The Witcher | Every Monster In Season 1 Explained

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season 1 of The Witcher is out and if you're anything like us then you probably binge the entire show in like a day in fact it was a pretty strong move by Netflix to put it out right before Christmas because it's short enough that you can binge the entire thing between meals and forced conversation with family members that you spend all year avoiding Geralt of Rivia is of course a Witcher or in layman's terms a monster hunter not that type of monster hunter the kind who hunts monsters for money and you know sometimes surprise custody of children The Witcher series of books and video games are drenched in some pretty awesome monster battles and really the series has become synonymous with these types of epic showdowns and this video is gonna cover every beast ghoul and Silvan in the first season of the show now keep in mind that we're gonna explain these monsters their abilities and specific attributes about them from a combination of sources the show the video game and the original books will all be referenced so keep that in mind as we interwined them kind of casually and needless to say there are spoilers for all of season 1 to follow and I shouldn't have to say this but it's YouTube and if I don't sell and wheel down in the comment section so before we start remember to like the video it really helps out a reach an exposure and at the end if you dig it you know subscribe or whatever the first monster we see Geralt fight in season 1 in the very first scene of the very first episode is a Kiki Mora it is a swampy ball creature a very brief entry from the series bestiary says this about it a more abominable beast indeed is hard to find not quite a cockroach or a spider it makes ladies faint and gentlemen feel disgusted the Kiki Mora warrior reeks of the swamp Kiki more and Kiki Mora monsters are large insectoid beasts who are extremely toxic to humans which makes studying them extremely difficult their main method of attack are their limbs which they use like Spears in battle as well as a projectile venom that they can spew like a frat kid during hell week their venom causes blindness as well as crippling body pain and their body is covered by a thick armored plating that makes ranged weapons like bows and arrows less effective on them they are highly susceptible to silver swords as is pretty much nearly every other monster in the witcher universe the next monster we see is a sylvan and they are a very rare humanoid creature and her bow or sylvans are humanoids but they feature horns on their heads who'd feet and tails similar to goats typically speaking sylvans are playful tricksters and they're not considered to be threatening to people they typically live within the Brockie land forest and in other areas around the world however if threatened sylvans are known to be deceptively fast agile and powerful they even have a defensive mechanism that allows them to spray a foul stench like a skunk that kind of makes even the most battle-hardened butchers gag and this isn't an easy feat considering how a witcher's occupation often takes them into places with horrible stench 'as and odors in the books as well as in the show Geralt is hired to hunt and kill the devil of posada a sylvan named torquay who is stealing in order to feed his family next up we have the shtriga Striga our human females that have been transformed into monstrous beasts by a specific curse the beast within the show was cursed before birth in borniche Drogo killing her own mother during the process of birth there's only one Striga shown in the books video games and show out of the white the curse on this particular child was placed on her as punishment to her father the king of tameria for his incestuous relationship with his sister trigger are incredibly powerful even able to easily overpower witcher's who possess strength and speed far above a normal human Striga also typically tend to hunt and feed only during full moons and they typically also tend to hunt within a hunting ground located near or around a place of comfort for them like a nest seeing as Striga are really just cursed humans it's possible to cure the curse and release the human from the Striga form in order to do this you must prevent the Striga from entering their place of comfort or normally a sarcophagus before the daybreak of mourning if they can't make it back to their place of rest the curse will be lifted if they do make it back to their coffin well you don't have to worry about it because you're probably already dead the next monster we see appears to be a pet of an assassin tasked with killing a noblewoman and a baby now I gotta be honest with you guys here I don't know with 100% confidence what this thing actually is if you do feel free to let me know down in the comment section but trust that I did a good bit of research it's possible that this is a modified and rouga warrior notably without the tail and it could be a modified end-rig of some kind or just some similar summoned insectoid but we're Arlis this beast is very fast uses its limbs as Spears and it's some type of mysterious species that seems to be vulnerable to decapitation much like everything else we next meet the cursed man Dooney and we kind of didn't really mean to include this guy in the list he's really more of an honorable mention but dude he is a prince within the world The Witcher who carries a mutation curse there's no specific monstrous form associated with him other than the fact that it kind of looks like a werewolf slash Hedgehog he really isn't a monster and after midnight he transforms back into a man every day but if I didn't include him I feel like a lot of people would have questions about if he was a monster or not dopplers are up next and they are also extremely rare dopplers are considered to be mimics or shapeshifters and sometimes referred to as excellence or changelings their natural form is pretty hideous there's small humanoids with elongated limbs and tongues and noses they look a bit like malformed elves a Doppler is able to precisely mimic a person's features nearly identically assuming a person is close enough to them in size and shape most dopplers don't have an issue changing from a fully grown adult to a stout dwarf though the most famous toddler within the Witcher series is to do Garet interacted with dudu many times before he learned of his existence having met him throughout his journeys disguised as other people he knew dudu is able to take Carroll's form and when you do fight do too as yourself it gives Geralt a pretty good idea of what others might have felt when fighting him the Doppler can also instinctively copy a person's voice body language mannerisms and to a certain extent personality and skill set however each Doppler is unique in the way that it copies its chosen target for instance due to in the novel sword of Destiny was able to copy Garrow exactly except