The Winter Festival of Lights in Niagara Falls is pure magic

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welcome back to Breakfast Television beautiful sunrise here in Toronto but the light festivals they're really happening out Niagara they've become a holiday staple now the winter festival of lights is back for its 40th year in Niagara Falls and that's where we sent Frankie to go check it out good morning Frank good morning Tammy and it wouldn't be a destination to go to unless you had the man of destination Ontario himself Kevin forget with me this morning uh Tammy and uh 40 years 40th this is the 40th time this has happened it gets bigger and better every year it does yeah so we are on the balcony of the Sheridan Fallsview right here in Niagara Falls one of the best views of the Niagara Falls winter festival of lights and like you said 40 years this is Canada's longest running free Light Festival yeah free is the number one thing there are so many light festivals there right now but you can come down here with the family do a drive through a walk through and there's so many different things that you can do here in Niagara as well yeah so you can take a drive along the Niagara Falls Parkway or you can walk bundle up and take a walk you're going to see over three million yeah you heard me right wow three minutes three million lights there's over 75 different installations along the parkway everything from the trees to different things that are sort of those perfect Instagram moments uh you know pictures that you're going to want to take with your friends and family and you kind of take it at your own Leisure yeah and there's some different themes as well yeah so it's uh it's running right through till February 20th so this isn't just a Christmas event this is really a winter event that's happening in Niagara Falls and over right through till now until February 20th because it's the 40th anniversary there's 40 nights of Entertainment also so wow some indoor entertainment so at the Americana as well as the Crown Plaza which is right beside where we are at the Sheridan Fallsview and then 40 nights of fireworks also so not just lights and the twinkling of three million lights you're also going to see fireworks over the falls and there's also a special illumination a sparkle show that actually happens too as the lights shine on the Falls too so it's really lights everywhere trees Falls in in the sky and you still have an opportunity to take the Niagara Cruise as well this is unique this is the very first time that they've done it so it's happening for one more week so during the the nights where they have fireworks you can hop on the Niagara Cruise so you know you hop on the boat and then you can go and see the fireworks from there and then this is also unique too for the very first time to celebrate the 40th anniversary see it from the sky the Niagara helicopter tours so you can hop in a helicopter fly over the sunset and see the light sparkle in the parkway also it's pretty beautiful right now too because we did get a little bit of snow here not as much as what they did in Buffalo but right now we have snow on the ground you have the lights themselves and of course there's the Niagara parks that does such a wonderful job coming up we're going to be talking a little bit about the indoor the Poinsettia show as well so we're going to talk about the Poinsettia show we're also going to talk about a brand new hot chocolate Trail so grab yourself a nice hot chocolate enjoy that while you're walking around and then a website Niagara Falls festival lights is net has the list of all of the events and what things are happening okay so we're gonna have a lot more coming up at 7 20. once again we are here this morning in beautiful Niagara Falls where you can take in those three million lights on a Monday morning it is absolutely gorgeous there's nothing like Niagara Falls one of the Seven Wonders of the World there's lots more here to come on Breakfast Television at 7 20. we'll tell you more about some of the different things here in Niagara this winter we are getting in the Christmas spirit and I'll tell you Frank faragini is with our forever brother Kevin for shots we love you look at these beautiful sunrises Frank ferragini how cold is it there this morning true a little chilly oh we got we got wind chills about minus 12 here this morning but the warmth that we have winter Niagara Falls the warmth is always so great especially when you're with Kevin perjat as well the warmth that that man gives like look come on over here Kev look oh look at the warms oh nothing but love here right now brothers forever you don't mean Dina can be right hi guys and Tammy okay let's uh let's talk a little bit about why we're here this morning okay so we're here because of this because of this this is the winter festival of lights Niagara Falls winter festival of lights we talked about it earlier this morning this is just one of the many displays there's over 75 displays along the Niagara Parkway three million sparkling lights we talked about instagramable moments I'll go over here let's go over here let's pretend that we're going to be in scramble moment this is what you do so you come you're like with your bestie you're like merry Christmas happy holidays yes but it's not in business what we're also talking about is many different things that you can do so you know there's the winter festival of lights but it's part of that there's also the beautiful poinsettiah I say points either or it doesn't matter so at the Niagara floral showcase uh it happens until January the 8th and it's a beautiful Showcase of amazing displays of poinsettias there's a thousand displays of poinsettias another 1400 of specially grown plants and different displays there and really you take your own leisurely walk through there and see this display of of you know you know plants you know how hard it is to grow and I also know like when we come to Niagara Parks the the Hort Department that's here the Horticultural Department that's here is World internationally recognized as well and there are hundreds of different varieties that you'll see within their many different colors and really it's just visually beautiful as well and it celebrates the Christmas season yeah so you know we talk about seeing these Festival of Lights and walking around obviously it's winter and it's a little chilly so bundle up and see those but when you go inside to see this floral showcase it's indoors yeah it's one of the many warm indoor events we talked earlier about events happening at the Crowne Plaza different you know music festivals as well as the Americana so there's the outdoor stuff and the indoor stuff and then one really cool thing to celebrate the 40th anniversary of this is a brand new hot chocolate Trail but these don't look like just your normal hot chocolates these guys here look like upscaled pop chocolates yeah so there were 17 different locations along this Trail you know over 20 different varieties that you can try at the different locations and so what you do is you download sort of all the information on where you want to go so if you want to sort of stop along the way try different hot chocolates maybe grab one as you look at the lights you can do that so let's start at this one first okay this is from the Coco Terrace Steakhouse okay they've got some great steaks there but this is the Christmas holly Christmas chocolate Holly so it's got whipped cream nutmeg sprinkle cherry and mystery spiced alcohol inside oh mystery spiced alcohol okay we'll try that great good okay that doesn't matter it's a good look it's a good look okay now this one the red ganache big shock okay now this is roasted marshmallows they make these marshmallows right in-house they roast them right there in front of you okay marshmallows hot chocolate so where else can you say that you had a hot chocolate in your torch though sprinkles in there oh yeah this one here I would have a lot of energy after this holy man the Old Stone in Boutique which is a beautiful place just to stay okay you want to stay but then also this is their velvet kiss oh if you want a velvet Christmas kiss this holiday season I'll take any kiss of this raspberry liqueur Bailey's almond cream whipped hot chocolate made with different creams they've got the drizzle of the um different um uh I want to say the Grenadine drizzle raspberry dust but we can use the straw can you use the straw you taste the raspberry it's also rimmed oh these are really really good and hot chocolate so again 17 different stops along the way grab one of these you know enjoy yourselves at these different locations or grab one and enjoy the winter festival cheers to the holiday season so many things happening over the holiday season they've also got live entertainment happening they're going to be announcing their New Year's Eve events that are going to be happening as well as Billy Joel oh my goodness it's a brand new OLG stage it's a 5 000 seat stage of the OLG stage but Billy Joel's coming to Niagara Falls tickets go on sale this Friday oh my God I need to see him I need to see him uh so still lots more to come here from Niagara Falls this morning it's always a great place to see always a great place to take in the winter festival lights as well coming up on Breakfast Television this morning we have six thousand dollars we're going to be giving away with I wake up with BT that's a little bit later in the show right now we'll take some another sip cheers to everybody out there happy Monday everybody
Channel: Breakfast Television
Views: 18,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breakfast television, Frank Ferragine, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Ontario travel, citytv, morning television, rogers media, things to do in Ontario
Id: sYqweNepEUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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