The Worst Books You've Never Read

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel my name is Jordan and today we're going to be talking about some unpopular books or just books that most people haven't heard of that I personally didn't like now some of these books were recommended to me by friends some of them I found via the internet and some of I just went to the bookstore and picked up on a whim and I was not a fan of any of them obviously sought further ado let's dive in I'm gonna kick it off with one of my least favorite books that I've ever read in my entire life and that is pantomime by Laura Lam this book as well as two others that I'm going to be talking about today are books that I went to the bookstore and picked up on a whim I just went through the why a section a couple years back and basically took my time combing through books seeing what sounded interesting to me and I ended up picking three books and I hated every single one of them but this ranks number one as the worst of those three and my humble opinion this is a young adult fantasy novel that follows Iphigenia or gene and gene is intersex which basically means that they have genitals of both genders and gene kind of identifies as both female and male throughout the novel at different points basically gene is very uncomfortable living as a female which is what their parents designated them as and eventually gene runs off and joins the circus as a male now I really liked the idea of this novel it sounded fascinating and different and it's nice seeing voices and protagonists in fantasy especially that are different and are not cysts and straight especially because this is the first intersex character that I had ever read and I think it's the only intersex character that I've ever read it was really nice seeing that diversity it's just a bummer that this book was garbage basically we spend the entire book flipping back and forth Eugenia and Jean as you know their adventure progresses but it's this kind of drama based story where it's very much centered about their identity and trying to discover who they are it's kind of a coming-of-age story and even though it is fantasy you don't really get a lot of action or adventure it's really just a drama until you get to the last ten pages now there's going to be some spoilers about to happen so if you you know want to read this then skip this bit I guess until I put the book down but um but yeah so we're just gonna dive into that now I've read this book about three years ago so I don't remember the minutiae of the sequence of events that happened in the last 15 pages all I remember is that I went from this really interesting drama about this character to literally just like everyone murdering each other and you know then there's like there's this whole sequence of like yeah like or a penis going on I don't know if it's actual rape but it's like rapey vibes and then yeah more murder and then we find out there's some fantasy elements and Jean runs away and that's the that's the end there's no resolution whatsoever it feels like so empty and it just felt so rushed and out of place it was like this really interesting drama and the drama bit doesn't get resolved and instead we got this crazy bit of action that doesn't make sense to the story it just I had such high hopes even while I was reading it I was enjoying it until the last act and then it just fell apart entirely and I think that's why it's one of my least favorite books of all time is because I was like this is such a cool idea this has so much potential I was enjoying reading it and then it was like the worst ending maybe ever besides the queen of the tearling trilogy that is also one of the worst endings of the whole times so it's a toss-up but this book was a garbage okay so this next book I picked up at a white convention in Toronto and I've already talked about it on my channel so I will link my review to it in the description down below and we're gonna just kind of breeze past it but it's 36 questions that changed my mind about you a novel by Vicki grant this book follows Hill and Paul as they do the kind of viral 36 questions that you know are supposed to make you fall in love and it's so poorly written the characters are flat and unenjoyable there's no character arcs the drama is forced and annoying the love that we're supposed to feel for the the two protagonists like the the chemistry the romance that's budding it's not there it doesn't exist and all of the other no I I lied all of the characters are cliche but if you'd like to hear more of my thoughts about this book feel free to check out that review linked in the card and down below if you wanna the next one that I'm going to talk about is one of the other books that I picked up out of those three that one fateful day and that is before I die by Jenni Denham this is one of those protagonist has cancer books and basically it's just a very unlikable person who has cancer and wants to do things before she dies and that's kind of it I the characters were not likable at all the plot was just very formulaic and dull and in general it was just kind of a slug to get through and did not leave me with any impression at all like I wasn't sad I wasn't you know books like this I'm kind of trash for I love a good tragedy and this was just not compelling which you know it it surprised me how much I just could not care less for anyone in this book whatsoever at all that's kind of all I have to say about it like it wasn't the worst trash I've ever read in my life by any stretch but it's just it was just it was just so many you know it was just so dull the next book that I'm going to talk about I actually don't have any where I read it fairly recently and I don't know where my copy of it went I think I might have donated it so unfortunately I don't have it told it up but it is company town and this book took me so long to get through it was such a slog and it's so it Burke my heart because it's a Canadian author I really want to support Canadian authors because I'm Canadian so this book follows wha-hoo is a guard I guess to a bunch of prostitutes aboard an oil rig that is the size of a city this company town is then bought by a family so they change owners and claw ends up working as a personal guard to the son of the owner of the the