Day Six Evo Broadhead Review (Elk down)

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hey guys Baxter here coming to you from the wilds of the backyard today we are talking about these things the day6 evo broadhead this is actually the broad head I used last year to kill my elk might have been the first one ever killed this is one of these retail August 31st 2019 actually still a little bit of blood on this arrow believe it or not but before we dive into that we're gonna talk a little bit about an overview and some specs on these things the pros and cons what I like about them then my experience is if we can wrap it up by talking about a few different broad head alternatives all right before we dive into deep what is day 6 day 6 is a company that operates under a direct-to-consumer model meaning you got to buy this stuff directly from them off their website you're not gonna find these guys in any of your pro shops or down at the bow shop or Cabela's or anything like that these are actually pretty expensive as far as broadheads three four ninety dollars or 190 bucks for all six of these guys in this nice little sqb skb case 1/16 inch fairly narrow which is phenomenal for elk you're gonna get great penetration s30v powder steel we'll talk about that in a minute 100 or 125 grain these are 125 grain which is my favorite it's 33 bucks for 3 sets replacement blades and screws which is a big one for backcountry hunters and then finally there's a few other versions there's the Evo which is this broad head there's the Evo X which is 1 and 1/4 inches little bigger and then the Evo XL which are you know very large heavy 200 grand kind of things one of the nice benefits of these you can actually put the Evo X blades in the standard Evo which is this one so I could put a 1 and 1/4 inch blade screw it into this guy I would end up being 150 instead of 125 grains but you're good to go so pros and cons what do I like about these and what am I not number one thing is accuracy these things are phenomenally accurate super small little surface area on these guys up there with a viper trick for one of the most accurate broadheads I've ever tested take a look at this photo I put up here unfortunately it's a time of coronavirus I can't go out and test these for you guys but it's a shot from elk hunting a last fall after three days came back four shot 80 yards right in the dead stinking center of that thing so very very accurate all right second thing I'm a big fan of is penetration for these guys really important without their big thick animals you got to have two holes for blood trails and for quick ethical deaths these things are already an inch to 16 so they're going to penetrate like mad but on this main blade you can see they very slightly curved it that means you're gonna have a very relaxed and effectively relaxed blade angle even though this is short front to back so great penetration off of that other little details you'll bring in a Viper trigger comparison here from slick trick you look at the relaxed blade angle on that bleeder yeah it's only half an inch but it's plenty fine but you are gonna get phenomenal penetration I think this one the born and raised outdoors brought a test in terms of that so it's definitely there tolerances on these things you're paying a lot you are getting a lot they spin like crazy I mean they're perfect this is one that already went through and L can hit a rock spinning perfectly they're also right on the weight so if you say hundred twenty-five grains you weigh these I'm gonna get 124 in point nine 125 point one they're right there which is really really cool a big one for backcountry hunters is the ability to replace these so something like the slick trick you shoot this into an alicorn shoot mist you hit a rock it just bends it over that tip and you're kind of out of luck granted these aren't as expensive so you could replace it but if you're in the backcountry you only have so many with these guys when you hit something you hit the replaceable blades so it's really really easy for you to simply undo that screw bring these with you in a little packet just throw them in your pack drop some more in so you can effectively have you know eight broad heads even if you only bring four into the backcountry that sort of thing the other nice thing is the screw is not Torx right so you actually you're gonna be able to use your allen key multi-tool from your bow to release this you don't have to bring some extra thing you're not gonna forget it not a pain another thing I'm a big fan of on these is edge retention so this is s30v powder steel quick background when you're making steel the carbides are actually the pieces that are toughest are going to make the cut and when you blend up steel and you let it cool into an ingot those little particle that are in there actually clump up and pull apart powder steals a different way of doing that they blend it all up they spray it out of a nozzle instantly freeze the little tiny powder particles so that carbides are perfectly distributed through the steel they take that powder they recom packed it long story short it's an ultra premium really really difficult and expensive to make steel you'll see it in a lot of high-end knives but these guys really really great because I'm comfortable shooting it into a target five or ten twenty times just taking it out strapping it lightly and then putting it right in my quiver the ability to practice with your broad head in the air oh the exact same way you're gonna shoot it is a huge bonus finally last pro on my side of the house is that these are really quiet right they're not vented they're not gonna have these little tiny cuts they're gonna make that a choice as it runs towards an animal you know cutting not as important access to your hunting really important but it's a nice detail to have and something that's great for a broad head that is this accurate still all right let's talk cons or things I don't like I'm independent I'm not sponsored by these guys number one thing I don't like is these are a little difficult to resharpen if you're just dropping them or lightly touching up an edge it's okay but because of that slight curve you can't really repro file them on a straight edge so a little more difficult not a huge deal because most guys are just gonna strop them or they're gonna completely replace the blade for ten dollars but something to know if you're someone that shoots a lot of animals and constantly sharpens their blades last con in my mind is the cost these things the other ninety bucks for three if you're looking at a slick trick which is a phenomenal blade as well that's gonna be $40 for three there's a big difference we talked about some of the reasons these are better but there's definitely a big price differential between the two so my experience is you know what this how this one for me last year shot an elk on opening day 35 yards felt confident enough to put these through like a three or four inch gap in the trees which was awesome when in one side hit a rib and deflected kind of went down and out the other side but as you can see there did a phenomenal job eighty yards he just piled up and went down so clearly these dudes just fine on an elk one thing I will say is it went through so fast as a 550 green arrow that it hit a rock on the other side you can see some light kind of edge chipping there on the upper left but that's after hitting a rock it's still pretty good speed but overall work very well on out alternate is what are you looking at if you're gonna buy an ultra premium head like this well there's a standard solids derma kinetics Bishop's but really those are different designs if you want something that is a replaceable blade ultra premium head for hunting elk it's between these and the iron wills it's a pretty big differences between the two the iron wheels are made out of a non stainless steel a two that's gonna have an advantage with edge retention slightly stronger steel you can heat treat a little bit better so it's gonna be close this is still plenty sharp after going through an elk the other difference is the way that are designed and that steel is gonna make them stronger now with these the two differences for me and the ones that were really important that this is a stainless steel it's rust proof so if I'm out back packing and I'm walking around getting snowed on getting rained on high moisture that sort of stuff I don't have to worry about it or I don't have the coated in oil do maintenance on my broadheads don't want something else to do maintenance on the second is either optimized for penetration iron wheels knees are going to be really close but these do have an edge if you look at the tests really for me they're both phenomenal heads they're both really really close but the rust thing is what did it so that brings us to the final question which is what I buy it yep already did for my own hard-earned money on these things and really enjoyed them we'll keep on using them although I just love testing stuff which is why I do these reviews you're gonna see a lot of different stuff in the future speaking of which these are independent unbiased I'm trying to do my own thing here so what I'm saying is my own opinion check out Baxter Bowman com there's a lot more reviews there that don't have these videos so you can see other stuff like this there is a review for these as well if you want to see more photos and a lot more detail on these guys I'm also doing a hut elk in 20 20 series or course all the things that made me successful the first 3 out of 4 years I bow hunted elk so you can go check that out as well finally this is my first review guys so please help me out let me do the little thingies have to have a thousand subscribers and some massive amount of hours so like and subscribe help me be able to put the links directly in here not down in the details so that's it thanks for tuning in it'll be more review soon
Channel: Baxter Bowman
Views: 8,566
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: Day 6 broadhead
Id: YDYV_06xBqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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