The WORST Keyword in Hearthstone

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today we're gonna be playing with the worst keyword in Hearthstone and it will inspire you to never download this game ever again if you know what I mean up top am I right all right I just think that when we look at like honorable kill is like my third kind of worst one to be honest if you don't get the honorable kill most of your cards absolutely do nothing but to me the worst keyword in the game by far is or the frick man it's I hate their minions in the grand tournament okay Grand tournament is like this this mechanic is so awful because of the fact that you have to spend two Mana to actually get something for this most cards in Hearthstone don't require you to spend an additional Mana cost to just make the card good it is fundamentally just stupid as hell it's just it's it's just not they didn't think about this they didn't think about it honestly uh people are saying joust in the chat which is I gotta find a card that's Jost this thing is that a keyword you can't look up Joust in the game Watch if I do joust nothing's showing up okay ignore that we just have to get we just have to get a good hand all right perfect we have the Argent Watchmen awesome all right we're in the sauce now he now here's the thing usually this Quest is ran in some kind of big priest people hate big priests now think about how relieved my my opponent's gonna be when he realizes we're playing not big priests but in fact the best deck in the game let's do this let's hit him with the greetings how many of you guys have seen this card before I guarantee at least 20 of you who are watching this currently haven't seen it mechanical Yeti oh look at the power creeper by the way in case you're curious this card is three Mana two two battle card the next time you use your hero power it costs you less this is just your next hero power it costs zero and it's a one one I guess we're gonna play new then do you and we Bonk him in the face Maybe trading here was bad but this looks like it's pretty good how do you guys feel you guys feel inspired that was a pretty sick turn right look at the stats wait he you killed art blast this man all right we're healing this for sure oh I should probably kill that let's do this let's do this right we can play a tour guide okay we play tour guide we play the Coliseum manager look at this board by the way we're trading here I I think I'm killing this if he has a flame strike I just lose you trade this in oh next turn we get to go hero power into Koto rider dude we're Unstoppable this guy I guaranteed the opponent what the hell no way oh it's time let's go all right we're in business what was Secret okay I have a feeling that this is gonna be a secret oh rasa I can save this all right hold on Okay Ross is sick this card is useless but we'll still heal it all right we're actually kind of popping off here am I stupid is Inspire just the best keyword in the game oh God that is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life we do have one advantage here though and I know it may sound very surprising to a lot of you is that they can't use their hero power so how could they use the best keyword in the game anymore thoughts all right so we can do uh this this this we got an upgraded hero power right oh my God hold on oh let's go this oh I should have hero power first I forgot to reset oh I could have had three hero Powers there I this the skill cap on this oh what is that I was gonna say the skill cap on this deck is insane but it oh wait we just finished our request okay it's fine no he's gonna die anyway all right it's fine we do this we hit it we Bonk them big monkey damage we lose our monkey though oh sh he countered me okay well Arena kind of stuff all right it's fine see we just do this and we do this this heals us because it inspires broken let's go oh his hero power he doesn't even need to hear a power and it's just so much better this deck is bad come on okay here we go all right it's fine god dude Waterboy is just so like is the tour guide him in school and then it's the Waterboys him after school but he couldn't get a job we're done oh hold on potential potential okay we're in oh my God I mean he's just doing the Inspire thing just straight strictly better okay hold on they never see this coming though no one expects the Urgent Squire right oh shoot oh my God I have to do this I also think I ha uh maybe it's like this oh God okay well the bright side is that he can't kill beardo from us so we should be Sean oh my God I'm getting rolled with ready leader dude oh my God relax it is by the holy lady there really is they really do be okay well Jessica's fine excellence that raid leader was not nice all right we got the bone guard lieutenant in but this guy has a lot of armor knew Allah I'm a three four for two Mana mad easy draw look at this damage oh let's get in there all right if this board lives we're absolutely popping off oh look at this board guys look at this board tell me this isn't the hottest thing you've ever seen in your life I mean maybe today I don't know about your life but oh it's a it's it's pretty Juiced oh I'm gonna face it's free okay that's fine what an amazing six card combos to set the enemy at 23 lights dude they're Druid listen relax oh my God wait are we gonna win this how much look at this dude this guy remember or when this guy was a 3-2 look at him now he only has 13 Mana what could he do what the hell is this came back to stream how the games is rare one all of them I've literally won every game I was gonna play this but this is actually pretty good we get a free okay a lot of Minion here we're