These Foods Can Help Starve Cancer & Repair The Body | Dr. William Li

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let's take a tomato is a great example there are natural substances natural chemicals like lycopene lycopene is a carotenoid it helps to make the tomato red it has lots and lots of healthful properties it's a powerful antioxidant I've studied lycopene in a laboratory and it actually can help starve cancers by cutting off the blood supply it can slow the shortening of telomeres to slow cellular aging and it can protect our DNA from even sunlight and UltraViolet exposure lots of good things about it now lycopene actually is a naturally occurs in a tomato on a vine in a chemical form that our body doesn't absorb that well so if you pick a tomato off the vine and you cut it up and you throw it into a salad it might taste great it's got some vitamin C in it it's a great source of hydration and great flavors okay especially if it's like a homegrown heirloom type of tomato but you're not going to get the light you're not going to get as much lycopene you're probably only going to get maybe 20 of the lycopene that's in there but you want to like for me I want to get as much of the good stuff as I can so here's what research has found if you wanted to convert that chemical structure of lycopene into a form that you can absorb better your body can avidly absorb what you want to do is you want to heat the Tomato like in a pan and with the heat will change the chemical structure from a form your body doesn't absorb that well into a form that your body avidly absorbs loves to absorb it now you go from 20 absorption to 80 absorption you flip the you flip it around completely up into that equation completely now you're really absorbing it now here's one additional thing though how would you heat a tomato in a pan you put heat it in water or nothing no not really you put a little bit of olive oil in it and why is that and and it's because lycopene is a substance that we call fat soluble it's a lipid it loves to dissolve into fats so a little bit of olive oil in tomatoes on a pan sauteed So Soft change of chemical structure flavors are really great now and you have that now when you eat that tomato sauce sauteed in olive oil the oil the olive oil with the lycopene is carried into your body even more efficiently than if it were cooked in water and so again that's an ex that's just one example of thousands of how oils with fat soluble Foods by the way if you didn't want to look at olive oil here's another common snack in the United States anyways kind of tearing a page book from the Latin American Cuisine you have these tortilla chips and then you wind up actually having a salsa and Guam guacamole the salsa is often sort of stewed down Tomatoes cooked down Tomatoes serve room temperature or chilled and then the guacamole is just avocado that sort of smashed up now avocado has a lot of healthy fats in it it's it's a fat soluble veggie it's actually quite nutritious and remarkably uh people eating avocado actually shrink their waistline because actually even though they're eating fat it actually makes you it burns down harmful fat it's a whole other story that we had but if you have guacamole avocado with tomatoes you get more lycopene and so that happens to be kind of a popular snack in the United States yeah I love that so the right combination of foods can actually help absorb the nutrients I think black pepper also can do that right with certain nutrients well right so black pepper so this is an interesting thing we most of us have heard that turmeric which is a kind of a root um when you cut it open it's this bright beautiful bright orange a lovely color and and turmeric is also a dried spice used in South East Asian Cuisine including Indian Cuisine is where I first became acquainted with it it um not only makes food beautiful it actually makes food delicious it's got a quite a lovely taste to it it's a it's a spice inside the turmeric is curcumin curcumin is one of those natural chemicals kind of like lycopene it's one of those mother nature's treasure chests Mother Nature's Pharmacy with an F not a ph and the the the the the curcumin has a lot of properties anti-inflammatory it's antioxidant it cuts off the blood supply feeding cancers um it uh actually is helpful for your stem cells as well it's it really activates almost all of your body's Health defenses and it's good for your gut microbiome so why not just you know enjoy turmeric as a spice by itself because it's so potent that our body actually doesn't absorb everything that it could in fact our body kind of it kind of gets a lot of it's flushed out you know uh the tail end and so what we want to do to improve our bodies extraction of the good um the good stuff the the turmeric it turns out that if you have fresh cracked black pepper all right there's a substance in fresh cracked black pepper called piperine pepperine is one of Mother Nature's um again you know these remarkable chemicals that actually influences the body and piperine helps the body hang on to the curcumin so if you have fresh cracked black pepper with your turmeric uh you want you're actually creating a one-two punch that allows you to absorb more of the curcumin yeah I love that so the right combinations can actually help