RS3 Necromancy Runecrafting can be amazing

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in today's video I will show you everything you need to know about the new necromancy Rune crafting methods depending on how you want to approach this content it can either be the best Skilling money maker or the best runecrafting XP rates in the game and in the end I'll also show you how you can get the best of both worlds [Music] if you want more high quality RuneScape content make sure to subscribe we're closing in on 8 000 subscribers right now huge shout out to the channel members who are a big reason why I can make these videos and from now on also huge shout out to the twitch subscribers just earlier this week we got affiliate on Twitch and so now you can sub on there as well if you like so if you have Amazon Prime and therefore have access to a free Prime sub consider going over to Twitch and subbing so you can support the future of this channel so necromancy released and you are now able to use incantations which don't use the traditional runes but instead new necromancy runes these are obtained by using impure Essence from rituals and then runecrafting them into the spirit runes bone runes flesh runes and miyas Maroons and depending on how you want to approach this runecrafting method you can get upwards of 50 million GP per hour and over 600 000 XP per hour without boosts so with that in mind before we go into the exact methods to achieve those numbers let's have a look at our setup as our outfit we are using the infinity ethereal outfit which is the runecrafting outfit of choice and its main use here is to allow you to bring 12 more impure Essence next up we have the Wilderness sword this will be used for teleports but also it is perked up with the wise four perk allowing us to get slightly more XP for free we also have an enhanced caliber this can be any weapon though the real reason we have this because it has the mobile perk which is very much required if you want to do this method the most efficient way as possible if you don't have invention unlocked yet and you don't have access to the mobile perk you can instead use the Shadows Grace Relic from archeology which can be unlocked at level 67 archeology and then finally bring the Tome of um 2 which is the reward you get from completing the medium city of um achievements and that's it for the gear setup not much to it this time around but you should also have double search and dive or blade a dive for the optimal XP and GP rates and again if you're focusing on XP then these are even more important than if you're mainly focused on GP let's have a look at our inventory which is pretty straightforward this time around first off we have one of each of the Rune pouches which will allow us to store more runes within them then we have a Power Burst of sorcery potion which every fourth trip or so will allow us to double the runes that we create then we have a stack of decorated runecrafting urns as well as an active one along with an urn enhancer these pretty much give us 20 additional XP for free so unless you're really strictly only one GP and don't care about XP at all these are very much worth bringing if you do just care about GP though then it is possible to just remove these three items and instead fill the inventory with more impure Essence let's have a look at the relics you're going to want to use the main one is pouch protector this one you will want regardless of which method you do if you're going to do the XP method that I will talk about then you also will need the Nexus mode Relic and finally if you don't have the mobile perk on a weapon or something then the aforementioned Shadow Grace Relic is also very useful for our familiar we are using an Abyssal Titan which really just allows us to take Eva even more Essence along for our trips let's talk about the methods there are three methods we're going to cover one will optimize GP per hour one will optimize the XP per hour and then one will be the type of method that you will want to use if you want to get all the runes specifically if you're an Iron Man for example let's start with the thing that is the same across all of the different methods that's the way you Bank when you Bank the first thing you're going to do is right click your massive pouch and fill it then load your preset and with this action bar roll your finger across all of the keybinds which will instantly fill all the remaining pouches and outfit with impure Essence in a single game tick once you've done that you'll click on the bank once again and reload the preset one last time with that said let's jump into the first specific method which is if you want to focus on GP so this is what you'll do first you bank with the the way we just described then you're going to click and make your way towards the altars once you reach this point search and blade a dive diagonally through the scenery which will make you end up about right about here once you've played a dived here click towards the portal again and once your character has turned around into that direction and you no longer have any obstacles in front of you press search again to search once again at this point you will just run all the way towards the portal and once you are in the portal search one final time to get to the altar as quickly as possible make sure to also use your power burst potion whenever it is available for more runes once you crafted the runes spam your Tome of um which will teleport you back towards the bank and the cycle recontinues in theory if you do this perfectly you can get 135 runs in an hour personally the