chilling I want to keep this alive so she gets druid this looks good okay very weak play very weak play and we have Raza oh my God okay so we do this this feel this I want this to stay alive we do this we do this we hit this oh I should have kept the one one on more that's my fault it's fine I'm gonna kill it no oh he gets to kill my lieutenant no can I get it can I get a bunch of apps in chat for my bone guard Lieutenant I was really hoping you would live we heal him let me heal this let's do this let's do this all right this is looking winnable hold on a second oh I feel like you guys should be inspired after that one all right let's get it all right we're in how do we lose we can't dude he had the one card that beats this perfect draw all right I gotta control the board I gotta control the board maybe we can optimize this a little bit but I need to make sure that we stay in flavor with the deck right I want I want the hero power to be the main one conditioner oh generator three three I like it I like it I bet he wins so far it's not that's not the quest don't answer that question chat it's not about the the amount of wins it's about the amount I'm in spot hold on you got hot for he High rolled me oh this better not be freezing I swear to God oh good card face but face but us testing freezing regardless it's fine I don't care we're actually popping off here if I'm gonna be real with you guys are you serious who runs this card man I'm gonna lose to this oh he's still here it was just it was the long con BM really rub it in what are you putting on my face what was that ew relax man I don't think I've ever played this card in my life but here we are oh God okay casual 10 damage sorry we're not dead in two thirds well goodness that actually is we topped that this is it's free guys it's free we taught that Carino like we always do because we're literally the greatest Gamers on the planet and we're chilling well that's that's pretty in line for what we're doing today so you know what Champions a ride I have to do this okay oh my God oh my God oh my God okay I'm getting a little scared here dude God if I if I do this I lose my hair I lose the healing I don't know if it's worth it okay let's start with this first if I change my play we have this guy in player oh yeah yeah I guess I could have done this first I might have got a better card that's useless okay now do I swing is the question I don't think I need this I don't think I need the swing right we're chilling we're hanging out we're hanging out we're hanging out watch him just play King Crush next turn or something no no not at least the hell it's no no Timberwolf is also illegal okay okay this card reads you can use your hero power twice a turn so if we go Roz I should be able to use it twice regardless right so we're doing this see what this is uh we have zero Tom minions pretty exciting oh I'm probably dead I'm probably dead he's gonna hear hero power into kill commands lethal oh my God this is why is this so intense this is actually what the pros play what the hell that's a beast Moreno I saw them point at my face and I actually almost cried my pants oh oh my goodness gracious to think to think We we forgot we had this card in Our Deck oh wait does it generate oh right the refract that's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine shut up everyone shut up I'm not reading chat okay well goodbye [Music] that turn was very depressing fortunately for me we're fine we just play two secrets and we're chilling um did he leave I think I just made someone AFK with Inspire priest Oh The Blood fit Raptor no [Music] all right work Sean there's no way I lose this there's absolutely no way I lose this [Music] spawn hero power beardo guys who guys listen to me listen to me if you're watching the this is just a public service announcement this is just a public service announcement all right this is this is a public square if you're watching this channel to see high level Hearthstone quality gameplay are you okay you watch this channel because not only do we play the best decks here but like come on we all know why you're here how you doing anyways I'm feeling inspired tired all right I gotta I gotta play out of my mind here okay perfect we have a car all right surely we could beat The Innkeeper on Expert right or he's coining oh please hear a power be glorious I actually think that this is just a better play I'm playing this oh it's not an undead let's go oh thank God okay oh this is already looking really left I feel like I can't get baited by this I think I have to do this okay I think we can't beat this on expert just for the record this is uh oh my God Jesus Christ okay pretty bad trade actually horrendous hold on I'm gonna play this next one I have to play it oh my God he's actually a freak can he kill this oh my God okay he can we stop I mean okay he can't play any cards which I think oh thank you [Music] not carrot oh it's oh okay hold on Maybe Maybe oh it's it's GG inkeeper's broken
Channel: Rarran
Views: 119,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, card game, new expansion hearthstone, new expansion hs, kripp, trump, regiskillbin, zeddy, hs, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone rotation 2022, hearthstone new, hearthstone gameplay, thijs, thijs hearthstone, sunken city hearthstone gameplay, review, hs review, hearthstone review, core set, hearthstone core set, new core set, best colossal hearthstone, tier list hearthstone, tier list, grapplr, magic the gathering, magic online, pvddr world championship, pvddr
Id: 7CDbyhOG6bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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