The World In 2050: Future Technology

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Have you ever wondered what the  world will be like in the future?   With mankind developing new  technology faster than ever before,   its likely our world will be completely different  in the next 20 or 30 year than what it is now. In todays video we’re going to take  a deeper look into some of the new   and exciting technology that is expected  to be released in the next few decades   and maybe get a glimpse into what our  world could look like in the year 2050! But before we start, make sure  you smash that like button   and subscribe to our channel for  more awesome videos like this! Let’s start with one that’s probably on  the top of everyone’s “Future Bucket List”   which is space tours and travel Have you ever imagined what it  would be like to travel to space?   Well, in 2050, it might be possible. According to Business Insider,  space tourism could happen by then,   with Rocket companies like Elon Musk’s  SpaceX and Jeff Bezo’s Blue Origin,   we could see the beginning of space tours  being made available to the general public!   How cool would that be? You won’t have to  train your entire life to be an astronaut,   in the future, you could book a space holiday  as easily as buying a plane ticket! It will   most likely cost a fortune for one of those  interstellar seats and unfortunately will only   be affordable for the super-rich, so if you wanna  travel through space, you better start saving now There’s also the possibility of colonizing  other planets! Elon musk for example is   working on a project that could see the first  human settlement begin in the next 10 years!   Although it will take a very long time before  it becomes livable for the general population,   as Mars has a very cold climate and no oxygen,  we would most likely need to build small,   contained eco-systems that can produce  oxygen for us to breathe. But its still   pretty exciting to think that we could be in  the first generation human space travellers! The next thing we will likely have  in the future is advanced drones! Just look at Amazon and Jubilant Foodworks who  are already using drones for the delivery of   goods and pizzas. With drones being bought  and used for surveillance and mapping,   it’s not long until they slowly start taking  over and overthrow our local delivery guys. Inkonova is a company that has made full use of  this fact and started to work on building drones   that can fly, drive, climb, and can even use laser  technology to scan areas and generate a 3D map of   them. These super advanced drones will prove to  be very useful for mapping underground mines,   and other inaccessible zones in the future. We will also have a lot of  new energy sources available Solar power has been proven to be an excellent  source of energy. Of course, since we have easy   access to sunlight. But can you imagine what  space solar power can bring to the table? Orbital solar power stations or satellites can  be built in high orbit, that can use microwave   or laser power transmission to send solar  energy to Earth using a very large antenna.   That energy could then eliminate the need for old,  polluting energy sources such as diesel or petrol. A solar power plant placed in orbit would  not be affected by day and night cycles,   seasons, or weather because of  its constant exposure to the sun. However, this idea isn’t actually new.   It has been around since 1968, but  construction costs are through the roof,   and back then, they didn’t have the technology  that we have today to make it possible. Another new energy source is ocean  thermal energy, and is one of the   world’s largest renewable energy sources,  but is oddly a largely untapped resource.   It’s frustrating to even say this...  like, come on, water is everywhere! But that’s not to say that companies aren’t  using it though. The geniuses at Bluerise   are generating utility-scale electricity  through Ocean thermal energy conversion. Once they get a breakthrough, it will  be able to surpass fossil fuel-based   energy and other renewables that require  storage and grid balancing. Its main advantage   is that it’s one of the very few constant  energy sources, available all year-round. We will also make huge advancements  in the neuroprosthetics field Have you ever thought about controlling  a computer using your thoughts?   What about controlling your  house by sending out brainwaves? It may take decades to reach  this point, but it can happen. In fact, the first neuroprosthetics  are already on the market.   There are cochlear (pronounced cock-le-ar)  implants and retinal implants which were approved   by the FDA back in 2013. There are also implants  for people with Parkinson’s disease that can send   electrical pulses deep into the brain, activating  some of the pathways involved in motor control. There are also rare cases of brain implant  therapies for people paralyzed due to spinal   cord injury or other neurological damage.  These implants are inserted into the brain,   and read off electrical signals  that are translated by a computer   to restore a bit of movement and communication.  But if you pair it with an exoskeleton,   then hope for the paralyzed is truly possible. It even made the news that Thibault, a  30-year-old paralyzed man, was able to move   all of his limbs with the help of an exoskeleton  that can read brain waves. Isn’t that awesome? Following on from neuroposthetics, we will  probably also develop hardware implants If you’ve played Cyberpunk long enough,   then you’ll get an idea of  what we’re talking about here. There are already famous  examples of real-life cyborgs:   People with hearing aids powered  with artificial intelligence,   John who works at customer service, and  patients wearing implanted pacemakers.   These people are technically cyborgs, and they  may be everywhere around us in a matter of time. A new generation of people might  likely start the cyborg trend,   where they would implant devices and hardware  into their bodies just to look cooler.   Bit of a step up from a  tattoo or a piercing right? It’s not just a bad thing though. Utilizing this in the medical field  makes it possible to repair physical   impairments such as eyesight problems.  