A Rough Week - 5 Things I Had To Start Doing To Survive 69 & Beyond

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody thank you so much for coming back and seeing me and Desi I missed you this week I hope your week was better than mine because mine sucked it was it was just one thing after another and it really put some of my coping skills to the test and that's what I want to talk about today I was watching all these videos about five things you should stop doing once you hit 60 seven things you should stop doing once you hit 65 and it just went on and on and at the end there was like 2,000 things I needed to stop right now because I'm 69 all right well here we are I decided what I want to know is what do I start doing and then I thought back about how I'm so much happier and I'm calmer now so why not just sit down and share five six seven things you absolutely should start doing Desi what do you want to do today do you want to go for a walk let's go for a walk are you ready do you have your rain coat it might [Music] rain the first thing I wanted to share with you sounds really corny but it does take a lot of work and dedication to perfect it and it's taking something negative and turning it into a positive and what do I mean by that well okay here's an example my car is making a funny noise so I feel terrible about it and you know if you don't have a lot of money you you worry about a car repair it could be ,000 I sound like a commercial but it could be $1,000 or $2,000 and you think oh I don't need this right now in my life you take the car to the garage and the guy comes out and he says you know the repair is going to be right around $290 but you know if you hadn't brought your car in that that line could have broke and it could have killed you so suddenly my worst day becomes one of my most blessed days and everything that happens to us that that has such a negative effect on us can can be turned around with a little practice you know in the old days you know when I was a 30-year-old woman or 40 I had the luxury of pouting all day long well today is a crappy day nothing goes my way and then I bring in Everything But the Kitchen syn of how woe is me and how everything is going wrong and maybe tomorrow well I don't have the luxury of being a negative person anymore I'm going to be 70 years old I want to enjoy every minute of my life so with a little bit of work you can turn the worst situation into something that just might be a blessing something positive and after a while you you won't even have to think about it it just happens I never remember anniversaries of when my loved ones died but for some reason I remembered that my grandfather died 59 years ago this Tuesday and I was sad being a senior citizen is a full-time job I mean you're going to doctors you know for your ears for your eyes for your teeth for your your medical doctor for blood pressure blood sugar you got the colon stuff going on you got mammograms I mean there's a lot of stuff going on that we have to keep on top of to keep us safe and healthy and and vibrant I don't know how many times I have said to myself oh no I'm not going to get my mamogram I mean they always they take the image and then they call me back and they scare the heck out of me I don't want to go through that right now I got too much on my plate I got too much going on I am not going to have my mamogram no no because you know what happens is yeah you do have a lot on your plate but there's never a good time to do something unpleasant there's never a good time to do something that scares you and that's what keeps us from having a lot of these tests done I I took 10 years between mammograms because they kept calling me back and they even shot like a titanium little steel ball in my right breast so they could Mark where a little suspicious area was that turned out not to be suspicious at all turns out I just got a lot of fat in there this last year has been one of the happiest years of my life and what I decided to do was take my full-time job seriously and I got every test that I have been putting off for 10 years I I got my teeth taken care of I got every screening and every test that a woman my age is supposed to get and then some extra ones I got some bone density and well you name it and that cloud of uncertainty that cloud of maybe maybe I'm missing something maybe I have the beginning of some type of cancer and I haven't discovered it but I you know not this I'm no I'm just going to put it off until I'm ready ready for what for the doctor to say to me if you just would have come here a year ago we could have saved you bite the bullet get all your tests done today was such a busy day I started out with a mamogram and then I went thrift shopping I met my girlfriends for lunch and then I voted and now I'm going to sit down and have my supper which is really just a a bunch of leafy greens um turkey and what do we have in here we have some walnuts and cherries and it looks so good so for a better life a richer life for a longer life we have to start exercising but my philosophy on exercising is if if we start a plan that we hate we we'll quit it so why not try to find