The WORST Couples Ever...

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[Music] um so what's good tmg famous boy ellen i'm back listen bro i've never really got an opportunity with all the the shows we've checked out off of uh tlc i never got to check out the 90 day fiance one i've done ultimate cheapskate my 600 pound life and i don't think i can't remember now you know the the tmg fam catalog is extensive by the way it's a lot of videos so i could have done it a long time ago and just don't remember that is quite a possibility but to my recollection i don't think i've done any 90 day fiance so i've heard about this show but i don't really know too much about it so what better way than to stick your foot in the water and and test it out by doing like a compilation or something like that so this is unintentionally hilarious 90-day fiance moments all right and that'll let me know if we need to check this show out or not all right let's go hey what where'd i go i'm going to get my wallet bring me my red back with my makeup can i have a key yes you can have a key [Music] the real lisa is coming to nigeria soon oh oh really oh oh oh all right no no no no no no no did you see who she turned into number one when the screen went red number two she took the keys and slung them you still you do realize you're still a fiance right like that title can quickly be stricken stop should i have a key yes you can have a key the real lisa is coming to nigeria soon all right she's from america let me just show you her picture what so you are okay with this so this is um mouthwash and i got you a cute toothbrush because your breath is not um pretty [Music] i want my sex tonight the first time i saw nicole i see that she's pretty and you know it's cute i'm really happy but finally you know oh my gosh when i see all all her i mean all her body i was surprised that that she's big a little bit my mother's taking me to the airport wait what my sex tonight the first time i saw nicole i said that she's pretty and you know it's cute i'm really happy with finally i know you got catfished or something bro what do you mean the first time this is isn't this fiance moments like how do you not know i must not understand the premise of the show so are they not already a fiancee and they're doing this 90 days to becoming a fiancee or how does this work maybe i should have looked into the show first a little bit more cause i'm thrown off oh yeah when i see all all her i mean on her body i was surprised that that she's big i like to be my mother's taking me to the airport she's feeling extremely emotional about me leaving this is a doctor oh no she actually just uh snuck out and gave me a little bit of her hair from her comb to take with her what the hell means a lot um that's actually something it's it's it's her hair no what the hell no okay wait she just called me a [Music] you just call me a yes you are poor and you will not disrespect me like this today good night as ass blood ass you may kiss your bride i'm not allowed to kiss in this time physically i'm attracted to nicole but it's not like it's just like for example 55 percent all right [Music] so um how do you say kiss into garlic yeah okay may i harleque you [Music] yo why she gotta look at dude like that yo yo these fools is crazy on here you don't love me you never did you meyer get out of my life i want you to write down the card and i have to light it on fire [Applause] you ugly ass you a ninja turtle penguin batman ass when i get out of bed the first thing i do is look in the mirror and i always say you're a specimen [Music] i can't wait to get out of here it's just [Music] crazy oh my god i love you so much that's crazy right there now i'm not knocking nobody's religion you you get you you praise your god the way every way it is you want to praise him man like but for me i i can't be around that that type either you know what i'm saying and i'm not knocking nobody's religion like i said again repeating myself you can praise your god however it is you feel as though when it comes to me though i would be kind of in that dude's position myself like i that would make me feel kind of uncomfortable [Music] i have a lengthy criminal record i've been in jail i've been in prison for uh numerous things oh i'm sorry okay [Music] okay sorry i'm sorry since your relationship is irrelevant to us it's kind of strange that you know we haven't slept together yet and we're about to get married now that's one of those topics that you can have a whole conversation on like a whole drawn out long conversation you can have on that topic sex before marriage how do you feel about that some people feel like they they can do that some people feel like they want to test drive the car before they buy it it's all preference based but that is a great topic for that may be a live discussion we have one day that may be one of those we did one of those in a while maybe i'll get queen see if she'll come on and we'll do a live sit down on that one day we've known each other now for a year and a half and been in love for more than a year we've been talking about it for a while now so i think we need to wait with sex we were supposed to do as soon as you got here christ just bathe in it why don't you we've been married for six months and it feels good i hate being married to george i'd like to give you this [Music] did she just say that with him sitting right there and he just said it feels good obviously there's some miscommunication going on he just said it feels good had a smile a little smirk too her response though i hate being married to george i might have had to kind of push her out of the chair bro something i'd like to give you this [Music] what i'd like to offer you is the key to my house if you if you look at your grandmother grandfather the men knew what they had to do they went out they worked they bring them they brought the money the woman went home like if i get them all down in one ball i get a kiss [Music] [Music] if she really wanted to she just still walked up to you and ladies am i right answer this question ladies oh my god i'm gonna drink water answer my question ladies if you really like the guy and he said oh if i knock them all down meaning all the pins i knock them all down then i get a kiss and he he does it and he doesn't knock them all down if you really like the guy you would still run up to him and give him a kiss wouldn't you this told me a lot without even saying anything right here look at her watch her okay [Music] you look great what is the flowers no flowers honey i'm sorry i would really like to invite you to my hotel tonight [Applause] her dad amy this show is like crazy i'm just trying to see if this is it alright some action that's at the end yo this is crazy though so y'all gotta clear this up for me i'm gonna go look for myself as well so is it they're they are the fiance or is this 90 day of a fiance trial or what is this i'm gonna go look it up but y'all break it down for me in the comment section as well cause this looks crazy bro and i probably don't even know the half of it so i'm down to check it out if y'all are so y'all get at me let me know in the comment section man all right and uh staggering stay tuned to the next reaction to my peace y'all stay solid hey
Channel: The Matthews Fam
Views: 11,569
Rating: 4.9380164 out of 5
Keywords: 90 day fiancé, 90 day fiance, tlc uk, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, reality tv, my strange addiction, cake boss, big ed and rose, 90 day fiance big ed, ed and rose, jorge and anfisa, 90 day fiancé full episodes, tlc 90 day fiance, my 600 pound life, 90 day fiancé the other way, 90 day fiancé pillow talk, 90 day fiancé before the 90 days, 90 day fiancé single life, 90 day fiancé season 8, 90 day fiancé brandon and julia, 90 day fiancé big ed, 90 day fiancé tell all
Id: Irzmwz-lxT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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