The World's Number 1 Surf Town - North Shore Explained || Hawaii's

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if you guys watch the channel you know we have a bunch of different North Shore videos we do neighborhood tours we've done high lows we've kind of walked around and showed you a lot of the different real estate and areas today we are going to talk a little bit more about what exactly is the North Shore where is the North Shore where does it start where does it end what am I doing if I live in the North Shore is this a good area for me what kind of houses are available in each different section of the North Shore all right guys it's Mahi with core team Hawaii today I am hanging out at Farm to Barn Cafe and Juicery in Haleiwa [Music] so that's where we're at now if you head to the left of that you're going into wailua mokulia the furthest west point so sort of the beginning to the West Side on the North Shore that is side so if you're looking at it on a map the opposite side of that mountain range there is Waianae so that's actually how far west you are just on the other side of that mountain range is Waianae not accessible by Road guys so keep that in mind if you're going to the West Side even though it's just across the mountain there you can't drive around that point beginning of North Shore furthest point to the West what kind of homes do we see in mokley yeah properties are beachfront they're a little on the higher price and because they are Oceanfront properties mostly single-family homes there not a ton of real estate in that area because it's not a large piece of land there it's not like a ton of people are going out there to Anna point but there is Dillingham Airfield out there there are Polo Fields out there Del Airfield being where people go to skydive to jump out of airplanes so if that's something that you're into that's primarily where you're going to be looking at so if you're heading away from the West Point of the North Shore you keep heading more East you are now in waialua that's where my family is from that's where my dad still lives go back to our old North Shore video we did the high low that's going to show you that this area is probably the area you would be looking at if you're somebody who wants to get into the North Shore Market but isn't quite financially ready yet to be buying beachfront maybe you're not looking for a multi-million dollar property there are condos there so the most affordable properties that you're going to find on the North Shore maybe it's your starter home maybe you're looking for a long-term rental investment property condos are going to be right there in that wailua area you'll also see single family homes but you'll also see a nice beachfront there as well on crosier drive if you're on the ocean side of Crozer Drive you'll see big beachfront properties if you go on the mauka side meaning towards the the mountain of Crozier you'll see larger lots more land to take care of if that's something that you want a little bit lower price points because obviously the closer you are to the ocean the higher the premiums are when it comes to views when it comes to beach access things like that departing waialua and you continue further east that puts you into the beginning of haleva now haliva is a big zip code haleva is a big neighborhood but when people say Haleiwa they are thinking of haliva town where haliva Beach Road is the food trucks that are in Haleiwa where you have Surf and Sea where you have malama Market where you have Ace Hardware where you have you know Longs Drugs that's what people think when they're thinking of olive they think of paliwa beach since this is where my family is from when we say we're going to haleva we don't mean like oh pupukea which technically if you're looking at real estate online that's still considered Haleiwa but haliva we're thinking the area right next to haliva Beach the area right next to Ali Beach Park directly across from Beach Park you have another bunch of single-family homes you have single-family homes lining haleva Beach Road here that accesses and drives all the way down into the town where all the shopping is no matter where you live on the North Shore if you're looking to come for some entertainment if you want you know more places to eat if you want like a little bar if you want to have some Mexican food at cholos if you're looking for the cafes something like this Farm to bar and if I'm not mistaken they even do like yoga and stuff out here on this field where we're sitting right now Haleiwa is kind of like the place that everybody would gather from the North Shore to do different things if you're looking in this area keep in mind that there is a river that flows down through here that goes into the ocean by Between the haleva harbor and old haleva beach park now on a Hulu bridge that Rainbow Bridge that we see in all the pictures of the North Shore that area can flood so do keep in mind and be wary of the the real estate you're looking at check the flood zone because depending on if it's a low-lying property even if you're not beach front if you're low-lying and you're near a river sometimes I put you in a disadvantageous flood zone so make sure you check in with a real estate professional that can help you figure out what flood zone you're in to make sure that if you're required to pay a higher flood premium a higher flood insurance premium that you're aware of that beforehand so after you're departing Hale Eva if you continue to Head East technically so Haleiwa but the next Beach you're going to hit is laniakea Turtle Beach I think people call it that's kind of where the bottleneck of traffic begins so no matter where you are on the North Shore depending on the time of year or even if it's just a nice sunny day and it's not even the high peak season for surf here be prepared for some traffic because there are lots of beautiful beaches everywhere you drive there's a beautiful beach to stop off at so keep in mind that there will be traffic so if that's kind of something that bothers you if you don't like a lot of transient traffic and people who are coming through the town who don't necessarily live here who aren't residents then North Shore may not be for you then next point after laniakia is chun's Reef after chun's reef is Waimea Bay right there so that's a big kind of bottleneck area Waimea Bay because that is probably one of the most famous you know they have the Eddie the Eddie eye cow surf meet is there famous for big wave surfing