The WORST Character in Warcraft

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MarySue a Mary Sue is a character who is so perfect that he or she warps the world around them to display their perfection it seems as though nothing in this universe except for Mary Sue is even real and instead is a plot device to make Mary Sue seem flawless and love and Wow you might think characters like suave honest or green Jesus are the ultimate Mary Sue's and Warcraft lore but you have no idea the absurd amount of power at the character Madana had that made him the most hated character in the Lord [Music] first some backstory Madden's parents are medivh and gorona Mandi was one of the guardians of Tirisfal guardians are like these ultra powerful mages who have a Council of other mages channeling their powers into them so they can be the sole defenders of Azeroth from the Burning Legion gorona is a half-orc after and I raised by ghoul Dan and was brainwashed by golden into being a killing machine stuff happens and that she ends up in caravan which is medieval and they bang and she gives birth to Madden so uh yeah there's a lot of lore there so maybe we can talk about that later the point is medallion is half human quarter orc and corded Rayna which makes him pretty unique but groaneth entrust herself and taking care of my dad because of her unstable psyche and she just heated him out of care is an meryl fell storm was once a member of the Council of Tirisfal and he helped raise Madana in dusk what as a young adult man an already harnessed the power of shamanistic and arcane magic and had combat skills with weapons also medallion was a part of some ancient prophecy that said and I quote when the child of the three realms comes as light the ancient power will be released the earth will tremble the Seas will rise up an answer and all will be madness a new day will dawn bringing with it chaos and peace which is just a bunch of dumb jargon that an undead cultists who had a vision of this prophecy reported to choke all who is the former right-hand man of ghoul Dan but now the right-hand man of C'thun C'thun is an old god that was defeated at this point in time but not killed his plan was to use my dad's power to resurrect the old God once more and usher in the end of the world and while it doesn't give you direct power I think being a part of an ancient prophecy deserves to boost up your power level a bit Oh [Music] so members of the Twilight hammer traveled to the squad to capture Madden but Verona suddenly shows up to save the day and then she gets brainwashed and then taken the entourage in the ancient city Cho'gall tells her she needs to go crash the meeting the Horde and the Alliance are having in ther war and that she needs to kill variant because look III don't really know and there's a spy that is the ally of Madden's adopted father who found out this information because the plot needs to keep moving forward and manang ghost it there more to rescue his mommy that he just found out exists in the first place while flying the Theramore a random Leviathan pops out of the ocean and the Dan cuts off one of its tentacles with a small rusty hatchet and uses his shamanistic power to cast down lightning on the Beast many he falls asleep in a bush while waiting for his mom to do something morning gorona and evil company swooped down on the Horde and the Alliance while riding wyverns the Alliance think it's an ambush by the Horde the Horde think the Alliance hired these people to kill them everyone just starts fighting each other from helmet and the fight ends with new day and being captured by Twilight cultists and grown up being captured by the Alliance Valyria convinces Varian that gorona can be an ally if they purify her mind control spell thingy and she's taken the eggwin who is madhan's grandmother to purify her of this mind-control spell and then she falls into a coma then Valyria and meryl windstorm go to a queue to save mad Dan where his power is being used to summon C'thun then they fight Cho'gall in a fight scene that lasts two and a half issues of the comic and in the fight but Dan is broken from his trance of being literally pinned against the body of an all-powerful God then cleanses himself in a matter of seconds and heals Mara what the [ __ ] oh yeah I forgot to mention Valyria also has a demon trapped inside of her and she gives in to the demons power and shoots a giant laser beam at your vault and then Cho turns into a demonic pie Mei and gall turns into a chicken and then our three heroes teleport out to the entrance of a queue at this point Valyria is fully possessed by the demon and attempts to suck the life force out of me Dan while the whispers of c'thun are invading his mind but um that doesn't matter he just blows up and fought fire and meryl convinces the demon within Valyria to and have it his body instead because he can suppress the demons power inside of himself then they teleport the fair more to go see gorona but she has disappeared and somebody kidnapped her so let's play a game who kidnapped Corona is it