The Worlds outside the Solar System. The Exoplanets | ReYOUniverse

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Channel: ReYOUniverse
Views: 2,213,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: universe, planet, planets, exoplanet, stars, galaxies, about space, space, alien planets, images of exoplanets, exoplanets, GJ 504 b, GJ 504, 51 Eridani, 51 Eridani b, HR 8799, HD95086b, HD95086, HR 8799 b, HR 8799 c, HR 8799 d, documentary, documentary space, documentary space 2021, planetary system, KELT-9b, KELT-9, WASP-12b, WASP-12, hot planet, planet hotter than a star, TRAPPIST-1, TRAPPIST-1h, TRAPPIST-1с, exo planetary system
Id: djYsSr-d21k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 33sec (5673 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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