The Wildest Boss Fights in the World | Granblue Fantasy: Relink

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if I was to rate the braveness of my viewers the Saturday viewers would definitely be like up there probably number one in all honesty cuz not only do you get me tired after work but this week I'm also sick and I left this video until very late I'm going to be editing until like 1:00 a.m. that's a very regrettable decision anyway what's up y'all we're playing grand blue fantasy relink today next week is probably going to be like all Dragons Dogma as I try to finish the game so I wanted to play a little bit of grand blue cuz I need to freshen myself up a bit and make sure I don't get too rusty I don't even necessarily remember what we're doing oh oh right right right we met up with this lady and now we're making our way to the Primal Beast location there's a whole bunch of fights in here I remember that and we got to go open a bunch of gates and right when you think it's going to end no there's another gate it's just Gates upon Gates here's a gate we're going to have to fight what are you doing you opening up that door for us that's very kind to you I need in there oh I also changed my skills I got this thing now it looks really cool I'm a big fan of it if you know me I don't pay attention to the meta I just like stuff that looks cool I think that's probably the best way to exist just let her encant bro none of y'all got any business around here you stupid skellingtons can you encant a little quicker I don't want to be here all day yo wait what's this guy doing now oh you got that totally under control I don't even need to help I don't even need to help my AIS are almost better than I am that's crazy oh my God how slow this lady's encampment bar it's loading like I'm trying to install something on my old Windows 95 PC please hurry up like evidently this isn't going to pose much of a challenge so I need you to open that door and in a hurry ouch oh I'm much more damag than I thought I was I didn't even need therapy to find that one out hey wait why are none of you dealing with the frosty bones that's over here messing up lady's encampment she hasn't been encamping this whole time it's late y'all I'm not really trying to be here for the next 3 hours why why did I throw that so far you're almost there suuck at 99% nara's kind of hurting but I'm not going to help help her cuz we're done she can get her own heals well that was exciting thanks for unlocking the gate there's been plenty of ill Omens you don't got to warn me about that every time something happens everything bad happens what's going to happen this time that's going to be bad that's a really icy door is that where the boy lives he live inside there I want to go in there I want to meet him see what did I say every time something bad happens this is the boss this time and I don't have a fire guy with me cuz I've only leveled like the three characters that I like unfortunate all right well can we just leave him back there oh he's summoning boys at least she's getting a good start over here right like we'll just wait and let her do it wait am I supposed to have that oh I almost have it up I'm going second I love using this ability look at this this looks great and I just can play hands off I'll just keep spamming attack while everybody else does things old dry bones his health is not going down very fast did we not oh the other girl didn't use hers why are you savoring it baby you guys missed the link chance okay well I guess we'll roll with it then okay really cool ability but also not really that intimidating when the map is this big hold on I'm frozen I got bro broken excellent that would be Perfection I don't know if we're going to kill him before she ends up opening the gate I think she's just going to blow him up for us we're still good you guys are doing excellent crowd control it's like I'm playing a MOA but the AIS are more useful than your usual MOA teammates somehow we're trying to defend you well at least I am and that's actually a lie I'm not trying to help at all hold on get to encanting I did what you asked now Stop Being Greedy yes yes Vern I see the fact that they have interrupted her I'm doing my absolute best it's not helping me when you keep keep nagging wait who critted bro I can't get you down there hold on I'm coming I don't know how you ended up over here get up oh now you decide to use it okay well I'm nowhere near having mine and also I'm still frozen is someone else going to get that or are we not going to okay can I get mine Nara Nara please n please thank you thank you thank you for giving me the chance to be involved look at this we're actually going to finish this guy off too beautiful all as a team that's what I love to see now let's actually go let her encamp we have not been doing our jobs that was beautiful I have great crowd control too I just actually need to use it sometimes is she done hurry up yes thank you we actually beat the boss in that amount of time and we kept her safe I don't think you can actually fail and let her get injured though please give me one of those things where I can restock healing items I'm starting to feel a little bit intimidated I see that the altar lies ahead let's see what sort of trouble you can get us into I love Primal Beast fights they're a lot of fun what's this place oh it's looking icy it's feeling a bit oh no I don't think this is going to end well blue hair is here why is she here does she already absorb it oh no this don't smell good guys this is like gas station Sushi something's real fishy I ate 7-Eleven Sushi once by the way terrible experience oh yeah ain't right with her she's got a very dead look in her eyes that's not the that's not the spark of life that I'm used to seeing everybody noticed the sus looking collar too well that ain't good this is never a good sign when it happens oh not this guy again bro why do you always got to interfere with stuff am I going to have another lame scripted fight against you too I can't wait till they let me actually finish this guy he really deserves the worst in all honesty ouch well I guess we did the amount of damage