Although, it can also pave the way to   the possibility of having the eyesight of  an eagle and other superhuman qualities! Theres also a lot of hope for people who  have lost limbs in accidents. As there   are currently a number of robotic prosthetics  available already, you can bet that in the next   few decades, we would be able to create human  like prosthetics that integrate with your body! Our medical expertise will also improve immensely. There are a lot of world-breaking  ideas to improve medical practices,   but let’s start with the one that  we’ve been hoping to make a reality. The concept of the medical tricorder from Star  Trek has been in talks for years, and we are   hopeful that researchers can pull it off. Can  you imagine having a device that can immediately   give you a diagnosis, the patient’s basic vital  signs, and health parameters all from one scan? The closest to the medical  tricorder is the Viatom Checkme Pro.   This device not only measures your body temp  but measures pulse rate and rhythm, systolic   blood pressure, oxygen saturation, physical  activity, and can even trace sleep patterns. Instead of patiently waiting for the findings  of medical professionals, patients will become   the point-of-care while monitoring their health by  themselves. It’s a handy device to have for sure. Nanotech and targeted treatments  are also worth a mention Nanodevices and nanoparticles will  soon operate as cancer treatment tools,   precise drug delivery systems,  or microscopic surgeons. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute  are trying to make this a reality,   and have been experimenting with these micro-sized  robots that can swim through body fluids.   These microbots can be used to deliver  drugs in a highly targeted way,   just like the Amazon delivery  man only much, much smaller. These delivery bots are designed to swim  through non-Newtonian fluids, like your blood,   around your lymphatic system, or across the  slippery fluid on the surface of your eyeballs. Although we are not there yet, the  development of “digestibles“ could be   our one-way ticket to the wonderful world  of nanodevices. These tiny pills combined   with a sensor could track the digestion and  the absorption of drugs after taking them. It’s already been out since 2015, where  the FDA approved the first drug product   combined with a digestible sensor. The Japanese Pharmaceutical company, Otsuka,  and Proteus Digital Health created a digestible   sensor incorporated with a drug against  mental illness. With the patient’s approval,   the tiny sensor can communicate with a  wearable sensor patch when the drug is taken,   then the information is transmitted to the  patient or caretaker’s smartphone or tablet. Pretty convenient, right? Another thing to look forward to   is the fact that autonomous vehicles will  most likely be used by the masses in 2050 Will public transportation take to the skies?  Who knows, but this could be a reality in 2050. Successful demonstration flights  of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles   or AAVs have been carried out already. AAVs are autonomous human-carrying drones   that are designed for transporting passengers.  Most configurations of these flying vehicles use   Vertical Take-Off and Landing through horizontal  rotors, eliminating the need for a runway. Although they’re similar to  drones, AAVs are much different. The idea behind AAVs is to  have commuters hop on board,   taking them off congested roads and flying  them to their destinations on direct routes.   If you hate traffic and long commutes,  then AAVs are something to look forward to. The Ehang 184 is a concept for the world’s  first Air Taxi and debuted in Qatar   for the FIFA World Cup in 2022. The  5G-connected urban air mobility vehicle   is controlled through a smart city command  center and is the current model for AAVs. But what if you’re not a fan of public transport?  Well Uber is actually releasing a new, flying taxi   that is already being tested right now! These  small, helicopter looking cabs could be in your   city as early as 2023 and you could order them  in the exact same way you order your uber today.   The bad thing is that there won’t be any driver  for you to ask the “busy night?” question to. Another vehicle advancement we could  likely see is the development of hover   bikes! Maybe not as extreme as the ones  on the movie Tron, but you get the idea. You’ve seen hoverboards, but have you  ever thought about the idea of hoverbikes? This concept of hoverbikes is comparable to an  AAV, in that it uses a VTOL platform. However,   instead of being unmanned, a human  operator rides and controls the vehicle.   The design resembles the common  motorbike with four rotors   and is capable of carrying one person,  perfect for singles like you and me. Like AAVs, the aim of hoverbikes is to  provide a method of transportation that   reduces street traffic for short-distance travel. A Russian company called Hoversurf  has developed the S3 2019 Hoverbike,   a one-piece carbon fiber  frame that runs on batteries,   and is capable of flying 96 Kilometers  per hour at 33 feet of altitude. But for $150,000 per bike, commuters won’t  be getting their hands on the hoverbike   any time soon. Looks like cramped  buses are all we’ve got for now. And that's a wrap! There is a  lot of groundbreaking future   tech that’s waiting for us in the next few years,   and we’re lucky to be in a time where we have  the resources and minds to make these a reality. What tech do you expect to see in  2050? Was there any that I missed?   Write a comment down below and let us know! I hope you enjoyed todays video, if  you did, make sure you subscribe to our   channel and turn on the bell icon to stay  updated whenever we release a new video! Other than that, thanks for watching  and I will see you in the next video!
Channel: Future Now
Views: 165,355
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Keywords: what the world will look like in 2050, what will the world look like in 2050, future technology 2050, new tech, new technology, technology news, futurism, future, upcoming technology, cool technology, advanced technology, latest technology, The World In 2050 Future Technology, 2050 technology, future technology, the future, earth in 2050, what 2050 will be like, 2050, earth 2050, future world, technology, future invention, city of the future, future technology 2050 robots
Id: PlSjpRce18s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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