The IMPOSSIBLE League of Explorers Challenge

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we're gonna beat League of explorers on heroic using only the new class which is death knight I picked four decks all four of these decks currently are the most meta decks for that class and we're gonna see if the brand new class can beat heroic League of explorers all right well I guess we'll start what do you do draw a card gain the Mana Crystal give your opponent a wish I don't know what a wish is let's go with frost I grow and see how this goes but I guess we just follow the general game pattern right and go for the best uh the only difference between the last one which is Black Rock Band versus this one is that this card used to cost three Mana which might be a big difference um I'm gonna just play this I think it's probably the best thing to do right so that's what that oh that's pretty good I guess I'll just pick the one that might be relevant kill this obviously this is too spooky we'll move on most of the cards for League of explorers were like okay I'm not too worried but it's there's always like a couple funky bosses in these that I again I have completely forgot about all of them oh we also get death knight spells which are extremely good as you can tell Army of the Dead is actually really interesting we can do this oh almost did the order wrong all right this guy's screwed we're chilling we're chilling okay that's kind of spooky kind of spooky Mossy horror God I forgot hobgoblin was a card you're actually all kind of booty but I'll just take a random one that's actually not bad so I'm thinking we do this into this is not dead uh no one saw that that's fine we're okay this is fine maybe I should have actually uh location the one two oh my God okay we need to relax we need to chill hey can you chill oh my God wait I'm a little scared now wait just kidding we have a spell oh it's actually pretty sick right okay as long as I just don't die dying is just not good for anybody um I could trade it to one but that sounds stupid I'm just gonna freeze three and hope and freeze three good ones that's probably fine all right we set up leave the merch on all right that surely won't be all right didn't lose the first battle already off to a pretty great start I must say feeling good about that one that one wasn't that bad this is immune while he controls the rod of the sun oh God okay maybe a control is actually good here because if I just have to outlast him it's probably going to be control so we'll probably pick control um again we can't see what's on board so I'm gonna full mole this one looks just for like a better hand because I don't really know what I have to go for it looks like it's a 3-8 though so I did this to your opponents what does that mean do I become immune so I guess I'm gonna affixiate an extra name actually the good thing about this is that he doesn't have a hero power so as long as this isn't like ridiculous we should be all right what does this give me this works fine brand okay brand kind of sucks we have the soul stealer Soul sailor is great actually all right I'm feeling confident here I'm just worried for the last battle I just don't know if we can actually do it it's gonna be very very hard it might be its own video if we can do it did he just arcanite Reaper that I'm really glad I want blood for this though worked out really nicely doorman all right that's actually pretty good we can start with this done obliterate's probably the best one but I honestly don't mind soul sealer just because he actually ends up killing it we just get it back immediately it's a bunch of Mana book all right now he has to make a decision of what he's gonna kill this guy's literally dead if he doesn't hit this so we'll see what he does he can't kill bran currently which is very important but I almost guarantee this is gonna die but I think it's the lethal no matter what right nice awfully I should have kept the horn for the next turn Okay so four four six I mean we kill it then we can do this legally and he's dead all right easy clap dude Temple Escape counter new obstacles all right I'm gonna go with control if I remember what this one is from a very long time ago uh this is just out living right I don't know what I'm playing against it's been so long man um I don't think it's ever School I've been school teacher's actually not that bad neither is this 10 turns all right does this count as one kind of new Option oh what's cheating cheating what the hell he can't just drop that like the turn of zero that's literally Exodia dude oh my God oof take five damage take 10 damage or no damage at random oh no my luck I annoying my luck I should take the I'm gonna send it why did I even try yeah taunts are kind of nutty right I do want them with reborn so I will be training everything in well not everything but well yeah everything okay it's fine we have a soul stealer so should be all right well see here's the thing back in the day this would have been a really tough decision right can I deal with an extra seven seven but they don't know about this card so we're gonna take that we're gonna take that every day of the week I should have played that first no it's fine actually you can just do this never mind we're good do I have to play this turn or can I just win the game I'm gonna pretend I actually have to kill these for the sake of me just not losing for no reason all right I think we're good right we're free we did it dude huge actually huge all right I thought that was gonna be much harder I was a little worried all right what's next Chieftain scarvash any means cost 11 swap at the start of your turn he has Minions on board already so it says enemy minions which means the bodybagger is 11. uh this is my first purchase with my new card you could beat all of them and we believe you this message will make sense in the future hi future me thanks for the word of encouragement make sure we put