The Worst Hack Ever Almost Just Happened

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March 29th 2024, a day that will live on in  infamy as the time that nearly every server   in the world was this close to having a hidden  backdoor installed, and we may never have known   it. And this was not the typical scenario of  someone creating a virus or exploit and using   it to infect systems. It was a carefully  crafted plan that took years to execute,   likely by a foreign government, but we  don't know for sure. The story started   when a Microsoft developer named Andre Freund  noticed something that 99.99% of people wouldn't.   He describes in a post how he was doing some  micro-benchmarking, you know, like we all do,   and noticed the SSH process was using more CPU  power than it should have. He also happened to   remember some odd error messages in debugging  software he was using a few weeks earlier,   shortly after updating certain software. And so  he began to investigate. And what he discovered   is mind-boggling, not just because of the backdoor  itself, but even more so the way it was added. So   first I'll relatively quickly go over the  backdoor itself, and then how it happened,   which I think is even more interesting. This  backdoor was in a software called XZ Utils,   which is used for uncompressing certain types of  archive files. It's more of a behind-the-scenes   thing, so it's not super well known by most  people, but it is widely used. And I'll give   some context on why this was so serious. First  I'll point out that fortunately the backdoor was   found while the version of that software was still  on a development branch, basically a beta version,   and had not been pushed to regular users yet.  But if it had, it would have been bad to say   the least. XZ Utils is used in a ton of Linux  distributions, including Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian,   Arch, and more. This backdoor would have allowed  root remote access to any vulnerable system,   and it even required a special key that only  the attackers knew in order to trigger it,   so it might have never been caught. Real quick  though, on the other hand, I've got a way you   can catch and stop threats to your own computer,  today's sponsor, Bitdefender, and their latest new   security feature, crypto mining protection. Which  is now available for Bitdefender Total Security,   Premium Security, and Ultimate Security plans  at no additional cost. There's a huge variety   of malware out there, and increasingly common  is a kind that uses your computer's resources   and electricity to mine cryptocurrencies for  hackers, called crypto jacking. But not just that,   some websites even have embedded code that makes  your computer mine cryptocurrency for however long   your browser is open to that page, that's known  as drive-by mining. This can happen either with or   without the website owner's knowledge, like if the  website has been hacked. In the past, even US and   UK government websites had crypto mining software  injected into them. Now of course, because some   people actually do crypto mining for themselves  legitimately, the feature is totally optional   and customizable. You can choose whether or not to  enable the feature at all, and if enabled, choose   whether it blocks crypto mining activity, or just  notifies you if any is detected. And of course,   you can add specific exceptions if you want. So  definitely check out the link in the description   to learn more about how you can protect yourself  with Bitdefender's new crypto mining protection   feature. And with all that being said, let's  get back into the story about that software   backdoor. It all started two years ago, and  this meme basically explains the context. The XZ   Utils software, despite being so ubiquitous, was  maintained by only one guy. He's apparently pretty   burned out at the time, and at one point says that  he still got a lot of unanswered emails, and he   doesn't plan on developing any new features for  the tool, only bug fixes. However, fortunately,   really seemingly so, one guy named Jia Tan showed  up and made a couple small contributions to the   source code here and there. That's kind of the  point of open source software, anyone can chip   in and help, and then the so-called maintainer,  who controls the project, can ultimately decide   what code actually gets added. A few months later,  other accounts start making occasional requests,   asking the maintainer if he's still working  on the project, and they mention how   it hasn't been updated in ages. At this point, the  maintainer talks about how he knows he's behind,   and he even mentions how Jia Tan has been  helping. Then another person, Jigar Kumar,   shows up and responds to the original poster by  making a jab, saying "progress will not happen   until there's a new maintainer. You're better  off waiting for a new maintainer or forking it   yourself," meaning to add the feature himself. The  maintainer tries to defend himself, and explains   that it's an unpaid hobby project, and he has  other stuff to worry about too. A week later,   this same guy, Jigar Kumar, who was almost  certainly actually part of the whole attack,   comes back even more insulting, saying "you ignore  the many patches bit rotting away on this mailing   list. Right now you choke your repo. Why wait  until 5.4.0 to change maintainer? Why delay   what your repo needs?" The original person asking  the question then makes a seemingly empathetic   comment, "I'm sorry about your mental health  issues, but it's important to be aware of your   own limits. I get that this is a hobby project for  all contributors, but the community desires more."   Then he says how he should pass on the  maintainership of one of his projects   instead. But given the context we know now,  definitely some, and probably all of these people,   were teaming up to wear down the maintainer, and  convince him to add another maintainer, who of   course would be that other guy who's been helping  a bit. The maintainer even mentions that Jia Tan   has been helping a lot, and might have a bigger  role in the future. For the next six months,   nothing really happens. Jia Tan keeps making  contributions, and near the end of 2022, he is   officially a maintainer on the project, and added  as an official point of contact. So he is able to   make direct contributions to the code himself at  this point, but the attacker was patient. For over   a year, nothing really happened. Jia Tan made some  contributions, though we know that a couple of   these, while maybe innocuous on their own, we now  know some of these were actually added to lay the   groundwork for the backdoor to be able to be added  later. Then finally, in February 2024, over two   years since Jia Tan made his first contribution,  the attack began. Very quietly. Jia Tan added a   few additional test files that were binaries to  the project, that had hidden binary malicious code   in them. Apparently these types of things are  pretty common, and notably, there is no source   code for these provided. But even long before Jia  Tan showed up, the description of similar files   said that there wasn't any source code, it's just  for testing. So it's not like this was unheard of.   