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a villain is a bad guy that much we can  take for granted yes there are anti-heroes   and anti-villains and non villainous antagonist  characters who just get in the way but a villain   is a villain these are the characters bound  to do something bad the characters who are   heroes are Duty bound to stand against because  otherwise they might get away with some truly   evil Behavior like for instance melting all  the world's chocolate or say stealing Mount   Rushmore yes indeed villains sure are evil 100%  of the time especially the ones who gleefully   describe themselves that way you know the type  the ones with no real motive except to be the   villain those mustache twirlers and lab coat  wearers who just really love to use the word   evil even though they very clearly have  no idea what it means yep no greater evil   in this world than and this our beloved but  barely qualified n Duell the villain in name [Music] only one of the best things in life is  learning which is probably why you're here to with   unfortunately not everyone learns the same public  school is not a one-size fits-all option and I   don't really think it ever can be as a result a  lot of us creative types end up missing out on a   lot of precious education fortunately there is a  shockingly easy fun and highly personalized way   to get an education right from home learn all  of your fundamentals maths Sciences computer   programming and more with our sponsor brilliant  visit tail Foundry to get 30 days   for free and 20% off a year subscription seriously  this is the most fun you'll probably ever have   learning this stuff try it out for free and  be as brilliant as I know that you can be the   first thing that comes to mind when you think of  villains that are not actually very villainous   might just be the really pathetic ones the kind  you find a lot in cartoons and sitcom who have   big evil dreams but just don't really have what  it takes to realize them often because they're   too tiny and cute for fear and worship I think  Plankton from SpongeBob SquarePants is kind of   the quintessential example of this he's literally  a single celled organism and still nevertheless   trying to achieve world domination one stolen  burger recipe at a time and he's painfully aware   of this fact too but it's becoming increasingly OB  vious I can deny it no longer I am small but that   doesn't really change the fact that he really  is evil just being unable to fulfill his evil   dreams doesn't change their true nature in the  SpongeBob SquarePants movie he's actually able   to get his hands on something which makes that key  weakness irrelevant the magical crown of Neptune   and with that obstacle out of the way we see what  the world would be like if he could fulfill his   wishes a dystopian hellscape where everyone has  been brainwashed and enslaved and they spend   their lives building monuments to their single  celled Overlord characters like Plankton are goofy   and fun to watch because they're farsal if they  could win it would be terrifying but they can't   and because of their bad intentions it's funny to  watch them try and fail but make no mistake they   are still bad guys they are evil even if they  can't act on it successfully what I'm really   talking about in this video are the villains who  self-identify as evil but just aren't the trick to   making good villains I have often been told is to  make them three-dimensional characters with their   own complex backstory and rational motives don't  just make them evil for no reason after all we're   each the hero of Our Own Story aren't we nobody  thinks they're the bad guy right well not quite   it's a bit less common but even in real life  there are those who Revel in the idea of evil   for its own sake criminals and deviants who just  like this kind of thing in fiction it gets taken   to a ridiculous extreme villains who are proud of  their dastardly Deeds who join organizations with   evil in the name who print it on their business  cards but evil as as I understand it is supposed   to refer to you know immoral stuff things we find  reprehensible for someone to call thems evil in   this way implies that they see thems as those  things but the villains I'm talking about don't   really seem to to these characters it's almost  like evil means something completely different I   don't watch a lot of Saturday Night Live as you  can probably imagine but there is one skit I've   seen that sort of captures this perfectly it's  a little dark so buckle up it's about a group of   super villains competing in a world's most evil  invention contest one villain predictably shows   up with a shrink rate to shrink all the world's  monuments another of course shows up with a freeze   ray to encase them all in ice and then Dwayne  The Rock Johnson shows up with his evil invention   a robotic sex predator the crowd of villains is  instantly appalled confused he reminds them that   this is a most evil invention competition Bonito  musolini used to force feed people Casto until   they literally died of diarrhea he says baffled  I mean that's got to be where the goalposts are   right and he's not wrong you would think so right  but this is not a room full of true villains he's   talking to this is a room full of the G-rated  Saturday morning cartoon brand of villains the   evil they get up to tends to be more unpleasant  irritating but rarely ever morally reprehensible   which explains their shock when this guy walks in  with an actual evil plan the movie Despicable Me   gives us a really good profile for this kind of  villain Gru the super villain Mastermind decides   that he wants to steal the moon now if you were  actually to do that in real life life you would   cause an apocalyptic surge of natural disasters  as the Earth's orbit destabilizes and begins to   wobble on its axis but the movie doesn't mention  that at all Gru has no interest in causing floods   storms and mass extinctions he just wants to  steal the moon