The Why and How of the Megalodon Extinction (What Killed the Giant Shark)

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Imagine swimming in the ocean. You’re  splashing around, minding your own business,   when all of a sudden a shark fin the size  of a boat pops out of the water and heads   straight towards you. That would probably be  the last time you stepped foot in the ocean,   if you made it out alive that is. The only  shark that could have a dorsal fin of that   size would belong to a megalodon. Luckily  for you—and all of us—the megalodon went   extinct around 3.6 million years ago. But what  caused this massive apex predator to die off?   And is there a chance that it is still  lurking in the depths of the oceans? The megalodon or Carcharocles megalodon first  inhabited the oceans of planet Earth around   23 million years ago. They were the largest  shark to ever live. Megalodons varied in size,   but studies suggest that on average a female  meg could be between 45 and 59 feet long. This   range varies so widely because scientists need  to extrapolate the size based on teeth and jaw   fragments found in the fossil record. At this  point in time a full megalodon skeleton has not   been found. However, from the remains we do have,  it is clear that these creatures were enormous.   Adult megalodons had no predators because  of their massive body size. The shark’s   main prey was small whales. That’s right,  they ate whales, that's how big they were. Megalodons roamed every ocean of  the world, although they stayed away   from the polar regions where the water would  be too cold. What we know about the megalodon   species comes from fossil remains, and scientific  observations of their much smaller relatives that   live today. The largest predatory shark  species alive today is the great white.   The largest great white ever recorded  was around 36 feet long. This makes it   20 feet shorter than the megalodon.  Megs were truly massive sharks. Megalodons were incredibly successful at what  they did. They outcompeted other predators for   about 20 million years, and stayed at the top of  the food chain for that entire time. Their size,   razor sharp teeth, and speed allowed them to  hunt and kill prey with deadly efficiency. So,   what caused the Megalodon to go extinct? Why isn’t   this incredibly successful killing  machine ruling over the oceans today? There were probably several factors, but evidence  points to a few clear changes that had a big   impact on the megalodon survival rate. Between  3 and 5 million years ago the climate began to   change on planet Earth. The world began to cool  as it entered the epoch known as the Plioscene.   As global temperatures dropped the oceans were  affected. One major change that occurred as   temperatures cooled was that the sea levels  began to drop. This happens during ice ages,   and periods of cooling, because the water of  the oceans gets trapped in ice and glaciers.   As water gets converted into its solid form,   it is removed from the oceans. This  causes the overall sea level to drop. The dropping of the global sea level wouldn’t  have been a problem for megalodon if that was   the only change that occured, but when the  sea level dropped, new land started to form   that had previously been underwater. During  the Pliocene the Isthmus of Panama began to   take shape. The collision of tectonic plates in  the area caused volcanic activity that resulted   in the formation of the mountains that  now stretch from North to South America. The emergence of this new land that connected the  Americas had a huge impact on the animals of the   oceans. The land that would become Central America  had been under water for millions of years,   meaning that there was nothing blocking marine  species from crossing between what would become   the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans near the equator. Once the access between the Americas was blocked  off by land, many species were now stuck either   on one side of the continents or the other. This  meant that access to some of megalodon’s prey may   have been separated from them. Ocean currents and  movement of nutrients in the oceans began to shift   once the equatorial connection between the oceans  was impeded. This would have caused species to   migrate to new areas, or if they could not adjust  to the new environment they would go extinct. The currents and nutrients that once flowed  between the Americas would have been abruptly   brought to a halt. Without these nutrients,  biodiversity would drop. This change would   have a domino effect on all species living  throughout the oceans. Nutrients would no   longer be where they once were, and entire  ecosystems would have vanished. This alone   would have caused mass extinctions of aquatic  organisms, leaving room for new species to evolve. Even if this lowering of ocean levels,  and the blockage between the oceans,   did not directly cause megalodon to go extinct,  it most likely had an impact on their prey.   Since megalodon was large and slow to  reproduce, it filled one specific niche,   that of apex predator. If the environment  suddenly changed, it was unlikely that   megalodon had the genetic diversity to  adapt to a new environment with less prey. Another impact of the lowering of ocean levels  is that the oceans become saltier. As more   and more water is trapped in ice and glaciers  the salt to water ratio in the ocean changes.   The salt does not get trapped with the water, so  salt levels remain constant, while water levels   decrease. This causes an increase in salinity  throughout parts of the oceans. The difference in   saltiness would have shifted the ocean currents,  and nutrient cycles, ever more. In fact,   this change in salinity is one of the main  reasons we have the ocean conveyor belt of today. All of these changes to the  oceans would have meant the   environment that the megalodon had been  so successful in for millions of years,   was now different. It is very difficult for large  specialist predators to adapt to changes in their   environment. Think about what is happening in  the arctic right now to polar bears. They are   highly specialized for the environment they  evolved in, but if the ice continues to melt,   and global temperature continues to rise, they  will go extinct. The polar bear species just   does not have enough genetic diversity to allow  them to be successful in a warmer environment. As the environment changed during the Pliocene,  marine diversity diminished for a while before   natural selection caused new species to evolve  and thrive. Unfortunately, this would have taken   thousands and thousands of years; time that the  megalodon did not have. With less biodiversity,   and animals to eat, all predators in the  ocean would need to compete for similar   food sources. The