one of if not the most sought after you know big wave in big wave surfing so that beach and that parking lot's real small guys you'll see people parking very very far away on the side of the road to walk down to Waimea Bay so keep in mind over there lots of traffic lots of transient tourism on the ocean side we have a lot of homes that are kind of like taking advantage of that beautiful Waimea Bay View they're perched up a little bit higher they're built up a little bit higher very high price points on that side as well so when we see that Big White Tower we're rounding the area of Waimea Bay that's how we know that we are headed towards pupukia again if you check out the high low video on the North Shore we spent some time up in pupukya to kind of show you what some of the properties look like there we had client who was looking for a large parcel of land a North Shore large parcel of land and if that is what you're going for a large parcel of land on the North Shore pupukea is probably what you're going to be looking at most of everything up there is about an acre most of them have really really nice views because as you're driving up the hill you're looking over the ocean so you can see down pupukea you can see down towards Waimea beautiful beautiful homes up there a lot of really really custom looking homes we have seen properties up there when we were up there for our high low which was like 38 million dollars average is probably around the three to five million depending on what you're looking at lower than that do come up not super frequently but because of that real estate up there that Prime real estate those beautiful views those large acres of land yes you can be up in the 5 10 20 even 30 million dollars are they all that expensive no of course not but just so that you know the range of the type of real estate you're looking at up there it can get pretty high pupukea would be kind of the place that you go to for your regular grocery shopping even my dad who lives all the way in waialua he likes Woodland like a lot of locals do and he goes all the way to pupukea to get his grocery shopping done so if you're not grocery shopping at the one shop in haleva which is malama market and a little bit higher prices right because it's kind of the only little thing in a very Boutique little town here pupukea would be the food Land that you'd be going to that'd be your grocery store if you're a North Shore resident or if you live somewhere in that first half of North Shore you might even consider heading out into Wahiawa which is sort of the next town out if you're headed more towards the south side of the island if you're getting back on cam Highway if you're headed back towards town Wahiawa would be the next stop there and there you could get all of the different conveniences you need for grocery shopping dining food and Bev that type of thing there but let's continue on so pupukea you have food trucks you also have a little bit of a like a basketball court is that a basketball court yeah there's a basketball court down there so if you just like want to have some place to shoot some hoops play with your kids there's that park down there as well and then there's sharks Cove depending on the time of the year sharks Cove is a really really nice place to snorkel this time of year during the summer first day of August so beginning of August right now the surf is pretty mellow on the North Shore but do keep in mind during the winter you do not want to be snorkeling pretty much anywhere on the North Shore but especially not sharks Cove because when those waves come up they pump right over that Reef right over that rock right there and you don't want to be caught there so just keep in mind if you are moving to Hawaii because you want to have beautiful access to beach you will have that year round on the North Shore however a large portion of the year that surf is pretty dangerous so you're going to want to keep in mind to check that surf report to check the conditions of the ocean and make sure that you know what you're getting into before you hop in that water after shark school if you keep heading further east now we are at the Bonsai area the pipeline area now this is where all those surf Meats hop in Triple Crown all of that stuff is held there Sunset Beach right in that area too so this little stretch here is where a lot of the professional Surfers live during the winter time that area is buzzing all the time pipeline back door Sunset those areas will all be super popular during the winter months during the surf meat season it's very cool to have those things super close to you but it will be busy it's super popular during the winter time and it's primarily going to be those surf spots right there that are going to be packed and going to be the areas that you're going to have a hard time getting through when it's the surf meet time okay so after that pipeline you continue to go east and you are now at Sunset so sunset's A beautiful beach kind of hard to park the side is kind of steep so if you're going down you're a bad driver like me and you don't want to reverse it into traffic check out the parking lot across the street actually that parking lot across there back in the day before that was there there was was an old shack a little single family house area where my dad used to live so Sunset is actually my dad's favorite break on the North Shore a regular there knew that wave like the back of his hand one of these days I'll bring him on the channel to tell you a bunch of stories be careful my dad who was in the water his whole life fishing diving surfing almost lost his life once there so please please please be very careful and take it very seriously when you're thinking about getting in the water here know your limits where you're gonna go to watch people surf we're gonna go to Surf we're gonna go to see surf competitions Sunset is kind of like the end of that and then once we sort of hit where velzieland is and I'm referencing like different surf breaks because that's kind of how we give directions here when we're driving on the North Shore other areas of the island we may use landmarks we may use different streets we may use stores here on the North Shore when we're talking about where we're going we're referencing all these different surf breaks so sunset's kind of like the end of like classic North Shore of where people go for that then we see velzieland which is just starting to come around the point there and that's where we start to see