The World's Biggest Airport

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if you run a company like i do you spend a fair amount of time in airports i can confidently say that i visited more airports than i'd like to count however i should probably add that flying in on a private jet is a bit different than your typical airport experience people often bash the airport experience and i must admit going through tsa and packing your bags waiting on delayed flights it's all a bit tedious that being said airports have dramatically improved since the first commercial airport was created way back in 1907 today there are airports with waterfalls inside them airports with five-star dining airports with surfing i mean there are airports that can even serve as part of your vacation not just an annoying pit stop along the way and that's why today we're going to take a look at the most superlative airports we'll do a flyover and see the largest and the busiest taking in all they have to offer and how much they cost to build and operate the largest airport in terms of area for starters let's take a look at the two largest airports in terms of area the second largest airport in the world is none other than denver international airport just outside of denver colorado however in my book there are two other superlatives that denver airport can claim as well the world's creepiest airport and the airport with the most conspiracy theories behind it because well let's face it this statue isn't exactly inviting you to hop on a plane and head to a tropical destination if that destination was say in the underworld then it might be a bit more fitting since opening in 1995 the airport has been the center of a male strum of conspiracy some even say that it was created to house the elite in case of the apocalypse and while i don't have any evidence to these claims i can tell you about the pure size of this monstrous airport the airport spends 34 000 acres or 53.12 square miles so what does it have on that insane amount of land well for status it has north america's longest public use runway which is 16 000 feet long for reference that means the runway is nearly double the length of the golden gate bridge building an airport of that size wasn't exactly easy the construction ran 16 months over the original estimate and 2 billion yes billion dollars over budget in the end the airport cost a whopping 4.8 billion dollars to build the equivalent of 8.19 billion dollars today the spooky massive expensive airport's main terminal has six floors and there are three concourses the concourses can be accessed via trains and one of the concourses can be accessed via a large walking path so how does the size of the airport serve it well actually fairly well the airport is the fifth busiest in the united states it offers non-stop service to over 200 destinations and services 23 different airlines now denver sounds pretty massive but it's a tiny blip on the radar compared to the largest airport in the world king fod international airport king fod international is located north west of darmam saudi arabia the airport was originally a united states air base that was used during the gulf war but it began offering commercial flights in 1999 since then it has grown to be the third largest airport by passenger volume in saudi arabia and i think it's pretty much unbeatable as the largest airport by area in the world and why is that because this airport spans 776 square kilometers which is about 299 square miles almost the exact size is new york city and if an area the size of new york city seems excessive for an airport well that's probably because it is according to the airport's website out of the 776 square kilometers only 36.75 square kilometers are being used and the actual main airport terminal is even smaller comprising of only 0.327 square kilometers meaning the main airport terminal only takes up to four percent of the airports area that being said the airport's largest buildings come with a lot of surprises there is a terminal known as the royal terminal reserved just for the royal family it is dressed with luxurious furnishings and despite its intended purpose it's reported that the royal family actually rarely uses it opting for another airport nearby instead the airport has a beautiful mosque building that has been constructed on top of the parking lot it can accommodate up to 2 000 worshippers and can be accessed via two enclosed air-conditioned bridges also something a bit unusual that the airport has is its own nursery the nursery includes three greenhouses and 36 400 square meters of green fields the nursery was created and is maintained to supply the airport constantly with fresh greenery the largest terminal now that we've covered land area i think it's time we get to the fun stuff the largest airport terminal in the world after all when we're talking about big airports we're normally picturing moving sidewalks galore fancy elevators and indoor trams the largest airport terminal in the world is located at beijing taxing international airport beijing daxing was created precisely because the other airport in beijing beijing capital international airport was reaching its full design capacity so what did the city do they made an airport terminal that could support the current population and then some beijing's daxing's main terminal is 7.5 million square feet the massive building took almost five years to complete and is estimated to have cost around 17 billion dollars to construct it was certainly no small feat but beijing desperately needed to expand its passenger capacity and that being said if the airport were to run at its full capacity it would be one of the busiest airports in the world serving up to 100 million passengers a year however in the four months in 2019 that the airport was operating it saw about 3.1 million passengers the airport is certainly an airport of the future it is beautifully light featuring smooth curved lines and use of white and cream walls and features perhaps one of the coolest features in the airport however is the chinese garden this outside space features traditional chinese architecture with a pond and bridges creating a tranquil space for people to relax and breathe before their long flight the busiest airport in the world i couldn't in this video without discussing the world's busiest airport and if you've ever trudged your way through this airport this fact certainly shouldn't surprise you the busiest airport in the world is none other than heartsfield jacksonville atlanta international airport and it has held that title for 22 years in 2018 the atlanta airport saw 107 million passengers on average the airport seized over 100 million passengers per year or about 275 000 passengers per day which is a little more than half the population of atlanta itself and the physical size of this airport isn't anything to scoff at either the terminal and concourse takes up 6.8 million square feet which isn't that far behind beijing daxing there are 192 gates comprising of 152 domestic gates and 40 international the airport is also home to the world's largest airport hub serving as the main hub for delta airlines delta has over 1 000 flights per day out of atlanta journeying to 225 different locations that means nearly half of the airport's daily flights are delta flights so there you have it the biggest and busiest airports in the world did any of these surprise you which one of these airports have you visited let me know in the comments down below thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and subscribe oh and maybe turn on post notifications for the one timer now if you'll excuse me i've got a flight to catch as always i'm mr luxury pip pip doodly doo
Channel: Mr. Luxury
Views: 497,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the biggest airport in the world, the world's biggest airport, the largest airport in the world, king fahd international airport, denver airport, biggest airport in the world, airport, airports, busiest airport in the world, most luxurious airport, most expensive airport, world's biggest airport, world's largest airport
Id: WTPgleLsv8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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