to prove how quote unquote evil   he is especially to the new villain who just stole  the Pyramids of Giza for equally goofy reasons in   fact these two are literally competing to prove  their evilness the way they carry themselves   you might as well replace the word evil with cool  here Gru isn't exactly a nice guy at least not at   first early in the movie he's shown doing things  like popping a child's balloon just to upset them   but that doesn't really make him evil does it it  just makes him kind of a jerk and it seems that   just like stealing the moon his main motivation  for doing it is simply to build his villain cred   look Gru is mean to Children how can you possibly  say that he's anything but evil in this sense evil   is almost a costume to him a Persona or as the  kids would say an aesthetic which brings me to   something that might seem a little detached  an example you probably weren't anticipating   Pirates I know I know kind of a weird PLL  but think about it P Pirates were literal   criminals of the sea they didn't just pillage and  plunder and rifle and loot like in the song they   also killed raped and burned towns they were not  good guys by any means they were scary evil is a   very applicable term here but now look at their  legacy somehow over the course of generations   Pirates have become this sort of fun costume that  characters wear the Fantastical ships the hook   hands the peg legs the madeup accent the comedic  Birds if anything Pirates are kind of difficult   not to love these days in fact this character has  so eclipsed the historical reality of pirates as   thieves that now you get truly bizarre depictions  like this it almost seems like people naturally   latch on to this idea that being quote unquote  evil that is a little naughty a little devious   a little unrepentant is pretty fun so I guess it's  no surprise to see Pirates and super villains sort   of subverted in this way and made relatively  harmless even though you know they still call   themselves villains in a way you could say it's  almost a performance actually there are honestly   a lot of villains who literally just aren't  villainous at all they just have that title some   of them were forced into it like Rec Ralph who  has basically cast as a villain against his will   and in fact finds it so unpleasant that he goes  to group therapy with a bunch of other villains   specifically to help him deal with it just because  you're a bad guy doesn't mean you're a bad guy but   I think the truest interpretation of this villain  in name only thing is the kind who isn't really a   Villain at all and still chooses to be like as a  career path think about how many villains want to   take over the world for instance think about how  vague that is it could be evil like establishing   a global authoritarian regime but like greu and  his plan to take the moon most of these characters   aren't really thinking about anything like  that they specify these vague impossibly Grand   Ambitions but give precious little detail about  how or why they're going to fulfill them almost as   if they don't truly believe they can in the movie  Megamind the main character was basically assigned   the role of villain at Birth but unlike Ralph he  Embraces it when he eventually manages to defeat   his arch nemesis metroman Megamind is shocked he  and his sidekick go on a short celebratory crime   spree reving in their sudden access to power and  money but as it turns out without a hero to thwart   them they quickly grow bored and depressed see me  mind never really wanted to kill metran and take   over the city he just liked coming up with evil  inventions and schemes in testing them against   the hero like a yearslong sparring match but as  soon as that Dynamic is over he loses interest   in evil very quickly he even tries to make his  own superhero replacement for metroman of course   that goes terribly wrong and he actually ends  up creating a True Villain with actual evil   intentions and and when the script flips and mega  mind assumes the role of a hero we realize the   truth he was never really evil he just liked the  sound of it it doesn't really have to be a story   arc like that though not all of these performative  villains are secretly Heroes beneath it all some   really really just love the idea of being a  villain and I can think of no better example   of a fully committed passionate there for his own  special brand of evil villain in name only then   Dr Hein Sten Schurz from the show Phineas and  Ferb this is a man who owns his own Corporation   Called doofen Schurz Evil Incorporated with  a catchy commercial jingle and everything he   owns a building with the word evil written on it  in giant letters he is the quintessential proud   super villain and his plans are usually no more  objectionable than deflating the city's bouncy   houses he doesn't even want to take over the  world just the tri-state area remember earlier   when I said that a good villain has a complex  backstory doofen Schurz is basically a parody   of that entire Trope each of his evil devices  is inspired by some bizarre implausible anecdote   from his hilariously tragic backstory his father  used him as a lawn Nome so he builds his destruc   anator to destroy all lawn gnomes in the tri-state  area his mother's love was inexplicably linked to   kickball so he creates the kick inator 5000 to win  the kickball game at his family reunion neither of   his parents showed up for his birth so he invents  the nefariously named slave inator which of course   he uses to force people to attend his birthday  party on top of everything doofen schurtz models   this archetype beautifully through his attachment  to his heroic Nemesis Perry the Platypus he BAS   basically lives to show off his schemes to Perry  he gets upset when Perry doesn't show up to thwart   him like Megamind a suspiciously large portion of  his planning seems to be aimed at just catching   the hero's attention but for Perry and doof the  bond goes deeper the show paints their