us get more out of these incredible Whole Foods but I think the wrong combinations potentially can also make certain foods less beneficial one example I've heard you talk about before is what happens when you put milk into tea I know you're a big fan of tea on the last conversation you spoke about a lot of the benefits of tea but I think I've heard you say that if you add milk to your tea that actually you reduce some of the beneficial effects is that right you know those scientists that do television shows to actually uh make science successful to people this is kind of where we need to go with this this topic so look tea green tea especially has a natural polyphenol that's called catechins egcg uh epigallocatechin gallate egcg and the and the catechin is actually just part of the natural substance in the Tea Leaf so whether you're a brewing tea with a bag or whether it's loose leaf tea or whether it's matcha which is just powdered tea leaves um the fact of the matter is that into the Brew into the liquid the hot liquid comes all these phytochemicals including these catechins so when you sip straight T the catechins go right in they're easily absorbed by your body and so you know your our blood levels of catechins go way up so many things that catechins can do one of the things that's important is actually it's it's a relaxant it actually helps lower your stress it lowers the catecholamines and so other things that helps your lipids it actually also helps fight cancer it's anti-inflammatory kind of like curcumin it's it's a substance that has so many beneficial things that at least when I drink tea I want I want to get as much as I can out of my food all right now Iris I deeply respect traditions of yeah of eating and drinking and one of the things that um you know I know is a tradition in England is you know you put or in Ireland you actually put some milk or cream into your tea it actually changes the flavor profile uh and and it's lovely I you know I've had plenty of teas in England before and and I I find it to be just such an incredibly um uh nice I feel great you know sort of like having an English a tea put dairy in it here's what you need to know Dairy and I'm talking about Cow Dairy right so not not milk this is applies to Calgary we'll come back to the nut milk in a second Cal Dairy okay actually is fat milk has got fat in it like butter which is made out of milk and um and the fat when you put it into your tea does change its flavor but that's not what we're talking about here we're talking about the fact that when milk or cream is put into tea the fat molecules in the Cow Dairy form little soap bubbles these are microscopic soap bubbles they're called mic cells fat likes to stick with fat and so tea is mostly water and so when you pour milk into tea the the bubbles the the dairy fat sticks together in a little makes a little tiny soap bubble and what does it do those sub bubbles trap the polyphenols from tea it traps the catechin so you've got some good stuff wrap the soap bubble of of dairy and now when you drink the tea the catechin is trapped in the soap bubble it doesn't get absorbed as easily in your stomach and it just rolls down your gut and a lot of it comes out the other end okay and so you're missing out on a lot of the good stuff you get a great you know you get a nice flavor and so I have you know what I'm telling you is that if you're drinking uh milk uh or cow milk dairy put it in your tea you're getting the you're getting good flavor if you if that's what you like but you're missing out on all as as most of the polyphenols so just be aware that that's what you're actually doing now if you want to actually still cut the tea with something that is a milk-like nut milks are fine because they don't actually have the same fatty reaction that the dairy cow Dairy has so almond milk uh cashew milk um those those soy milk they're all fine I mean that's really interesting and I like the way you frame it with this deep respect for cultures and traditions because I hear that and I think for someone who might be listening or watching this and they think yeah but you know what it's just a part part of what I do like I I love putting milk in my black tea or I know some people even put it in their green say which I certainly haven't tried before they might hear that and they may not want to change what they do but is this where potentially supplements could come in let's say someone they like the taste of Milky tea but they hear that I think well I want all those benefits so those polyphenols and the catechkins that I'll tell you was talking about maybe I can boost that another way by taking a supplements is there any merits to that way of thinking and I guess you could expand that broadly into what is your view of you know supplements as a whole huge category but there are some really good quality supplements out there perhaps you could speak to those issues a little bit please yeah well let's let's pick up the Third on T for a second because I I had this discovery that might be uh useful for your listeners who are in exactly that situation where they like the taste of milk in their tea I discovered there is something called milk tea and it's actually from Taiwan it's grown in the mountain and it actually it's it's just pure tea leaves that