Tahoe Rim Trail - 7.2lb Thru Hike Gear List

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all right hey guys i got another hike coming up i'm doing the tahoe rim trail it's about 170 miles and it circumnavigates lake tahoe over in northern california and i guess nevada as well the temperatures i'm expecting are going to be in the highs about 90 degrees and in the lows probably 40 degrees i'm not expecting any rain at all on this trip and because it is a shorter trip i feel like i have the opportunity to get really specific with my gear and the conditions i expect to face so that is the most important thing when any gear list is coming up is what are the conditions i'm using this backpack and my gear list this is everything i'm carrying i'd say about a seven pound base weight but two and a half pounds of that is camera gear so you do the math or i'll do the math for you that's about a four and a half pound base weight now if you're not interested in cinematography or film or taking uh photos or anything like that you know for all intensive purposes this is a four and a half pound base weight you know i'm trying to pair my love of minimalism and backpacking with very little and also my love of making these videos and sharing these trips let's get into this stuff for this trip i'm carrying the palante pax joey i very much liked the joey when i used it on the arizona trail it is a 24 liter pack this trail is going to take me anywhere from five to seven days and i think i'm just going to carry all my food from the start and this is going to be enough so a 24 liter pack and my favorite part is these gigantic shoulder strap pockets it's got four of them so two really really big ones and then two smaller ones i like these a lot so that i can always have stuff at the ready and stuff accessible throughout the day to me so uh before we get into that stuff you know i've also got this peak designs camera clip here this is my girlfriends and i'm going to borrow it and see how it goes you know i'm not really sure so on this trip i'm not bringing a fanny pack like i normally do to carry my camera i'm going to use the peak designs clip to kind of have my camera up close and at the ready now i'll show you my camera real quick here so this is my camera is a panasonic lumix g7 i've got i believe a 12 to 35 millimeter lens on it i've got this rode video microphone on it and uh it's got this nice little flip out screen the tripod you see underneath it i am not bringing i just use that in town for when i'm filming these videos it's a very nice camera and i will be carrying it up on my shoulder well i've got it out you know my cell phone just i've i don't even know what type of cell phone this is but any cell phone will do for these types of trips these days my cell phone i'm going to have loaded on it with gut hook which is a mapping app a gps app and it's going to have my maps for this trail it's going to essentially have my town guide you know so i'm only using my phone for mapping and of course calling my girlfriend and you know taking other pictures editing photos as i go and stuff like that so now the only thing i don't really like about this peak designs camera clip is that i always have to have my camera secured to a little fastener at the bottom which makes it not as easy to use a tripod on the arizona trail i used this little tiny plastic tripod and i loved it i loved it so so so much but you know i'm testing out this peak designs thing just because i want to see what is the best way to carry a big bulky camera as i hike so i'm actually going to leave this little plastic tripod at home but i did very much so love it so you know just coming out here trying things and you know i think both the shorter trails are great just because they are more accessible to everyone you know it's a lot easier to get a week off from work or two weeks off from work than it is to get five months off from work to go do something like the pacific crest trail and uh you know i think it's a great time to kind of get out and try some stuff so let's start going into other pockets here and see what else i got in this shoulder strap pocket i've got a microfiber cloth sunglasses case and i also have these ombra's sunglasses these are kind of interesting in the sense that they don't have like uh sunglass straps on the side or whatever they're called it's just a like a piece of paracord essentially so you can wrap that around your head and tighten it up close and you know no matter how much you shake these aren't really going to come off so so far i'm really liking them you know these are polarized sunglasses i like that just with the the the paracord thing there are less components to it that can break and uh you know i'm excited to try these out more i have my little spoon here this is just a plastic spoon i am not carrying a food jar or any cook kit on this trip again because it is a pretty short trip so you know i'm just going to be using this to eat peanut butter or other stuff where i may need a spoon so plastic spoon to go i have a travel size thing of toothpaste you know