that in the video this is a disgusting opener though I mean okay yeah whatever dude I'm gonna just play no I should have done that actually it wasn't worth it I forgot he has this stupid um these stupid Traw guys oh that was not worth it at all the bright news is that we do have corpse explosion I'm just gonna hit my egg oh my God there's just no chance this is ridiculous he's just he's actually ridiculous Maybe because we have to play this next turn which is a big deal right I have to play this now [Music] actually no luxury okay that's good that's fine it's a little awkward but it's fine let's do this I missed one damage don't no one say anything no one saw that kill this it's fine now that I'm a head of board it's a little awkward we're chilling it's free Starfire they hit brain every time right wow face what the hell what an absolute animal I guess he's uh are Cobalt animals I guess they're humanoids right thanks for clarifying Chad but on the bright side they're dead big fan thank God all right that one looked like it was gonna be a really really hard you got an insane opener too hop in the mine cart Oh No Escape the trogs it's another one of these things oh my God relax definitely need an onboard I think oh look buddy I hope they trade okay all right that traded at least okay kind of a big deal coping slightly though so it seems like they always want to trade into it unless it's the sixth attack so I think this is fine then let me play this because hopefully these two trade in My Philosophy is destroyed that's a bit that's a big deal okay that means I only have to live one return right this will be two which means next time we go to three it stops when I end my turn right I have to pay attention here wait they Trade It I have to live one more turn 10 plus 16 plus 18 okay I just won all right perfect dude let's go oh my God Perfect all right I didn't uh I didn't think that was gonna be as easy but I'm glad that was uh summon a statue for both players I'm gonna go the control again I feel like a lot of these are just control I don't know what a statue is so I'm Gonna Keep The Corpse explosion because that seems like a pretty good card to always have this is it's not the worst hit I've ever seen if we can find the location I'm pretty stoked about it right that's uh corpse explosion give you corpses if it kills your own minions I did that earlier I got this out the better right this this looks like a matchup but I'm just gonna have to just hold on for dear life oh God I think we have soul silly man oh soul food is so nutty wait what the frick didn't he just play that oh that's that's this is really good for me hey you didn't know about that it's like an easy one yeah this is an easy one this one seems easy I got I think a lot of this comes down to just oh wait if he gets that from me that's not a big deal hold on he's supposed to do 18 damage to my face I wonder if I would have lost if he did it I don't know not my problem I don't have to worry about that well another one done let's is the second Wing already and we're finished God I thought this is gonna are you serious okay hold on actually top deck that literally the turn after you tuned it pretty impressive oh my God okay thank God for this card yes corpses now he died very nice hero skin I'll give it a second hold on let me just let me just slap this man's ass Lord slitherspier summon a hungry Naga well Mr lord slitherspoon they're actually in the game I wonder if this is gonna be a Naga I'm feeling pretty good about control yeah I find at the moment so I'm just gonna continue with it so egg is good because he uses that AOE clear guy I'm a big fan of egg I actually think I need to keep this card because if I don't keep it it makes the clock even longer so like I think keeping him is a really big deal I can't hope I draw this no way even the soul stealer is fine yeah sorry look at this hand I love that I would rather have that guaranteeing now that I know what I'm up against we we probably have a better idea ah see I should have played the egg man soul sir huge huge huge actually that's that's big big big big big big Cinder gross is actually insane I think he's I keep forgetting so it looks like that was almost pre-planned oh my God this is it we did this this is free this is the one that was actually a huge draw a huge draw ing oh my God my face please and then this has to be a corpse explosion The Scourge is too slow unfortunately I can play the famish full after the question I have now is do I want anything to draw or not that's a great card to draw that's a great card to draw that's a good card to draw too yeah I I really don't want to solicit unless I have to but it doesn't look like I need to right I could just double trade into this play this this hits here and hopefully this trades in or this trades in and I live an extra turn the worst part is is if I didn't get removal there everyone chat goes yo why didn't you play uh the scourge who's uh the scourge all right let's get some life okay 16 image it's fine like I want to go face so bad because going face is so relevant it's so relevant like it it's it's the damage right it's just asked our go face play the nerubian no matter what oh baby let's go see you know the worst part is chat is that's not even the hardest one we still got this wait which one is it I think it's this one we still got this idiot to deal with I don't know how we're gonna be him okay great hand it's a full keep does he have the corpse mechanic he does right man if only I did this challenge before they gave it oh my God it was a straight murloc synergies okay it's fine oh God oh a trading wizard are we okay how much cards do you have oh he has a huge deck oh God I should have killed it all right we're Sean he keeps he keeps tossing it for content for certain blood boils about to show this [ __ ] what 2023 is about oh my God that's the scariest thing I've ever seen oh man juicy juicy is here power forces