The World by Hans: Apparently Sunspots Prove NASA is Lying!

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it must be incredibly hard to go about life thinking that everything is fake or a hoax I mean you must be doubting pretty much everything you look at yes that's why we are back as we delve into the mind of one of the biggest conspiracy guys on YouTube welcome to the world by hands hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Tim for Tuesday with me Simon dad yes we are back with the guy that thinks that a rat hands are fake men have tight skin and women have loose skin and a platypus is just a beaver with prosthetics but today we're taking a look at a video of his where he thinks that sunspots proves that NASA lies that's very interesting interesting yes that's what I said Joan on tour Matt this is going to be a video mostly about NASA and sunspots in particular and about how it's probably one of the easiest ways that you can see that everything that you're presented in school everything in the in the news about science is just a bold-faced lie everything everything is a bold-faced lie right okay not everything but most everything and if they do tell you a truth that's probably skewed a little bit or with some some falsities mixed in there okay so not everything then but in my opinion the single most this is just something that you can look for yourself and prove that what you're being fed is lies straight up lies and you can tell that the lies are constructed in a way to sell the fake outer space Fantasyland and to hide God as I've said before NASA and by extension science doesn't try to hide anything from anyone there are actually many many religious scientists in the world well first I want to start with this this is something that somebody left me on the last video I did and I think it's a great comment I wrote a Madame David when I was about eight years old he did a video on David Attenborough now that guy is a national icon over here I was seething two little children or more observant adults have been just dumbed down to accept anything so gullible but it's often children that noticed these things eight years old at the BBC to ask how they got shots of birds flying alongside the camera for ages she wrote back to me from her private address in London still got the letter and covered it said dear Alex the birds were raised from chicks by the cameraman and trained to follow him on a hang glider that's produced nature for you right there not really sure what hands his point is here and yeah reminds me of it isn't there a movie fly away home or something where some strap flies alongside geese or something again so what's your point Hans okay so one thing about the Sun I have a hard time talking about the Sun we're talking about the moon without bringing this up this morning it wasn't even 9:00 a.m. yet and I could get a suntan that's not how it used to be technically you can get a suntan whenever the Sun is visible in fact even when it's cloudy you can as well as long as you're out there for long enough the they're almost always CEM trailing the sunrise and the sunset because it's the glare is out of control the Rising Sun and the Setting Sun didn't used to be so intense now it's crazy intense and it's I say a prophecy I say a chapter 30 verse 26 moreover the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun and we already see that the moon shines during the daytime all the time now didn't used to be like that it's literally always been like that and the moon only reflects about 12% of the sun's light so not really that bright that's what this means what does it mean to shine like the Sun the Sun is it rules the day so the fact that the moon is always in the daytime now that's Isaiah prophesy fulfilled we continue boy pretty poorly because when the moon is out during the day for you someone else is seeing it at night I'm a so yeah and the light of the Sun shall be Sevenfold as the light of seven days in the day that the Lord lino thought the breach of his people and he lit the stroke of their wound and I believe is talking about the second coming of Jesus Christ the Messiah and I think we're there I think the Sun is so so bright that's why they do all the masks hem trailing across the entire Earth at this point it's because the Sun is brighter and they also like to hide the moon at night a lot of times around full moon they spray like crazy during the nighttime can't even see the moon yeah that's called clouds and again nighttime for you not for others this is what NASA wants you to think the Sun looks like they get some picture like this and then when you make the obvious pass rotation of all this is just Photoshop somebody it's an artistic rendition this is usually what the actual data looks like so they take something that looks like this and they turn it into this well actually it depends on what wavelength of light you are looking at and there are artistic impressions of the Sun but that doesn't mean that they aren't accurate this is not what the Sun looks like they just put this on that's so fake this is what they spend a lot of effort and energy doing this is what well NASA actually does there's not some satellite in outer space that's getting this image no this is just completely computer-generated except it's not and they do have a satellite monitoring the Sun 24 hours a day so let me guess their computer generating an image all the time 24 hours a day they're selling you a lie so here I'll just get to the point because this is the point of this video the easiest way anybody can prove that everything that NASA is selling you is a bunch of BS is sunspots this is not how sunspots work this is just a straight-up bold-faced lie whenever they present you a picture like this or a gif or a video this is not how sunspots move across the Sun despite