the houses change from like big huge like obviously beachfront that we're looking at like these other homes and we're like by bonsai a lot of the actual like professional surfing companies like a billabong or a Volcom like those types of companies they actually have houses there where they will you know have their athletes stay during peak season during the surf meets that type of real estate we see there we see a lot of like the very well known professional Surfers live right on that real estate right up against the ocean there the further we kind of go around the Bender it starts to get a little more AG feeling like not a lot of houses but a lot of land when I say AG I don't necessarily mean like you know fields of corn things like that but when you're driving around you'll start to see a lot more cattle a lot bigger Parcels with maybe horses and like more Farm type Lots there we continue to drive around we're by Cabela and I think the next kind of point that people would be looking at is now Turtle Bay so Turtle Bay is a large resort which is beautiful shout out to my best friends who just got married at Turtle Bay beautiful the remodel is fantastic check it out if you have time but what's important to kind of talk about real estate wise of Turtle Bay is for investors for somebody who is looking for a short-term rental as we know there are not as many places that it's short-term allowable anymore Turtle Bay is one of those areas so Turtle Bay airbnbs are going to be still allowable there you can still short-term rent so if that's the type of investment property you're really looking into that is a really good area for that but keep in mind though as far as the areas that do still have short-term allowable Waikiki Ala Moana that area which is mostly you know condotel type stuff small little with kitchenettes things like that or koolina which are like condos there's one in the resort area so 30 days the 30 day type rentals and then Turtle Bay right there they have like the different Villas the different condos and that different townhouse type feelings there it's like the highest price out of all the short-term rentals that we have you can still do short-term rental you can still do Airbnb but it is a larger investment than maybe a Waikiki short-term rental condo there is like a golf course there so it's golf course and then ocean and then it's right next to the Turtle Bay Resort as well so we're leaving Turtle Bay we're continuing to drive if you keep going another 10 minutes or so you're now in Kahuku so Kahuku is known for shrimp trucks sweet corn like every different type of Shrimp Truck you could possibly imagine let me know who your favorite is I'm still gonna wrap Giovanni's all the way really really tight-knit families down there it's more of a country feel Kahuku High School is a big high school here for sports especially football we have a lot of D1 athletes that come out of that school some people actually try to get District exemption so that their kids can play football at Kahuku that's how big and popular that program is I think probably on the whole island I would say I mean leave a comment if you disagree but I think that probably probably Kahuku has the most school spirit and personal Pride when it comes to how how much they rep their school shout out to kahugo I'm not a Google grad my my cousins are pili if you're watching this yeah so if you're on the North Shore you're either kind of going to Kahuku or wailua High School my dad is a bulldog he's from wailua some of our other family went to Kahuku so those are kind of the two schools that you're looking at for the high school level if you're on the North Shore Kahuku and then we keep going and we're kind of at the last bit of it in Laie beautiful beautiful this is kind of where we ended our video that we shot and we showed you guys kaava very very similar feel to that you start to feel kind of the presence of the closeness of the mountain to the ocean there very very quiet Town that's the home of Brigham Young University that is where Polynesian culture center is in kahugu kind of like right in the the borderline of Kahuku and Laie is like a little Medical Center I think it's called Medical Center I think that's what it's called that's where my dad goes and has his doctor's appointments that's one thing to kind of keep in mind when you're out on this side how far are we to the hospital how far are we to doctor's appointments there's one there kind of closer to Kahuku either that or you are going again into you're headed more south you're going into like Wahiawa that's where the closest like emergency room is going to be that way so there may be a couple of like you know little doctors practices here and there but as far as like an ER or a hospital or somewhere to go during an emergency situation make sure that you're aware of what those Drive times look like for you because there's nothing directly in that neighborhood if you're interested in the North Shore it can be anything from a little studio apartment a little tiny one bedroom condo all the way up to luxury real estate in the multi-million dollars if that Beach Town kind of surf life is something that you're craving there are all different types of real estate on the North Shore and it could definitely be an option for you so give us a call discuss what different areas could work for you and if you're just interested in any real estate in Hawaii at all give us a call not just North Shore not just Oahu any Island we look forward to hearing from you guys if you're active duty you're actually anyone but a lot of active duty people and veterans are going to watch this if you want to speak to one of our past clients who's bought virtually pick a letter you know pick Jay and I introduce you to Jane and Johnny or whatever they pick M and what you do to me again right we'll introduce you to one of our many one of our 100 clients that have bought virtually you can ask them how the experience was if the home was what they thought if it like smelled the way they thought it would smell if the neighborhood was the way they thought it would be if that's something you're considering talk to some of our past clients we'll we'll make that introduction yeah I would want that like I'm the type of guy that would ask that if it weren't offer
Channel: Moving Hawaii
Views: 13,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IveonmlKVOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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