The Wild West Town of Deadwood In Black Hills of South Dakota - Boot Hill & Wild Bill Hickok History

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today's adventure brings me to the black hills of south dakota as the recording of this tuesday june 21st 2022 i am heading to deadwood welcome everyone adam the woo here piping high caffeinated beverage the slogan also a lot of motorcycles through here just down the way is sturgis which i will i'll be swinging through sturgis as well where there's a massive motorcycle rally every year which i have never been to and speaking of never been been to certain places i have never been to where the wild west lives oh i'm so excited i'm inviting you to join me it wasn't holding that correctly shall you down that way that's where i'm going that's where i'm that's where i'm starting i'll probably go deadwood and then i'll go sturgess and who knows where else wherever the wind blows and the wind is blowing it feels great out here i'm also standing on this kind of incline not noticeable and you would have never known it unless i showed it okay i gotta go going down really is such a beautiful area with those rocks even these quaint little homes leading into the historic main street right up here and you can drive underneath this archway i opted to park at the visitor center or the welcome center i should say and i'm going to walk down main street that old stagecoach is being pulled by a golf cart a nice peaceful stream runs parallel to the town itself there's a stairwell there that kind of leads to leads to nothing you get a little closer to the water the side of that vehicle has the town's name on it and there's trolleys that roll down main street also established in 1876 about to head down main street there's a saloon a bank a liquor store city hall all kind of stuff 10 lizzie gaming resort right here i just should mention that the sturgis bike rally does not happen until august but sturgis is where it is located which is kind of one of the next towns over and one of the most notable figures around these parts an homage to wild bill hook hickok sits right over here and there's a chair next to him so anyone could sit next just don't hold any cards here in this town because that was how he met his demise playing poker back on august 2nd 1876 right here in town the poker hand he was holding was two pairs black aces and eights became known as the dead man's hand he was distracted and bested right here in town looks very comfortable that's a that's a comfortable position there goes the trolley now that i'm sitting here next to wild bill that's a good name wild bill if you're but you have the name wild you have a reputation to uphold but i'm realizing this chair is not a permanent area the chair someone moved from right over there at that table and i'm probably not the first person to get a little photo op with wild bill here here now there's a place right across the way here called mr wu's w-u-s and they have gaming you can play some slots over there all of this wood art is carved out of someone with a chainsaw's talent that is a very tall version of a sasquatch right there the hand of cards that he was dealt one could say an old pro prospector here's an old prospector getting any gold oh that's pretty cool not only is there someone in there carving stuff with a chainsaw but this guy is doing a little woodwork or a little fire burning after what has been carved with the chainsaw he takes that blowtorch and kind of puts like a little fire burn coating on [Music] and i really like how they take old photographs and they place them on the electrical boxes in front of the same items of what you're looking at for example this here was an old gas station now it's a tasting room right over here and this part is a a winery now now it's kind of tough to read because the wind is kind of flopping that banner around but the town will be celebrating its 100th anniversary from july 24th to july 30th of this year that's going to be a big deal okay the wind just subsided for a minute so it can be red days of 76. all right i gotta say first impression of this town awesome look at this the nugget saloon historic site of pam's purple door closed by the fbi and state agents champion spark plugs little signage up there and this neon for wild bills bar original location of saloon number 10 that sign below it says aha now i know why they call it the wild bill bar this says this has the historical information right here got the trolley going by right now sharing a little information of course if you're on the trolley i don't know if you could get off and kind of take a gander inside but stepping inside definitely has that kind of old wild west feel not really sure exactly where what table it was at these are not the original tables in here obviously but the stuff the art decor on the wall really gives you the gives you the vibe the proper vibe over here above the stockade which appears to be another old prospector is the buffalo saloon and steakhouse and there's a buffalo bison right there oh where i don't know where is to where is tim maybe that was tim hawk i don't know who tim is but oh look at this you could sit in a in a horse's rear end and not only a horse but you could also and an old advertisement up there for bodega henry george oh wait what is that sound i'm hearing some horse hooves no way look at this yes it says that goes all the way to cheyenne no that can't be right could it be horse drawn carriage going by stagecoach ride saloon number 10 also known as the utter place now saloon number 10 is where they have the chair that wild bill was sitting in inside old style saloon number ten the actual chair of the demise of wild bill hickok old west legend lives on a folklore until the end of time this is the chair and it's not just the chair that's interesting that they have inside saloon number 10. that's a lot of the decor that on top of the ceiling and the roof and the sides of the walls a lot of the decor accurately themed to that era that is for sure pretty interesting place to wander around it you would never know all these unique items are in there from the street until you step in and you're like