nothing special here and i also have my miniature little bamboo toothbrush of course i've cut it in half i probably could have cut a little bit less off it but you know whatever next time i do it i'll make it a little bit longer but i like to have those in my shoulder strap pocket at the ready to use throughout the day i think a big thing when it comes to hiking 30 miles in a day or 40 miles in a day is you spend a lot of time walking so you know brushing my teeth on the go helps me get maybe an extra half mile throughout the day now i also have in here a little flashlight this is made by rovi vaughn and this was one of my favorite pieces of gear from the arizona trail if i so please i can strap this onto my hat and make it like a headlamp but most the time i just carry it in my hands this particular flashlight actually glows in the dark which makes it really easy to find when you know you're at camp it's really dark out and you're looking for your flashlight because you need to use the restroom or something so it glows in the dark it recharges off of a external battery you know so i don't need to carry batteries with it it has i believe three or four different settings you know a really dim setting a medium setting and then like a 500 lumen setting so this is an awesome flashlight and i very very much loved using it on the arizona trail so in here i've also got a little swiss army knife nothing really special about it i like that it has some tweezers should i get any prickly things stuck in me i like that it has a toothpick you know so i can clean out my teeth uh i've never really felt like i need a knife when going on these long hikes but for some reason i just want one i've also got some cheap headphones here i've had headphones that have died in an hour i've had headphones like this one that have lasted years these are just dollar store headphones uh i don't have any idea who makes them i think you just gotta kind of try out different pairs and eventually i'll just stumble upon one that works podcasts kind of keep me going but you know what else keeps me going i've always carried a yo-yo on these long distance hikes and recently i found a smaller and lighter yo-yo this is a miniature dunkin yo-yo it's still pretty heavy but it's about half the weight of the yoyos i have been carrying and again this is just something that throughout the day can pick me up and really help to brighten my day if i'm not having the best one chaff cream i don't always carry and you know sometimes it's super necessary sometimes i don't use it at all but i find it's good to start out with some chaff cream on these trips just because when you do need it you really need it and if you know a weekend or however long in you find you don't need it just throw it out so some chaff cream or give it to another hiker which probably isn't good to share chaff cream so i don't know send it home whatever but this is just body glide another brand i really really like is squirrel's nut butter which is made here in flagstaff arizona and that's all the little things i have in the pockets right here right now but usually i'll carry extra snacks in my pockets in the past i've carried guidebook pages in these pockets you know when you have these things accessible throughout the day it's really nice to just be able to continue walking and keep going without having to stop and dig through your pack for these things so i like having the pockets now on the sternum strap here i do have a tiny little compass it wouldn't really be great for like truly navigating but i do like to have it when i'm in cities or if i'm trying to read the wind or if i'm trying to read storms you know just looking at clouds and the movements of you know what's happening around so i have a little tiny suntoe compass on the sternum strap here sometimes i'll keep that on my watch band instead which brings up something else this casio watch the casio illuminator is one of my favorite pieces of gear it is just wonderful to know the time of the day you know without having to break out my phone and use my phone's battery power but uh you know to know the time of the day when the sun is gonna set how much time i have you know to know the date and maybe when stores are gonna close but i really love having a watch this one has a light on it so i can read it at night it is water or weather resistant but having a watch is wonderful now on this trip i am also bringing two leaders i think the longest dry stretch is probably going to be 17 miles though apparently a lot of people talk about a 36 mile dry stretch i've heard that there's water in between there and it's not truly a 36 mile stretch so two liters are good for me these are just cheap gas station water bottles these ones i believe have survived the arizona trail and the florida trail so i've had these a while they haven't broken on me nice and cheap and nice and light the water filter won't fit on them now in this front pocket here of my backpack i do have some tent stakes um i don't really expect to be setting up my tent or my tarp rather a whole lot during this trip