company town it is one of the most convoluted plots I have ever read in my life it made no sense it was such a cop-out ending I just didn't understand what it was trying to be I'll get into the ending in a second but that's for spoilers but what you need to know is basically a bunch of the prostitutes after hua starts working for the new leaders or owners of the company town are starting to die so the prostitutes are mad at hua for leaving them because she used to be their guard and then and then so she's trying to solve the mystery of their deaths but then also there's supposedly a plot against the son that she's also guarding and it's just a mess there's so many things going on and and now I'm gonna spoil it so if you do want to read this book I'm gonna hold up my hand and once my hand is down then you're safe so basically wha ends up figuring out that the boys science teacher who we've met like literally once is a serial killer who's killing all of these women to try to get wha to not be a martyr and die I for the boy because the boy is gonna get like you're gonna become the owner and that'll affect how he runs the business because the science teacher is a time traveler hired by the future company to then alter the past so that the boy becomes whatever they want but they needed hot to guard him because that also affects him and then so they end up killing hua but she doesn't die because she had sex with a cyborg guy whose sperm healed her miraculously I'm not kidding that is how the book ends yes I mean III honestly I don't know what to say about it other than that that is maybe the craziest ending I've ever seen in a book um at least I can give it points for creativity and inventiveness cuz I don't know besides like being on drugs how you would come up with that but anyway moving on and the next book that we have is dare you to now this book I picked up at I think it was a Shoppers it was basically a pharmacy on a road trip because it was like the one of the few options that was like kind of intriguing it was summer I was like oh romance you know it the time for love in my books uh so I picked this up and I will say it's one of those books that is the worst garbage but entertaining it's like it's like reality TV like I have such a love-hate relationship with this book where I'm like this is objectively the worst but I also love it which makes me hate myself anyways this book follows Beth and Ryan Beth is a kind of moody angsty damaged teenage girl and Ryan is the school golden boy and they fall in love and I guess it's kind of staying because they flipped the trope on its head where it's like the good girl falls for the bad boy and this time is the opposite but they're really there really isn't much to this book it's there's not a lot of substance we're just gonna read the back it's like a little excerpt from it so you got a sense of what kind of book this is even though I'm sure you were already kind of know Ryan lowers his lips to my ear dance with me Beth no I whisper the reply I hate him and I hate myself Sam for wanting him to touch me again yeah but that's it and that's the kind of book that it is alright guys you've made it to the last one and this one is also one of the worst books that I've ever read and it's also one of those three books that I bought that one day I'm not sure how I managed to only pick up three books and have all of them be some of the worst that I've read in my entire life but I did uh and this is one of them project came by Jeffrey Girard this book has such an interesting idea and premise to it and it absolutely breaks my heart that it was not very good basically the protagonist of this book is a clone of Jeffrey Dahmer who is a serial killer and he figures that he was basically a part of a government test to see if serial killers are innately serial killers or if it has more to do with nurture because a lot of them were abused as children and or had a lot of trauma in their life and so that could be a cause of them being a serial killer and so basically this book dives into the question of nature versus nurture or so it says it doesn't dive into this question of nature versus nurture it just teases that on the back of the book it's like ooh here's a really interesting idea our serial killers innately serial killers will ever know instead what we get is a ridiculous plot that is action venture I guess it says up here it is a thriller I'm not really sure about that it definitely doesn't throw me but anyways all of these boys that are clones of the serial killers find out that the clones of the serial killers and get loose into the world but yeah basically Jeff our protagonist finds out that he's part of this whole government conspiracy and basically Jeff ends up with this ex-soldier guy and they're trying to find the other clones and it has absolutely nothing to do with nature versus nurture it's very shallow there's basically no character development all the characters are really lackluster the soldier I was hoping for like this cool dynamic father-son kind of thing brother brother you know any of that not really it was it was just a slog to get through the pacing of this book was a nightmare it's so slow which it's not even that long of a book like the writing's pretty big and it's like 350 ish pages and oh my gosh it took so long to read this book and it was awful it also just crams in a bunch of like serial killer history without actually incorporating it in interesting ways into the story but it just fails on every front alright guys so that is all I have for you today if you did enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you have heard of these books and have read any of them please let me down in the comments section down below if you agree or if you disagree let me know your thoughts thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time bye
Channel: Jordan Harvey
Views: 53,564
Rating: 4.9408865 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, jordan, harvey, jordan harvey, jordan harvey book, The Worst Books You've Never Read, worst books, worst book, unpopular book, bad books, bad book, company town, booktube, booktuber, before I die, project cain, dare you to, pantomime
Id: zDIvfKNiqu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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