of the new at first chat he doesn't have it he doesn't have a choice unfortunately for him this is murloc or uh my actual corpse explosions in my deck [Music] this guy's doing disgusting things don't tell anyone Ah that's attractive if I've ever seen it that's uh it's good looking pays me the strike yeah that's a pretty good it's pretty good another corpse doesn't really matter what I hit I'll hit this I was gonna hope he doesn't have another one of those summon five murloc dudes cards those cards are annoying the stopper holy moly that's super good oh this is crazy bro do you know if the Nola evolve bug is real I have no idea what that is what is that what what are you talking about oh he does have it damn bro good thing I played these taunts get in there champ but it's not it probably should be fine it's still one turn later than it normally would be because it's at 11 Mana right let's finish this game bro I didn't even get to fatigue man somebody tiny fins in the deck I can't was that first try by the way Chad or is was there more to this the other turn replace all minions with new ones yours cost one more is this an aggro version like should we do aggro here well they're not evolved but they still get replaced with different minions right they don't go up a Mana Crystal they just get transformed into a minion the same cost or I guess we're doing blood again but I have a feeling aggro might actually be good you will know endless torch did I sound like I'm trying to you guys like that I'll keep that hey current no what the hell why don't you just say no to me bro I'm arthas I was about to introduce myself you [ __ ] so they get two three cause oh my God wait wait this one's actually gonna be so far oh this one's actually so brutal because they can get minions from like current year oh they leveled the playing field here dude this is actually gonna be so hard I'm about to play out of my mind let's play out of my mind boys [Music] dude here's a question for you guys in chat okay I was thinking about this yesterday because you know I use this radio strip if this card wasn't standard right now would this card see play I think it would be the one of the best cards in the format thoughts am I getting fisted What's Happening Here what did I got here okay I just need to lift to this card I just need to live let me live let me live let me live let me live let me live please I beg you we can we can live for sure next turn for sure we live next term America believe that the AIS evolving with the current form of well he's playing a classrooms release this year yeah but like look at the stuff they're doing and don't you think it's a little unfair I think I'm just leveling the playing field where this guy's cheating okay we kill this because it's a six class minion we kill that that card gets me extremely horny oh my god dude I I hate this card card is so they should get honestly Warriors is such a bad spot they should just give Warrior this card oh my god kelfazod dude if only if only man I have to take that that's too good if it's pleased please thank you [Music] more cards blood boil something that does anything um okay that's something that does anything I'm I'll take it oh this manner all right where are the clear we should this should be game there's no way I lose this anymore there's no it's just impossible thank God oh my God I'm gonna look for um Alexander okay we should be chilling oh and then definitely something that's like the the equivalent of just getting exodian that's first try right look at that dude we're just killing it all right I'm scared boys I'm scared I had a random card to your hand it costs you okay foreign I don't like that man I don't like this I don't like that here that's this is not gonna be fun I oh God I almost want to do this one last that's not fun that's not fun all right I'm going blood that's fine German four four turn one that's reasonable dude no it's it's fine it's it's good no dude it's it's we're fine I actually don't know if that hit matters why don't they ever hit the egg all right that's a good card that's messed up yeah did you it's draw two cards for zero Mana dude sure man who needs that needs to he needs to play all right good card good card alert alert I wonder if I play this do they ever kill it let's let's find out or blood boiling or bubbling why Blood boiling boiling the I wanna [ __ ] throw up that's not okay video game oh my God that's so [ __ ] up that's not it's not kill that jump man it's just hoping for the best I'm dead what could I done what can I have done I think this might be the first one where I'm gonna have to take a break like you know what I mean I'm gonna have to come back to this you know coin out another Blood fin Raptor while you're at it all right they're looking great this time here what was that I was bear trap we're trapping Bears okay okay go play eggy boy he plays this card okay actual comedian actually actually he's actual Community even good I don't know that's fine oh I don't know it's there's so many main spells listen let me explain something very carefully if I'm testing for everything I'm gonna lose I have to just try to I just have to hope for the best this is all about just hoping for the best this you can't play around this [ __ ] hero power what does this card do okay he's griefing he grieved he grief big big deal actually with the grief big reef guy I have the man I'm just gonna play it that's amazing all right let's proc an explosive trap over here no explosive Cape I knew it was gonna die I should have hit this okay it's only 18 more turns to go what could he get in 18 turns there's another Savannah High man okay that's not fair you can't do that how was that even remotely fair in the slightest perfect I love snake trap it's my favorite card hey I like that keep doing that keep doing that keep doing that um he has a bunch of spare parts in his hand that's like half his hand oh no not the insectual