and i probably won't set it up at all if it doesn't rain or if it's not super windy or anything choose to cowboy camp and you know save the time of not setting it up if i can so it's not going to rain i'm not going to use it but i have four msr carbon core tent stakes they're basically just long nails that you smash into the ground i very much like these they are extremely lightweight they are lighter than the z-packs carbon 10 stakes at least the ones i've gotten so i am just waiting for my z-packs ones to break so i can replace it entirely with these msr ones so that's pretty much everything on the outside of my pack this backpack also has a big bottom pocket where i store a lot of my day's food in so as i'm hiking i can just reach behind me to grab out a snack and eat it as i go again so that i don't have to take off my pack and i can just keep on walking so let's dig in here and see what else we got inside my backpack i have this big clear trash bag essentially this giant trash bag basically it just goes inside my pack all of my gear inside my pack goes in it all of my insulating layers my clothing my shelter whatever you know everything i want to be dry goes inside this trash bag and i tighten it up and close it real tight in there so that no water can get in so it doesn't matter if your pack is waterproof or not you know that trash bag is going to do the trick so right on top i have this diddy bag here it's just a quart size ziploc bag now this is mostly where i carry all of my electronics or where i would carry like medical things you know just a ziploc bag is nice and cheap everyone's got one they're pretty sturdy and can last a pretty long while if you take care of them and uh yeah just a zip lock so this is a nitecore nb 10 000 milliamp hour battery i believe it is one of the lightest uh external batteries on the market it's 10 000 milliamp hours so it'll charge my phone up i believe three to four times i found kinda in the past that maybe twenty thousand milliamp hours is more than i need so i'm gonna try out this one uh you know it's super light it's super small i really want it to work and uh i'm gonna see if it's enough for me 10 000 milliamp hour battery something else i guess to mention about this external battery is it does have quick charge so when you're in a town you can charge it up really quick you know you don't have to hang out and sit by an electrical outlet for too long i've also got this dual port rav power wall charger so it's got quick charge as well so i can plug both of my usb cords into it when i get into town i can go around buy my groceries you know do whatever chores i need to do and when i get out you know in an hour two hours or whatever my phone my external battery whatever i had plugged into it is nice and charged up so i have one cord that's much much longer here for my phone in case i'm sitting near the outlet and you know i need that extra length so that i can use my phone while it's charging and download new maps download new podcasts audiobooks whatever and then i have this smaller cord for charging up my external battery here so two usb cords and a wall outlet all quick charge compatible you know so i can get in and out of towns fast i have a microfiber cloth for cleaning off my lens or cleaning off my sunglasses i have an extra memory card for my camera here i believe it's 128 gigabytes [Applause] and i have a single port charger for uh my camera batteries here so it can only hold a single battery at a time but i've found over a few years of testing out dual port camera battery chargers that they all suck so this one is super reliable and it's just what i'm gonna have to go with i would love to use the dual port camera battery charger but just none of them have ever worked for me so along with this battery charger i have two batteries two spare batteries and then i also carry a battery in my camera i also have an extra memory card in my camera so three batteries total and two memory cards total now in this bag i also have just some ibuprofen i need to refill this package i try never to use ibuprofen but it could be a lifesaver if you need it in case you get injured in case you get a fever or sick or something and you need to get off the trail you know having some ibuprofen to make you feel a little bit better so that you can hike yourself to help i also have a mini bic lighter mini big lighter is something that again i never really use on the entire arizona trail i didn't make a single fire but you know if you are cold if you are wet and you need a fire it can be life threatening to not be able to make one so a mini big lighter and in this bag i'll often always carry my uh my id credit card debit card whatever i just carry that in a little separate plastic baggie as well but uh yeah those are all my small things let's get into the rest of the gear on this trip i'm carrying two pairs of socks one pair that's gonna be on my feet and then a spare that i swap in and out every single day these are grip six socks they are made of wool and they have a lifetime warranty so some grip six socks i'm trying them