"The Wrong Rock" by Michael Cawood @ HEROmation Award Winning CGI Animated Short Film
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: HEROmation
Views: 1,811,248
Rating: 4.8211918 out of 5
Keywords: HEROmation, Michael Cawood, The Wrong Rock, Short Film, grant kirkhope short film, childrens books, kids book, le mauvais rocher, animated short, animated short film, गलत चट्टान, Ang Maling Bato, La roca equivocada, Не тот рок, الصخرة الخطأ, 間違った岩, La roccia sbagliata, Der falsche Stein, Kurzfilm, Court métrage, लघु फिल्म, Cortometraje, Film corto, Короткий фильм, فيلم قصير, ショートフィルム, oscar animated short, oscar, anime, Fantasia, Mushroom, Toadstool, the mitchells vs the machines
Id: eDaNejmf-1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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Sorry, got too excited to write any details in the title. Basically I found a really cute short film based around mushrooms and I knew I had to share it :D