The WORST Mega Man Game Is Good Now?! | Mega Man X7 N's Edition Review

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[Music] so it's no secret that I think Mega Man X7 is one of the worst games I've ever played if you want a full breakdown on why you can catch my video from 2022 that tore the game to shreds Mega Man X7 is not a game that usually comes up alongside the likes of Superman 64 or whatever when people bring up the worst games ever but I think X7 is definitely bad enough to be endlessly dissected for how it dropped the ball slow clunky gameplay controls that don't feel even a fraction as good as any other Mega Man X game bad pacing poor production values abysmal optimization with long loading screens and Incredibly lackluster story and really everything under the sun that could make a game not fun to play is something Mega Man X7 is guilty of of all the Mega Man games that players might actually play this one is definitely one of if not the worst so no I'm not counting obscure crap when I say that but of course if you're familiar with Mega Man you already know X7 is a doooo disc but for a long time that's where the discuss ended in the year 2024 a loan developer decided that wasn't good enough and ventured to fix Mega Man X7 introducing X7 ends Edition Mega Man ROM hacks are not new in the least bit Improvement projects are also not new to the Mega Man X Series specifically I've spent years raving about Mega Man X3 the zero project a great hack that fully realizes X3 and brings up to par with X1 2 and 4 even though I love the original X3 as much as those anyway way X5 and X6 also have different Improvement projects out and I've talked about some of them in the past the person who did this X7 patch we're talking about today also did one for X5 and X6 but you can make a whole video about Mega Man X ROM hacks and I might just do that at some point so I'll stay on target I love a good fix it project fan developers taking a game in a series that might not be ideal and trying to improve them into something better is an admirable act to be specific one of my favorite games ever made is a fan-made Improvement project project Sonic 6 don't care if it's fan-made or based on a crappy unfinished game it's one of the most fun and satisfying 3D platforming experiences I've yet had but then this is also Mega Man X7 if you asked me before this came out if I thought you could make this even work for X7 I'd probably say no as I said in the intro I think X7 is one of the assest games I've ever played many issues are baked into the final product without a lot of wiggle room to mix it up with what was there like P6 had but I figured I'd give the patch a shot for a video nevertheless and after doing a full playthrough of Mega Man X7 ends Edition I have to say I'm impressed before we go any further I should say if you're interested in this it's only playable on the PS2 emulator pcsx2 in order to play the patch you need an ISO file for Mega Man X7 the procurement of which is entirely on you I cannot provide you with that nor can anyone else once you have that and the emulator set up and configured to your liking you need to download the patch from the announcement video it's a link in the description of his video which I will link in the description of this video and you need to use the Delta patch tool you can find on and from there it's a simple onew done setup of applying the patch to the iso it is not compatible with the Mega Man X Legacy Collection on PC or any other console but with that out of the way we can get into the game properly one of x7s biggest crimes is its dreadfully slow pacing and if I were to say what almost all the major changes from NS Edition are they would be related to speed and pacing real time cutscenes couldn't be skipped in this game but one of the first things I noticed with the patch is that you can fast forward through the realtime cutscenes it's not an outright skip button but it makes the scenes go by significantly quicker keeping you in the action far more also making the scenes kind of remind me of essay 2 with how the characters talk over each other when you fast forward through the scenes which is pretty funny wait a second are you stupid are you incident what are you talking about oh here it comes I'll be seeing you unfortunately nothing was done about the auditory torture that can occasionally emerge while playing X7 so flame high ard's boss fight and Alias calls will still be a bother but back to the pacing the menu design of X7 was another huge contributor to its slow pace like how you were introduced to the Maverick bosses and their levels with each character of text going by at the speed of molasses this can be sped up in the patched version in the original you'd rescue the 16 reploids in each stage and have to see their names slowly appear on this list one by one [Music] now what occurs in about 1 second this is the kind of thing that's just such a no-brainer that you can't possibly conceive of how it got like this in the original release of the game and speaking of rescuable reploids in the original game you have to save 64 of them to unlock Mega Man X as a playable character this is at minimum four stages half of the game before playing as the title character in the new addition you need to only rescue 32 of them this sounds like a lot but I just did ride borski first and then Vanishing gungaroo and got 32 of them that way and thus I unlocked Mega Man X within two stages and got to playing as him it really feels a lot better paced this way nabbing every rescuable reploid is also less Troublesome because they can take multiple hits before dying so the Do or Die component of this system isn't as bad as it was in the OG X7 then upgrades like the heart tanks go to all three characters as well so you don't have to worry about any character being at a disadvantage if you don't play as them as often something I noticed when Axel's health bar was the same size as X and zero despite the fact that I hadn't played as him in a while another sizable issue with X7 was just the way it handled sometimes doing basic actions like wall jumping would be super janky as the characters would get stuck to the wall ends Edition doesn't outright fix it but it's much easier to perform those classic moves when getting hit in X7 you'd fall over and need to wait for the character to get up this wasn't is n removed either because one of the perks of x's Glide armor is that it protects him from this but for zero axle on X without the armor getting up is much faster which again greatly benefits the pace of the game all the attacks are much quicker too Zero's saber combo has the delay between attacks significantly reduced so he's much more fun to play as Now quickly shredding enemies and he can now turn in midair after a slash axle's copy shot is much more viable now because charging it up takes way less time and bullet sponge enemies are a lot easier to deal with take these walls with Targets on them as an example blasting through them doesn't take too long so you barely notice them and this goes for mini bosses too in radio tower the mini boss just goes on and on and on in the original because it has so much health and spends much of the fight completely impervious to damage in end's addition the spin cycle is way faster and I cleared it after the first cycle of invulnerability this effect also goes for bosses which have all been improved the biggest issue with most X7 bosses is that the designer's solution