Nemesis   relationship as almost romantic complete with  cheating jealousy and a whole love song when   doof's kick inator backfires on him causing  his mother to Lavish attention on his brother   Roger instead Perry is the one who comforts him  needless to say pretty much none of his schemes   are successful but that's okay because for him  success isn't the point for doin smz evil is   more about the journey than the destination it  doesn't matter whether you win in the end as   long as everyone had fun I do think fun is at the  heart of this whole Trope which is probably why it   mainly shows up in comedy but what about when the  fun runs out where does playing villain cease to   be play there's a miniseries that came out back  in 2008 uniquely suited to answer this question   you might even remember it it's called Dr Horrible  singalong blog it's about a young upand cominging   super villain desperately trying to secure a  membership in the Premier villain organization   the evil League of evil after he messes up one too  many times he's told that his only chance to get   in is to commit a murder something Dr Horrible  who up until now has only used a freeze ray   stun gun and remote control van finds distasteful  nevertheless under the pressure to prove himself   as a villain he makes plans to convert his stun  Ray into a death ray and take out his superhero   Nemesis who's honestly a huge jerk and really  hard to feel bad for anyway but then during the   faithful moment things go arai and the device ends  up killing someone else instead someone he cares   about deeply it technically counts as a murderer  and in the scuffle he does technically defeat his   Nemesis so technically his dreams are coming true  the last we see of Dr Horrible he's a shell of his   former self empty numb and a certified member  of the e Vil League of evil he has everything   he ever wanted the world at his feet but he's  miserable he has become the other kind of worst   villain ever the kind who is good at being evil  don't get me wrong I love a well-written serious   villain as much as anybody else but I think  there's something really interesting in this   archetype I think villains are especially prone  to tumbling into melodramatics getting so caught   up in their tragic backstory and their circuitous  motivations that they kind of stop being fun in   the effort to be taken seriously it seems like  so many villains end up bogged down by rules and   expectations for what it means to be a villain  but not these ones remember these are villains   in name only they're pretty much categorically  opposed to seriousness it's okay if they break   the rules and do their own thing they don't want  to accomplish anything meaningful or morally   repulsive they just want to make a statement  and that statement is wow check out how evil I   am yes technically it makes them some of the worst  villains ever but it also makes them some of the funnest unlike them however you probably do  want to accomplish something meaningful with   your life right as fun as these characters  are in fiction we all want to be competent   at least unfortunately it's pretty easy to feel  left behind where education is concerned public   school isn't really a one-size fits all solution  and seeking your own education is increasingly   reserved for people with enough money to pay  for it but it doesn't have to be that way our   sponsor can make all of that far  more affordable and far more fun than it's ever   been before brilliant really has been helping me  broaden my horizons I can always go to the site   click into a class pick up where I left off and  take in a bite-sized piece of the fundamentals   I've been missing whether it's maths science  physics anything and everything stem brilliant   has something for you lately for me it was  Brilliance thinking in code class which I feel   is oddly appropriate for me I can really feel  it just just opening up a whole new world to me   that I had almost no idea was there before slowly  but surely as I educate myself in this way the AI   Revolution isn't looking quite so intimidating  anymore and to be perfectly honest it doesn't   even really feel like studying a lot of what  you do on brilliant might be better classified   as mini games look how interactive and fun  these are this one even has robots because   brilliant is so simple moves at your pace  and starts at the very fundamentals this is   actually something that's really sticking for me  almost like a personal tutor or coach a legitimate   accessible affordable easy education even for  someone like me with my head in the clouds and   my face ever buried in fiction and the best part  you can start for free visit salef   Foundry or click the link in the description to  get your first 30 days from for free the first   200 tail Foundry fans to sign up for a yearly  subscription to brilliant will get 20% off so   definitely hurry those slots are going to fill  up fast again visit Foundry to get   your first 30 days for free and 20% off a year  subscription don't let something as simple as a   lack of Education hold you back try this out for  free and be as brilliant as I know that you can be anyway that's all for this  one thanks for watching and   keep making stuff up I'll see you next week [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Tale Foundry
Views: 353,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Talefoundry, Fiction, Literature, Writers, Write, Fiction Writing, lore, trope, antivillain, anti-hero, anti-villain, villain, despicable me, gru, phineas and ferb, doofenshmirtz, dr doofenshmirtz, dr horrible's sing along blog, dr horrible's sing-along blog, dr horrible, pinky and the brain, plankton, evil in name only, megamind, saturday night live, the pirates who don't do anything, pirates, pirates of the caribbean, doctor horrible, aesthetic villainy, villain arc, villain era, villainous
Id: 0DN1APIy628
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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