anybody so some people call it very badly injured with flying sharp rock I mean why what's the sense of all this way [Music] we went out in the morning with all the tools that have been issued and after work when we returned they had to be a roll call of everybody all the tools had to be handed in and if one was short they were usually a future all we had to parade incidentally with all Whateley everyday the odd one or two did who died out there they had to be put down at the end at the side in order to proves the same number had returned as went out in the morning every morning I psyched myself up to survive daddy that day only because every day was never as good as as the last one it was never good there was never any hope never any hope because that will control most of those people's there it was because of his a sickness not spider being sheathed Cruella's sedessa isn't so but spiff see people Adam could control themselves Jaden's wrinkles are from zareba or his roughest trophies from if the people fusible behaves very well didn't get sickness and can do comes I think every disease of imaginable was there for the worst one was the most lives lost was color and the Japanese themselves were scared and we had to bond these bodies that was I think perhaps the low point of my experience up there I mean looking back now I can hardly believe I experienced all this [Music] touch your heart pay the money see the shoe color and he souvenir now he was sorry about oh yeah my radiance of and hooligan what I hope could've never had any time its into and then I will never again show Sunday so each other enjoy the money you won't know he didn't even go to squat today that's what I'll tell you know at the luckiest woman in the world who do not regularly wash a bikini Cassata Dimas a demo hollow touch even a colony no Arnold yogini Qatar ret a motto to eternal a Telugu in some animosity the medical officers in my opinion were absolute angels they had no drugs to work with not even aspirin a color a hospital junk I : we read on low and Australian did fantastic work we read on this wonderful Australian surgeon I'm a bigger man and man I can't praise enough I had something on my forehead you're gonna take it off there wasn't any anesthesia for but I think it was a melanoma or something he was worried about and beside us with another table and there was no an Australian it was really all was a skeleton ready kneeling on it with did bum in the air because Donna wanted to use a proctoscope which was made in the camps actually have and yeah and he I met him looking into this man bottom you see and it's it and I just loved Australian voice and he said oh yes he said think I've seen you before and I'm with that I nearly fell off the time rolling about one lovely way to greet your friends you know at one camp alone over a hundred and twenty legs are to be amputated operations mostly amputations as a result of these jungle ulcers we're done with a soul borrowed from the Japanese which they said they wanted back cleaned after after the operation or operations they did occasionally produce a bit of sake so people could be put out to some extent I said - I've got this also what can I do he said well I'm sorry I have nothing to give you I don't have any drugs but if you could down to Lord clean pick up markets count them put them on top of your also and let the markets do the work Hassan said what will they do they'll eat all rotten flesh and he says very good chance you'll get a clean wound I've been daddy they'd kick my nose in I had a bad fractured nose and it holds him I couldn't steer anything next turn or Z that headed league cash off that after that morning a big are they and I mean it was routine stuff when you crude circumstances then we were lying on bamboo and anyway in the middle of the hut was not a man who was in by own regimens and he had it all so that was getting with granulating quite well within the far better conditions hundreds of they arms around him and he was kneeling happened I'm his knees at rocking like so many of the the other patient did after sheer agony in pain I kept on saying I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die and this other you said look mate you said you're gonna die her out and bloody do it I want some sleep is there it's not there anymore and we were falling about there within two hours you were dead and I member tilla RZ in the morning told cries he said last thing anybody ever said to him it the railway is finally completed in October 1943 on schedule but at the cost of over 120,000 lives I'm all coming honestly yeah [Music] gar emoji salient Eric on denied a in Eagan groaning karate yell OH Jung Shi nae angry the concepts Jana Tiger Joe tied a tiger knee tucks is mexicana de se toca vantika so you could all come behind each other Marian or money Thank You Molly mine since master Maddy figure has six we'll talk tonight so you could talk um okay go governor captain the POWs and local workers that died building the railway are buried where they fall one life lost for every sleeper laid the the