The WORST FOODS To Eat That Hurt Your Health! | Tim Spector

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people have different um definitions of what Ultra processed food is but if it's 10 or more chemicals and you don't none of them are the original ones uh you know that it's it's not corn it's the corn syrup or it's the uh the extract of something that's Ultra processed food that has nothing to do with the originals is poor quality food in the UK 50 of our meals are Ultra processed by those definitions in the US it's 60 percent and in countries like uh Portugal and Europe it's 10 wow there you go and it's not because Portuguese are rich uh for those that don't know it's just because they don't have a culture of eating this kind of uh cheap ready meal uh frozen foods that we've been overrun with and it's no surprise that in Europe you know we are the fattest in the world the US are the fattest is the direct correlation yeah I mean you could almost just that step there with in Portugal 10 of their food comes from Ultra processed food products for uh that in itself to him if I think about that that could almost cut right through all the dietary Tribal wars right there in the sense that is it carbs V fat the Protein that's the issue or actually is it simply that the food that you are reading let's make it minimally processed let's actually make it more close to its natural state you know it's hard for me to draw any other conclusion as I get in certain instances you can play around with macronutrients and get a good outcome I I get that I've done that before with patients but but by and large I'm not sure if we're we're going down the right Road there it's the the massive the billion dollar food companies that have been setting the the agenda about research have have managed to avoid any decent studies comparing uh junk Foods against normal foods and they've continued to fund all this work about low calorie products low-fat products and kept these in the guidelines without ever talking about this other sort of element in the room because it's not in their interest because every year they are selling us more of this stuff that gets relatively cheaper compared to the um that more natural foods that you know have a proper food Matrix and don't just get you know instantly dissolved as soon as they hit your stomach um and they've had this vested interest in doing this and that's why we're we're deluded into make having ridiculous TV programs about calorie counting and the dangers of fats and and this Obsession on our labels which most people don't understand anyway which detract again from the quality and only a few countries have got this only a few countries and but you know there's some examples in the book and I was quite a few in South America like Chile have managed to take on the companies and the government and managed to get instead of a food labor they just have a black dot that says Ultra processed avoid and all the kids now understand that and they took off the cartoon animals off the cereal packets you know in the same way we did we did with smoking cigarette packets it was no longer we used to have Cowboys on them and glamorous women and various other things it's you know it's not different um it's the same way but this is you know and it's all a smoke screen to cover up the fact that every year we're eating more and more uh Ultra processed junk food that has just got more and more chemicals to all to the mouth feel so it makes up for the lack of natural stuff and it's it's hurting our by having it sort of you it doesn't lend itself to a good meal and so yeah it lends itself to this perpetually snacking grazing uh World which is really bad metabolically for us and the one study that was done on on this um has clearly shown that you you get these two matched meals to these randomized group it was done by the NIH uh just every a year ago um and you know there's a clear difference in appetite and going back for more if you give people buffets or both they liked both Foods equally um they were done to be highly appetizing but the processed food made people it didn't satisfy them they kept going one back for more so they ended up eating 30 more yeah that was Kevin Hall's study I think wasn't it yeah I mean remarkable what was Mark was just how few studies there are like that why um you'd think you know this is these are like drugs we take every day of Our Lives it was a medicine um every time there was a new uh processed food product it would have to go through some testing you know and and the pharmaceutical companies have to spend a billion dollars to get a new drug uh these guys say okay it's fine and if you complain they say well you can't prove it's um bad for us therefore it's fine so they've reversed the whole life yeah I know I know and you take that with you know I I have this particular thing about artificial sweeteners yeah um and um I've had arguments with these these companies and you know and they have these pressure groups and you know action against sugar and they're sort of sponsored by the artificial sweetener companies and um and their view is well show us the study that proves it's dangerous I would say well you don't do that for drugs you have to first prove it's not harmful yeah show us the study that proves it's safe right but in the Dartmouth I think you spoke about artificial sweeteners and I'm pretty sure you expressed a bit of concern about them so what is your current view on artificial sweetness all the data suggests that when you do a clinical trial and you give kids or overweight adults um either two kinds of of fizzy drinks with sugar or two cans of the diet equivalent and you do that for six months or or so you do not see any difference in weight or diabetes risk or any other metabolic parameters so there's no clear benefit from swapping from someone from a sugar drink to a a diet drink except uh maybe for if you for your dentist okay so the dentist like it because definitely it it's good for your teeth um and so that just that fact alone think about it in each you know the average can we'll have maybe 150 calories so people have two a day at least it's 300 calories less why are these why are these kids and these adults not losing some weight no it wouldn't be massive but you know we're told that that would be about 15 of our um intakes right so if you