a a member of the Twilight hammer be the spirit of medivh see Sir Finley merggle ttan or Dean Murad well guess what it was more odd you know Mourad that one Draenei in the BC somatic or that one guy in the Lords of war trailer back in WOD put your seal on that order yeah Mourad he kidnapped her and took her to an Ixia slayer of all places and tells her oh cool I am your uncle because apparently he is in fact her uncle then Madan shows up in a suffering from old God whispers invading his mind and help suppress the whispers Murad teaches him how to use the light which Madden learns how to wield instantly [Music] so now eggwin Madonn Mourad jana Valyria and merrill all talk about how they can defeat the threat of Cho'gall in the idea of having another Guardian has brought up but this time instead of a bunch of mages empowering them they can get a bunch of different types of magic to empower one person so druids priests shamans basically every class in the game and you probably know where this is going but oh my god remember that prophecy I talked about at the start of the video well now it's fulfilled and there's an old god minion that just came out of the water and Maidan kills it by casting a giant lightning beam from the sky and then it dies later that day the spirit of medivh shows up while Madonna's trying to sleep and is all like come to Karen to talk to me I miss you son and madhan's I like [ __ ] off no and then he falls asleep the next day Murad and Manan go to out lanes the shattrath city to talk to Khadgar it was Medivh apprentice and is all like you know Medivh he may have been the guy to open up the Dark Portal and doom Azeroth to a fate of never ending warfare but he wasn't really a bad guy he was just corrupted oh yeah you're also the lights chosen one to stop all evil on Azeroth so good luck with that okay while flying back to the portal Madonn is summoned to cares an by his father to a giant chess table during the scene Medivh talks about how he begged gorona and that Madan should choose a unique path and that his destiny is his own then medivh and his spirit friends funnel the rest of their power into the Dan bananas interpreted back to theorem orb where there are evil elementals and they're destroying the stronghold however will they be able to overcome this threat oh by Jaina Murad and Rhaegar casting that the ritual of sharing on Maidan so he can shoot a giant laser beam at the elementals [Music] when he woke the new council of classes was assembled ready to defeat Cho gall leader of the Twilight hammer once and for all the members of the council are Hamel rune totem rule bare mantle growing dial and wrath scar Raigarh earth fairy Jana and Murad the council was teleported to the twisting nether because it looks cool and this is where they'd funnel their power into Madana you know what time it is it's morphin time wouid fella do shaman priest need other mage [Music] with their powers Channel and some banana he teleported down to 8q to fight alongside Meryl Leary and Aegwynn one last time to defeat Cho gall the fight starts in the van summoning a giant spirit pop then Cho gall summons all of his energy to shoot laser beams at Thunder Bluff storm wind or Vermont and I I think that's the Maelstrom all at the same time choke on wood and then do some Harry Potter laser beam [ __ ] and in an attempt to give Madana more power groan attempts to retrieve a Tesh great staff of the Guardian which was Madden's father's staff but the demon within marrow attempts to claim the staff for his own and in the scuffle he strikes down the Dan's grandmother the demon then flies to the twisting nether to attack the council at the source but thankfully they strike him down but Anne wields as a test he shoots a giant [ __ ] laser beam at Joe golf [Music] and then they live happily ever after and that's the story of Minh and now let's ponder for a moment why is this the worst story in Warcraft well first off Madana is just too powerful for his own good he's just such a generic stereotype of a chosen one character that is suddenly introduced and stronger than any character in a Warcraft he runs into literally dozens of established characters in the lore who are just randomly added to the story and don't really need to be there he's an extreme power fantasy that sort of just craps on the rest of the lore and his father's legacy a lot of midia story was about how he wanted to make sure that Azeroth didn't need another Guardian so now that banan's The Guardian it kind of makes that whole section of the lore obsolete Madonn has never been seen in game despite his major lore significance and in volume 3 of the Warcraft Chronicle book a series of books explaining the definitive canon Madana is in the index but is on the page 404 [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Platinum WoW
Views: 391,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warcraft, wow lore, shadowlands, platinumwow, classic wow
Id: xwDzY-Z3gdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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