holy cow all this exists in here train station or formerly the train station and those at some point those logs will eventually become artwork or they're going somewhere else but that's my guess and here's a different angle you see where the passengers would be waiting for the train on this [Applause] side as that camper goes by it looks like there's a very unique retro looking pump house over here this whole corner is like a throwback in time with jay hot and botched the grocer a little advertisement there up on the side of this building it says wholesale grocers from back in the day black hills merchandise company there's also the butch cassidy and sundance kid sweets look at this butch cassidy sweets you could stay in there and pretend like you're the sundance kid up and up in those lofts there is no shortage of wild bill here in town in fact here's a a bust of him looking up to the heavens he's almost looking directly into the sun there little sun glare he's like don't don't stare into the sun bill here's a little information about the bust itself there he is carving look at this he's hand chiseling it i wouldn't guess it's that big from down below kind of looking up at it but i guess now that i'm kind of seeing it from this angle you know it's kind of tall up so you're not really seeing the magnitude and size of it yeah look there he is standing underneath it back in 1955. it's been in this spot since 50 at least since 55. there it is in 51 before was put up on the pedestal and the guy that was also just standing here him and his wife are telling me some of the sites around town he said definitely check out the adams museum right over here so i'm gonna check that out for his recommendation all right stepped inside this guy's giving me a passport into here there's a suggested donation of five dollars to get in so put the money in the box and this is a panorama from 1895. according to that and this is the addams museum there were adam bros [Music] [Music] he was born in illinois in troy grove illinois [Music] i like that i like that artistic representation of mr wild bill pardon me and this was the first locomotive used in the black hills 1879 homestake mining company out of baldwin locomotive works in philadelphia 1879 stamped right there on the front piece of locomotive history right back over here on main again that's not a chainsaw i'm hearing well you're doing some kind of heavy construction over there on hickox at hickok the soothing sound of progress a ghost sign from this angle i'm zoomed in and i'm kind of walking but yeah there it is see the hand holding the coca-cola bottle now it almost seems as if something was written on the side of this wall it's now a beef jerky experience store oh wait hold on yes definitely with something advertised and inscribed here on the side of the brick but i always call these wheel of fortune moments where you can't really tell what the letters say this might be the toughest i've ever seen there's no really really no way of knowing went back to my car and drove up partially up mount moriah i'm gonna try to find a couple headstones in here and normally you don't have to pay admission to go into something like this nor are there tour buses that drive up into them but here there are there is an admission fee and yes a gift shop admission booth all right that's not too bad two dollars all right walking up got a little information here this brochure map and tour guide now i parked way down there if you do one of the tours through town and you're on this bus you can drive right up to this very unique headstone which there is a queue line to see wild bill there's a queue look at this there's people there's like a whole queue line just people get their photo with the bust of wild blue hillcock on top of his headstone that's amazing and also calamity jane is here as well 1903 august 1st of 1903 which was one day prior to the same day of wild bill but while bill was 1876 [Applause] look at this she requested to be beside wild bill that's interesting there's also a very historic photo of her up there with the headstone before the bus was put on there and i'll kind of show that photo but when she came to visit wild bill she got a photo up there and it's still the the same portion of the lengthy part of the headstone but not the the bus was added way later that's neat i never realized that she requested to be right beside him and here's that photo i was referring to of calamity jane standing in front of where wild bill is way back then before her passing obviously the bust was not added to the pillar there and then years later laid beside him and that photo of her she would have been standing at the ascension kind of looking down this very steep hill here you can see in the photo that the kind of the slant of the hillsides that she would have been above of this corner and you know what now that i'm looking at it this entire thing has been replaced but there was kind of a cylinder rectangle looking one just like this but this is a whole new item that was placed here and calamity is right over there very very popular spot it's kind of amazing to think about oh wow people have placed cards here lots of coins pennies nickels quarters some pine cones commissioned by the city back in august of 2002 david r young was the sculptor someone's doing a little weed eating out here i can hear the weed eater also next to calamity and wild bill is potato creek johnny now i was curious who potato creek johnny was so i looked it up here on that little brochure that they gave me and he found one of the largest gold nuggets ever in the black hills and he was only four feet three inches tall potato creek johnny that's him right there and reading a little more through the brochure also there's an overlook down there i'm gonna walk up to it but right now i've just kind of sat on this little this little stoop and it wasn't a weed eater someone's up there doing a little tree trimming some of that they're doing some tree trimming but it appears as if the original markers were stolen vandalized and destroyed by souvenir not stolen but vandalizing destroyed by souvenir hunters and then calamity jane very interesting she