for Geralt nature as garel put it you only know how to copy the good in us because you don't understand the bad in us so a good nature Doppler would be unable to comprehend the darkness of an evil man's heart and wouldn't be able to convey their personality as effectively and a bad nature Doppler would be you know the opposite the distrust of dopplers has also led the species to being nearly hunted to extinction this has also resulted in the remaining dopplers being used primarily as assassins or thieves jinn are fascinating creatures from the standpoint of folklore in terms of its ability set it's easier to think of a jinn for what it really is Jeanne's are separated into four groups depending upon which of the four elemental planes they derive from either air water fire or earth a gin is a powerful air spirit a condensation of the power of that element endowed with a consciousness and character the latter usually nasty according to legend that gin can grant even the most ridiculous of wishes but they do so Bree grudgingly gin are extremely rare and extremely powerful beings throughout history mages have been able to tame some of these creatures and use them to cast magical spells without having to call on traditional sources of magic gin can use spells instantaneously that even the most gifted mages would never attempt to cast themselves for example the enchanter stammel Ford had captured an earth genie and once used its power to move a mountain because it obstructed his view and there are records of deeds accomplished by other magicians on a similar scale for example water genies have caused enormous waves and catastrophic rains and fire genies have caused wildfires and explosions so yeah jinns are pretty strong they're very very strong next we have a Harika and this creature is found by Geralt and others traveling on their way to hunt the dragon however not much is really known about this species its appearance differs greatly from the official material found on the author's website the Beast looks a bit like a humanoid marsupial with larger claws and teeth Geralt does mentioned that they're extremely rare and hunted to near-extinction and like other animals and monsters in the show they appear to be quite vulnerable to having their heads chopped off the next Monster we have to discuss is a fairly common monster throughout various fictional worlds the dragon and there are many types of dragons within The Witcher universe and all of them are extremely rare these beasts once ruled the continent absolutely but as the numbers of men rose these animals were hunted to pretty close to extinction primarily due to the belief that dragons were treasure additionally as dragons are sentient and intelligent creatures it's against the witcher's code to kill a dragon all dragons feature similar elements armor-plated hide that stained a particular color gigantic wings capable of flight razor sharp claws and teeth I mean who doesn't know what a dragon looks like but but dick actually these are dragons they're wyvern I know I know I know my friends and I get into this discussion every single time we talked about Skyrim but this show calls them dragons so here we are green dragons are the most common dragons that exist they are the smallest usually about the size of a horse and they also happen to breathe hot chlorine gas red dragons are significantly rare and they grow to be about 15 meters and breathe molten fire black dragons are the rarest confirmed dragon that exists within the show and they have been documented but their size numbers aren't exact black dragons are also capable of breathing a horrible acid that can easily kill human beings and animals next we also have white dragons which exist within the books they're not mentioned in the show but you can think of them as your standard snow dragon they are smaller than black dragons coming in around 10 meters but they feature the ability to breathe frost and there are variations of dragons that are considered to be mythical and we know one of these types of dragons that's even rarer than a black or white dragon gold dragons only two gold dragons have ever been seen in the world these dragons appear to be between 15 and 25 metres they breathe flames and in an extremely rare ability set they can also turn into any creature they choose including humans golden dragons also have the unique ability of telepathic communication while in their dragon form and the most famous of these dragons is bill and Trent mirth and I'm sorry if I didn't pronounce that correctly but Geralt meets him in the form of boar ch3 jackdaws dragons are also immune to all poisons and blade coatings they're nearly impervious to bombs and traps and they're highly resistant to pretty much anything that isn't a sword or axe or an extremely well-placed arrow and the final monster we have to discuss was the monsters that attacked Geralt at the end of the seventh episode and these monsters were not specifically named but in all likelihood these were ghouls ghouls appear in attack from underground they typically don't hunt the living they prefer to feed upon the dead they often appear in large numbers after battles or in places where dead bodies lay like cemeteries ghouls only eat raw aged festering meat however over time ghouls have learned to attack humans and kill them so that they can leave their bodies to age and in return any later they also typically attend to emerge underground only during full moons in the show the bite or claw mark that's made on Geralt seems to cause some type of poison effect in Carroll but ghouls are not poisonous within the books or games so that must have been something they added in for the show so there you have it every monster in the first season of The Witcher and I'm excited for the second season whenever it does show up and hopefully the monster hunts feel a bit more organic and meaningful in the second season personally I would like to see a little bit more witching maybe in arch griffin and elemental a golem some vampires a wraith you know spice it up I hope you learned a lot and if you did you know YouTube things like subscribe Dianna thanks again for watching this video this has been Nick with key issues and you know the motto monsters over everything [Music] [Music]
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 1,597,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Witcher, The Witcher Netflix, netflix, Witcher Kikimora, Witcher Kikimora fight, Witcher Striga, Witcher Ghouls, Witcher netflix Striga fight, Witcher Dragon, Witcher Golden Dragons, Golden Dragon, Witcher Doppler, Witcher Shapeshifter, Witcher Djinn, Witcher Genie, Djinn, Witcher Ghoul Fight, Witcher Monsters Explained, Every monster in Witcher, hirikka witcher, hirikka, Duny Witcher, Geralt vs, Geralt of Rivia, Witcher Assassin, Witcher Assassin vs Yennefer, Yennefer
Id: LkBpT3r8nxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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