The Mystery of Light - Dr. Larry Ollison

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lift up the word and repeat after me I believe this is the word of God I believe what God says because it is impossible for God to lie today I want to start a series which may end up with a lot of messages and it may end today I'm not really sure but I want to discover unlock reveal the mysteries of the universe as Christians many times we are considered ignorant we are or as they say here in the Ozarks ignorant okay but we are considered to be many times Christians just don't have an understanding the go to science class and they hear about the universe being created in the Big Bang and all of that and then they come to church and they hear that Earth was created in six 24-hour periods then they go back to school and their teacher says well that's impossible it just can't happen that way something must be wrong with your teaching at church and so kids grow up thinking Well church is where people just don't have a clue and the real world out there the universities the science worlds they have the answers well let me tell you something I have been on archaeological digs I've been all over the world I have friends who are scientists Loretta's grandfather was uh an engineer on the Apollo 8 program and several times we went down to NASA in Huntsville Alabama walked through with him and and he showed us parts of the the space capsules that he worked on so we we are not ignorant of science but I would like to take some of these mysteries of science some of these things that everybody wonders about but they don't want to talk about and kind of go through them here's one thing I've discovered every time that there is a scientific discovery it proves the Bible instead of disproving the Bible the problem is is most people don't know how to rightly divide the word you can take for example I was looking at a document this week and how big is the universe well the reality is nobody knows because the universe is continually expanding and what they thought was the universe a few hundred years ago was just basically the Earth and the moon and a and a sun that was rotating around us and then they discovered that no the Earth is rotating around the Sun and so then they discovered the solar system then they discovered that oh my goodness our sun is actually rotating around some other area and we have a Milky Way and then they discovered that our son is just one of now listen to me one of hundreds of billions all right let that soak in for a moment our son is but one of hundreds of billions of sons in the Milky Way and so when I was in high school the Milky Way is the biggest thing out there wow hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way but see now we know that there are literally hundreds of billions of galaxies which the Milky Way is one Galaxy and there are literally hundreds of billions of galaxies and when they put the Hubble telescope out there which is not the biggest right now by the way floating in space but when they put the Hubble telescope out there they found out that a lot of these Stars and distant reaches of the universe weren't really Stars they were actually galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars within them so we are looking at something now where the Bible says and God created the heavens and the Earth in Genesis 1 1. God created the heavens and the Earth but over the years there's been so much misinterpretation of the Bible did you know that sometimes the Bible says things that you read over all the time that you don't really realize it's what it says let's just take a look at uh and I gave the video Department four pages or five six pages of scriptures and the one I'm getting ready to tell him is not on the list but let's just take a look at Genesis 1 1. Genesis 1 1. I think they can probably find that one it's back at the beginning and let's take a look at the new King James version if we have a choice here in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth it's [Music] plural that's the word for heavens so in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth all right now is this on day one trick question is this on day one no day one day one hasn't got here yet are you following me day one has not got here yet let's take a look at verse two all right you got your Bibles and the Earth was without form and void that phrase without form and void is tohu babo who two words in the Hebrew language and that means the Earth became formless and void now I could give you a lot of scriptures that tell us that when God created the heavens and the Earth he created them perfect he did not create them in a state of Chaos and that's what tohuva bohu means it means it became it became formless and void it became chaotic did that happen on the first day no no we we haven't got to the first day yet and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God oh my goodness we haven't even got to the first day in the spirit of God shows up and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters let's take a look at verse 3. and God said let there be light and there was light now in the Hebrew if you take a look at this he didn't say let there be light because that sounds like God shows up and he says come on light show up no it actually in its most pure simple term is light b or light is or I'm here because it doesn't say that the sun and the moon were created yet right they didn't get created till day four so God is showing up in the midst of all of this chaos now what caused this chaos what event could have happened in the heavens that caused Chaos on the Earth after God had created the Earth perfect now Jesus said and I saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning to the Earth when did this happen happened way back before Adam and Eve so there was a rebellion in heaven and God showed up and he said here I