The World’s Most Exclusive Schools: Where Wealthy Families Send Their Children

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so you finally found a video that will peel back the curtains of the world's most exclusive schools in a brutally honest manner you want to peer into hallowed Halls brimming with the children of old money families that have been Rich for centuries from the tudor-styled charm of Harry Potter's Hogwarts to the elite Academia of the Dead Poet Society a fascination with these historic institutions has permeated pop culture and now it has reached you but what makes these schools so coveted and so exclusive What secrets lie behind their grand gates in today's video at Old Money luxury we'll answer those questions and more providing you with a step-by-step analysis on why old money families send their children to the world's most elite private schools how they navigate the chillingly rigorous admissions processes and towards the end we'll give you a list of the top seven schools you'll want to send your next in line to if you plan on making them a future Prime Minister President or eccentric billionaire for as F Scott Fitzgerald famously vote in The Great Gatsby let me tell you about the very rich they are different from you and me so let's dive into this world together and discover just how different it really is in the realm of old money education isn't just about hitting the books it's a cultural Journey a rite of passage and a social grooming ground these institutions aren't just Schools they're cauldrons of a way of life that's been passed down through generations like an heirloom Patek Philippe Watch but what makes these schools so exclusive and crucial for old money families in particular you might wonder it's a complex blend a cocktail of factors that makes them so intoxicating to Old Money families for first you see these Elite institutions are like finishing schools for the world's Future Leaders ensuring they're primed and ready to navigate the corridors of Power with finesse and Savvy from day one students rub shoulders with The Offspring of the world's Power Players they build bonds over shared dorm rooms and cricket matches relationships that later translate into business Partnerships political alliances and even marriages consider America's Roosevelt family steeped in power and Prestige Franklin D Roosevelt the 32nd president attended Groton School in Massachusetts known for his formidable leadership during the Great Depression and World War II Roosevelt was shaped by groton's rigorous academics and commitment to Public Service Groton didn't just shape Roosevelt's leadership it also molded the likes of Joseph allsop the influential journalist and political analyst who played a crucial role in shaping public opinion during the Cold War at Groton both Roosevelt and allsop absorbed lessons in critic thinking social responsibility and Duty these formative years at Groton equipped them with the skills mindset and fortitude that would later Define their careers in public life as the saying goes It's not what you know but who you know and these schools are the ultimate training grounds for building that all-important Network now that you've gotten an understanding of why the world's most powerful families truly have skin in the game to make these places into veritable walled off castles of an Elite Education let's talk about exactly how these institutions remain exclusive to the core and only pursue in their eyes The Best of the Best first up we've got the admissions process it's a challenging feat akin to threading a needle these schools aren't just hunting for academic whizzes they're seeking well-rounded individuals take the multilingual requirement at say Institute LaRosa reflecting its culturally astute cohort similarly the Lawrenceville School looks for more than just good grades character and Leadership potential weigh heavily in their selection process the cost of admission well it's steep parents of LaRosa students Fork out an eye-watering 130 000 annually a figure that even outshines Harvard's tuition yet for these families it's a worthwhile investment in their child's future Beyond cost there's the Allure of legacy Eaton College's alumni list includes a whopping 20 prime ministers in addition to many Royals past and present including the next king of England Prince William this is undoubtedly an institution steeped in old money tradition a lineage that's irresistibly attractive to Elite families finally the facilities themselves are a Marvel the Lawrenceville school's 700 acre expanse houses an observatory recording studio and a functioning Farm while many Swiss boarding schools for the elite such as algeon college and gustard International School are perched in the picturesque mountains of Switzerland offering thrill-seeking opportunities to master the athletic pleasures of the Upper Crust such as skiing horseback riding and tennis so let's say you've played the social game to a t got your funds in order and you're ready to pick a school for your dofan and Dauphine let's run through seven of the most exclusive schools you'll want the little ones to make their Mark in first pack your bags because we're heading to the idyllic town of Wallingford Connecticut home to Chote Rosemary Hall with roots tracing back to 1890 nestled within the roll call of Chote Rosemary Hall's illustrious alumni are the Kennedys certainly but the Legacy runs even deeper JFK himself roamed these hallways lessons absorbed here later guiding him to the Oval Office the legendary corridors of Chote also shaped Paul Mellon heir to the melon family fortune and philanthropist extraordinaire his imprint on the world of art through the establishment of the National Gallery of Art can be traced back to his formative years at Chote this comprehensive institution comes with a 63 000 price tag annually but hey for the chance to walk the same Halls as JFK and Bradley Stevenson it's certainly an investment to consider next we hop across the pond to London to the famed Harrow school situated atop Harrow on the hill this