to having two characters teamed up at all times was to give bosses these huge health bars and to make the damage output really low combined that with lengthy invincibility frames and the result of some pretty rancid battles bosses have been adjusted on a case-by casee basis a battle like Soldier Stone Kong or Ry borski were so boring because of the issues I just laid out so they were fixed by receiving more damage from your basic attacks and having less Health but then a battle like Splash warfly could be defeated in record time compared to the rest this boss is more difficult now because he didn't just dive in the water and reemerge to just be hit by the weakness again he sent missiles after me which forced me to jump to the other platforms surprisingly since I was staying on my toes during an X7 boss I always thought was easy though looking back on the trailer description this might also be because I didn't use his new weakness I didn't even realize this before playing but the developer altered the boss weakness chain and listed the new one in the description it now goes Soldier Stone Kong tornado tanion flame hyenard Splash warfly snipe anater wi Crow rang Vanishing gungaroo and ride borski God these are the stupidest Mavericks in Series history but you work with what you got the special weapons have all been made more powerful and practical like the Gaia Shield destroying smaller enemies immediately or the other weapons just doing more damage but I still didn't really use them much X7 is like many of the later X Games in that the x-buster and the zaber were so powerful on their own that special weapons hardly ever seemed worth the trouble of learning their strats you could just Spam charge shots and do a lot of damage especially in a game like X7 with such precise lock on for x and axel but still the weapons are more usable in ends Edition than they ever were in the OG game obviously this patch changes a lot of stuff but instead of highlighting every little detail in depth I'll rapid fire some of the rest item pickups like heart tanks and subtanks make a much more audible sound so you won't be left wondering if you got it or not annoying pickups like the heart and Air Forces have been moved so they don't give as much of a hassle as they used to camera sections that used to bizarre bird's eye view have been given a more zoomed out camera angle and then some sections that had a cramped camera angle give you a bird's eye view which which would actually help I was stunned at the results screen when my Hunter Rank went up for the first time this was a mechanic in X5 through X8 and in most of those games I never even knew what it was for in X6 I knew your rank was tied to how many nightmare Souls you collected which contributed to how many parts you could equip but in the other games I couldn't tell you what it actually did in X7 I never paid it any mind cuz the rank was always low anyway so when I was going from a c rank to a ga or PA Hunter I had to consult the Mega Man wiki just to find out what that even meant it's just a mar to show how many enemies you defeated versus how much damage you took funny to know that the original game considered my performance pretty piss poor most of the time so by the finale I was already pretty impressed but all that was left was playing the final two stages if you watched my Mega Man X levels ranked video you'd know that the last levels of X7 Palace Road and Crimson Palace were both in the bottom three Crimson Palace ranked at the absolute bottom it turns out fixing Palace road is pretty simple just make the thing chasing you move at a pace where you won't fall asleep while playing yeah that's the big change and it made the stage feel totally different I actually felt like I had to stay on my toes during this level or else shocking concept and then Crimson Palace still suffers from many of the same issues like this being the only level to even do the most basic of platforming and it having way too much content for its own good with all the other changes in place you can Breeze through the regular segments the boss with red the Boss Rush and the final battle with Sigma without much hassle emerging from it the Final Phase of Sigma noticeably having much less Health than he used to in the end end n's Edition took me about 2 hours to beat my most recent playthrough of X7 for that ranking video last year took me 3 hours and 39 minutes it's the exact same game with so many adjustments to the pacing of it that it knocked an entire hour and 40 minutes off the runtime which was all fluff cut scenes another garbage but with all that said does NS Edition fix Mega Man X7 well that depends on your definition of fixed if you're hoping for this to turn X7 into the next game to rival Mega Man X1 or X4 in quality this just won't do it Mega Man X7 NS Edition is a patch designed by a singular person that is working within the confines of the original work yeah it still has awful voice acting and shitty cutcenes the level design is still very basic and doesn't do much platforming until the very end item placement is usually on the obvious and repetitive side many boss fights are fixed by simply making them quicker and easier it is still designed where you need to lock on in 2D cuz that's just the game etc etc etc something like P6 was made from scratch so you can just make the game play way more fun in whatever way the team wants and can make small changes to the level design as well a luxury this patch does not have so the patch doesn't fundamentally fix a lot of the core issues with X7 but when keeping in mind what this patch is I'm very impressed by it when just looking at the gameplay experience I'd still play most any other X game over this but NS Edition takes a game I'd give an e or an F if I felt like being harsh to a game I'd consider worthy of a c minus it has enough core issues to where a dgr is still fair but I thought the experience I had with it was pretty Pleasant which is how I usually view games I give a c as in it's got problems maybe even a lot of problems but I didn't not enjoy the experience what I'm trying to say is it's got many issues sure but what was done with the core experience makes X7 a much more fast-paced satisfying game than it ever was before if this was the X7 we got in 2003 I would consider it a perfectly harmless game the worst X game but not the Dismal failure I think the original game was because the patch just fixed the really dumb stuff that did nothing but drag the pace down perhaps your fondness for this patch will depend on how much you already like Mega Man X Games though but as someone who loves a good X game like nothing else I thought it was a lot of fun to run through X7 in a new enhanced way and I wouldn't be against playing it again someday I even did two playthroughs of it for the video so your mileage may vary on how much you enjoy it but the project absolutely has thumbs up for me but that just about covers this however I'm not done with Mega Man X fan stuff yet because next up I want to talk about the 16bit X8 DM that got a new demo released a few months ago so I hope you look forward to that but in the meantime I'll close by saying what I always do if you made it this far into the video I thank you for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: J's Reviews
Views: 98,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WcHn9kf6u6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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