am I'm going to straighten this mess out which is day one let me ask you something was light created at this point in time no God did not create light on day one God showed up on day one now what in the world would make us think that God is light well let's take a look at what John said first John 1 5. this is the message we have heard from him and declared to you that God is light and in him is no Darkness at all now Thursday night in the message for those of you who were here and those of you who were watching by way of being online or whatever we were taught that Jesus is the word right and that we are to become one with the word Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father because the father and I are one so the father Jesus and the word are one because if a equals B and a equals c then B and C are the same are you following me now let's take a look at John chapter one verse 1. where it says in the beginning was the word now we had a lesson Thursday night about how we are to become one with the word right now now follow me on this in the beginning was the word what else happened in the beginning in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth the spirit of God hovered over the the Earth in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the word was God verse 2. he was in the beginning with God verse 3. all things were made through him now wait a minute I thought in the beginning God Elohim created the heavens and the Earth well Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the Father the father and I are one so if God created it Jesus created it are you following me all things were made by him and without him now that's referring to the word without him the word nothing was made that was made wow look at verse 4. in him was life and the life now look at this close was the what the light of men verse 5. and the light what did we discover a few moments ago God is light and the light shines in the Darkness and the Darkness did not comprehend it that word comprehend can also mean overpower in other words nothing is going to overpower the light light is in the natural is the one constant in our universe now let me give you some figures here how many how many meters per second does light travel how many meters per second 299 million 792 thousand and 458 meters per second that is uh approximately 186 282 miles per hour per second excuse me per second pretty fast pretty fast now that's in a vacuum that's in a vacuum have you ever heard the phrase the vacuum of space oh this is interesting at the rate light is traveling at 299 million meters per second it has taken the light at the far end of the Galaxy as far as we can see with our best telescopes in outer space it has taken 46 billion years for that light to reach here the Galaxy right now the universe the known universe the our scientists the best scientists at Nasa and this is increasing by a few points every single day but right now is I believe it's 96 billion light years across now our universe is expanding the universe we are in is expanding and science tells us that it expanded from a point that is smaller than the point on a needle that the entire universe was inside this little teeny tiny point on the end of a needle that's small and there was and we heard about it and we used to laugh about it but they pretty well proven it now a big bang and when this big bang happened it was we'll round it off 13.8 billion years ago now here's the thing light traveling at 299 million meters per second the light you are seeing when you see that star through the Hubble telescope that is 40 some billion light years away when you are seeing that light you are actually seeing that star 46 billion years ago because you're seeing the light no no oh this gets this gets fun this will give you brain cramps if you just think about it long enough you are seeing that star as it was not as it is because the light that's leaving it right now is not going to get here for another 40 some billion years so you're seeing that star you're seeing the light that left it 40 some billion years ago so there is a connection between light and time because you're actually looking back in time that far it's like you're seeing a picture that was taken all those years ago now keep in mind God created this kind of light which is a natural light but he is he is a spiritual light that goes way beyond that and for all we know this universe may just be one of a hundred thousand billion universes we don't know because when you ask them how big it is they don't know because it's they get a telescope that goes farther and they just see more well how does that line up with the word of God because some creationists say everything was created in six 24-hour periods that on the first day God created the heavens and the Earth but if you look at the scripture like we did a few moments ago you find out that wasn't on the first day and it doesn't tell us how much time passed somebody may say well what about the dinosaurs what about all these bones of all these ancient civilizations well if you read the scriptures you'll find that Lucifer Lucifer was involved with all those ancient situations Ezekiel 28 and several other places tell us and that's part of the reason he was cast out of heaven was not only because he decided he was going to like it says in Isaiah put his throne on the sides of the north and be like God it wasn't just because of that it was because he was not fair in his trading with the kings in the Commerce on the Earth and the Bible says that when he was cast down to the earth now follow me on this the Bible says when he was cast down to the Earth that the kings of the Earth sneered at him there were Nations if you have Nations you have boundaries if you have Kings you've got currency you've got borders you've got armies there were there was a tremendous and we don't know how big it was civilizations on this Earth