spirit oh my God what are you freezing now you freak what is that more girls oh my God he's actually the best card in my deck I'm pretty sure all right I don't care about this one one here well I keep forgetting about this freaking keep forgetting about Dart trap I keep forgetting about our trip okay oh my God this is actually possible we might actually be able to beat this after he played a freaking Zero Man of radical art can you start pie rolling oh my God oh my God chat do you guys see this are you stealthing oh my god stealth this okay you guys see this chat you guys see this oh my God I'm so excited for this I don't want to summon the thing right okay let's reduce damage his face please stop stop okay that's actually good for me I think healing any Healers no it's fine my mortgage deals with it anyways even if it's not it's fine it's fine it's fine this is just a safety precaution it's just a safety precaution it's just a safety precaution it's fine he this [ __ ] actually got ice bucket could you imagine if I lost to that I could still loose this it's actually very possible it's actually if there's there's actually a way you can do it I could lose right now please oh thank God wait [Music] dude and that's not even that's not even the worst one that's not even the worst one chat it only gets worse you're you're a hero and your minions can only take one damage at a time okay it's blood again this is just blood Central bro my brain hurts bro my head hurts I think I have a migraine after what I just went through that's fine this is a little Annoying to be honest because it's like I still think the corpses it's not that much man run the map okay is I only picked the meta decks the horsemen version of this deck I don't think is meta it's like the worst version of it and that ruins the fun because if I change now I don't feel like I actually did the challenge I just want to do it with the meta decks understand thank you he's clapping my cheeks so I should probably do this I'm gonna try to go for the brand spiciness though but I think this is fine we're gonna win this game I'm not too worried like I don't need to Overkill it we're just we're just gonna Vibe out we're vibing I have to be scared of these bigger Minions that he can possibly just pull out of nowhere like that thing but I mean you could probably make the case for both the question is do I even need the brand for this [ __ ] that thing I think [Music] see how fast he played that no Scourge I mean I don't think the scourge is very relevant is it I'm still only doing one damage per thing I don't think my issue is clearing the board or getting a full board it also has brawl which I'm a little scared if you get the healthier let's go let's go let's go boy another three Armory sorry Chad will get there soon we'll do this felt like it's gonna take eight years to do it it's fine we're prepared for this all right he's dead yeah you're still bro hope the cops get you that guy is not that's that was not fun chat this is the hardest one by far okay now if you guys didn't know wait is the story one yeah this one if you guys didn't know what reform does is he steals your deck that's the only thing I really remembered from this entire league of explorers is that he steals your deck and he has a hero power for some reason so the question is I have to figure out what is the worst deck he can play out of these four I'm gonna do this okay hold on hold on this is possible okay it's possible I'm gonna I'm gonna say this right now okay I don't know if I can actually do this like this this might be like strictly the hardest one because I have to get so lucky I have to get so lucky with the hero powers and I think it's super lucky with the way he decides to play cards again that might be impossible I don't know if it's possible I really don't answer the call yeah you know we're already at that point oh oh what's what's it like idiot to get absolutely [ __ ] on the absolutely [ __ ] on from my boy Hammond here whenever you play a rare card game plus one plus one okay so I understand how we're gonna use this [Music] they're like here dude here let me let's take your deck but we're also gonna completely [ __ ] you because he can just generate minions like that and that's completely fine have you thought about that that is the best card in my deck I think there's actually a potential here there's actually potential okay listen here everybody this he needs to stop Hyrule I mean first and foremost this needs to just be discouraged this is the scourge I don't know where's that hey he's me is that your turn okay I just lose hey I'm just dead do five damage or four damage three damage three yeah boys I don't know about this one this one actually might be impossible I'd be baffled if we can get this done okay that doesn't seem very good I haven't seen a single weapon because you know we he only has one weapon in the deck so the weapon removal feels really bad oh perfect for spear I don't think the spear is good enough fan I really don't I don't think it's gonna make a single difference this game maybe I'm completely wrong but I feel like it just won't make an impact at all I need a really good opener to do this I'll stay in this just because I got that come on this is so dumb there's no way at least your deck sucks ass all right I'll keep this because that potentially draws me a card I don't think that decision mattered should I restart shot [Music] all right hopefully we get it from us If he if he plays that Minion Okay thank God you better have their phone that used meta decks once for your challenge once I don't think I've actually ever beaten reform did I I can't remember if I did or not I think I stopped playing against it because it was just so miserable I I didn't because I never won I never I never won against them I don't have the check mark next to his name I never beat him yeah normal okay it is I guess without the look actually [Music] this