A day later, he added another malicious file meant  for building the source code, basically to install   the software. Notably though, these files, while  included in the release archives you download,   they aren't in the source code repository  online. So while not secret, they aren't really   ever inspected by anyone. And there are lots of  other legitimate files like this along with the   malicious one, so it's not like it's suspicious  in itself that this was added. Several days later,   Jia Tan made another change that in very simple  terms broke a security check in the configuration   script, which further contributed to the backdoor  being able to work. And here's the actual code,   where the green text is what he had added at the  time. Can you spot the extra character that was   added that broke the script? Yep, it's that single  period all the way off to the left. But because   technically it was inside this function, it would  mess up the check for whether to add the so-called   "landlock" feature, kind of controlling what  access the program has access to, put very simply.   And now the backdoor was officially in. But it  wasn't over, because it would be some time before   the new version of XZ Utils with the backdoor  would be updated by default in actual operating   systems. And it actually did make it into the  beta versions of Fedora and Debian. Fortunately,   it was just a couple days later that Andre Freund  discovered the backdoor, and just in time, because   it was on track to be added to the next versions  of those operating systems and many more. Now,   interestingly, it turns out that a package that  the backdoor relied upon called liblzma actually   had a proposed update in the works that would  have broken the backdoor. This was just by chance,   no one knew about the backdoor, but the attackers  likely did see that contribution coming and knew   it was going to be implemented. And this  probably put pressure on them to get the   backdoor implemented as soon as possible. The race  was on to get their backdoor into the operating   systems before that other software's update. In  fact, at this time, another person who had made   a contribution a year prior that in hindsight was  a bit suspicious, came back and made a bug request   to Debian to update to the latest XZ version. And  Jia Tan made one for Ubuntu. They really wanted to   get that backdoor in fast. From what I've seen,  we still don't know what the backdoor was fully   capable of. We know that it would have allowed  the attackers to remote into affected servers   and have root access, aka they literally could  have done whatever they wanted. We just can't be   sure because we don't have the source code of the  binaries containing the bulk of the backdoor. Now,   you might be wondering how archiving software  would have allowed remote code access. Turns   out those malicious test files would be extracted  during the XZ install process, and replace some   files used in the installation of that other  software I mentioned, libLZMA. So basically,   like many programs, XZ also requires it to install  other software along with it called a dependency.   But the backdoor installs a corrupted version of  libLZMA. And it turns out that libLZMA is also   indirectly used when certain operating systems use  another feature, SSH, a typical way you remotely   access servers. So indirectly through this  backdoor, they kind of added a vulnerability where   they could get in through this other SSH feature.  Now, because that other change to libLZMA was in   the works, this means the backdoor wouldn't have  worked for very long, but the attackers wouldn't   really need very long. They probably had malicious  payloads ready to go to immediately infect any   possible servers they could, which would give them  further continued access even if their original   backdoor stopped working. Given how sophisticated  and dedicated this attack was over so long, it is   very likely that the attacker was nation state  sponsored, aka some government agency around the   world did it. And I would bet that they had some  very specific targets in mind, and that having   a backdoor everywhere else was probably just a  bonus, because the more you use a backdoor, the   more likely it is to get caught anyway. But now  this has got a lot of people wondering, we just   happened to catch this one in time, but has this  already happened in other software that we don't   know about? I would actually say that it's pretty  likely, and that's not even including the untold   number of unintentional bugs and exploits that  hackers may know about but keep for themselves.   It's all very scary. I'd be really curious to know  what you guys think about this, and especially if   you had even heard about it. I don't remember any  major news outlets talking about it, except for   maybe some tech news specific websites and blogs.  Thanks again to Bitdefender for sponsoring. Be   sure to check out the link in the description  to learn how Bitdefender's new crypto mining   protection feature can protect you from malicious  crypto miners stealing your computer's resources.   Anyway, if you liked the video, give it a big  giant thumbs up. And if you want to keep watching,   the next video I'd recommend is where I talked  about 11 cool command line programs that you   probably want to know about, even if you don't  usually use command line programs. I'll put   that link right there. So thanks so much for  watching, and I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: ThioJoe
Views: 181,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, tech
Id: O452dFacd1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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