and who told you dinosaurs were dumb anyway you've been watching too much Flintstones now let's take a look at some scriptures here John 8 12. Jesus said I am the light of the world he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life now let me ask you something is there a battle going on between light and darkness there is and everything in the kingdom of God is referred to as light we are I can show you scriptures we are children of the light and we are expected to overcome overpower conquer rule above Darkness when there is darkness that means you can't see what's going on but when there is light that means things are revealed our God is The God Who reveals things to us the Bible tells us that if we will walk in the light and we will allow the Holy Spirit to rule in us the Bible says the holy spirit will show us things to come well how is he going to show us things to come because we're not walking blindly in the dark we are children of the light and you can see what's coming ahead wouldn't it have been nice that if 20 years ago you would have had your eyes open dub in some Applause there they always say hindsight's 20 20. well you can have 20 20 forward site too if you'll be led by the Holy Spirit and if we could go to the new King James version on the monitors that would really be nice John 12 46 there we go John 12 46. Jesus said I have come as a light into the world that whoever believes in me should not abide in darkness isn't that good God is light now what do you do if somebody comes up to you and says well you're a Christian how do you explain the fact that there was a big bang 13 8 13.8 billion years ago actually you could say well I wasn't there but it could be true and why could it be true because it doesn't contradict the word of God what if somebody comes up to you and says now as a Christian you say that Adam came out of the garden Adam came out of the garden four thousand years before Jesus was born well how do you explain all the bones on the earth and how do you explain you say well it doesn't contradict my theology I believe the Bible I believe Adam came out of the garden four thousand years before Jesus six thousand years before me but the Bible doesn't tell us how long he was in the garden and the Bible doesn't tell us everything that happened when the earth became formless and void and how long it was not formless and void and there were civilizations on the earth it doesn't tell us that why it's irrelevant to your salvation the purpose of the Bible is to tell us what we need to know now somebody may say well why didn't the Bible just tell you everything let me let me let me give you a clue have you ever heard people say they don't have a clue I'm going to give you one here's a clue it is impossible now now listen to this it is impossible for there to be a book ever written that reveals all of history it is impossible why because there never was a beginning of History there was a beginning of what we know but the same God who is taking us into eternity future he has lived in eternity past an eternity past has no beginning our book starts up it says in the beginning in the beginning of what we need to know 13.8 billion years ago if there was a big bang 13.8 billion years ago I heard a guy on the Science Channel the other day somebody said well what was there before what was there before 13.8 what if you went back 13.9 billion years what was there we don't have a clue they don't know I'll tell you somebody that does know is God because God was there the reality is 13.8 billion years ago to God would be less than like a grain of sand on this Coastline of California this is why the scripture says there will be a time when there will be time no more because time today we're talking about light and I plan to talk about time is one of the Mysteries of the universe before long but time was created for us in this framework of Eternity time was created for us to live in and there was a time when time began for us and there will be a time when time will end and we talk about these dispensations of time yes we are on the earth in several dispensations of time but there were countless countless literally countless not just a whole bunch countless dispensations of time before us have you ever stop to think that if you could go back a trillion years that God would be there doing something if you could go back a hundred and twenty billion trillion years to the 10th power that'll take you off the charts God's still there oh what about the Angels no there was a day when the Angels were created the Bible talks about Lucifer and God says you were perfect on the day you were created see just like the Earth the Earth was perfect on the day it was created Lucifer was perfect on the day he was created God didn't create the devil and he didn't create a messed up Earth he created a perfect being called Lucifer who was beautiful and he created a beautiful Earth and Lucifer was doing stuff on the earth and then he decided he was going to be like God and he messed up really bad and the Earth became tohuvabo who became corrupted became formless and void then God steps up on the scene and says hey I'm here and he's light and it's kind of like he took the the hard drive that was just completely messed up and he reformatted it just reformatted the Earth and said okay now we're starting over so then he puts man in the garden creates man in his likeness and His image and as it says in Psalms one of the Angels said what are you doing here who is this man why are you thinking about him all the time it surprised the angels God is light Psalm 119 Psalm 119 105. one of my favorite scriptures in the beginning now now just while this is up there listen to this remember we read in John chapter 1 a few moments ago in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and everything that was made was made through him and he was the light remember it says that and