when you brew it it tastes like it's got dairy in it oh wow it's quite it's quite amazing I mean if if I made a cup of that for you and then made a cup of of English tea with milk in it you would have a hard time telling the difference it's quite remarkable milk tea it's a kind of I think it's an oolong style tea so it's a mildly fermented and still got green properties it's got polyphenols in it but it literally it has to do with the way the climate the the way that it's naturally grown and the type of tea it is so all right so let's move that aside for a second um uh um all right well so what about supplements you know I I think that we should look to the word itself a dietary supplement means something to top off so I always tell people you know if you have a choice of getting it from the whole food the whole food will tend to have a lot of other stuff that's good for you if you eat whole plant-based foods for example you get the fiber you get the polyphenols you get a lot of other chemical substances you get the natural peptides that are found in foods that if you've got a pure supplement you might get the one molecule or two molecules that has been created for like a vitamin C supplement if you want to top off your vitamin C it's pure vitamin C you're going to get a lot of it if you if you take your take a vitamin but you know if you had Citrus you're going to get all that flavor you're going to get the different kind of flavor you're gonna you get some you do get sugar you get fiber you get the limonene and all these other hesperidin all these other bioactives that you can't get from a regular supplement alone that said you are absolutely right supplements can be really important particularly for people who have difficulty getting a lot of of of some nutrients or their food so for example I think omega-3 fatty acids are a great supplement if you get a high quality Omega-3 not everybody eats oily fish you know day in you know two to three times a week you know you only need to eat um at the amount in each serving with the size of a deck of playing cards so you don't need to eat very much but you know that's not something people most people do people who live on the on the coastline they might be doing it but many people don't um so Omega-3s are so important to our health I mean this has been shown time and time and again that's a supplement that's that's definitely worth taking and and it's a lot easier to swallow Omega-3s than it is actually to go to their fishmonger and then to look at what the Catch of the Day is that's an example another example of a supplement I think is really worth we're taking um is probably vitamin D3 okay vitamin D uh you know for for those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere where we don't have as much sun uh all the time all year round and where it's cold so we're indoors a lot and not always Outdoors under the sunshine so so I'm not talking Casa del Sol I'm not talking about South Africa you know or Australia I'm talking about you know England northern Europe North America you know in sort of the northeastern side okay we don't get as much sunlight and even if we do go outside because it's cold we wear a lot of clothes and so our skin tends to be covered up and so vitamin D is made by our skin but when sunlight actually hits it and so we don't we tend to be vitamin D deficient so here's an example of where you can eat foods like mushrooms that can have vitamin D for example uh by the way I don't know if this is a little little tip a tidbit for you I just told you that human skin with ultraviolet radiation from the sun will make more vitamin D but did you know that if you took just a plain old lowly white button mushroom that contains some vitamin D if you were to um before you eat it when you buy it if you slice it like slice it pretty thinly and you lay this the slices out and you put it in your windowsill so your sun the sunshine signs on the slice it will make more vitamin D wow you will actually you want to convert more vitamin E into the into the mushroom so if you're going to prepare something with mushrooms slice them ahead of time stick them in front of a sunny window no matter what time of the year it is you know um maybe a couple hours before you cook with it and the mushrooms will actually give you more vitamin D but it's it's not it's a lot easier to get your regular dose of daily vitamin D um by actually just having D3 supplements so that's an example if you enjoyed fat clip here's another powerful clip that I think you are really going to enjoy blood pressure comes down joints seem to get better bowel symptoms seem to get better this is going to keep your eyesight this is going to keep you from getting dementia renal disease proof of acid disease and Cancers you are not your habits you can do it
Channel: Dr Chatterjee Clips
Views: 380,682
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Keywords: rangan chatterjee, rangan chatterjee interview, rangan chatterjee podcast, rangan chatterjee clips, health interview, foods to eat, rangan chatterjee diet, rangan chatterjee pradip jamnadas, rangan chatterjee impact theory, inflammation, prevent disease, reverse aging
Id: qDjRShOw7BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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