The Most Expensive Finds On Antiques Roadshow

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you might expect old paintings to be worth money but why is a rickety metal mobile worth more than your house and who would pay more for an old blanket than a new yacht keep watching to find out a u.s air force vet appeared on the june 1 2019 episode of antiques roadshow in fargo north dakota the rolex watch heat first purchased while stationed in thailand in the 1970s it cost him 345.97 the equivalent of a month's salary at the time he said i had other watches i wore and i just put this into a safety deposit box it stayed there for 30 or 40 years i only took it out like two or three times to look at it and that was about the extent of it before i brought it here it's worth a lot more than 300 bucks now though the appraiser said it's one of the rarest paul newman models and in this condition i don't think there's a better one in the world the auction value 500 000 to 700 000 the owner of a century-old painting brought it to a san diego recording of antiques roadshow which aired on june 12 2010 the woman explained that the piece of art had been passed down through her family this lady is my grandmother and the painting was painted by robert henry a friend of the family the first appraiser of the owner took her to and she inherited the painting in the 1960s didn't think it was impressive they said it was not worth much more than grandpa paid for it and grandpa paid 4 500 and the reason it's not worth much more is because it's a family portrait and museums wouldn't want it and no one else would want it still times and taste change especially in the art world which is why you should always get your valuables appraised regularly well the insurance value given on the show in 2010 was 250 000 to 300 000 a 2016 update to increase that to hundred thousand to seven hundred thousand dollars the owner of a james henry beard painting the illustrious guest brought it to a dallas texas taping of antiques roadshow which aired on june 28 2008. painted in 1847 it depicts henry clay who the appraiser calls quote the most recognizable politician of the 19th century next to abraham lincoln the work had been acquired by the owner's three times great grandfather and for a long time the family thought it was by a completely different artist the appraiser gave it an auction value of three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand dollars which was updated in twenty twenty to six hundred thousand to eight hundred thousand dollars he said the painting was so good quote it could hang in a museum the owner took him at his word and soon the painting was on a long-term loan to the eamon carter museum of american art in fort worth after the museum's curator rebecca lawton saw the painting on antiques roadshow she said it's a terrific genre subject that combines fact with fiction the setting is accurate as clay a veteran campaigner certainly would have stopped at country taverns to solicit votes during the 1844 presidential election this is a perfect picture of life in antebellum america and a wonderful rediscovery the owner of an 1896 frederick remington portrait of his great grandfather didn't immediately hit it off with the appraiser at the birmingham alabama taping of antiques roadshow which aired on june 21 2014 as the appraiser explained once the cameras were rolling i've never reprimanded a guest for manhandling a painting before i'm glad you're taking care of my painting i'm trying to fortunately others in the owner's family were not so sloppy as the appraiser noted your family's taken very good care of it for a long time it also comes with this letter from remington to your great grandfather they talk about their adventures that they had really really wonderful the appraiser gave the picture slash letter combo a shocking auction value of six hundred thousand to eight hundred thousand dollars and a big twist happened after the episode aired laura foster the director of the remington art museum discovered that the owner's family had gotten the painting from the museum in a trade trading two other remingtons for the portrait of their ancestor one problem the two paintings they traded to the museum both turned out to be fakes still it was unintentional as the family thought they were real foster said i just want to say that everybody meant well in 1938 the world was full of fake remingtons remington has always been a great target for fakes and forgeries if you tuned in to the july 10 2010 episode of antiques roadshow you might have wondered why a woman brought in a bent wire clothes hanger that she hung some guitar picks off of well philistine you should know that is art very expensive and famous art it turns out the owner explained that her family had acquired the piece from the artist alexander calder himself after her aunt essentially traded a pillow for it she had done a needlepoint pillow of one of calder's works and he was astounded he'd never seen one like that before and so she gave it to him and a couple of days later somebody appeared at the doorway and he had given her this mobile as a thank you for the pillow the appraiser gave the mobile a wide estimate of four hundred thousand dollars to one million dollars with the low end being an auction value and the million mark being a retail price the raleigh north carolina episode that aired on june 27 2009 is a legendary one in antiques roadshow history a woman brought in a collection of decorative jade objects from the 1700s which her father had purchased when he was stationed in china in the 1930s and 40s once all the pieces were added up the estimate shocked her for a total amount of between seven hundred and ten thousand to one million seventy thousand damn major news outlets like reuters covered the record-breaking valuation with executive producer marcia bemko telling them for 13 years we've been hoping to feature a million-dollar appraisal on antiques roadshow it's been our