then you go down to verse uh you drop down later in that chapter and it says and the word became flesh it's talking about Jesus and the word became flesh now look at this scripture and just think of this prophetically your word is a lamp to my feet and what a light the writer of this psalm under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit pinned these words for a song that the Jews think that the Hebrews sang back in the day and they would sing this you know the book of Psalms is a whole bunch of Psalms and this is a part of one of the song that just means it's a song It's a song they sang your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path God is light and we need to understand that as much as science understands the universe science is dealing with natural light but God inside of us we are dealing with a spiritual light that supersedes the natural light wow I love it okay now in Matthew 5 14 Jesus makes a statement when he's talking to his disciples in Matthew 5 14 he's telling them you are the light of the world now this is where we need to really step it up and understand something if the world is going to change they're going to change because they see the light okay they're going to change because they see the light but how are they going to see the light they're going to see it in you why because as a Believer and follower of Jesus you are the light of the world Jesus said that don't don't be looking at me with that look Jesus said it I wasn't looking at anybody when I said things about that like don't be going home and saying he was talking about my face no I wasn't talking about your face let's talk about Amos okay I love Amos yeah great bible study on Friday night great Bible study you guys need to go to that or watch it online like I do it's good it's good see I can go to his Bible study and in my house pajamas okay don't be thinking about that you are the light of the world a city that is set up on a hill cannot be hidden wow well take a look drop down two more verses at verse 16. Matthew 5 16. we're told what to do with that light let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father that's in heaven what's going to happen when people see the light in you then see the light that's in you we're not talking about light that travels at 299 million meters per second we're talking about spiritual life And when they see that light in you what's going to happen they're going to glorify the father because he is the source hmm you know when Jesus was born priest under the anointing of the Holy Spirit made a proclamation in Luke chapter 2 verse 32 and I can tell you the whole story about we won't get into that for now but I'm just going to tell you what he said he said a light to bring Revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your People Israel the priest over Jesus and the temple said he was going to be a light to the Gentiles and bring glory to Israel huh well let's go back to John 1 5. John 1 5. and the light shines in the Darkness and the Darkness did not comprehend it that word could comprehend could also be without giving you a Greek lesson that could also be translated over power the darkness did not overpower it when you let your light shine before men your light will not be overpowered I said your light will not be overpowered and the words you speak will affect the light that is shining from you I uh I have a confession to make I don't like to make confessions as most people don't but I think it's good for the soul I have said for years every single time I go to Walmart I get the employee that's cashing three back checks and has 22 coupons and buying all the specials as the one person in front of me or it's the person who has brought all those clothes back there off the sale rack and the tags are missing off of half of them and every time they look at one they got to call somebody to go back and get the price or I get the guy that hasn't bathed in about three months and uh I I I can't even say what I'm picturing right now and I've said that and every time I go to Walmart I'll call a run up true I say Loretta I've been in line here for about 10 minutes it only took me two minutes to get what I wanted but I'm in line here and this lady's trying to cash a check from Afghanistan and they can't quite get a hold of the bank over there and they got three supervisors on it and oh no they're switching cashiers now they're changing you know and I would go through I mean and I would say it only takes me you know two or three minutes to do my shopping but it's like Hotel California you know you can check out anytime you want but you can never leave I'm telling you it's just it's just yeah and then I'm at Walmart a couple three days ago and I'm getting something and it happens again well I went to a different Walmart I thought maybe it wouldn't happen at that long and I did [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] no I am not going to the self-checkout if I wanted to go the self check out I just order online let them delivered to my house I can stay in my TV pajamas so I call Loretta and I say I'm going to be late getting home partially because I drove 10 miles to a different Walmart but they followed me and then all of a sudden it hit me it was my confession I have been saying every time I go to Walmart this happens and the devil's going yes I got permission and then he calls out all the people who are those people and he tells them which lane to get in but I changed my confession to I am the fastest in and the fastest out at Walmart and you know what it worked I went there they was the day before yesterday I went there and I got in there and I had my stuff and I walk over there to the past the self-checkout place and and I looked and there was a a cashier standing at the end of the row I said are you on duty yes sir you're thinking Jesus it works it works you know so if we want to walk in the