The World's Deadliest Sniper (Marine Reacts)

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whitefeather no sir what is the world's deadliest sniper it's not who you think it is let's go when world war ii broke out in 1939 the Soviet Union decided to invade Finland while everyone else was preoccupied with the war in Europe but a sniper named Simo haha came to Finland's defense hey ha allegedly eliminated a staggering 505 enemy soldiers which if accurate would make him the single deadliest sniper in history today we're looking at the man Simo ha ha and his unbelievable marksmanship all right let's get sniping I like the name white death I don't know if Carlos Hathcock got the white feather many relationship to sit Simo what do you guys think ders grew to be straight-up terrified of hey ha having to patrol the blanched Finnish wilderness with the knowledge that hey ha could be out there waiting to ping them with a spectacular long-distance shot earned him the nickname Elias merit which is Russian for white death see Moe's exact sniper account varies depending on the source somes with a name like white death from agronomy it's got to be good it's like the devil of ramadi the jest he found as many as 542 Soviet soldiers with his rifle but no one claims he eliminated any less than 505 this makes him the most effective sniper in any war with Soviet sniper Ivan Sidorenko sitting at a close second with 500 kills however hey how's count may even be higher rather than stay at a comfortable distance behind his sniper rifle for the entire war hey ha may have also cut down several hundred enemy combatants with us can you imagine 500 plus kills with a bolt gun and iron sights I can't submachine gun if true that would put his count at approximately 800 Zemo that is a frightening well that's a dumb stat you don't count machine gunners that case you'd count the deadliest military members is being pilots right dropping J dams number impressive sure but holy cow you're really good the winter has lasted for a single winter as its name suggests which means hey how was putting in serious work in order to achieve his staggering record hey how was eliminating an average of five to six enemy soldiers every day of course some days were better than others hey how wrapped up a terrifying 40 confirmed kills in a single day scoring 25 and 20 on two other record days hey ha did not use a scope to forge his legendary sniper account he preferred to use the plain old iron sight on his rifle yeah no scope he's just an all-around old fat figure these shots you're not in urban warfare or all long-distance shots it's right off the bat iron sights long-distance shots in the frigid cold shouldn't badass beyond being hardcore there was a strategic reason for this beyond just showing off hey how recognized that scopes made his enemies an easy target in addition to making the targets slightly bigger scopes would glint in the sunlight allowing hey how to spot enemy snipers before they spotted him it's like the old Carlos Hathcock story about how he shot another sniper through the sniper scope that's how we saw him so makes sense well I didn't want a scope but man sure in want one nowadays what do you guys think about that at the time every Finnish citizen was required to do one year of military service and hey ha had done his 14 years earlier back in 1925 that was the extent of his military experience he did join the Finnish Civil Guard as reservists which is essentially the equivalent to the US National Guard but he stuck to a civilian life of hunting and farming right up until the Soviets decided to invade in 1939 at which point he was summoned back after he completed his year of mandatory service in 1925 hey ha was given the option to purchase his service weapon a standard bolt-action rifle he bought the gun and spent the next decade and a half during him when he was called back to duty during the winter war hey ha brought his old bolt-action rifle turning down a more modern rifle with advanced optics the extreme cold which rain not sure if that weapon has an internal magazine or not maybe three rounds internal you history buffs let me know I'm not familiar with that rifle but anyway you slice it no optics maybe one two three rounds max without having to reload ranged anywhere from minus 20 to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit cost frequent weapon malfunctions among his fellow soldiers but he has experience with his bolt-action BFF allowed him to keep the gun functional throughout the winter while only having minimal military experience hey how wasn't possessed by the Lord of incredible age he developed his skill from being a competitive sharpshooter having grown up a few miles away from the Civil Guard shooting range which held annual contests hey how regularly participated in these competitions packing his house full of trophies among his accomplishments was the ability to hit a target with his rifle 16 times in a minute at a range of 500 feet the talent best described as supernatural hey how was deployed to the Kolob battlefield where he and 31 other soldiers were tasked with holding off an invading force of 4,000 Soviet troops despite