some type of exercise program that we love that we can do for 30 40 minutes and have fun while we're doing it and maybe this isn't the greatest advice but it has worked for me it has paid huge dividends what I do is I eat my dinner at night and then after dinner I wait about 15 minutes and then I do dance aerobics and I put on my very favorite songs and I work out and when I started I could I could like maybe exercise to two songs so we're talking like 7 minutes and I was winded now it's like 40 minutes and you know Lady Gaga Born This Way and I'm just really getting into it and then of course all those endorphins are released in your body and it's just you feel so happy and high and it has made my legs so much stronger I am so much steady on my feet and my core the middle of my body is so much stronger I stand up straighter and then psychologically I'm just happier I get to hear my favorite music and move my body and I think one of the reasons I can still show my arms you know and and be pretty happy with that is because I'm always flailing around dancing Lord knows if I ever filmed it but anyway exercise exercise for a longer life and a happier life but find something that you [Music] enjoy when I go back to videos that I did nine years ago I've got this long golden brown hair with blonde streaks in it and you know and I get people that will leave comments saying I liked your hair better the way you had it when you first started YouTube I did too I just where' it go so when you get older your hair thins out it gets drier and you got to change a whole bunch of things so what I did is I stopped using hairsprays from the drugstore that have a lot of alcohol in them CU it was killing my hair it was making it brittle and it was making the split ends just look so fuzzy and crazy and I swear it was just thinning out my hair it's just the same as if you put alcohol on your face if you're using a foundation that has a lot of alcohol in it what happens your face looks like a prune it's the same with your hair so make sure whatever products you're using on your hair that they don't have any alcohol that so important another thing you have to do I know I'm being strict you have to mask you you can't just condition your hair you have to mask at least twice a week the very best mask I have ever had in my whole life is this one by Basu and you have to say it that way too okay maybe not it's fabulous I don't care how much this this could be $300 and I would still scrape up up the money to buy it it's that good I've tried other masks oh no not like that one it just it helps with thickness it helps with shine which all helps with growth if you have a dry horrible scalp you're not going to grow any new hair we all want thicker hair but you know a lot of us we can't use any type of broken product because it's not heart healthy so for those of us who have any type of heart condition or high blood pressure I have high blood pressure my doctor said no Rog G no nothing like that but I found a workaround for that and I use the pumpkin seed oil a few drops on my hands and every night just a little bit on my scalp and in my hair it isn't just me saying this I promise you there are studies that are showing that pumpkin seed oil and also so a castor oil helps promote hair growth eyelashes eyebrows I'm not going to put castor oil in my hair though I do use castor oil neck under eye area absolutely it's phenomenal it's in all high-end products but for my hair pumpkin seed oil pumpkin seed oil to me it's a [Music] miracle I picked up the Jones Road bomb Miracle bomb it's not just a bomb Bobby says it's a miracle bomb okay I picked up the shade flush now here's what it looks like it's ugly and anything where they tell you you have to push and break the seal makes me nervous but it does it does make me think that this is the very first real change in how we do our makeup I don't know about you but have you ever had an appointment and you're putting on your makeup and you look in the bathroom mirror and yeah I got it going on and then you get in your car and you look in the mirror maybe in your rear view mirror and you think oh my goodness I look so made up it looks like a maskk I warm it up in my hands I press it into my skin I use it as a primer it is not marketed as a primer but that's how I'm using it and why am I doing that it gives me an all over glow and I'm going to need a little Foundation because I can't just use the miracle bom I can't just use anything my skin isn't that even it's pretty even probably for my age I'll give me that but it's not all that even I need a little bit of coverage so I I love the foundation uh TLC by alme I am tapping in the TLC foundation on top of the balm and what that does is it prevents any foundation that I have put on my face from looking cakey weird mask likee you know how you kind of get it in your lines you know maybe you have crow's feet and the makeup goes into your crow's feet it can't happen if you are putting it on top of the miracle bomb and it's an all over down your neck your whole face just looks healthy and beautiful and bright the problem is that it smells like Vick's Vapor rug so you have to