his confidence I can assure you he knows nothing but at least he's understanding or accepting that the Sun is a physical object progress at last this is a lie and it's there to to make you think that the Sun is a sphere that's rotating no oh okay maybe not the Sun and the moon to rotate but to think about the moon we don't see a backside of the moon was same with the Sun we don't they both rotate like wheels through the sky they don't rotate like this this is a lie rotate like wheels well that's a new one and what do all the astronomy teachers out there none of them have tried to observe sunspots themselves I guess and or they know that it's lies and they're dumb trainee deceivers so they don't care did you catch that teachers are apparently dumb trainee deceivers you have to get that in some way didn't he lies this is a lie this is a lie and you can see look on this one how grainy it is and you can see that they've added these rings to make it look spherical no the moon is the moon and the Sun they're not spheres they're discs and a lot of times you'll even see them talk about it that way because they slip in the truth sometimes okay it looks grainy because funnily enough the surface of the Sun is littered with granules this granulation is caused by convective cells and we do sometimes refer to the Sun as a disc because it looks like one but it doesn't mean it is one fake this is not how sunspots work actually is exactly how they work the Sun rotates at the equator at approximately 24 days for one rotation that is figured out because of those sunspot movements but this is what your textbooks will show you this is what NASA will show you and it's because they have to sell the lie of spherical things up there they're not spheres and this just made me feel really good I was looking at some of these videos and there are some awake people to this in the comments but I don't know why this isn't being shouted from the rooftops everywhere because this is just one of the easiest ways that you can show that NASA feeds you a bunch of BS just bold-faced lies and it's in every text book out there it's in any any astronomical thing will pretend that sunspots move like this but anyone can observe for themselves that's not how they work yes they can anyone with a solar filter and a telescope can track sunspot movements amateur astronomers do it all the time CGI good job Mohammad ah look at him praising other woke people Sun moves like a wheel not like this correct they're these comments gave me hope this is a fake video like NASA's fake videos this is a lie the Sun doesn't rotate like a spinning ball and this can be proven by yourself by observing the disc like rotation of sunspots throughout a single day and then you will know the truth there's this thing called some and planet gears look at the the white or silver colored gear that's what the Sun does in the sky that's what the moon does in the sky it doesn't rotate like a ball it rotates like a wheel it's two-dimensional spinning it's not this third dimensional oh it's two-dimensional okay okay have you got any evidence for this and I'm just gonna end with this because this is what actually happens if you observe us on you need special filters but if you observe sunspots throughout the day this is what happens in reality when you're not living in NASA Fantasyland see how it's rotating so we'll just watch it a few more times it starts at the top and it's rotating around the so it's rotating clockwise this is how reality works sunspots rotate clockwise and it's really really hard to find this this video when we had a thousand views on it okay something is not quite right about this video first off I don't believe that is a sunspot the movement is way too fast the sunspot movements would normally associate over the course of days like that rather than hours secondly you very rarely see one sunspot by itself they usually always come in pairs truth be told I can tell you what it is but I think I need to bust out my own telescope and start tracking some sunspots and I actually have a personal story and in like the first year when I woke up when I just was doing trans vesting in celebrities I was friends with this person and they they got all the filter they had a p900 they got all the special filters and they started recording these videos of sunspots moving throughout the day and it blew my mind because I could just see what it's not rotating the way that I've seen it throughout my whole life and it's they purposefully hide this information because it just destroys anything NASA everything out of NASA shows sunspots moving around in a fake way so all the Astronomy teachers out there show sunspots moving around in the fake way we can observe this and I encourage everybody to go observe this for themselves to go find real footage which is exactly what I'm gonna do has just to prove you wrong watch this space on that one right that brings the second episode of the world by hands to a close thank you very much for joining me and watching if you enjoyed it please do like and sub kryb Oh there's actually one more thing I've got to say Andy yes that's right I'm talking to you Heidi would like to know if you'd make her very happy and marry her I'm so excited about this I've been Simon dan have yourselves a great week and I'll see you all tomorrow for a positive comments video see you then [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: SciManDan
Views: 291,261
Rating: 4.9180479 out of 5
Keywords: is the earth flat, what shape is the earth, globe earth, flat earth debunked, flat earther gets schooled, sphere earth, science, physics, earth science, astronomy, nasa, the sun, sunspots, how do sunspots work, what are sunspots
Id: _YEMtQxnfF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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