The Worlds Craziest Collectors Compilation! | UNILAD

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the phrase ketchup in your veins is something we use in McDonald's when you you love the business when you feel that love meat might fontaine over the world's largest collection of 75 thousand pieces of Donald's memorabilia the 60 year old has spent almost half a century a mess in a gigantic Hall of everything to do with the famous restaurant and his astonishing labor of love has been meticulously catalogued and put on display in his home in Pennsylvania USA behind the doors of this seemingly ordinary house is a colorful history of a global fast-food favorite I have glasses I have Happy Meal toys Happy Meal displays equipment lapel pins my table of contents is 398 different categories knowing rooms in Mike's home have been given over to his collection displayed on two miles of shelving this is my cup and glass room and there's over 1,000 different McDonald's cups glasses in all different categories Mike's career with McDonald's began as a teenager in 1968 when he was just 15 I started with McDonald's when I was 15 and at age 30 I actually owned a McDonald's restaurant today for the first time mike is allowing an archivist from the McDonald's Corporation to see inside his home in my opinion as McDonough's archivist I believe mike has the most encompassing collection in the world it's in pristine shape they're one-of-a-kind pieces it's just awesome with the collection still growing mike has big plans for the future of his life's work my ultimate goal for this collection is for McDonald's to help me build a museum by trying to mission the money to go to Ronald McDonald House Charities to help kids around the world who have cancer [Music] how many yo-yos do I own I can't begin to count them all well my real job is I am a physician I'm a dermatologist and the skin cancer surgeon I've treated over 30,000 skin cancer since I've been here in Orlando Florida in addition to saving lives lucky mizen heimer has the world's largest collection of yo-yos I bought my first yo-yo on it was probably around 12 or 13 years old so it was a little bit of a yoyo craze going on I did have a natural affinity to the yo-yo from the very beginning the value of the collection is considered to be worth a quarter of a million this is the entrance to my yo-yo collection it's two stories tall now how many yo-yos do I own well you can start counting one a lot the Guinness world record is over 4,000 different yo-yos but I have probably close to 10,000 yo-yos we have now just entered the world's largest yo-yo collection [Music] my most favourite yo-yo out of all these thousands and thousands of yo-yos you might be surprised it's this little plain green yo-yo but this is kind of the holy grail of yo-yos it's a Flores yo-yo and the reason it's important is that Pedro Flores was the first person to name the yo-yo yo-yo in the United States before this they were called banned alors this yo-yo here in 1990 was the Guinness World Records largest yo-yo it was 6 feet tall and it weights 820 pounds and everybody wants to know well does it actually have two yo-yo it did it required an 80 foot crane to do it each yo-yo has its own little story I'm really a yo-yo historian if you will [Music] this is the largest question of your cans in the world welcome to brew house Mountain come on inside over the course of 40 years Jeff libo has accumulated more than 87,000 beer cans probably about 5,000 cans in this room his collection is valued at a whopping 1.6 million dollars and he's kept in his holiday home brew house mountain it took me about two years to complete this place but I say complete implications because it's never really finished it's sort of an ongoing labor of love I started collecting when I was about 13 years old it was sort of a fad that was sweeping the United States and in addition to that I have a lot of friends in the neighborhood that also collected that sort of got me into it my dad was also working for American can company and that was the first can company in the United States to actually the first can company in the world to patent beer cans back in 1935 right here we have the very first beer can ever to exist this is from the Krueger company in Newark New Jersey and it was test marketed in 1935 in Virginia for having a mast such a large collection you needed somewhere to display it well I decided back in about 1998 to build brew house Mountain it was always sort of a dream of mine to have a place to be able to display the whole collection here we have the American room where people can stay these are our all cans from the US of A tab pop cans which started in 1962 here's the bathroom even the bathroom has beer stuff all through it I don't anticipate ever selling the whole collection it's it's actually really hard selling any of it because I've worked really hard to build it I like being able to sort of preserve some of the social history in a way especially these kinds of items because they were produced to be thrown away they were never meant to be art objects they're never meant to be collected they were never meant to be saved they're actually meant to be discarded [Music] be me up Scotty Anthony Sforza has boldly gone where few Trekkies have gone before by turning his basement into a Starship Enterprise replica it took me almost three years working nights to produce this basement it probably has over 1500 man-hours put into it and probably value-wise you're looking at half a million dollars I would say like millions across the world plumber Antony became captivated by the exploits of Captain Kirk and he Starfleet crew I started collecting Star Trek memorabilia back in the early 80s and then we went to a convention that was in New York City and it was unbelievable you could actually purchase props and that's what I started with in 2010 he decided on his most ambitious project today creating his one-of-a-kind Star Trek basement my collection probably has about 300 pieces in it the most notable pieces of the collection are the captain's costume which is called a monster maroon to find the materials that they used on the show was next impossible you can't get an answer from anybody so I was able to purchase a piece of the set during one of the auctions and then pulled it apart to find out the exact paint and materials that were used and that's how I created the space these family enjoy nothing more than retiring to the basement to watch their favorite shows on the captain's bridge I think that it's cool because like everything is just another way to show that he loves Star Trek and Anthony plans to continue building his massive collection I'm gonna expand a little bit on this room I want to go maybe another 25 feet outside and bringing it wrap it around so that I can display more costumes because I can't put any more in here it's just too tight beam me up Scotty you
Channel: UNILAD
Views: 118,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unilad, ladbible, 9gag, original, viral, compilation, crazy collections, barcroft, funny, viral video, crazy collectors, star trek, mcdonalds, yoyo, amazing people, amazing stories, barcroft media, people are awesome, fast food, humans, comp, real life, barcroft tv, amazing story, amazing news, trekkies, amazing, video, documentary
Id: ZSzlKV4Hp9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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