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what's up guys so we are thrilled to bring you another broadhead project video today we're gonna go through accuracy so what we did on setup I'm just going to kind of touch on the basis we shot with the spot hog hooter shooter shooting the Hoyt helix ultra 31 inch draw 70 pounds and we shot this at 60 yards so just a little geek data per se kinetic energy on this arrow setup we've got a de 6 HD 250 coming in with 701 grains with a 125 kinetic energy is ninety point three six momentum is point seven four nine five and that FOC is fifteen point seven percent so shoot through the chrono at 2:41 we specifically didn't broadhead tune this bow to match field points to broadheads we left it in the point of where it was and the reasoning do that as you see through some of these accurate set accuracy test some broadheads truly flew like field points some did not what you'll see basically is how some of those brought is performed overall the ranking what we did do though is or in this spreadsheet you'll see a coupler size and then also a count and basically we were trying to figure out when we originally started doing this what the score was worth and we couldn't quite make a very good uniform score off of it so we ended up scrapping it but on the spreadsheet you'll see a coupler size so it's an inch and a quarter coupler and how many arrows inside of that so we had an inch and a quarter inch and a half 2 inch 3 inch 4 inch and then it could be greater than 4 was the coupler size so if you look through some of that spreadsheet and to so many people been asked and hey I want I want the spreadsheet data we will post at the end of this project when we do a conclusion we will put this available for download you guys can go through it and sort through it and get your fingertips on it it was based on broadhead group so if the broad headshot close together that is going to be the the overall accuracy side of it so if they group good you can move your site you could brought in tune and actually get your field points broaden to come together overall that's basically how the points are awarded so we definitely had some strong winners in the fixed-blade and also in that replaceable blade we did not shoot expandables because we were at this point of the stage kind of out of those expandables because we shot we have another video for you coming up where we shot durability with aluminum and cinder blocks so by the time we got into this and I guess the biggest thing all those expandables should technically be close to broadhead flight so so we don't have data on that unfortunately we just did not have enough heads to shoot but there's definitely some clear leaders in the accuracy Department and that's for me one of the more important aspects of a broad head included in this accuracy video you're gonna see a spin test so what we did is is comparing and we just took one broad and the same era servers and control all the way through spun that broad it and you can kind of see the results of that alright guys welcome back to another video this the broad net project this one has been particularly our point of interest is trying to get accuracy so we've spent about a solid week trying to get this hooter shooter figured out get it dialed finally knock tune took all the variables out of the arrows got him shooting the same hole at 20 yards we're doing 60 yards the only variable right now we're shooting outside hopefully the wind doesn't pick up today but we're monitoring that otherwise this is the broadhead project 60 yard accuracy now stack so we got a group control group with field points and now we're just going to shoot every broadhead we're gonna shoot a two arrow group with those broad heads along with the field points so we're stoked this is what in my opinion can make or break a broad at a good one if it shoots good groups go it is accurate that's key all right so we're shooting day six HD to 50s this has the stainless centric system on it overall arrow weight we're shooting heavy just for consistency of everything 702 grains is the aleph weight with 125 s so we're we've we're basically going to shoot the exact same three areas where shoot to broadheads one field point measure the groups and that's what we got so both been tuned she's a perfect bowl through paper like said these arrows all hit the same exact hole at twenty yards with a hooter shooter so we've got them all nock tuned and we've basically taken every variable that we can out of it we're just going to screw to the broadheads in shoot to broadheads one field point bow we're shooting is a Hoyt helix ultra 70 pounds 31 inch draw length and we're gonna shoot it through a chrono this afternoon kind of get you guys lined out on all the kinetic energy momentum and feet per second on it so with that we're gonna go shoot some groups yeah so the only variable here is we did this you saw it in the consistency video where we weighed heads some came in heavy over 125 so I'm came light that's going to be the only variables all the arrows are within a grain at five seventy seven to five seventy six point six five seventy six point eight those are the three arrows we're shooting so they're all right in the mix of everything so here we go all right so we've we've shot a bunch of control groups getting this dialed in and field points with the hooter shooter this has actually been one of our worst groups that we've had a little bit variable the wind we're just gonna keep an eye on that and take note as those go through unfortunately you can't shoot in a controlled vacuum this is real-world but we're gonna just measure and we've got them hopefully we're not going to shoot bigger than a four inch but coupler so it's an inch and a half coupler and pretty solid group 60 yards everything's consistent all the errors have been knocked tuned all the spine deflection taken out on their shot in the same hole at 20 yards this is the best we can do so the only variable is gonna be the broad head here we go alright first up we have the DRT Dirtnap these are a hundred and fifty grain head we also have another 150 grain head the Valkyrie blood Eagle those are both 150 but these arrows have a little bit different insert in them so overall weight and length are or the overall weight is exactly the same 701 grains the spine and the FOC is gonna be just a touch different so that is a variable just want to throw that out there it was the only weight that we could get those two heads otherwise everything's the same so we're going to shoot these first see how it goes Dirtnap arrow one [Music] coldsteel number 160 yards oh my gosh I will shot number one turn will shot to iron will field point control all right oz cut to blade shot 1 oz cut to blade control feel point Oscar 3 blade test 1 oz cut 3 blade feel point control kudu brought it test 1 [Music] northern ebo shot one [Music] northern white cut brought ed test-1 northern white cut brought it to trophy taker ATAC all right - to the arrow brought a test one tooth of the arrow broadhead number two - to the aero XL brought it one number two annihilator brought it shot number one [Music] Montek brought headshot one brought it shot number two BP a three blade shot one BPA brought in test number two BPA two blade and demon shot number one Valkyrie blood eagle shot one bone brought headshot number one brought it number two eBay China Dirtnap copycats brought it number one Evo day six Evo broadhead number one day six Evo brought up number two a six Evo feel point control strickland brought it number one fuel point control some of the some of them are like grouping good two inches or whatever but then they're far away from the field point and then the best was Van Diemen inch an inch and a half group all three arrows so what we're finding is some broadheads group really well with a field point and some yeah right so that's the whole field point accuracy deal that's a rest move right to get them it is it is but that's weird mmm-hmm if it's actually showing which heads really do fly most like a field point hmm yeah so be good all right all right we're we're back for the other segment we yesterday we shot the fixed heads today we're shooting replaceable heads 60-yard accuracy there's our first group of the day or control three field points not bad yeah so inch and a quarter inch one inch group one inch coupler so it's like an inch and a quarter so we got the official issue couplers home depot style I like that let's go shoot some arrows one side what's your guess today my Gasper the fixed blade versus or I mean yeah replace multik replaceable blades are gonna group overall better than I think so I'm uh thrown out there I think the West tonight we're talking about that I think blade thickness might have to enough to do it they're set up for success forever over fixed heads over bone breaking fixed heads yep I don't know maybe not we'll see penalty cutting arrows cheryl t feel point control hard wait the hard way dump them Hardaway Dalton feel point control flick tricks feel point control Grim Reaper grim reaper testing grim to the reaper shot too mosey croak our shot to feel point control blame mozzie three blade first drop bad to the bone target groups interlock testing one interlock control wasp boss shot one rad rival shot one NAEP Thunderhead number one trend could you just drop the brother yeah g5 striker broad-headed take one steel point control Exodus first brought egg test one ram cat testing one test you suck point control [Music] [Music]
Channel: Born and Raised Outdoors
Views: 137,512
Rating: 4.7834396 out of 5
Id: inlLuuo8SDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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