having fewer men on the roster than a college football team hey how's group managed to hold their ground for the entire winter no I don't know if this is poetic license or what that seems pretty hard to believe but let's say it's a thousand troops let's say it's five hundred it's only thirty dudes it's still pretty amazing especially the sniper like that that's gonna create some real terror but some good goal line defense right there he and his fellow Finn's had a few other advantages beyond his angel of death status as a sniper for instance the Soviet troops all wore bright green uniforms which made them stand out like decorated Christmas trees against the snowy white landscape but also didn't help the Soviets was they lacked officers with any leadership skills mainly because Stalin had them all executed when he purged the USSR of any potential political opponents and even though the Soviet invasion of Finland was technically successful they only managed to capture a relatively small amount of border territory leaving the rest of the country intact all told the Soviets suffered nearly 400,000 casualties during the winter war compared to the 66,000 suffered by Finland think about that for a second that is a huge disparity in casualties the Finns were almost what seven times less deaths than the Russians in this war four hundred thousand to six sixty thousand most snipers shoot while lying flat on their stomachs because it gives enemies a smaller target from hey how fired from a sitting position because he felt the position was better for his aim he didn't worry too much about making himself a bigger target as he was just a biscuit over five feet tall and would conceal himself in snow banks and put snow in his mouth to hide his breath additionally hey how would pack snow in front of his rifle barrel or pour water on it to freeze it so that smoke would not rise from it after he fired and give away his position and in perhaps the biggest departure from sniper etiquette rather than going for the head hey ha aim for the center mass of his targets which is a I don't know what this guy's talking about make sniper etiquette you guys correct me if I'm wrong be going for center of mass it's not a mob hit trying to kill the guy you don't care if he hit the head the better shots gonna be the center of mass not the head a little bit far-fetched hey how's reputation as the John wick of Finnish snipers eventually drew the ire of the Soviet commanders who finally grew tired of his nonsense and began targeting him directly because getting anywhere near hey ha was out of the question they began hammering his general location with artillery strikes when those didn't work the Soviet sent teams of counter snipers to take him out but hey huh being the sniper sniper dispatched them with bone-chilling ease finally one Soviet sniper got lucky and blasted hey hind the job with an exploding round I don't know what an exploding round is hit bone with a piece of lead it tends to shatter the bone as well as the lead breaks apart so I know what this guy's talking about exploding around he got shot in the face despite being described by one friend as having half of his head missing heyhow refused to die and after days of reconstructive surgery he finally regained consciousness the day after the Winter War had ended despite getting a portion of his face blown entirely off his dome in a time when medicine was still largely experimental a shock survived World War two and went back to hunting and farming the Finnish government actually gave him a farm in 1961 presumably both to reward him for his service and they probably wanted to stay on his good side hey ha took up dog breeding and continued hunting winning the role Khiladi hunting society's game cup five years in a row in 1970 he moved into a small apartment where he lived out the rest of his days before passing away at age 96 in 2002 that's right the deadliest sniper can you imagine what that guy saw and his stories did a few vodkas in um I bet he got some good stories to tell her in World War 2 live long enough to have witnessed the rise of popularity of NSYNC Simo haha left his quiet farm life in the winter of 1939 to become the most effective sniper in history racking up over 500 confirmed kills without even using a scope before returning home to live out the rest of the 20th century in peace Simo seems like the kind of guy want on my side thanks for watching this going man into the bad guys thing and the snipers don't do this I'm not supposed to do it but I was kind of a very belligerent individual I guess as a sniper and kind of like flunked my authority I guess
Channel: Jamesons Travels
Views: 1,414,101
Rating: 4.8907261 out of 5
Keywords: deadlist snipers, snipers, deadliest sniper in history, deadliest snipers, chris kyle, Simo Häyhä, Christopher Scott Kyle, Charles 'Chuck' Mawhinney, sniper, best sniper, best sniper in the world, seal chris kyle, white feather sniper, jamesons travels, reaction video, marine reacts, semper fi, carlos hathcock sniper, finland, Simo, Hayha, simo hayha
Id: TSuqS-2nltc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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