prey that megalodon  once thrived on would have diminished,   which meant that either they had to compete for  a different food source, or starve to death. Before the change in the environment of the  Pliocene, the oceans were filled with large marine   animals. Many of these animals ate krill or small  fish like the baleen whales of today. This meant   that there was an abundance of prey for megalodon  to hunt. However, after the climate shift   organisms such as toothless walruses, aquatic  sloths, and dwarf baleen whales did not survive   into the new environment. Slowly, but surely,  the megalodons variety of food was diminished. This is where the real problem for megalodon came  in. Changing of climate most likely contributed   to the extinction of the species, but scientists  now believe there was one main culprit that drove   the nail into the coffin of the megalodon. At  around the same time as megalodon went extinct,   a new apex predator had just started to  make its appearance, the great white shark. Carcharodon carcharias, or the great white  shark, appeared around the same time as the   megalodon species began to decline. It would seem  this new species of shark could out compete the   megalodon. The smaller size of great whites  allowed them to catch and eat smaller prey,   which was more abundant after the climate shift.  The ability to eat many different species,   other than just small whales, gave  the great whites an advantage. Not only did the great white have a wider  variety of food it could choose from,   but the smaller body size actually worked in its  favor. Since the megalodon had such a massive   body it needed to stay in relatively warm waters,  so that it could maintain its body temperature.   Sharks are ectotherms meaning that they don’t  regulate their internal body temperature,   but instead, rely on factors such as sunlight  and muscle movement to increase the temperature   of their bodies. The smaller bodies of the  great white sharks meant they could venture   into cooler waters, since they had less body  mass to keep warm. Their muscles did not need   to work quite as hard as megalodon to keep  their body temperature up, and therefore,   they didn’t need as much energy from  food as their larger cousins either. It was also likely that great whites hunted  some of the same prey as megalodon. Perhaps   the great whites targeted the young of  the species that megalodon was hunting,   thus reducing the amount of adult prey available  for the megalodon to eat. The great white sharks   were by no means trying to outcompete and cause  the megalodon to go extinct, but they were,   and still are, very efficient predators, who  in the new ocean environment thrived. The great   white shark’s success most likely played a role  in the extinction of the once great megalodon. Scientists also think that the evolution of other  smaller species of shark could have put pressure   on the megalodons. For example, tiger sharks  which lived during the same time as megalodon,   and in very similar environments, may have  contributed to the larger shark's demise.   It has been suggested that great whites and  tiger sharks may have fed on megalodon young   that had not grown to their full size  yet, causing even fewer numbers of the   species to reach maturity. As we gather more  evidence, we may find that megalodon was not   just outcompeted by smaller species of shark, but  their babies may have been hunted by them as well. One theory of what caused the megalodon  to go extinct is really out there,   literally. Some astronomers suggest that  a supernova may have contributed to the   extinction of the largest sharks that ever lived.  The claim is that a nearby star went supernova,   enveloping the Earth in harmful muon radiation.  This radiation would have been harmful to many   species. But ones that reproduce slowly like the  megalodon, would have been affected much more   drastically because of the build up of mutations  and lack of genetic diversity in the species. All of these factors may have played  a role in the extinction of megalodon,   but are we so sure that the species is really  extinct? Could there be a gigantic 60 foot shark   lurking in the blackness of the oceans? Well,  let's look at the evidence. Humans have been   exploring the oceans, and recording their  observations, for hundreds of years. In all   that time there have been no reliable accounts,  or documentation, of megalodons being sighted. If megalodons were still alive, we would at  least expect to find whales or other prey   with 10 foot bite marks on them from the jaws of a  megalodon. But such evidence has never been found.   We would also expect to find at least some  megalodon fossils in layers of the Earth   younger than 3.5 million years old, but to  this day no such fossils have been found. Scientists also believe that megalodons  established nurseries for their young in   shallow seas, which means that we should see  baby megalodons near the surface of the ocean.   Even a baby megalodon would be a massive shark,  and would most definitely make the news. Yet,   this has never occurred. It is important to  remember that for any species to continue on   it needs to reproduce, and megalodons, like  all sharks and animals, don’t live forever.   The fact that there has never been a reliable  sighting of a full grown, or baby megalodon,   is a good indication the  species went extinct long ago. Megladon also likely hunted in  shallower waters or near the surface,   because that was where their food source lived.  Whales are mammals, and therefore need to come to   the surface to breath air. It would seem highly  improbable that a megalodon would wait until a   whale dove into the far far depths of the ocean to  attack it. For one thing, how would the megalodon   see its prey in the deep ocean where no light  reaches? Sharks have a very keen sense of smell,   but they still rely heavily on their eyes  to attack prey once they are within sight. So, no, there are no more megalodon left in the  oceans of planet Earth. And to be fair, it’s   probably better that way. I don’t know about you,  but I would be much more hesitant to go swimming,   or get in a boat, if I knew there was a fifty  foot killing machine swimming around the ocean. Now watch “YOU vs THE MEG - How  Can You Defeat and Survive It   (The Meg Shark Movie).” Or check out “CROCODILE  vs GREAT WHITE SHARK - Who Would ACTUALLY Win?”
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,348,461
Rating: 4.9331865 out of 5
Keywords: megalodon, megalodon shark, the meg, shark, megalodon extinct, how did the megalodon go extinct, history, ocean, the ocean, sharks, the infographics show, extinct, extinction, apex predator
Id: 4HF4Phgafdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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