out on the arizona trail uh my engine g's died a little quicker than i'd like them to and i think that's just due to being out west you know where it's dustier it's rockier and the ground is more hard and compact they also support disc golf which i'm a big fan of disc golf so two pairs of socks so on this trip since it is going to be a bit warmer than normal i'm not going with a big puffy jacket i'm just going to carry the old tried and true fleece jacket here this one's made by kuyu and it is extremely extremely lightweight i like that i can hike comfortably in it you know pretty much in most weather obviously not during the 90 degree days but in the mornings and i'll probably sleep in it it's got a hood i've had it for quite some many years now and it's holed up great you know it's got little thummy things my one big complaint with it is no pockets i hate that but since this trail is going to be a bit warmer i don't really think it's going to be needed so just a nice little fleece jacket now again since i'm not really expecting any rain i am not actually going to carry a rain jacket though i am driving to the trail so i'll have my rain jacket in my car and i'll check the weather before i go but since i'm only going to be out there for like five to seven days i think i can be pretty confident about maybe what the weather's going to be doing but i am bringing a wind jacket i believe this is a montbell tachyon wind jacket again super lightweight and should it rain this does provide just a little bit of protection from that it will shed off just a little bit of rain and it will help me keep warmer so you know just carrying a wind jacket and a fleece so those are i believe the only extra clothing i'm bringing you know i've just got those things and my grip six socks here now onto my shelter this is a z-packs 7x9 tarp it's just a flat tarp it's not shaped there's nothing really special about it i only need five tent stakes to set it up though i could use more if i wanted to or if i was expecting crazy weather but most of the time if it's not going to rain i just use this as a pillow underneath that i just use a polycryo ground sheet polycryo is not the most durable material i think most people would probably be happier with tyvek but um you know for now i just have a bunch of these things and i'm using it now we have my food bag it's just a giant old stuff sack nothing special about it uh during this trail there are there is a section where you need a bear canister but i plan on just hiking through that section in a single day i very much liked having it on the arizona trail and i think i'm going to continue using it now i think one of the only other things left is my quilt my sleeping bag this is an enlightened equipment 30 degree uh enigma quilt i have used it on the florida trail the arizona trail and uh i forget what else but probably some other trips in between there certainly overnight hikes i like that it has a sewn foot box it's held up for me great keeps me very warm and you know if the knights are only getting down to 40 degrees then i think a 30 degree quilt is going to do great now the only other thing in here is my sleeping pad and i know everyone cringes when they see it but i'm pretty happy with it so this is a gossamer gear thin light pad it is just a 1 8 inch uh closed cell foam pad and i've cut it down to torso length so it only goes from my butt to my shoulders it doesn't really provide much extra warmth it doesn't really provide much extra comfort but i have been pretty happy with it i've been using these pads not the same exact pad but these pads for probably ten thousand miles of hiking maybe a little bit more than that so that is all my gear for the tahoe rim trail again it is a roughly 4.5 pound base weight with an extra 2.5 pounds of camera gear i'm really excited for this trail hopefully i'll get to do some other hikes in the area while i'm over there in california and uh you know i'll see you guys soon if you like this video and you like this type of content don't forget to like this video and if you want to see more like this or more trip videos check out the other ones i've done in the past i've hiked about 11 000 miles around the united states with a very very minimal backpacking setup and uh yeah subscribe to this channel for more and i'll see you guys in the next one i forgot to mention i am also wearing a merrell trail glove sixes merrell trail glove sixes
Channel: JupiterHikes
Views: 58,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ul hiking gear, ul backpacking gear, sul gear list, sub 5lb gear list, thru hike gear list, palante packs, zpacks, enlightened equipment, hiking, backpacking, adventure, super ultralight, super ultralight gear, survival gear, thru hike, darwin on the trail, homemade wanderlust, kraig adams, hiking camera gear, long distance hiking, appalachian trail, continental divide trail, Tahoe Rim Trail, TRT thru hike, Pacific Crest Trail, Lake Tahoe, Minimalist, Minimalist backpacking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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