People Having A Really Bad Day...

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[Music] um oh let me cut this off my bad so that's not in the background what's good tmg fam it's your boy ellen i'm back with another reaction man or hi guys as my niece says it bro uh have y'all ever noticed how kids like i'm talking like young kids three four five years old without even knowing that they want to be youtubers bro they be walking around the house acting like they holding a vlogging camera or they just hi guys like they directed a youtube channel or or vlog or something it's extremely funny to me man so you know what i mean is it's funny at the same time it's like yo these are the times we are living in and you know what i mean i'm glad that they're looking at youtube as an opportunity or something to as a goal to look forward to doing one day it's super super dope you know it's dope to me but uh listen today i'm here because i got a feeling i got that feeling man maybe somebody had a bad day at work bro i'm not that's not even a feeling i know somebody had a bad day at work today man and i'm here to put a smile on your face man and let you know your day compared to somebody else's might not be that bad you know i mean they might not be that bad now if you get to the end of this video and your day was still bad let me know you know what i'm saying let me know in the comment section and be like all right i'm gonna have to come back with something else a little bit stronger than this all right but for the most part if you had a bad day man sit back and let's try to put a smile on your face all right next video is people having a bad day at work here we go oh that day yeah that's i figured that's what it was figured he was out of the vehicle and now it's moving oh yeah this is bad bad he still hadn't noticed it's gaining speed still ain't noticed now all right let's start this was the moment they gave up on this job [Music] why are we still here just to suffer every night a very sad moment caught on camera [Applause] [Music] okay i'll clean it up it's okay to be sorry fam but and still at the same time bro you got to go back and get me a fresh joint yeah i'm saying i appreciate i i accept your apology i understand accidents happen but fam you gotta go get me a new fresh batch of wings and uh a new pizza bro you know what i'm saying i'm gonna keep this one here though yeah i mean i'm gonna try to salvage what i can offer this one but i need a fresh whole pie bro i mean like it's just just for me when you mess up in the exact moment your boss walks in [Music] when you don't do your calculations right not stopping that oh bro who are you you fired you fired when is your first day at your new job and you start meeting weird customers [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey man everything opening up around the world bro the bars are set in the open hey that might be me for cinco de mayo fam i'm sticking with the maya was right hey hey it's coming up bro it's coming up it might be me trying to make a coffee at work expectations versus reality [Music] falling asleep at work oh yo that used to be me bro but but i was in the type of atmosphere the job atmosphere that had like the little cubicle i was in the cubicle with the dividers but the next person over wasn't too far man it was like maybe two feet away from you with a divider separating us you know i'm saying but bro that used to be me on that hole and then you hit the whole look around to see who look to see and then you look you hit it again and then you nod off and then the third time you nod off you thought you nodded off but this time you really went to sleep by the time you wake up boss man standing in front of you with his arms folded looking at you everybody else looking at you yo man it used to be a rough lifestyle i get it the prime minister of canada trying to make friends oops why hello there an accidental face reveal [Music] was that a dude in the costume panic of the french vice minister after she realizes that she forgot her mask in the car this show ended faster than expected [Music] a sad story [Music] is [Music] his face sees it all young teacher problems i work here [Music] i work here that's a good thing and a bad thing at the same time though you're so young that they keep questioning you where's your hall pass bro i would start messing with them back where's your hall pass why then i tell you eventually once you got mad that i work here eat the wrong spot scheduling a bike race on a windy day bro what kind of wind is that's tornado that's a tornado that ain't just regular wind that's a tornado and this man decided to sell airbeds on the very wrong day his company just went bankrupt i don't know what he was trying to do but he did not solve the problem still think you had a bad day just asking just ask still think your day was this bad [Music] he just had up he just went through a muddy water diet bro you know he swallowed a lot of that water [Music] another man giving up on his job i wonder if this dude that fell i think i might have saw this on facebook i think this dude [Music] damn [Music] oh my god it's not funny but it's funny bro come on man fam you were supposed to hop off of the porch onto the ground not in that same spot bro accidentally destroying hours worth of [Music] [Applause] [Music] work yeah they had to cut the screen there because right after that a fight broke out no no no no no no bro do you see on my back i'm hitting it wrong do you see how much time that had to take to get that i'm gonna get back to the beginning so y'all can see the height of it where it was destroying hours worth of work [Music] you can't even get started right after that you got to come back the next day ain't no way i could just start that over it could have been worse if she wasn't wearing a bra [Music] when a dog ruins your job [Music] he was like oh let's have oh you wanna have fun he's like oh oh you got my name we gonna have fun let's go let's go let's have some fun oh no fun construction workers helping a kangaroo out of a ditch [Music] a story that no one would believe [Music] how do you tell your manager your drawer short because the monkey took the money at the end of the night how do you do you're fired nobody's gonna believe that story luckily they got it on videotape but it was no way you could have told your manager that why is my drawer why is your drawer short huh it's the first time this is normally not like you i got a great explanation man it was a monkey this car pulled up the monkey hopped out he was i was smiling because i thought it was so cute it looked nice like oh and then he stole the money who's believing that story i wouldn't finally finished his job and it's time to go to sleep [Music] one [Music] do [Music] and let's end the video with this clip this is probably see that's why y'all can have that snow bro i know y'all can have it man i don't mind coming to visit seeing it being at all of it momentarily no no y'all have that every year and year out type of stuff bro the most embarrassing arrest i've ever seen [Music] and this was awful today that's disrespectful don't lift me up like that you keep my feet on the ground like a man no no don't do that don't don't no no no that that that would have pissed me off even more how to kick their windows out you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed the video and i hope it was a smile on your face let us know in the comments which one was the funniest in your opinion don't forget to follow me yo shout out to zorro for the video man people having a bad day at work man maybe you did but trust me it's not as bad bro somebody out there had a a worse day than you did if that's the proper way to say it but anyway they did just trust me they did all right y'all can have me in the comment section man let me know what y'all thought of this video to the next one i'm out peace
Channel: The Matthews Fam
Views: 41,080
Rating: 4.9824638 out of 5
Keywords: bad day, people having a bad day, funny photos, funny fails, having a bad day, funny pictures, people having a really bad day, bad day at work, bad day videos, boss dt, worst day, bad day daniel powter lyrics, bad day at work 2021, bad day daniel powter, bad day fuel, bad day chipmunks slowed down, bad day at black rock
Id: SfNsd933NiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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