jungle was full of British dead you know we buried them below them where they fell you know we left 12,000 dead up there quite apart from the wreckage that survived you know but it's all been for no purpose within months the war has turned against the Japanese and the Allies start to regain territories these converted hurricanes now called hairy bombers carried two 500-pound bombs touch bleep the wings down down someone in that tangled wilderness lies there talking or other that's where their target lay after this heavy pounding well nothing much hospitality lifted it for the Japanese invaded our dismay time ended so they remain in power section only - Korra come on he was discouraged Mustang you need to learn the yin yang mosquito thing you know they own a hot item touji even this time another target army so even you don't wait - so I don't put a weight that's how I don't have a large - Connie and I miss donut okay sorry I never tell hmm hi hi Shane of Canadians come on it it's not talking in the same morning I came also funny diet a homeboys a homo erectus a lot away boy oh man I wish I knew Cairo you could only hit I don't know man caste you I don't know unless I talk about - no - i'ma tell him as a mandala I think some of the officers I think we read an opera had some intubated from somewhere that things were were getting pretty sticky we had a huge gamble he would pitch around at a big band on one side and they turn they'd put a chicken in into the war one in which really told us quite a lot about what they're intending to do anyway but still we didn't know and then of course within about nine or 10 days they had Hiroshima and Nagasaki and finished it we just saved by the bell really just a game Nakamoto Sarita he was talking tada games even ghosts under the you Nikita ghetto no Margaret the one I got them the Japanese had ceased to fight yeah for that time onward the well we knew they were officially free Japan surrenders to the Allied forces on September the 2nd 1945 the POWs are at last free men again [Music] [Music] the Allies had retaken Singapore and a couple of days after that they were beginning to march the Japanese by then prisoners and one of our divisional people soldiers was you know like people do so just watching what was going on and at one point he turned to his pal and said look at those poor buggers now it's their turn and that to me sums up the attitude of the ordinary soldier we had a sergeant major a British sergeant major that was in our camp night with number the officers with us and what he said was they give us a bit of good advice he said now he advised us not to take any action against the Japanese he said you've survived three and a half years of being prisoners so he said no thinking of families don't do anything stupid the might get you killed like you know eskimo nicely khaki Bangkok coup de Chirico vltava river nasi kerabu aku karate Ricardo no and they think you know majority simio in Moscow mr. Yoshino Yuto okay deva katta concluded with a note Sitaram assume it is your emeriti chunky no came we shall put item the scale or the symbol I don't know Sassy's your major is disfigured faster Tony time ntid's oh no please No - so - she sang - it's just a name senior stoners in your book in the rent is Dhamma tycoon who uses money kind of Sadie to contain numerous dewatering to to be done much initially showed up in your your answer yes I did Japanese gods were made to carry the sick and wounded to the key side where landing craft will take them to the hospital ship in the bay [Music] other prisoners who are able to walk make their way to the landing craft which will carry them on the first stage of a happy journey [Music] from the far eastern shores many have already started a longer voyage taking them back to the land they have served so bravely we there was no one there to meet us you know it was there was no ban said meet us or anything like that but we were just taken off the boat and taken to a transit camp there in Southampton and we were there for oh it's really about a couple of days like you know and then we were just stuck on a train and and sent home I used to go out in the morning Walker streets of Aberdeen for hours hours and looking looking for somebody I thought you I was forgetting I've been away sectional a few years when I got back I decided I'd forget everything I'm gonna start a new life and I didn't join any expressible rifle or any prison or anything I wouldn't have anything as far as I'm concerned although I'm talking about it now I just wouldn't talk about any of my expressible my principle experiences or anything now I'm going to start a new life and something quite new and I'd have nothing to do with what's happened to me that's just happened it's finished it was a bit overwhelming with having so many people come into you and wanted to know everything about you and all that like you know they had no understanding of what what horrors we had lived through like you know and now the comparison between people's kindness and the brutality that we had been experiencing totally