independent school that has been molding the British Elite since 1572. it's not just a school it's a heritage site where history is written in the footsteps of its alumni picture this Winston Churchill pacing the very same Halls as your child honing his leadership skills that would later guide Britain Through The Darkest Hours of the second world war and he's not the only one an impressive roster of British PMS including the likes of Robert peel and Lord Palmerston were groomed Within These hallowed Halls here students aren't just educated they're empowered encouraged to flaunt their eloquence to command language and wield it with skill and finesse our journey now takes us to the picturesque city of Saint Gallen Switzerland where the distinguished Institute of Dem Rosenberg resides picture snow-capped mountains tranquil lakes and a school campus that Rivals the Grandeur of a Royal Estate this isn't your average school with tuition fees Soaring Over the 150 000 Mark annually it's the epitome of exclusivity yet old money families consider it a worthwhile investment why you ask at Institute auf Dem Rosenberg it's not just about the academics it's about shaping well-rounded Global Citizens its alumni roster won't disappoint either you've got the likes of el cans of Italy heirs to the Fiat automobiles Empire the school's Global Perspective and extensive connections make it a Prime Choice for old money families looking to give their heirs a distinct Edge in the world next our journey brings us to the City of Lights Paris and right into the heart of the historic lisae Louis Legrand founded in 1563 this revered public institution has been churning out the creme de La Creme of French society for centuries it's an undeniable Factory of French Power Players think Renee Descartes the father of modern philosophy or even the indomitable Voltaire whose words and ideas helped shape the enlightenment more recently president Emmanuel macron 2 learned the ropes of leadership Within These Walls but Lisa Louis Legrand offers more than just a stellar education it's an incubator of success with unique Preparatory classes that Prime students for the Grande call France's most prestigious higher education institutions and here's the peace to resistance it's all tuition free in the world of old money Elegance it's proof that the best things in life indeed are free in this case that means an education steeped in Tradition and Excellence the ticket it to the corridors of power and a lifetime of influence and prestige we now Traverse back across the Atlantic Landing in the idyllic town of Lawrenceville New Jersey nestled within this quaint setting lies the Lawrenceville School an illustrious American boarding school that has been an intellectual Haven for the old money Elite since its Inception in 1810 the school's roster of former students reads like a who's who of American High Society take the billionaire publisher and philanthropist Malcolm Forbes for instance who honed his financial Acumen within lawrenceville's classrooms or consider Michael Eisner former CEO of the Walt Disney Company who walked these Halls before leading one of the most iconic entertainment conglomerates however the school's appeal extends Beyond its notable alumni lawrenceville's unique house system fashioned after its British boarding school counterparts weaves a tapestry of community and camaraderie it's a sentiment that transcends the tangible an intrinsic sense of belonging that no amount of money can procure now let's venture to the heart of the United Kingdom the place where tradition and Prestige intertwine Eton College established in 1440 and just a stone's throw from Windsor Castle Eaton is not just a school it's an institution and a launch pad for the country's Future Leaders when it comes to private education in the UK Eaton stands unparalleled its Prestige echoed across the globe Eaton's alumni list is eye-watering to say the least it's the old stomping ground for an astounding 20 British prime ministers including Boris Johnson Eaton's unique election tradition sets it apart this rigorous intellectual challenge an annual test of the students academic prowess exemplifies the school's commitment to fostering exceptional Minds now for our cherry on top of the Swiss Mountain we find ourselves in rural Switzerland at The Institute La Rose also known as the school of Kings this Elite boarding school in operation since 1880 is as renowned for its multilingual Focus as it is for its old money alumni which include members of the Rockefeller and Rothschild dynasties here the emphasis isn't just on academics students can indulge in a range of activities from competitive Sports to music with offerings ample enough to prepare children for the Royal Academy of Music and the annual cost for this all-encompassing education brace yourselves it's a staggering 130 000 now that's what we call Old Money Elegance well folks there you have it a taste of the world's most exclusive schools where old money families send their children it's a fascinating blend of tradition Prestige and yes a healthy dose of luxury but what do you think if your bank account allowed it which of these School would you want to send your child to in order to walk the same hallowed Halls as Prime Ministers presidents and princes let's keep the conversation going in the comments below and of course thanks for joining on another episode of old money luxury
Channel: Old Money Luxury
Views: 838,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luxury, old money, most expensive, super rich, rich kids, rich people, richest families, exclusive schools, elite schools, private schools, boarding schools, higher education, old money families, old money communities, old money vs new money, elite families, old money elite, richest family, luxurious lifestyle motivation, best private schools, best schools in the world, best schools in usa, best schools in the uk, wealthiest families, wealthy families, ultra rich
Id: 1qk47SiyXIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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