light part of walking in the light is getting our words in alignment with words of light and quit speaking words of Darkness I had been speaking words of Darkness so long that I had become expectant it's kind of like people uh he was a good man I met with him this week but there's a guy from way over in Kansas someplace said I was reading your hope book and I got to page 35. and I need to talk to you he drove all the way he made an appointment for only had 30 minutes that whole day free he drove all the way from some place over in The Far Side of Kansas to get over here to meet with me for 30 minutes to talk about page 35 and finding hope when things look hopeless and I looked at that page and you know that's an interesting page because it says on that page that sometimes a person can be hopeless for so long in a certain area that that hopelessness becomes a way of life and you never expect anything else to happen you live in that hopelessness thinking that that's normal but let me tell you something it doesn't matter how long you've been in the dark it doesn't matter how long you've been in the dark I'm giving you good news today there is light and you can walk in the light but it's going to take you changing something you know the old phrase if you keep doing what you've always done you'll continue to have what you've always had let me let me tell you another one if you keep saying what you've always said you'll continue to see what you've always seen that you've proclaimed through the prophecy of what you've spoken many people are prophesying Darkness into their life we need to change we need to be the light of the world we need to let the world see the light of God in us and they're not going to do it as long as our mouth keeps speaking Darkness all right so laughs second Corinthians 6 14. now here's here's here's a a principle it's in the Bible light cannot fellowship with Darkness second Corinthians 6 14 do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers I'm not saying don't have unbelievers as a friend I'm not saying quit a job because there's an unbeliever that works there I'm not saying if somebody you know has a swastika on their arm you know that you're supposed to go up and shoot them or anything that's not what I'm talking about but I am saying this you don't make your inner circle you know who I'm talking you know you've got an inner circle everybody has one you may not think you do but you think about it you have an inner circle you've got people you trust do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what Fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness and what communion has light with Darkness remember that scripture that says Ephesians 5 1 were to be imitators of God well let me tell you what what are we supposed to imitate the scripture we read earlier God is light and in him is no Darkness at all you are the light of the world and there shouldn't be any Darkness inside of you when the Mueller report comes back on you you should be Vindicated now let's kind of put a bow on this uh Ephesians 5 8 Ephesians 5 8. for you were once Darkness didn't say you were once in darkness no there was a time when you were not a believer and you were dark are you following me for you were once Darkness but now save it now but now you are light in the Lord so suck it up Bubba walk as light oh well how do I do that just do it okay first John chapter one we're going to read something again but I'm going to read an extra verse this is the message first John chapter 1 verse 5. this is the message which we have heard from him and declare to you that God is light and in him is no Darkness at all if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not practice the truth hmm but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin that should at least get a woohoo that's good news now here's how we're going to wrap this up we're going to skip all those pages of scriptures that I gave them back there and I'm going to tell you this there will be a day when the Lord's going to appear in the sky and the church is going to be caught away seven years is going to pass we're going to be in heaven at the marriage supper of the lamb and at the Judgment seat of Christ on Earth the Antichrist is going to have all hell break loose on Earth it's going to be a horrible thing two three and a half year periods of 1260 days and 42 months each right here on the Earth the Bible talks a lot about that in the Book of Revelation then at the end of the seven years Jesus is coming back with us we're coming back with him and he is going to bind the devil for a thousand years and Jesus is going to set up his kingdom at the end of the Thousand Years there's going to be Satan's going to be released and there's going to be a revolt once again God's going to put down the rebellion and that's when we have the great white Throne judgment then the Bible tells us as we move into eternity that there is a new Heaven A New Earth so this Earth is going to be and that word for new there's of the Greek word that means refurbished it's going to be refurbished in other words after the rebellion and everything it may be a little bit of tohuvabo who but but God's going to clean it all up it's going to be refurbished and then there will be a New Jerusalem coming down and this is where Jesus went to prepare a place for us when he said he was going to go and prepare a place for us in John 14 this is where he's talking about so there is a New Jerusalem that comes down out of Heaven 20 000 Furlong Square that's approximately 1500 Miles Square comes down out of heaven now here's the deal in the Heavenly Jerusalem that's there now there is a temple and in the temple there is a holy of holies and there's an ark of the covenant and that's the Ark of the Covenant that Jesus put his blood on on the day he was resurrected but in this new Temple that's going to be or excuse me in this New