great white whale we're thrilled that despite this year's slow economy roadshow finally captured this elusive trophy alas things didn't quite pan out at auction due in part to the vagaries of the chinese art market the pieces that were on antiques roadshow reportedly sold for 494 615 while 30 additional pieces the owner had but hadn't brought on the show sold for three hundred and fifty thousand five hundred and twenty three dollars so even combined they barely hit the estimate it's always nice to see something a bit different on antiques roadshow especially when there's a documented history and provenance behind it so it was with an amazing collection of what were basically the earliest type of baseball cards that appeared on the january 5th 2015 episode the owner explained how they came into her family a very long time ago back in 1871 my great-great-grandmother had a boarding house in boston and she housed the boston baseball team most of them had come from cincinnati red stockings and were among the first to be paid to play baseball the team had even written a letter to her great great grandmother which the appraiser especially loved as it added some very personalized provenance it all added up to a treasure to remember i would insure it for at least one million dollars it is the greatest archive i have ever had at the roadshow the collection of five cups an owner brought on the tulsa oklahoma episode of antiques roadshow that aired on july 23 2011 were always going to be controversial that's because they were all made out of rhino horn you might know rhinos is super endangered and that making things out of their horns is now illegal given that these cups were carved around the year 1700 most places allow them to be bought and sold with certain restrictions so the appraiser went for it a conservative number would be between a million and a million five hundred thousand dollars for this group serious before the cups went to auction though china banned the imports of items made from rhino horns that caused the market to crash and as a result only two of the five sold fetching a combined total of 329 thousand dollars the painting of a stern looking man in a mexican style hat and poncho that was on the corpus christi texas episode that aired on august 4 2012 might not have seemed like much at first at least not to the family the owner said that though the family kept the painting for decades they also kind of kept it hidden the painting for some time was in bad condition and it was hanging behind the door the door was open and you couldn't see the painting that hiding place proved to be exceptionally good because the painting turned out to be a masterpiece by artist diego rivera that art historian spent more than 50 years looking for as the appraiser explained there are two extraordinarily intriguing words in an artist's catalog of paintings and those are whereabouts unknown the research that we found in the authentication process of it is that it had been missing in the records in mexico city it was unknown where's the painting then she delivered the verdict i would be putting a retail estimate on the piece of between eight hundred thousand dollars and a million dollars that has since been updated to 1.2 to 2.2 million dollars obviously realizing the cultural importance of the painting the owner arranged for it to be on permanent loan to the san antonio museum of art the famous navajo blanket episode of antiques roadshow was filmed in tucson arizona and aired on june 9 2001. the owner of the beautiful blanket told the appraiser i don't know an awful lot about it except that it was given by kit carson who i'm sure everybody knows and his history given to the foster father of my grandmother the appraiser was interested in the kit carson connection but since the owner had no proof of it at least at that time it couldn't really be included in the theoretical value it didn't much matter the owner got his first inkling the blanket was special when the appraiser called it a quote national treasure and said when you walked in with this i just about died after asking whether the owner was a wealthy man the appraiser said on a really bad day this textile would be worth three hundred and fifty thousand dollars on a good day it's about a half a million dollars updates over the past two decades have increased that number to 1.5 million to 2 million dollars the name patek philippe automatically means lots of dollar signs so the watch and owner brought to the saint paul minnesota episode that aired on june 26 2004 was always going to have an impressive value but even then this one surpassed all expectations the owner explained how it came to be in his family this watch was handed down for my great grandfather he was the owner of the saint paul pioneer press and dispatch back in 1914 when he received this watch and it was handed down from him to my father and then he gave it to me while artful living reports the owner was hoping it was worth maybe fifty thousand dollars the appraiser had a heck of a surprise for him this watch at auction i suspect would bring close to a quarter million dollars no but this valuation would actually end up being far too low as the watch was later discovered to be one of a kind the owner decided to sell the watch and in 2006 it sold at a sotheby's auction for one million five hundred and thirty one thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars that watch today we estimate is worth at least two and possibly three million dollars check out one of our newest videos right here plus even more grunge videos about your favorite tv shows are coming soon subscribe to our youtube channel and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one [Music]
Channel: Grunge
Views: 1,894,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grunge, antiques roadshow, pbs, antiques, expensive
Id: sYxmRwyv-Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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