totally imam una carta told us today you're hot doggy it's been very difficult with the family because I never spoke about it my wife died without knowing - she must have seen felt the swaying of woods suppose have done one one night when I had a nightmare I faced up with my heart Lord Authority so at that stage I went into the spare bedroom full house there was a chi alone used to sleep a lot from weeks I couldn't sleep properly for about ten years that sound a long time I can only just leave under the service I mean to join the in the camps you just slept under surface you were ready to move off because they might come in and start beating people up turn everybody out for a working part he didn't know what was going to happen by day or night very often and so you slept like that and I knew exactly where everything of mine was that I could put my hands on it essentially - drawing few drawing things and so you were always ready to move and when I came home it was March the same I would fold my clothes up and I sit in the way do down I know just where they are well compensation I think I'm right in saying that I got 30 pounds who ordered several years after the wall we were certainly the worst country of the lot of doing anything at all to get compensation from the Japs I blame it most well on politicians and above all the Treasury because we finally got I think the figure was 10,000 pounds about I'm guessing 15 years ago not much more and there weren't many left says the Treasury obviously saves a lot of money when they talked of trying to get some financial benefit out of it that might have done a better good for to help to revealed some of the things for the blokes but you know for me the I have known as I said no well feeling against the Japanese at all I mean I'm a Japanese here now no trouble Pagnotta minute and economic or mo-chica tanana TOA mata mata Malou i casino yoni she noticed though Thomas was yoga toxin no esta la coka act a knee who touch mo toxin magnet or mother him against the only killer dormitory muscle let's look at wat wat saket a desk a little more put a goon amazing the attack of the snow they told us thoughts or ideas like [Music] Amazo no koto Raj most o-genki desuka so akuto you are a mistake Oh Tyson non Canova move critic era sibirica sense analysis ito Tyson on Donna's Rakatan takedo DNA no no no he automata know a particular gene is an Casta totally Orton Itachi saga a nokotta nokotta Zelenka no study no geniuses nee nee on knockin enoch saga clarity is the comparative Dokdo forgotten my Latin so many choices are : you know - you don't wanna meet or Childress told all that you know is not channel actually grows Rossini told you are your guitar so now if I wish I never I mean the gerbils for all for treated they have repented and the generally should know what happened wasn't your father told Japanese say the Emperor says express deeply most was a pure double I think that's was enough for the Japanese so these are enough for apology but POWs didn't think so salute oh yeah Kuro calculate a wanton música animal thing dakedo audaciously younggu yari made a no-no take cold or Sunday company emoticons everything ok a holiday so no no what the f for common apologize to be that might be the answer and I will decide whether he was sincere or not and I said there are two reasons why I don't hate the Japanese the bond reason is it would do them no harm but if I hate anyone it does me harm and I've said that the other reason I'm a Christian and Christians are taught to love not to hate I can't stand this the way we all as far as I do it sometimes we generalize about people nations or groups or bankers or industrialists or whatever because some good bad and indifferent anyone you know I've been I think I've just been telling lucky I'm very happy doing what I'm doing really it doesn't matter I've been there and I've done it all the things that I ever wanted to do and I have no regrets I mean the fact that I was a prisoner of war was just a blip in my life like you know I'm determined to eleven feet the Japanese because I'll outlive them all I hope all those who were involved one of the most interesting parts of this was a sheer ingenuity you put a lot of people together there tenseness their pharmacist chemists also pew so you put all these people together and you couldn't begin to start moving half the mountain route and I think that was a little corporate magic of the whole thing which was so important my game day 100 taming test located in the CET organ you know that it would totally Musashi means them all today so no matter the EPO I said is hidden czar thank you today I put [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 449,859
Rating: 4.806417 out of 5
Keywords: History, Full Documentary, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history, moving half the mountain, death railway, bridge over river kwai
Id: ZdnPX65_jAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 1sec (3541 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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