Jerusalem that's going to be coming down at the end of the millennium there will be no Temple and the scripture says that they'll neither be reason for us to have a sun or a moon because the Lamb of God is going to be the light he's going to be the light that illuminates everything so we need to understand that this whole business of light what the world knows about light it's just the physical light but we have a revelation of the spiritual light that goes Way Beyond anything that Natural Science can understand the only way that they can understand it is if they become a part of the light too so live your life let your light so shine before men that they'll see your good works and glorify your father in Heaven and then what's going to happen everything's going to be fine because light always overpowers Darkness now how do I get this light inside of me according to the Bible in order to be a part of the church and I'm not talking about this church building I'm talking about the body of Christ how to become a part of a church it's real simple Jesus has already paid the price he has already shed his blood put it on the altar everything's done that needs to be done we are in the position right now at this point in time in this dispensation of time we are at a place where it's so easy to move into the kingdom of God all we have to do is just believe in Jesus and as Mark said so eloquently earlier it's like the guy going across the uh Niagara Falls on a tightrope with a wheelbarrow we we've got to believe to the point where we're believing enough to get in that wheelbarrow and we say I believe in Jesus the Bible says if you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and you believe that God raised him from the dead and you confess it see there there you go there's those words again words are connected and you confess it you're saved you say it can't be that simple hello God made it simple I remind you he's not walking around with a clipboard trying to figure out ways ah yeah oh I saw Ryan do that well that that excludes him he can't get into heaven yeah oh Nancy oh man I saw her the other day she didn't cuss but she looked like she wanted to well that keeps her out and it keeps her out God's not walking around with a clipboard trying to find things wrong or excuses to keep you out of Heaven he has done everything that needs to be done if anything he's looking for excuses to get you into heaven he has done it all all you have to do for God so loved the world they gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life sounds too simple Ah that's just the way it sounds but it is very basic so before we close this morning I want you to examine your hearts you know back in the old Baptist days when I was pastor of the southern baptist church we would say with every head bowed and every eye closed no we're not going to do it that way with every head up and everybody looking around is there anybody you want to make sure look you can say well I don't know if I'm saved or not you know if you're saved or not I mean look at look at Amos and Rome over there look at him if I went up to Amos and said Amos are you married he goes I don't know I'm not really sure oh if you're married trust me you know it you know it if you're saved you have that peace you know it you know it so if you're not sure if Amos would go well I'm not sure well he's probably not right right Roma Roma's straightened him out he'll find out real quick if he's married or not but look if you don't know if you're saved or not you may be watching online and you don't know if you're saved or not you may be watching a YouTube video six months from when this is live there's no time or space in the kingdom of God if you don't know if you're born again or not you're probably not because if you're born again you know it and here's what we're going to do we're going to make that confession right now and here's the thing mean it in your heart you may have said well I've gone to church and said that before but did you mean it in your heart did you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth so that's what we're going to do right now if you're not sure we're going to make sure all right so dear heavenly father I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior right now I believe that Jesus your son died for my sins I believe that Jesus your son was resurrected by you I Repent of my sins I will never deny Jesus in other words I'll never deny that I'm a Christian thank you for saving me in the name of Jesus amen now turn to somebody and say I'm saved I'm born again now turn to somebody else and say I'm saved and I'm born again Hallelujah God is good now stand up we're going to make one last confession God is light and on this Earth I will reflect his glory I will be the light of the world like he asked me to be father in the name of Jesus I pray the blessing upon this great Congregation of people father I thank you that all of those who are watching online around the world whatever country they're in father that you speak to them by your Holy Spirit I call forth the blessing of your word upon them and to the light of your word shine upon them protect them today bless them today in the name of your son Jesus amen
Channel: WOW Faith Church
Views: 15,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Word of Faith, A Place Called Heaven, Southwest Baptist University, Billye Brim Ministries, 3BI Bible Institute, Rhema Bible Training College, Southern Baptist Convention, Taking the Word to the World, Eagle Mountain International Church, The Lighthouse Bookstore, Christians United for Israel, International Convention of Faith Ministries, Prophecy Watchers, Mondo Gonzales, Bob Ulrich, Gary Stearman, Tyler Wood
Id: OuT5tR0Ml9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 42sec (3222 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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