The Wives Of Northern California Ep 7. Clip

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look what i found today oh beautiful beautiful i'm gonna get let's see i'm gonna get this one today and come back for this one later this is so beautiful you see that and see the detail oh wow oh this is nice so nice sounds good i love it love it you know ladies when you think there is not a man waiting for [Music] so you can have that special day that you want you just have to be patient i'm gonna go buy some curtains from my friend for her guest room because her guest room doesn't have any curtains you know um when her husband died she put um all of his pictures and she put she had a picture room excuse me a plant room that she put pictures in so that room held everything so the plants she took the plants out so um while i'm visiting i will be in her guest room while waiting for my place on the uh on the ocean to get ready what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna decorate that room for her with this wonderful thing too guys you guys are gonna love it curtains and new bedspread and um put a new bed and it's gonna be so sweet and she's just gonna love it i'm also gonna redo her room she's been in the house after over yeah i don't even want to say decades so that it will be just such a nice treat for her to have what you think this is dr summer's alpha teeth gotta have your mask on going on these stores you know it's not business as usual wow do you guys see this [Music] how much is this one for mother's day the one with the little crown on it that's all that's not bad okay that's worth it thank you i bought a lot of stuff i'm so happy with it you had to put some stuff back but tomorrow i'll buy more tomorrow [Music] because he died for three days he rose again and he's coming back that's his promise he's not gonna break his promise trust me hey man of that he loves you all you talk to him you love him he knows what hurts you he knows what you're going through anything talk to him have a relationship accept him if you have it as your lord and savior take your sins you will be guaranteed everlasting life in heaven with you and he's coming soon with all this nonsense going on in this world it's getting bad worse every day he loves each and every one of you very very much thank you thank you okay god bless you all sir thank you very much [Music] [Music] 22 years old now [Music] it got wow a point where i was smart enough to know [Music] that she needs to be somewhere stable i let my son take her right so they were cool they're tight anyways happened right so how did you take care of her for five years as a single parent without staying home her mother we were together oh okay okay that's how i did um [Music] um [Music] they'll get 50 000 lawyers on them yeah this is nine miles i guess it's just stockton boulevard towns or what seattle san francisco san diego what about the the fort town where boats come in yeah let's go really i never knew that i'm learning something today [Music] that it makes you intellectual i've never tried it but it makes you intellectual see the dope doesn't make you that if you are that when you do it then you that way some people just thought that they act stupid they were stupid before they used to go i don't blame them but let me ask you something how did you get clean i just walked down here cold turkey cold turkey no medication to help you third is a psychological cause if you took a crack at it out of that environment put it somewhere else people think about it for a few months maybe but you survived you wouldn't have no job so you're saying that because i have friends i was a nurse and i had friends that were medical doctors that were addicted to it this was back in the 90s a lot of professionals were addicted to it and i would try and help them but i've nev this is the first time hearing you put it that way it's a psychological thing you know the thing about it is once you by doing that it gave me so much so much self-power confidence like when you quit i mean it told me that all the things in my whole life that was holding back from what i was afraid of that i could have done that's that's how strong it was i could have died at all you're in your late 60s when how long ago um that's not in my business when you're when you had your daughter and that's when you did it yeah just gave it up no i did i i was we were on raising her on crack daughter was taking well good care of the labor see the joys of me my mother had 10 kids she taught me how to take care my mother gave me more advice and taking care of kids that i learned in early childhood education did your degree real real about really real advice yeah i helped my grandma help my grandmother and my younger siblings had coughed diapers so i had to help with the cloth diapers and the clothes pins and at four years old three or four years old i was washing the booboo diapers out uh grandma would wash them and i would have to fold them [Music] ten kids by herself in sacramento but we always lived in a house she always had a housework how she bought a hat a house my dad bought a little shack in el paso heights built to bought a piece of land and built this i mean [Music] [Music] wow it just blew my mind to help as i got older and saw how bad she was then she bought another house she didn't want us growing up in a park it was two five ten kids she moved to north highlands [Music] okay my dad was an interesting an interesting man this is not a good father and it took me a long time to put the two separate because you try to put the two together i wouldn't deal with it with the chico state got a degree with the university of washington's master's just you know saying just boom that's how smart he was you could have done that long time ago it's like the cowboys riding the horses when the cars came that's that's my grandfather like that and my father some of the people that i've been in this car like they get out of the car and i'm just totally just amazed i ask people because a lot of people are confused about college and being successful without college it is you can do it but you got to have a skill you know it's amazing picked up this lady she's a doctor 28 john hopkins graduate just she got she had me so that's where i said i asked her could we go have a drink keep talking she was that thing she was talking crazy she was [Music] tank she said she got tired of it now she was a researcher for uc davis yeah beautiful black lady beautiful young friendly you know full of you know i was knowledge talking about there building a elevator into space i kind of thought that was kind of you know but who knows [Music] [Music] i said how the hell can you do that there's nothing a medal on earth strong enough to go that high then she bounced back with me she said yeah but the human body is made so magnificently that we can take some sense to get cells from their stem cells and then we can mix it with some kind of metal oh yeah it's way out there but she came back over so fast and in the meantime she's telling me this and a car shot in front of me and i i reacted i said do you see that i said you know what that's why tesla's having so much trouble their car because the brain is not sailed where i was until she was deep it was deep i loved i loved the topic that's awesome we went from the airport
Channel: Dr. Summer Reed
Views: 10,011
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: 9dnBQejCjCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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