best I ever did was 125 but let's take a more realistic number if you're just starting this and let's say you have 110 runs then this will be 50 million GP per hour at current prices this is assuming you're doing the spirit runes which at the moment are the highest value but here you can see the GP you can expect if you do any of the other type of runes if you want a bit more XP but if it is XP you're looking for specifically then I've got an even better method for you so for the XP method you need to know one big thing which is that the abyss buff actually works after going through the abyss whenever you craft runes next time you will be getting a buff that lasts a minute which boosts your XP by 250 percent for other runecrafting methods you can also use the Demonic skill to make that even higher but for this method that does not work so do not bring one of those as it will enter you into PVP in the wilderness so for this method there is one big difference you will start at Edgefield bank once again Bank as you normally would then then you're going to run north Into the Wilderness towards the abyss wizard teleport through the abyss and go through any of the Rune portals once you do spam click your Tome of um and do the same thing we did in the GP method to get to the altars as quickly as possible once you get to the altar craft your runes and use the Tome of um once again to teleport because the thing is this buff lasts for enough time to craft the runes three times although it is very strict and when you're first learning this you might not be able to get three runs in a row this is why mobile and double search are extremely important for this method as without them you simply won't have the time to do three runs and if you have to go to the abyss more often you're losing a lot of XP because we lose a bit of time to get Abyss birth every time after doing three runs we can only get a maximum of about a hundred runs to the altar however because the XP is Boost boosted so much the total XP we can get here is well over 600 000 XP per hour making this the best method in the game that is assuming we're doing the miyaz Maroons which give the highest XP per hour but the other runes are still decent XP rates and you can see them on screen here one final a huge benefit of this method over the GP method is that you will also be getting magical thread which you can turn into Rune pouches so if you're an iron who still needs his Rune pouches this is a wonderful method to do but finally I promised you one third final method that is especially good if you're in Iron Man and this method completely revolves around the Power Burst of sorcery potion you see if you're in Iron Man obviously you're going to want to get as much xp from your impure Essence as possible and if that is you the obvious choice is to create as many miasma runes as you possibly can the thing is as an iron in you can't buy the other runes so you'll want to stock up on all of them so in this method we'll be spending less time doing the lower level runes and more time doing the higher level runes resulting in a still getting all the runes we want but getting a lot higher XP rates while runecrafting over the long run in theory the method is quite simple take the Rune that you still need that gives the highest XP rate and take the Rune that you need that gives the lowest XP rate we're going to focus on doing the high XP runes as much as we can using the abyss method giving us a ton of XP but every time the Power Burst goes off cooldown we go to the different altar so in this example I am doing miasmaroons and spirit runes but I only do Spirit runes when the Power Burst potion is of cooldown as a result over a long enough time this basically means we spend half the time doing the lower level runes because power purse potions don't actually affect XP there therefore assuming you need all the runes anyway it is best to use the Power Burst potions only when you're doing the low XP runes I should note though as I mentioned in the specific XP method it is actually quite tricky to get three runs in a single Abyss buff and doing this method where you're swapping between the altars is even a little bit more tricky but it is still doable and I've been able to upkeep it for multiple hours in a row without failing once I got it down so if you're an iron and you need all the runes but you also want as much xp as possible do this method and combine me as Maroons with Spirit runes and then once you've got enough of both of those combine the flash runes with the bone runes this way you'll get the most XP out of your essence while still getting all the runes that you need and spending the least amount of time doing so with that said I want to thank you all for watching and once again huge thanks to the channel members and the twitch Subs I might be live on Twitch right now as we speak and again if you're interested in supporting the channel in that way you can go drop a twitch Prime sub
Channel: IronAraxxor
Views: 24,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: runescape, 1-99, 1-120, runecrafting, runecrafting guide, runecrafting xp, best xp, best runecrafting, money maker, money making, gp, rs3, osrs, rc, runescape runecrafting, runecraft, necromancy, runes, miasma rune, spirit rune, miasma runes, xp rate, fast xp, fast 99, easiest 99, fastest 99, fast 120, easy 120, abyss, rune pouch, urn, abyssal, thread, impure essence, ironraxxor, rasial, hermod, boss, collection log, skill, skilling, double xp, boost
Id: skbNkjUNST0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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