to trigger the cut scene or something cuz all of a sudden I wasn't allowed to play anymore which is just fine with me I want to fight the actual Primal Beast not some guy with white hair who thinks he's harder than he is I know that one of us is definitely not hard right now I'll let you figure that one out for yourself it's getting kind of icy in here again why are you bridy carry okay this guy is so weird man it's going to be very gratifying when we get to take him out who are you you're a cool Primal Beast you're not a big swordsman like the last one but you got a spike on your face though man maner manager manager boy all right we're going to take out the manager I'd like to speak to your manager what's Roo doing uh he's angrily flicking his sword at me he's going to spin oh that was scary I got the link attack though let's go let's go we're kind of he's fast bro kind of does some Instant Transmission around the map I don't know I didn't expect that uh-oh wait what his overdrive is going to be scary though isn't it I'm having some concerns I'm having I'm having a lot of concerns oh god oh you get frostbite from touching it okay don't touch it that's the rule uh uh that was a little bit sketchy pardon my random noises but bro is kind of moving at hyper Giga speed oh my God what did he just turn into uh let me get this armor off of him that's kind of a nice Dodge but I'm too scared to even acknowledge my own successes at this point okay we can actually do some damage we can actually do some damage I feel so brain dead in this fight oh oh oh we're doing stuff we're doing cool stuff now my brother you are kind of a grind I really like you though what a fun fight he's very fastpaced hey he's out of his armor great what's this uhoh wait dude are you turning this into a bullet hell I don't know if I'm ready for that oh God oh or don't kind of scary there is so much going on right now guessing we just stay back here this reminds me of monster hunter really hard right now especially Monster Hunter World Rosetta is just oh and N oh everybody is dead nobody hid behind the icicles okay we're going to start resing teammates I guess you'reall going to have to handle my really basic commentary right now this is very uh very busy fight there's a whole lot going on and bro just teleports around he does whatever wants so enjoy the pretty anime girls on screen while we get a brief reprieve in all of this absolutely chaotic action that I am currently experiencing that just deep fried my eard drums beautiful that's the exact sound I want to feel deep frying my eard drums I'm starting to get the hang of you a bit now man you're not as bad as you were defense down then we get out of here team you're so beautiful we can fight this big monster we can take him out together we've shown that we can do it time and time again uhoh he's in overdrive again we're going to run behind here cuz he can't hit me if I'm hidden behind his own little icicles should have never given that to me my man your own mistake keep a move on it's fine how many people on the team are going to crit this time uh I guess that Nara is already going to crit okay make my way never mind Nara you're on your own I'm going to stand right in front of this guy and try and make it through this oh this is a little bit sketchy just right up on you it looks like everybody on my team actually helped no Rosetta decided she did not want to hide anymore and she's down and so is the other girl how do you already have your ability up wait a minute I'm so far behind well at least she's here too are we actually going to beat him as a team weight that would be kind of sick that would be kind of a sick ending to all of this if we did it as a squad that's what the people want to see to end this video they want to see the whole Squad pop off I heard I can see the future beautiful could you ask for a better ending to a primal beast fight everybody going off the final burst me going gradually deafer as this game deep fries my ears M who could ask for more I probably have the background sound way too loud I don't know why I didn't adjust that but we're committed now her eyes were empty as if her soul was caged that's messed up I don't like that one bit what are they doing to her she's our friend the church has been toying with an instrument to seal people's minds off is that what they got on our friend are we going to a new town it sounds like we're going to a new town and he's got to call himself Mr Fix It Again don't be calling yourself Mr Fixit just cuz you know where there's a new town and you might have some connections there who can help okay maybe he is Mr Fixit bro really can do everything it takes me off that he knows he can do everything but he can too he walks the walk and he talks the talk and that bothers me that might be the saddest subtitle I've ever read in my life that sounds so depressing it's like she was wasn't there anymore oh no I don't want to read this this is way too depressing for a Friday Night chapter 6 we're making some good proog there's what nine chapters in this game we'll probably actually finish this game on the channel take a little look around the city before we quit for the day I'm almost done here but I kind of want to see this like look at this this is beautiful this is a really really beautiful city design they did a great job with this I don't usually gush about that kind of stuff but it just looks great like well that's cool we got this far anyway y'all I'mma head out for the day cuz I need to do a whole bunch of editing on this still it's super late and I hope that this video is up on Saturday for you all to enjoy thank you for joining me today I will see you on Monday for Dragon's Dogma again we're going to try and really pick up and finish that game but we will be mixing gr blue in here or there as well have a great weekend and I will see you at the start of next week peace
Channel: mashietrash
Views: 265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy Relink, Grandblue Fantasy, Grandblue, Grandblue Fantasy: Relink, Granblue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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