had a love and an affection of hickok but it says the feeling was apparently not reciprocated dang and this is known as boot hill i think that tree limb just fell tombstone arizona oh there's preacher smith tombstone arizona also has a boot hill there's probably more than one boot hill obviously there's more than one preacher smith i was looking for his as well [Applause] he was on his way from deadwood to crook city to preach this flag [Applause] said to be never taken down obviously if it's replaced by another flag due to weather and whatnot and after it needs to be replaced possibly but it was granted permission to never be taken down and to be flown 24 hours a day you don't see that too often places that will fly the flag 24 hours a day and there's an overlook here that you can look down into the town itself very beautiful overlook [Music] okay down the hill and this is around the backside of the main street all right heading over to sturgis now about a 15 mile commute well 15 minute commute give or take should be there shortly looks like they're doing a little bit of work a little roofing over there at the gift shop pulling down some some of the metal shingles awesome they have the full word sturgis up on the side of the hill a lot of times when you see mountains you'll see this the first initial that's the whole word corner of harley-davidson way and main street have arrived downtown sturgis which i would imagine is considerably less people than there is during the the bike event they have every year this place it's a real beehive of activity got the old neon here of the oasis got a little couple palm trees and a martini glass all the different chimes here at this trading company all the different wind chimes up top there very beautiful the last couple years or so or two out of the last three years give or take i've been to daytona's bike week and main street in daytona beach really gets pretty wild i think more people attend this event than they do bike week or pretty close pretty close i have a lot more elbow room wandering through here now that would be when the event is taking place all right that was an understatement look at this photograph holy cow oh no this is one heck of a photo op right there prairie emporium nice i've seen a lot of these driving around the classic car over here too [Music] and inside really quite a treasure trove of antiques and all kind of goodies in here kind of scattered all through this entire store and probably the one of the most exciting things in this in the store that the number one attraction the owner said he was the number one attraction with the number two attraction is south dakota's largest ball of string sturgis number two attraction ended up talking to everyone in there for quite a while and on the way out they said here take a t-shirt so i got a prairie emporium t-shirt a little little antique shop right here off the off the main street and i talked to one of the guys at the antique shop and he said there was a historical building pointing me in the right direction too or check that out now here on the end of town the annie talent house was placed on the national register of historic places back in may of 1976. it's here kind of on the far end of town in fact from here address is 1603 you can see the word sturgis up there on the hill look at the door door's kind of unique so cows heading north from where i just was and pulled over noticed there is a evil knievel sculpture right there this is the full throttle saloon parking lot see a starlight motel signed back in there an old neon and these very large metal sculptures here they're probably like 30 feet tall but what really drew my attention is is this muffler man with a kind of stogy and not a muffler not hold a muffler anymore holding a beer and a stogie and cowboy hat look at that i love a good muffler man i've never seen one as far as i can recall holding a stogie and a beer stokey holding arnold would really be proud of you muffler man that's right come on smoke that stogy come on come on do it do it now drove for about another 30 minutes or so look at this an entire herd of buffalo or is it [Applause] bison heading my way this is something you do not see every day well maybe in this area you do but rarely i see a lot of cows i see a lot of horses an entire herd of bison how's it going how's it going down there wow wow going over to the water they're going over the water right now they're all thirsty i don't know why i'm narrating that's a narrate but you all have to drink together or going in the water starts drinking they all gotta start drinking is that how it works down there all right i gotta move on see you later the open road not a lot of traffic out here not a lot of traffic and all the years i've been around traveling early in my life doing family trips and then eventually driving on my own doing road trips joining bands touring going cross country and then starting youtube and doing going on this platform and then getting my van sleeping in my van traveling across the country getting the rv and traveling to my best of my recollection i have been to 47 of the 48 continental united states until now i am now crossing into the last state of the continental united states i'm about to step foot finally into north dakota a discussion would go ahead and walk across i am now in north dakota and i have been to all continental united states what does tomorrow hold i'll see you in the next video the vlog is over
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 240,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deadwood, south dakota, south, dakota, black hills, wild bill, wild bill hickok, hickok, wild weat, old west, boot hill, calamity jane, main street, stage coach, saloon, road trip, travels, road, trip, cross country, chainsaw, art, utter place, adams museum, museum, chair, legend, story, sturgis, motorcyle, bike, stores, walk thru, train station, train, overlook, adamthewoo, adam the woo, thedailywoo, adam, the, woo, muffler man, roadside, america, buffalo, bison, Things to do, Tourist
Id: fo7lM64ac98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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