make this decision kind of what do you what do you want to do or what do you want to put up with to to look rather fetching I can't recommend it to you because you might get it and think it's it's too much work and I don't I'm I'm going on a date and I don't want to smell like vix vapel rub you know I mean that's a really good point when we get older one of the things that we can start doing is experimenting with our makeup and making our makeup look more natural because there's nothing that ages us more is when we're standing and talking to someone and the Sun hits our face and it's just caked with makeup and bad makeup I think amethyst is so beautiful I have a purple Hue to my hydranges from my garden and then I have a beautiful amethyst face that I thrifted and then yesterday I picked this up this little amethyst candle holder so I thought they look so pretty [Music] together I've noticed here in my new city it's quite easy to get these uh very pretty copper vases that I can put hyenes in very very pretty I picked up another one yesterday so I I had a good week when it came to [Music] thrifting one of the things I love about my new city is the women here are the coolest you know I went to vote and I met this older woman you know in line and she wanted to you know have my ID and make sure you know I was registered and everything and she was she looked fabulous she was like a few years older than me she didn't look a day over 50 and I told her to and I felt so good about it and then I'm kind of ushered down the line you know and there's all kinds of people around you know and it's all hush hush and very private you know we're voting and this woman hands me my ballot and she says I know who you are and I thought she knows who I am who am I and I must have had the dumbest look on my face because she she like looked like she had to qualify it right away YouTube you're on YouTube and I enjoy your channel so much and I have an antique store and I just thought how cool is this it was just so cool that she said in watching my video she put two and two together about where I live she knows my neighborhood and she knows my son and his restaurant and it would anyway I loved it and she was so beautiful and it just made me feel like I was home and these ladies in my neighborhood they're all around my age and I I was standing on the porch of my neighbor um up here uh on sandborn and I do have her permission to to share this story with you but we were on our porch and we both get this little QVC pamplet and there was a very pretty gal on the cover and my neighbor looked at this pretty gal shoes and she looked at me and she said I so miss being a girl I miss being able to wear high heels shoes I miss the pretty low cut dresses I I miss those sweet kisses on Saturday night I miss being a girl and I could relate to that I don't know if you can but I can there are things I miss but the one thing that gets me through some of those feelings in is I will kind of scout the internet and I will collect photographs of women my age that I think look fabulous I love their makeup I love their hair I love their outfit and that makes me feel renewed it makes me feel more confident it puts in my heart and in my mind that yes I'm a woman inside I'm a girl outside I'm a woman and I want to look the best I can but so much more important than that I want to feel like the woman that I am I want to wear pretty shoes I might not be able to wear super high heels anymore but they make beautiful shoes for any type of walk you might desire you know maybe I don't have have a a 28 in Waist but they make beautiful belts they make beautiful dresses that will show off the figure that I have or that I hope to have we will always be that girl inside waiting to steal some kisses on a Saturday night my fight is is not with looking older my fight is feeling that I've lost the joy of my Womanhood every time I paint my toenails every time I use a dreamy perfume or see a golden Sunset I think of all the Saturdays I have left to love and be loved hey everybody thank you so much for hanging out with us today I hope you like the video if you get a chance down below could you share maybe something that you started doing that has really enriched your life or your health please have yourself a wonderful happy safe brand new week and when you're done with your week you come back and see me and dozy okay all righty it's a deal we'll be [Music] here happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Buster the Beagle across the street happy birthday [Music] to
Channel: LittlePoet
Views: 90,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Over 60, Anti-aging, Skincare, Depression, How To Thrift and Decorate, Little Poet, Susan Buchanan, Grand Rapids, Surviving divorce, A Rough Week - 5 Things I Had To Start Doing To Survive 65, primitive technology, survival skills, littlepoet youtube videos, littlepoet and desi, susan and desi dog, dating over 60, having a bad week help, A Rough Week - 5 Things I Had To Start Doing To Survive 69 & Beyond, jones road miracle balm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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