believe the calories in calories out actually they should lose weight they don't so clearly in my view something else is happening uh metabolically to the to these individuals either their brain is being reset by the sweetness chemicals so it's at a neural level or something is happening metabolically and you are getting some change in insulin in ways we still don't understand and I've put myself with monitors and given myself sucralose and I can see uh I I do get a Sugar Peak and I insulin peak strangely with the sweetness which I can't explain or or more likely it's affecting our gut microbes and so they don't know how to deal with these chemicals which are all derived from things like petrol and [Music] paraffin uh very Ultra things that we're never supposed to eat and so they they produce weird chemicals in response and those chemicals then have a reaction on our body which um interferes with metabolism and in a way either makes us put on some weight or or predisposes to diabetes in the same way as the sugar so we don't know the mechanisms yet there may be differences between them they're definitely work in different ways and some people might be okay with some and not with others because in I admit everyone is is unique but I think the whole idea of reducing sugar by just adding unlimited amounts of these chemicals which is you know one side effect of the sugar Levy yeah um has to be thought through and we should be weaning people off Ultra sweetened products which make them more likely particularly kids to seek sugar and avoid sour things which may be good for them and that's my major worry so um you know I'm looking forward to seeing whether Stevia for example which would appear to be the more natural of these ones does have any particular benefits but I suspect that this whole sweetness thing by artificially creating these these sort of flavors that people crave um is going to have some other knock-on effects down the line that we don't know about we should be treating teaching kids and you know adults how to go back to enjoying things that uh like water or like teas and herbal teas and things that have a bit of interest in it rather than this this Blunderbuss massive amounts of sugar yeah whether it's fake or real it's amazing you know my kids are sort of ten and seven at the moment and it's an amazing how many of their friends don't drink water they're allergic no you know what it's kind of it's it's really sad actually on on a deep level because I think if you think about it in in terms of our evolutionary Heritage we could never have survived if we didn't drink water right you know 500 years ago I don't think we had the choice to not drink water whereas now we have that choice and I suspect it's because it's been conditioned out of them uh via Society by adverse and choices that they've been given um because I just fundamentally cannot believe that a human being cannot drink water but I but just to be super compassionate so parents who are listening who might struggle with their own children I get it I get it can be tough but actually it's very unnatural to not to not drink water no I totally agree but I think it's as you said part of conditioning and uh you know I go into the water business in the book in a fair way and you know we've been conditioned that tap water is perhaps bad for us and it tastes bad or um has metallic things in it or they've been you know history of you go abroad and it was all don't don't drink the water you know what are you gonna it could be deadly uh and that that fuel this whole rise in um mineral Waters and uh this Con that basically you know Pepsi and Coca-Cola and Nestle take tap water and they they just stick it through a processing plant and um re-bottle it uh minus any taste and uh do that but uh and then then have to add some flavorings to it as they they were doing with um for kids to add a Twist of fake lime or uh orange to make it palatable yeah no absolutely I think we really important we get kids taste back re reset the thermostat away from the super sweetness that uh it is the problem because they they can't then appreciate other Foods because in a way everything's set so high yeah that they need it and I I love that phrase reset the thermostat that's exactly what it is really um I think I can't remember how I put it in my in my very first book uh the I wrote about you know if a child's you know 100 years ago you know the taste of a ripe Peach on a some you know a nice in the peak of Summer that would be like a tree it would be man this is so gorgeous and sweets whereas I think if you're used to having it's like haribo's or um you know every day and that becomes your definition or your normal sweetness is a packet of sweets that of course a peach no longer holds the magical of your that it used to and I think it's just been this steady downgrading of our taste buds when did you ever last to have a grape that was slightly Tangy you know when I was a kid they were always a bit sour and uh you know there was the odd sweet one but you you like that sweet sour sort of mix but they've virtually disappeared now they're all bred for super sweetness yeah and so you just can't get uh you don't we're losing that range yeah of taste because and I think a lot of this is because of sugar and artificial sweeteners and the fact that um it is kids are brought up you know through this uh this mechanism and and that has a knock-on effect on the ability then to taste you know to have bitter vegetables and uh and all these other things if you enjoyed that clip here's another powerful clip that I think you are really going to enjoy blood pressure comes down joins him to get better bowel symptoms seem to get better this is going to keep your eyesight this is going to keep you from getting dementia renal disease proof of Astral disease and Cancers you are not your habits you can do it
Channel: Dr Chatterjee Clips
Views: 141,096
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Keywords: rangan chatterjee, rangan chatterjee interview, rangan chatterjee podcast, rangan chatterjee clips, health interview, foods to eat, rangan chatterjee diet, rangan chatterjee pradip jamnadas, rangan chatterjee impact theory, inflammation, prevent disease, reverse aging
Id: MZC-q4ofrLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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