slower deck is better okay that's actually not the worst thing in the world the problem is it's not even my deck man it's just the cards they could possibly get from unstable portal makes this so much harder than it needs to be right got him go try everyone okay huge actually hold on he's kind of throwing it for Content here okay maybe he doesn't know how to use a location all right hold on a second hold on a second maybe control is better I just have to hope he doesn't High Roll oh [ __ ] [Music] I could have killed Brian I think it really makes a difference there does it I like your neck I mean I'll take it that's what he sounds like in case you're curious so annoying shut up where's this weapon man I guess they I guess they won't give him for free it's like free dust dude there's just no way right like how do you how do we do this how do we there's no way right this is actually impossible I would have to he would have to absolutely just get Minions that don't play anything in order for me to actually do this I think I could play this a million times and I wouldn't get close to it okay that is a very good card if I could just get you to get a bunch of minions out of zero attack what's what did he get a corpse from did he hear what oh wait this card oh my god dude this is a joke oh so brutal it's so brutal this is just banging my head against the wall right I I I I I I fully believe and I usually I'm pretty optimistic right shadowy says I'm coping um that I can't beat this I think this is the end like I think there's just no way we ever beat this I'd have to get so lucky all right we're gonna we're gonna go to the last fight and uh if I have any extra time we'll come back to this thank you reform what does this guy do he just said his Heroes of moon immune I have a feeling this is gonna be so much easier you could beat this I will once a while donate some money until you beat this deal no dude don't even worry about it I don't even editing the money it's very good I I haven't even played a minion at least I don't think you realized I didn't know what the artifacts are at least I don't even have attack power on the board my guy why dude what's with this guy in the egg man a random spell on each player's hand um I guess I'm gonna do that you're perfect I actually don't really want to play that but I feel like uh getting this is really good so theoretically speaking as long as he doesn't trade oh face face face face face face face face all face all face all face go face go face go face go face go face go face don't trade [ __ ] oh you already missed the Minion Okay we're fine hey maybe I can actually do some damage to this idiot oh perfect wait that's actually fine that's fine that's fine that's fine we can deal with that we can deal with that we can deal with it setting up foreign all right this one's pretty easy one more turn oh that's actually really good can I kill any minions nope anyways chat I'm not playing the portals you didn't use this it's not happening who's this I think you're done yeah I'll play like I play the portals for you chat look I did it I did it okay that was um I think every possible battle we can do so unfortunately for me I will probably just to save me bro just to save the time I'm just gonna say just for the record I don't think it's possible to beat reform like the normal reform like that so we're gonna have to do with the cheese way which we will do something that is I think still somewhat in the rules but obviously I just don't have the time to sit here and pretend like we'll be okay let's finish this God forsaken challenge so I can go home today and tell my my girlfriend that I did it so his deck is straight booty cheeks all right it's awful we CA okay chat I can't get the weapon in the Mulligan correct correct correct thank you blood boil might actually be really good that's no way to remove that so I'm just gonna play it Really Gonna just come down to like what minions he gets off the portal right so fun so fun dude it's so fun it's so enjoyable this game is fun this game is fun this game is really good it's really well done how do you keep getting minions to play like I don't understand are you the the greatest gamer on the planet okay on the bright side there's a very small bright side only plays a mini with zero attack hope he Buffs my thing too no ow okay cool off my weapon nice wait what I'm gonna grab that I think I don't think there's gonna be a scarier minion than this that allows me to go face nice [Music] that's huge oh my God and finally it's done it's done ladies and gentlemen let's play this for the walls we got him oh my God perfect he has one minion on the board that does literally anything I missed seven I'm sorry I got too excited I was too excited I was too excited you're right I'll put this just to save my dude plastic is probably fine too nice it is done it is done okay it wasn't exactly what I wanted not exactly what I wanted but I mean I don't think I would have been able to do it without it right that's a nice card back I'll probably use that so what do we have left we have karazhan we probably do karazhan sometime next week but I appreciate you guys watching thank you so much this was fun thank you thank you thanks for watching guys hope you guys liked it
Channel: Rarran
Views: 145,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, card game, new expansion hearthstone, new expansion hs, kripp, trump, regiskillbin, zeddy, hs, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone rotation 2022, hearthstone new, hearthstone gameplay, thijs, thijs hearthstone, sunken city hearthstone gameplay, review, hs review, hearthstone review, core set, hearthstone core set, new core set, best colossal hearthstone, tier list hearthstone, tier list, grapplr, magic the gathering, magic online, pvddr world championship, pvddr
Id: AP3Jdj0unfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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